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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


Neo Member
I failed a Will saving throw and bought the Vita version of CS II. I'll think of it as a donation to the Crossbell localization fund.

Got to the part in Chapter 1 where you meet
Machias. Laughed out loud when he said that if anyone could have solved his sorry excuse of a puzzle, it was Rean.

There are some nice balance changes to Crafts. Larger AoE attacks cost more CP, Delay values are lower (and bosses have been very resistant to them so far), stat debuffs last longer.

The economy seems to be much more generous than in CS. Selling 250 of each Sepith type allowed me to buy 4 copies of almost every status-blocking accessory, and I still could afford a few quartz and slot upgrades.

Vita's small screen does much to mask the low resolution, but 30 FPS (with drops in many scenes) is a hell of a downgrade from the PC version of CS. I'll never understand the "frame rate is not important in turn-based games" narrative. Smooth animation and responsive menus matter.


This applies to pretty much every character in this series. I wasn't particularly fond of Estelle and Agate in FC, but then SC rolled out around and they were redeemed.

Who knows what surprises Sen III has in store for Elise, the (CS1 spoiler)
"Potential Awakener" of Valimar.
I've already seen plenty of fans do a 180 on Gaius.

Yep. I didn't like Estelle, Agate and Richard much from the start. My replay did make me enjoy Estelle much more and her development is great in SC.

Gaius and Zin are both pretty developed characters right from the start. I can see why people don't like them. You're not getting much. Still it wouldn't be Falcom if they had some other plans with them :p.
RE: Star Door 15

The strength in the writing there is it pulls back slowly to reveal the entire picture. It takes the time to build the empathy required to understand why it was necessary. Any deserved feeling of disgust is then met with equal empathy and sadness. Its a powerful scene that never feels forced. As shocking as it can be, it never feels like shock value was behind it.


I think for me, one of the best things about star door 15 is that it isn't really dwelt on. It's an optional thing first of all, but also
Second chapter has already happened by the time you see it. I haven't played the crossbell games, but third chapter Renne is a happier character than she was before if nothing else. So the door's tragic, but it *almost* doesn't matter in terms of her progression, since Estelle, and Joshua, and the rest of the cast, are trying to help her anyway. Which is kind of optimistic, in its own, very depressing way?


I've been slowly replaying ToCS on pc, and man, when Rean's character gets good, it gets good. The scene in chapter
2 between him and Jusis
is really cool in hindsight.

CS1/2, paraphrasing:
Jusis:"Hey man, if you keep helping people with no concern for yourself, bad shit will probably catch up to you"

Rean:"You have a point, I'll think about it"

*cue getting really invested in helping Crow in Cold Steel 2 and failing*

Rean: *is an emotional mess*

I kind of wish this side of Rean was present more, but this is the sort of thing that makes me like him.

PK Gaming

RE: Star Door 15

The strength in the writing there is it pulls back slowly to reveal the entire picture. It takes the time to build the empathy required to understand why it was necessary. Any deserved feeling of disgust is then met with equal empathy and sadness. Its a powerful scene that never feels forced. As shocking as it can be, it never feels like shock value was behind it.

Well said. DR:AE tries to tackle a similar subject, but without any meaningful build up or tact, so it just comes across as something to shock the audience.

I think for me, one of the best things about star door 15 is that it isn't really dwelt on. It's an optional thing first of all, but also
Second chapter has already happened by the time you see it. I haven't played the crossbell games, but third chapter Renne is a happier character than she was before if nothing else. So the door's tragic, but it *almost* doesn't matter in terms of her progression, since Estelle, and Joshua, and the rest of the cast, are trying to help her anyway. Which is kind of optimistic, in its own, very depressing way?


I've been slowly replaying ToCS on pc, and man, when Rean's character gets good, it gets good. The scene in chapter
2 between him and Jusis
is really cool in hindsight.

CS1/2, paraphrasing:
Jusis:"Hey man, if you keep helping people with no concern for yourself, bad shit will probably catch up to you"

Rean:"You have a point, I'll think about it"

*cue getting really invested in helping Crow in Cold Steel 2 and failing*

Rean: *is an emotional mess*

I kind of wish this side of Rean was present more, but this is the sort of thing that makes me like him.

Rean will always be a B/B+ protagonist in my eyes. There are too many good aspects of his character that outweigh the bad, imo.


I think for me, one of the best things about star door 15 is that it isn't really dwelt on. It's an optional thing first of all, but also
Second chapter has already happened by the time you see it. I haven't played the crossbell games, but third chapter Renne is a happier character than she was before if nothing else. So the door's tragic, but it *almost* doesn't matter in terms of her progression, since Estelle, and Joshua, and the rest of the cast, are trying to help her anyway. Which is kind of optimistic, in its own, very depressing way?


I've been slowly replaying ToCS on pc, and man, when Rean's character gets good, it gets good. The scene in chapter
2 between him and Jusis
is really cool in hindsight.

CS1/2, paraphrasing:
Jusis:"Hey man, if you keep helping people with no concern for yourself, bad shit will probably catch up to you"

Rean:"You have a point, I'll think about it"

*cue getting really invested in helping Crow in Cold Steel 2 and failing*

Rean: *is an emotional mess*

I kind of wish this side of Rean was present more, but this is the sort of thing that makes me like him.

I was never really sold on the whole "self-sacrifice" shtick they were going with Rean. But his relationship with Jusis is one of the highlights of his character, because of how similar they are, backstory-wise. Game totally should've been about those two instead. Since we're on the subject of protagonists, I must say I like Lloyd a lot more than Rean, but Lloyd's kind of flat in comparison. Obviously not done with Ao, but he definitely takes from the shounen archetypes more than any of the other protagonists in the series, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but that kind of results in him having a pretty straightforward, simple character arc instead of being multi-layered like Rean, Kevin, or Estelle. We'll have to see once we get to the case regarding
his brother
. On that note, Randy is a much more dynamic and interesting character (bias not included) so that kind of balances out things.


I was never really sold on the whole "self-sacrifice" shtick they were going with Rean. But his relationship with Jusis is one of the highlights of his character, because of how similar they are, backstory-wise. Game totally should've been about those two instead. Since we're on the subject of protagonists, I must say I like Lloyd a lot more than Rean, but Lloyd's kind of flat in comparison. Obviously not done with Ao, but he definitely takes from the shounen archetypes more than any of the other protagonists in the series, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but that kind of results in him having a pretty straightforward, simple character arc instead of being multi-layered like Rean, Kevin, or Estelle. We'll have to see once we get to the case regarding
his brother
. On that note, Randy is a much more dynamic and interesting character (bias not included) so that kind of balances out things.

Lloyd is just overflowing with charisma for me. Although I can see the general shounen stuff being a turn off to some, but I like it in his case. Out of the protagonists, I really like how he's able to analyze his strengths and weaknesses better than some of the others. He knows what his faults are. Even if it might seem like he's downplaying some of strengths, it's because of the goals he has his eyes set on.

Lloyd's probably my second favorite of the Trails protagonists, but I'm really excited to see where Sen 3 takes Rean. First two games is just the beginning of one long character arc, and I'm curious to see how the third game turns it around.

When are we going to get a Kiseki-only fighting game on a console.

Hmm? HMMM?
Wow, pls. Ys needs some love too.
Lloyd is just overflowing with charisma for me. Although I can see the general shounen stuff being a turn off to some, but I like it in his case. Out of the protagonists, I really like how he's able to analyze his strengths and weaknesses better than some of the others. He knows what his faults are. Even if it might seem like he's downplaying some of strengths, it's because of the goals he has his eyes set on.

I pretty much agree with everything you said. Estelle is better, no doubt, and I found Kevin to be a more compelling character; However, Lloyd is a shonen protagonist done right, and when it comes to it, is the character that both Crosbell and the SSS needs.

I hope we see more from Rean in CS3. He has potential with everything that has to come.


Unconfirmed Member

When are we going to get a Kiseki-only fighting game on a console.

Hmm? HMMM?

I'd guess they would do another crossover to make it as broadly appealing as possible, and if it's anything like Ys vs Sora no Kiseki then it works anyway due to the combat being based on Ys.

It's a concept that would probably benefit from a second go, on a better platform than PSP. It just didn't have enough buttons for what the game was trying to do, and multiplayer was really limited (and practically non-existent for us folks outside Japan).

Ys vs Sen no Kiseki on PS4 would probably be a lot better for both those improvements as well as general gameplay improvements.


Lloyd and Rean both have their moments where they blurt out something surprising. Although Lloyd deserves the win more imo.
I've only played the first two chapters of Zero, but Lloyd comes across as a (good) Ace Attorney character, and he's the one who steers the tone of the game and makes it distinct from the Sky games.
OTOH, it feels like everything and everyone around Rean does that job in both CS games. I don't hate Rean, but he's the least interesting of the 4 protags so far.

(Estelle is still amazing)




PK Gaming

I'd guess they would do another crossover to make it as broadly appealing as possible, and if it's anything like Ys vs Sora no Kiseki then it works anyway due to the combat being based on Ys.

It's a concept that would probably benefit from a second go, on a better platform than PSP. It just didn't have enough buttons for what the game was trying to do, and multiplayer was really limited (and practically non-existent for us folks outside Japan).

Ys vs Sen no Kiseki on PS4 would probably be a lot better for both those improvements as well as general gameplay improvements.

Wow, pls. Ys needs some love too.

Ideally i'd want want it to be Kiseki-only because I want to set a reasonable scope of characters. Doing a crossover character would limit the roster to just the most relevant characters, but pooling fighters from just the Kiseki games could result in some really inspired choices.


Even with just Estelle, Joshua, the SSS and Class VII that's already a respectable roster for a first game

I want it

No matter what happen i'd be sad over someone not making it with how many characters you need to have


I'd guess they would do another crossover to make it as broadly appealing as possible, and if it's anything like Ys vs Sora no Kiseki then it works anyway due to the combat being based on Ys.

It's a concept that would probably benefit from a second go, on a better platform than PSP. It just didn't have enough buttons for what the game was trying to do, and multiplayer was really limited (and practically non-existent for us folks outside Japan).

Ys vs Sen no Kiseki on PS4 would probably be a lot better for both those improvements as well as general gameplay improvements.
Well, there was this.



Quick question - is there a good story summary of CS2 somewhere? I finished it when it came out in Japan, but barely remember anything. With CS3 coming out here in less than a month, I'd like to refresh my memory.
CS1 story is not a problem, since CS2 has the summary built in, but I was unable to find anything good on CS2, in English or Japanese.


Quick question - is there a good story summary of CS2 somewhere? I finished it when it came out in Japan, but barely remember anything. With CS3 coming out here in less than a month, I'd like to refresh my memory.
CS1 story is not a problem, since CS2 has the summary built in, but I was unable to find anything good on CS2, in English or Japanese.
Falcom is planning to add a summary of Cold Steel II on the Sen III website soon. I'll let you know when it's up.


Neo Member
Regulus – Significantly increases the STR and DEF of the user. In addition to enabling use fire attribute arts such as “Forte,” the amount of CP (Craft Points) you obtain when taking damage will increase. By increasing your level, you can also cut the cool-down period for using an “S Craft” in half.
This one's interesting. Works best on a traditional high HP, high DEF tank and gets worse as EVA gets higher. Could be a really nice option for characters with strong, but expensive point black range Crafts, especially in fights against enemies with impossible to evade S-Crafts.



You need to beat it before it uses that move.

This is so cheap
As if it spamming mute and vanishing anyone that hits him with decent damage wasn't enough already
At least I got it on my second try

Stealth is your friend

I actually had the stealth spell on Tio up to around before
but then removed it and I didn't want to do
fight again lol


And yeah, that's the game beaten, still need to gather some more thoughts on it but overall it's extremely solid and I can't think of much bad with it but I also feel the highs weren't as high as some of the other games (this thought also extends to Zero in some way) so i probably wouldn't put it at the very top like other people

It also feels weirdly compact and gives me a bit of hope CS3 will accomplish all it set out to do without being freakishly long

When's the Crossbell peeps update for CS3 tho come on Falcom you can't keep hiding them like that after the
Divertissement in CS2


This is so cheap
As if it spamming mute and vanishing anyone that hits him with decent damage wasn't enough already
At least I got it on my second try
Sounds more like a case of underestimating your foe. You were up against (Ao spoilers)
a creature with complete governance over time, space and wisdom. It has a very long casting time and the game expects you to exploit the Burst Mode during that period.

Anyway, congrats on finishing!


Sounds more like a case of underestimating your foe. You were up against (Ao spoilers)
a creature with complete governance over time, space and wisdom. It has a very long casting time and the game expects you to exploit the Burst Mode during that period.

Anyway, congrats on finishing!

Thinking like that I don't think they should be able to beat it, (SC)
Angel Weissman couldn't even be hurt without using a sword made from divergent laws and that was only space


What's up with the
Aions, where did they come from, who made them?
Oh yeah also
did something happen with Sigmund? I see him nowhere in CS3
And should I have known Shirley joined Ouroboros without the CS3 pre release info?
Seeing the
again is so good knowing everything haha


Thinking like that I don't think they should be able to beat it, (SC)
Angel Weissman couldn't even be hurt without using a sword made from divergent laws and that was only space


What's up with the
Aions, where did they come from, who made them?
Oh yeah also
did something happen with Sigmund? I see him nowhere in CS3
And should I have known Shirley joined Ouroboros without the CS3 pre release info?
Seeing the
again is so good knowing everything haha

The Aions were made by Ouroboros - they're Gordias-class archaisms, and the successors to Pater-Mater. You can see Shirley along with the other Ouroboros members in the Celestial Globe in one shot in the ending. Presumably Sigmund is still only part of Red Constellation, which is why he hasn't been shown with Shirley in CS3.


The Aions were made by Ouroboros - they're Gordias-class archaisms, and the successors to Pater-Mater. You can see Shirley along with the other Ouroboros members in the Celestial Globe in one shot in the ending. Presumably Sigmund is still only part of Red Constellation, which is why he hasn't been shown with Shirley in CS3.

Hmm, I was under the impression they were made by someone else and Ouroboros got the last remaining one after Mariabelle joined them

I noticed her although I hadn't noticed it was the Celestial globe I guess that would make it more clear
Yeah I guess you're right she was shown as Ouroboros so I guess there was no need to show him yet, although I think one of the characters that appeared was one of the named Red Constallation members so she should still have her ties to them


I never saw the infamous move in Ao. Burst was my friend so I didn't know about the boss's attack until later lol

Edit: Questions on it that I guess I'll put in spoiler tags
What even hints the attack is coming? Also is it activated because a player took to long to kill the boss in general or just for the end when it has X amount of health?


I never saw the infamous move in Ao. Burst was my friend so I didn't know about the boss's attack until later lol

Edit: Questions on it that I guess I'll put in spoiler tags
What even hints the attack is coming? Also is it activated because a player took to long to kill the boss in general or just for the end when it has X amount of health?
Both times with me he got a buff from absorbing his minions before and had a charge up for the move
I think it's just related to health so you can rush the final stretch
I never saw the infamous move in Ao. Burst was my friend so I didn't know about the boss's attack until later lol

Edit: Questions on it that I guess I'll put in spoiler tags
What even hints the attack is coming? Also is it activated because a player took to long to kill the boss in general or just for the end when it has X amount of health?

health-related. I just started spamming Bursts in the last third or quarter of his health.


Hmm, I was under the impression they were made by someone else and Ouroboros got the last remaining one after Mariabelle joined them

I noticed her although I hadn't noticed it was the Celestial globe I guess that would make it more clear
Yeah I guess you're right she was shown as Ouroboros so I guess there was no need to show him yet, although I think one of the characters that appeared was one of the named Red Constallation members so she should still have her ties to them

Ao spoilers

Novartis made them based on the designs from Joerg Rosenberg's Gordias Class Pater-Mater. Dieter Crois bought the Aions under a contract, which was annuled when Novartis got his data.

As for Sigmund, he would have to lead Red Constellation now as Randy doesn't want any of it.
Ao spoilers

Novartis made them based on the designs from Joerg Rosenberg's Gordias Class Pater-Mater. Dieter Crois bought the Aions under a contract, which was annuled when Novartis got his data.

As for Sigmund, he would have to lead Red Constellation now as Randy doesn't want any of it.

Is it confirmed Sigmund got away in the end? I know it's pretty likely considering how every other boss they defeated managed to cleanly escape, but I don't remember if it was explicitly shown that Sigmund went back or was arrested and thrown in jail, like Garcia.


Ao spoilers

Novartis made them based on the designs from Joerg Rosenberg's Gordias Class Pater-Mater. Dieter Crois bought the Aions under a contract, which was annuled when Novartis got his data.

As for Sigmund, he would have to lead Red Constellation now as Randy doesn't want any of it.
Ah, that does make sense, thanks!

What was Ouroboros after in Crossbell after all? They didn't seem too interested in the Zero-Azure plan


Ah, that does make sense, thanks!

What was Ouroboros after in Crossbell after all? They didn't seem too interested in the Zero-Azure plan

They were trying to acquire the Treasure of Zero because it held the powers of three Sept-Terrion, and ultimately, they succeeded in recruiting someone with the knowledge of how to create another one (at least in theory).


That's it? I was hoping for something more... substantial.
If that's all, that's a bummer. 3rd really reminded me how fun optimizing orbment lines is, and how unique the whole system was in general.

Though double MQs means that this game won't be short on fun character building, at least.


Is it confirmed Sigmund got away in the end? I know it's pretty likely considering how every other boss they defeated managed to cleanly escape, but I don't remember if it was explicitly shown that Sigmund went back or was arrested and thrown in jail, like Garcia.

Just based on my own guesses and the fact the Red Constellation might be up to no good again in Calvard.

Although (CS3 spoilers)

We see Shirley with the Red monstercats again in some the images they released. Maybe she took some with or she does get backed by the Red Constellation in some manner.

Ah, that does make sense, thanks!

What was Ouroboros after in Crossbell after all? They didn't seem too interested in the Zero-Azure plan
(Zero-Azure plan) [Ao end game spoilers]
I can't say I'm an expert on the matter, but they needed it for the Phantasmal Blaze plan to succeed. Of course they were also interested in the knowledge of recreating the Sept Terrion of Mirage. The Treasure of Zero is very capable because it has dominion of all higher elements. That's why the Grandmaster gave Mariabelle a position of an Anguis. They must have a plan to recreate it again or getting the real deal (which might be possible because time hacks?).


They were trying to acquire the Treasure of Zero because it held the powers of three Sept-Terrion, and ultimately, they succeeded in recruiting someone with the knowledge of how to create another one (at least in theory).
(Zero-Azure plan) [Ao end game spoilers]
I can't say I'm an expert on the matter, but they needed it for the Phantasmal Blaze plan to succeed. Of course they were also interested in the knowledge of recreating the Sept Terrion of Mirage. The Treasure of Zero is very capable because it has dominion of all higher elements. That's why the Grandmaster gave Mariabelle a position of an Anguis. They must have a plan to recreate it again or getting the real deal (which might be possible because time hacks?).
I remember them mentioning its relation to the Phantasmal Blaze plan but I didn't get what from it they needed for that

The other part does make sense

Just based on my own guesses and the fact the Red Constellation might be up to no good again in Calvard.

Although (CS3 spoilers)

We see Shirley with the Red monstercats again in some the images they released. Maybe she took some with or she does get backed by the Red Constellation in some manner.
I think I remember also seeing some screenshot with
someone who looks like one of the named Red Constellation guys(the sniper I think), so she should have ties with them still

Hmm I'm now wondering
what happens with IBC? Dieter is arrested and Mariabelle probably disappeared, maybe Erebonian government will take over?
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