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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


Man having trouble finding Zero for PSP new to import. Both cd japan and playasia cancelled my orders - guess its going to be the evo version.
Man having trouble finding Zero for PSP new to import. Both cd japan and playasia cancelled my orders - guess its going to be the evo version.

Have you tried amazon?

Ao prologue.
I did not expect to start with Arios in my team, he's a beast. Dudley certainly trained a whole lot between Zero and Ao he's a lot stronger now. The game mention it's been a few months, does anybody know precisely how long it's been betwen Zero and Ao ?

There's a drama CD that serves as a bridge between Zero and Ao. I haven't looked into it though. Congrats on beating Zero by the way.
Just reached SC chapter 7.

Chapter 6 thoughts:
As much as I was happy to see Estelle get through to Joshua I have to admit compared to a lot of the other stories between characters I thought that they reached the obvious conclusion pretty easily and Estelle didn't seem to really have to say much to bring Joshua back over. I guess with how much more dramatic everything else was during the last few chapters this didn't seem nearly as impressive overall. I thought there should have been at least a little more conflict and resentment from the pair before they made up.

Don't get me wrong it was a nice moment but compared to Agates development in the previous chapter or the end of chapter 4 it didn't have the same dramatic impact on me that those did because I thought the discussion played out rather quick. Perhaps another scene after they made up while they are walking back to town to inform everyone with them discussing a bit of what they think everyone will say or something to that effect.

Again, still a nice moment but for the build up of the first game I expected a bit more here.

PK Gaming

Just reached SC chapter 7.

Chapter 6 thoughts:
As much as I was happy to see Estelle get through to Joshua I have to admit compared to a lot of the other stories between characters I thought that they reached the obvious conclusion pretty easily and Estelle didn't seem to really have to say much to bring Joshua back over. I guess with how much more dramatic everything else was during the last few chapters this didn't seem nearly as impressive overall. I thought there should have been at least a little more conflict and resentment from the pair before they made up.

Don't get me wrong it was a nice moment but compared to Agates development in the previous chapter or the end of chapter 4 it didn't have the same dramatic impact on me that those did because I thought the discussion played out rather quick. Perhaps another scene after they made up while they are walking back to town to inform everyone with them discussing a bit of what they think everyone will say or something to that effect.

Again, still a nice moment but for the build up of the first game I expected a bit more here.

Estelle said exactly what she needed to bring him back. More resistance would have been a waste of time because Joshua was fooling himself.
CS3 kinda-spoiler: https://twitter.com/nihonfalcom/status/904637923345129473
"Do you understand who's higher ranked here, huuh?"

oh shit, best npc is back

Yes! Just give me Paula for maximum delusional pairing possibilities and I'm all set.

As a follow up to SC, 3rd does not disappoint. While the main narrative is mostly self-contained, it's not to the game's detriment. The game is extremely character focused, moreso than any game in the series I've played, which results in tons of character development across the board. The thing that struck me though, was the high level of level of craft (pun not intended) that simply isn't present in the previous games. FC/SC have comparatively solid writing for an RPG, but 3rd is like, 2 steps above them. While i'm sure the localization had a huge hand in that, it's honestly one of the best written RPG's I've played. And it's not because the game is super deep or it imparts this amazingly relevant message; it merely sets out to do one thing and does it amazingly well. 3rd presents a story that is equal parts uplifting and equal parts miserable. It's hopelessly optimistic and crushingly realistic (
Estelle's speech to Renne actually destroyed me, lmao.
). As I've said before, it's harder for me to get emotional when playing games these days, but 3rd had me. I haven't played the Zero games, but so far this game is Falcom's peak as far as writing goes.

Talking about that last moments specifically, and maybe this is just me being Trails-biased, but [Sky the 3rd]
Estelle's sudden crying when she's relieved of the worry she held throughout the game surprised me. It's a mundane, instantly relatable emotional vulnerability that I think rarely happens in games outside of high-tension or high-drama scenes, and thus stood out to me.

Cold Steel II also has a similar thing [CS II]
when Rean just suddenly breaks down in front of Towa, which I also feel is a high point in that game.


Just reached SC chapter 7.

Chapter 6 thoughts:
As much as I was happy to see Estelle get through to Joshua I have to admit compared to a lot of the other stories between characters I thought that they reached the obvious conclusion pretty easily and Estelle didn't seem to really have to say much to bring Joshua back over. I guess with how much more dramatic everything else was during the last few chapters this didn't seem nearly as impressive overall. I thought there should have been at least a little more conflict and resentment from the pair before they made up.

Don't get me wrong it was a nice moment but compared to Agates development in the previous chapter or the end of chapter 4 it didn't have the same dramatic impact on me that those did because I thought the discussion played out rather quick. Perhaps another scene after they made up while they are walking back to town to inform everyone with them discussing a bit of what they think everyone will say or something to that effect.

Again, still a nice moment but for the build up of the first game I expected a bit more here.

I've always thought that if Estelle wasn't drugged at the end of FC, she might have been able to convince Joshua to stay right then and there. So it being a not very messy affair always made sense to me.

Also, not gonna lie, I loved how it was such a "cut through the bullshit" moment. Relatively little angst all things considered, Estelle knows exactly what's going on, Joshua's revealed to be kind of an idiot in that regard, they don't have Joshua run away again and need yet another heartfelt scene to get him back.

PK Gaming

Yes! Just give me Paula for maximum delusional pairing possibilities and I'm all set.

Talking about that last moments specifically, and maybe this is just me being Trails-biased, but [Sky the 3rd]
Estelle's sudden crying when she's relieved of the worry she held throughout the game surprised me. It's a mundane, instantly relatable emotional vulnerability that I think rarely happens in games outside of high-tension or high-drama scenes, and thus stood out to me.

Cold Steel II also has a similar thing [CS II]
when Rean just suddenly breaks down in front of Towa, which I also feel is a high point in that game.


Estelle telling Renne that everyone, everyone will eventually have to part ways with each other, using her relationship with Joshua as an example was freaking monumental. She even mentions an accident killing one or both of them, or the fact that they might even fall out of love as possibilities, and it's just. Wow. I've never seen a game be so frank and sincere about the future before. It's always "WE'LL BE TOGETHER FOREVER" and "NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN NOW THAT WE WON." The fact that she acknowledges the potential of things going wrong, and offers up her own solution to it was just... Absolutely affecting.

It hits close to hom because I've been dealing with moderate anticipatory anxiety for a while now, and Estelle's talk about focusing on the positivity and being excited about the potential of meeting people again instead of worrying ... It really got to me.

And yeah, that scene with Rean and Towa was really nice too. A nice subversion on their usual setup. It felt really comforting having her look after Rean (instead of the usual set up where the protagonist assures everyone everything will be fine).

Fucking Trails, man. It's like a drug.


SC chapter 6:
A ton of back and forth with Joshua would be more frustrating than it would be good drama. Estelle knows him like the back of her hand from the beginning, but she doubts herself on that front for a long time. She chases him across the country anyway though, never stopping. That's the journey; Not just finding Joshua, but finding herself. Reaffirming her connection to Joshua while also solidifying her own independence. The meeting with Joshua isn't an exercise in pulling teeth because it doesn't need to be. Estelle has been honing her strength of will for six chapters.
SC chapter 6:
A ton of back and forth with Joshua would be more frustrating than it would be good drama. Estelle knows him like the back of her hand from the beginning, but she doubts herself on that front for a long time. She chases him across the country anyway though, never stopping. That's the journey; Not just finding Joshua, but finding herself. Reaffirming her connection to Joshua while also solidifying her own independence. The meeting with Joshua isn't an exercise in pulling teeth because it doesn't need to be. Estelle has been honing her strength of will for six chapters.

I get that.
I'm not saying that it needed to be super lengthy but I thought that the moment went by to quickly so the impact of it all wasn't as strong as it could have been. Perhaps it didn't need to be more dramatic as I originally stated but just giving themselves a chance to really talk to each other for a bit more or reaffirm their feelings again after everything would have been nice.


I get that.
I'm not saying that it needed to be super lengthy but I thought that the moment went by to quickly so the impact of it all wasn't as strong as it could have been. Perhaps it didn't need to be more dramatic as I originally stated but just giving themselves a chance to really talk to each other for a bit more or reaffirm their feelings again after everything would have been nice.

You're definitely going to get that in the remaining chapters!
Just reached SC chapter 7.

Chapter 6 thoughts:
As much as I was happy to see Estelle get through to Joshua I have to admit compared to a lot of the other stories between characters I thought that they reached the obvious conclusion pretty easily and Estelle didn't seem to really have to say much to bring Joshua back over. I guess with how much more dramatic everything else was during the last few chapters this didn't seem nearly as impressive overall. I thought there should have been at least a little more conflict and resentment from the pair before they made up.

Don't get me wrong it was a nice moment but compared to Agates development in the previous chapter or the end of chapter 4 it didn't have the same dramatic impact on me that those did because I thought the discussion played out rather quick. Perhaps another scene after they made up while they are walking back to town to inform everyone with them discussing a bit of what they think everyone will say or something to that effect.

Again, still a nice moment but for the build up of the first game I expected a bit more here.

I thought it was perfect.

Just finished 3rd, loved it, Kevin's story was great and the doors had lots of interesting content.
SC chapter 6:
A ton of back and forth with Joshua would be more frustrating than it would be good drama. Estelle knows him like the back of her hand from the beginning, but she doubts herself on that front for a long time. She chases him across the country anyway though, never stopping. That's the journey; Not just finding Joshua, but finding herself. Reaffirming her connection to Joshua while also solidifying her own independence. The meeting with Joshua isn't an exercise in pulling teeth because it doesn't need to be. Estelle has been honing her strength of will for six chapters.

More of the same:
Her words also deactivated his self-loathing and his fear that his emotional state and the idyllic life he lead for 5 years was just a dream (note the use of 'dolls' in the game, even up to and including Joshua himself) and it was nothing but the front of a killer...who impersonates a killer.

Note also the whole shebang blows up his idea that he brought misery upon his Estelle when she was on that collision course anyways (the hero's burden!)


Estelle telling Renne that everyone, everyone will eventually have to part ways with each other, using her relationship with Joshua as an example was freaking monumental. She even mentions an accident killing one or both of them, or the fact that they might even fall out of love as possibilities, and it's just. Wow. I've never seen a game be so frank and sincere about the future before. It's always "WE'LL BE TOGETHER FOREVER" and "NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN NOW THAT WE WON." The fact that she acknowledges the potential of things going wrong, and offers up her own solution to it was just... Absolutely affecting.

It hits close to hom because I've been dealing with moderate anticipatory anxiety for a while now, and Estelle's talk about focusing on the positivity and being excited about the potential of meeting people again instead of worrying ... It really got to me.

And yeah, that scene with Rean and Towa was really nice too. A nice subversion on their usual setup. It felt really comforting having her look after Rean (instead of the usual set up where the protagonist assures everyone everything will be fine).

Fucking Trails, man. It's like a drug.

I was in awe in that scene.

No matter the whimsy, no matter the optimism, Trails remains at its core a very "adult" game.


I was in awe in that scene.

No matter the whimsy, no matter the optimism, Trails remains at its core a very "adult" game.

The scene that took me down was right after, when Renne screamed that she hated Estelle and Joshua... and then admitted she loves them just as much. And then she runs off into the portal. Really, the entire ending is terrific character writing.

Young Magus

Junior Member

Trails in the Sky the 3rd is a fantastic game. It's confident and gutsy, goes places most games wouldn't ever dream of going and is immensely respectful to each and every one of its characters. All of that plus having one of the best damn localizations I've ever experienced.

I'm so, so glad I got to play this game.


Good Shit as always PK!
You good ppls


3rd Prologue:

This game starts with a banger, huh?

As short as it was (I barely had control), I enjoyed seeing old characters like Dorothy, Nial and Cid, or less importantly Simon and Ms. Mirano. Gilbert's gimmick was funny on the Glorious, but got tiring after the ocupation of Jenis Academy; I wish they'd either do more with the character, or leave him be.
Erika gave me an incredible first impression with her personality, very much unlike Tita's or the professor's. Knowing that she was the mind behind Capel and the Arseille lowers my respect for him just a little :p

But really my favorite part about this section was Kevin. My doubts about him being the protagonist here as I was playing SC were because he always seemed to be in control of the situation without letting others learn about himself. Which is understandable to a point: he was on a mission and not there to talk, but that made it difficult for me to care about him. That and the fact that he could act like a creep around Estelle.
So seeing a different Kevin interacting with Ries, hinting about his past and private life and showing that he's flawed and can drop the wall around him and open up made me instantly like him more. I'm looking forward to more of this Kevin and less of that one.

Could anyone tell me how many chapters this game has? Don't wanna look it up and get hit by a chapter's title or something.
3rd Prologue:

This game starts with a banger, huh?

As short as it was (I barely had control), I enjoyed seeing old characters like Dorothy, Nial and Cid, or less importantly Simon and Ms. Mirano. Gilbert's gimmick was funny on the Glorious, but got tiring after the ocupation of Jenis Academy; I wish they'd either do more with the character, or leave him be.
Erika gave me an incredible first impression with her personality, very much unlike Tita's or the professor's. Knowing that she was the mind behind Capel and the Arseille lowers my respect for him just a little :p

But really my favorite part about this section was Kevin. My doubts about him being the protagonist here as I was playing SC were because he always seemed to be in control of the situation without letting others learn about himself. Which is understandable to a point: he was on a mission and not there to talk, but that made it difficult for me to care about him. That and the fact that he could act like a creep around Estelle.
So seeing a different Kevin interacting with Ries, hinting about his past and private life and showing that he's flawed and can drop the wall around him and open up made me instantly like him more. I'm looking forward to more of this Kevin and less of that one.

Could anyone tell me how many chapters this game has? Don't wanna look it up and get hit by a chapter's title or something.

chapters if you count the Prologue. Also, I felt the same as you about
Gilbert. I'm not a big fan. I played with the Japanese dub patch though, so at least it was novel hearing him voiced in the 3rd (he didn't have combat voices in the SC dub patch.) I guess...he too is a Zemurian citizen that we should learn to love and respect...maybe...

Estelle telling Renne that everyone, everyone will eventually have to part ways with each other, using her relationship with Joshua as an example was freaking monumental. She even mentions an accident killing one or both of them, or the fact that they might even fall out of love as possibilities, and it's just. Wow. I've never seen a game be so frank and sincere about the future before. It's always "WE'LL BE TOGETHER FOREVER" and "NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN NOW THAT WE WON." The fact that she acknowledges the potential of things going wrong, and offers up her own solution to it was just... Absolutely affecting.

It hits close to hom because I've been dealing with moderate anticipatory anxiety for a while now, and Estelle's talk about focusing on the positivity and being excited about the potential of meeting people again instead of worrying ... It really got to me.

And yeah, that scene with Rean and Towa was really nice too. A nice subversion on their usual setup. It felt really comforting having her look after Rean (instead of the usual set up where the protagonist assures everyone everything will be fine).

Fucking Trails, man. It's like a drug.

Further proof that Estelle is the best.
Alright so at Chapter 8 of SC and...

Spoilers up through that chapter...

Okay first of all, Joshua is freaking broken. I don't remember him being remotely this strong in the first game so I'm assuming its the idea that now that hes revealed his true ability hes much stronger which is cool. His Physical and Arts powers are evenly strong so its been great after having to deal with like Agate who has awful arts or Sherazard who is just medicore in both.

The game also really does a good job screwing you coming Chapter 8. You lose Olivert the previous chapter (or was it 2 chapters?) then you also lose Kloe and Kevin both of whom have good arts and very useful crafts. Then on top of that with the Orbal blackout you get extremely limited on being able to complete the various side quests because you end up losing the ability to use arts. Which isn't bad for maybe Agate and Zin but Tita can't even use her physical weapon without the zero accessory thingy.

It's an interesting chapter to be sure since its mostly side quests to do, the invasion of the school was cool but a lot of the quests are just killing random road monsters which isn't bad but I wish there were more quests like the school situation in each area. I know theres a few other hidden quests that do have some other content but overall I would have liked to have seen more interesting developments for these side quests then just killing like 10 extra big monsters.

I do really like how everyone reacts to the Orbal Shutdown and I didn't even think about that one tunnel that connects to Zeiss being effected so having to reequip those old classes from the prologue to get to the tunnel was certainly interesting.

Also randomly the asshole Duke is now acting like a model member or royalty? Estelle actually got through to the guy? I'll be curious if its not some act or something because that feels extremely forced with how deeply flawed his personality was. He was like Trump, I never actually expected him to change.

PK Gaming

Alright so at Chapter 8 of SC and...

Spoilers up through that chapter...

Okay first of all, Joshua is freaking broken. I don't remember him being remotely this strong in the first game so I'm assuming its the idea that now that hes revealed his true ability hes much stronger which is cool. His Physical and Arts powers are evenly strong so its been great after having to deal with like Agate who has awful arts or Sherazard who is just medicore in both.

The game also really does a good job screwing you coming Chapter 8. You lose Olivert the previous chapter (or was it 2 chapters?) then you also lose Kloe and Kevin both of whom have good arts and very useful crafts. Then on top of that with the Orbal blackout you get extremely limited on being able to complete the various side quests because you end up losing the ability to use arts. Which isn't bad for maybe Agate and Zin but Tita can't even use her physical weapon without the zero accessory thingy.

It's an interesting chapter to be sure since its mostly side quests to do, the invasion of the school was cool but a lot of the quests are just killing random road monsters which isn't bad but I wish there were more quests like the school situation in each area. I know theres a few other hidden quests that do have some other content but overall I would have liked to have seen more interesting developments for these side quests then just killing like 10 extra big monsters.

I do really like how everyone reacts to the Orbal Shutdown and I didn't even think about that one tunnel that connects to Zeiss being effected so having to reequip those old classes from the prologue to get to the tunnel was certainly interesting.

Also randomly the asshole Duke is now acting like a model member or royalty? Estelle actually got through to the guy? I'll be curious if its not some act or something because that feels extremely forced with how deeply flawed his personality was. He was like Trump, I never actually expected him to change.

Trails is one of those rare series that doesn't quit on anyone. Like nobody exists just for the sake of being an obnoxious loser. It's awesome.


Finished Chapter 3 of SC on Hard Mode. It's no joke, but like 99% of the time is reasonable and fair. There's only a handful of fights so far that should have been nerfed, mostly around the very-very early fights, before you get a lot of Orbment freedom, and fights that drain HP. You typically just have to be on-point with your Orbment configurations, with characters specializing a lot more than they did in FC-Hard or SC-Normal?

The main grievance I have is that there's a lot of dated BS that has mostly been eliminated in

- Characters leaving your party, permanently or temporarily, with all of their gear and Orbments.
- Getting locked out from shops during parts of the game with hard boss fights.
- Getting locked out of Inns/restoration during parts of the game with hard boss fights.
- Getting locked out of sidequests, at least temporarily, even with when the duration is still listed as "Long".

Chapter 3 was more difficult than it needed to be as a result.

Still, great game, and the boss fights are actually pretty great, all things considered. Is
Clock Down
considered OP? I don't recall having to use it at all in FC Hard, nor do I remember there being an equivalent in Cold Steel.

The increase to enemy Physical Defense from doing Hard/Nightmare mode should be reduced. It is far too excessive, and pushes Arts over Crafts too severely.


Made it to the beginning of chapter 2 in Ao no Kiseki and so far, it's excellent. Start a lot quicker compared to the other title in the series. So far I like it a lot, you can see a lot of Cold Steel mechanic took shape in that game.
Okay at SC final chapter...

I was surprised it look so long for Olivert to reveal his real self but it didn't disappoint at least. What is disappointing is that despite Mueller coming with him HES NOT PLAYABLE! Seriously why even bring him if you aren't going to let him be playable! Gah this is like the one thing that has absolutely disappointed me now.

Also just a warning for people playing SC on PC. Not sure why exactly its happening but any CG cut scenes don't seem to be playing. There were several at the start of the final chapter and none of them played for me. Not sure if its because of the Direct X 9 version or if its because of the turbo feature or what but just fair warning.


Ao, Chapter 2:
The way the chapter ended was just brutal. It's like all the gruesomeness that should be present in a war was put in the Crossbell games instead of the Erebonia games. While you're off happily doing school junk in CS, you're dealing with the Jaegers who murder people for a living. And speaking of Jaegers, the Red Constellation are one group of cold-blooded monsters, and to think Randy, one of the brightest guys in the group, used to be a part of them. Really makes you want to know what the hell he was like before he bolted on them. Randy showing that explosive burst of emotions was pretty unexpected, but I absolutely loved it; it gave us a look into another side of Randy, which was only barely touched upon in Zero.

Got a small chuckle out of Dieter and Olivier talking about Thors. I bet Randy wouldn't ever have expected to become a teacher there.

Ao, Intermission:

While this was supposed to be a fun chapter, I honestly kind of found it to be a bit of a drag to go through. For one thing, it happens right after the crazy development that goes down at the end of chapter 2. On top of that, the entire aftermath of 2 weeks was skipped via black screen and narration. Not a big fan of this kind of storytelling.

But the biggest thing I hated about this entire chapter was how the game was trying to force down your throat of how much of a natural smooth talker Lloyd is and him being super dense about it. It was funny the first few times, but now it's just getting old. Even more annoying that every girl just instantly gravitates to him as soon as they hear the magic words that come out of his mouth. This whole harem thing is honestly pretty tiring because it just makes Lloyd incredibly bland. As soon as the one on one with Rixia came up in the lobby of the hotel, I knew exactly what the guy was going to say. Had my eyes rolling at that point. It's unbelievable that a guy who is pretty sharp to almost everything doesn't realize the shit that comes out of his mouth is somehow causing every girl to swoon over him because reasons. Another thing that made me laugh is how Lloyd never has anything special of his own to ask the fortune teller, but only has the generic affinity choice with the selected character; generic much? Don't get me started on the whole sunscreen application with Elie, Cecil, and Rixia.

Like CS2 with Rean, I think my opinion of Lloyd is slowly going into the gutter with Ao. He's definitely prototype Rean. He's basically the spokesperson for everything, the guy who does all the cheering up when the other members are down, the guy who says the important stuff, the guy who says the right thing at the right time, and doesn't seem to have that many flaws that is detrimental to his character. At this point, I feel like Lloyd's probably the worst thing about the Crossbell games right now.

Another thing I'm pretty sad about so far is the general decrease in Randy and Tio bantz now that Noel and Wazy are a part of the group. I was kind of expecting the next Agate and Tita dynamic with Randy and Tio (without the shipping), but that may not be happening. On the other hand, Mireille's probably my favorite girl so far. She has a fun dynamic with Randy but she's also not a part of the dumb Lloyd harem circle, so that just instantly makes her really good. I can only hope she gets more screentime considering the game seems to hint that Randy and Mireille have a thing for each other (fortune teller's advice to Randy about finding love with the person closest to him and Randy buying a brooch as a present for her), though in Randy's case, it seems like he's playing dumb likely due to his past as part of the Red Constellation. Plus points to Tio because the game puts effort into showing that she cares about Randy. Luciola being the fortune teller was a pleasant surprise, though. Could tell it was her right off the bat as soon as I heard her voice.


At what point in the CS game does the Crossbell's call for independence take place? Honestly can't remember.

Rant over. All in all, mixed feelings so far on Ao. Randy's the best thing about the game so far while Lloyd's the worst thing. As far as Kiseki protagonist rankings are concerned: Estelle = Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lloyd > Rean.


Okay at SC final chapter...

Also just a warning for people playing SC on PC. Not sure why exactly its happening but any CG cut scenes don't seem to be playing. There were several at the start of the final chapter and none of them played for me. Not sure if its because of the Direct X 9 version or if its because of the turbo feature or what but just fair warning.

That never happened to me or anyone I know when only the dx8 version was available; that sucks.


Okay at SC final chapter...

I was surprised it look so long for Olivert to reveal his real self but it didn't disappoint at least. What is disappointing is that despite Mueller coming with him HES NOT PLAYABLE! Seriously why even bring him if you aren't going to let him be playable! Gah this is like the one thing that has absolutely disappointed me now.
Hm. Make sure you check back on the Arseille every once in a while.
Hm. Make sure you check back on the Arseille every once in a while.

lol yep. SC final chapter spoilers:
Got Julia (meh) and Mueller (YAY) just now. I want to use Mueller but I herd of extra dialog if you bring certain people for each fight so he'll have to wait for a little bit. I got really annoyed when Josette was suddenly playable and I had to use her for the Glorious and she didn't even freaking have an S-Craft and thought Mueller wasn't going to be playable at all. At least the banter between her and Estelle/Joshua was pretty entertaining.


I hope they don't copy P5 and go maximum scummy ala "let you date every female even the adults" route.

I mean Aurelia is bae, but come on.

For the past two games, they've somehow managed to avoid giving
bonding events, despite her character being pretty much set up for that sort of thing. This gives me at least a little hope that they have some self restraint.

...Even if things were a little ridiculous by the end of ToCS 2 in regards to the rest of the cast.

PK Gaming

What if they went the opposite route and let Rean date everyone?

I'm talking Claire, Sara, Juna, Altina, Sara, Aurelia, Sharon, Scarlet, Alfin, Celine, Vita, Mint's mom, Millium.

Also Schera, Julia, Kloe, Tita, Dorothy, Aina, Alecia, Jill, Dr. Miriam.

And maybe even Estelle, Joshua, Ries, Lloyd's sister and Selnate.

But not Elise. Never Elise.


*Towa bursts into the teacher's office*

Towa: REAN! We have to go to Liberl, as soon as possible!

Rean: What's the situation Towa?

Towa: IT'S OUROBOROS! They seem to be planning something in the area, possibly related to what happened a few years back. Vita will probably be there too. And there's absolutely no one in the area who could possibly deal with it! No one!

Rean: Don't worry Towa. Class VII... is getting back together. And the new Class VII will be there too. Contact Princess Alfin, we'll need her help to get into the country.

Towa: I'm coming too! It's my duty as ex-student council president!

Rean: Ok. But only if you bring Elise, Instructor Sara and Claire with you. Maybe bring Tita with you too, she knows the area. We can go together.
...Actually forget Elise.

*Rean starts to head out*

Towa: Ok! By the way Rean, there's someone I want you to meet - Oh no!

*On the way out, Rean bumps into a mysterious woman, and collapses on top of her. He opens his eyes, and sees a blushing, brown haired bracer before him*

Estelle:... B-baka!


PK Gaming

*Towa bursts into the teacher's office*

Towa: REAN! We have to go to Liberl, as soon as possible!

Rean: What's the situation Towa?

Towa: IT'S OUROBOROS! They seem to be planning something in the area, possibly related to what happened a few years back. Vita will probably be there too. And there's absolutely no one in the area who could possibly deal with it! No one!

Rean: Don't worry Towa. Class VII... is getting back together. And the new Class VII will be there too. Contact Princess Alfin, we'll need her help to get into the country.

Towa: I'm coming too! It's my duty as ex-student council president!

Rean: Ok. But only if you bring Elise, Instructor Sara and Claire with you. Maybe bring Tita with you too, she knows the area. We can go together.
...Actually forget Elise.

*Rean starts to head out*

Towa: Ok! By the way Rean, there's someone I want you to meet - Oh no!

*On the way out, Rean bumps into a mysterious woman, and collapses on top of her. He opens his eyes, and sees a blushing, brown haired bracer before him*

Estelle:... B-baka!




*Towa bursts into the teacher's office*

Towa: REAN! We have to go to Liberl, as soon as possible!

Rean: What's the situation Towa?

Towa: IT'S OUROBOROS! They seem to be planning something in the area, possibly related to what happened a few years back. Vita will probably be there too. And there's absolutely no one in the area who could possibly deal with it! No one!

Rean: Don't worry Towa. Class VII... is getting back together. And the new Class VII will be there too. Contact Princess Alfin, we'll need her help to get into the country.

Towa: I'm coming too! It's my duty as ex-student council president!

Rean: Ok. But only if you bring Elise, Instructor Sara and Claire with you. Maybe bring Tita with you too, she knows the area. We can go together.
...Actually forget Elise.

*Rean starts to head out*

Towa: Ok! By the way Rean, there's someone I want you to meet - Oh no!

*On the way out, Rean bumps into a mysterious woman, and collapses on top of her. He opens his eyes, and sees a blushing, brown haired bracer before him*

Estelle:... B-baka!


PK Gaming

Aurelia needs to be on the table.

On the one hand, all my yes.

On the other hand, building a romantic relationship between 2 people who have barely met seems a bit... suspect. Then again, it would be amusing if a relationship with Aurelia would be akin to her having a boy toy romantic sparring partner.


I'm not sure why they'd really let player date anyone when the main narrative push Alisa, just stop teasing and go with the canon one. Then again I don't really find the need to always have romance in this game, but Estelle and Joshua felt natural and I loved how they developed it and instead of trying to please everybody, just stick to your guns and push the one you're already leaning on in CS1 and 2

It makes no sense for Rean to go after Laura or anybody else other than Alissa when I feel like the game push so much for this one.


Done with Zero's CH2.

I'm surprised they revealed Yin's identity already. I guess that explains why "he" couldn't act during the performance and had to ask for help, since Rixia was busy with it. =P I'm surprised someone with Lloyd's detective skills didn't pick it up.


What if they went the opposite route and let Rean date everyone?

I'm talking Claire, Sara, Juna, Altina, Sara, Aurelia, Sharon, Scarlet, Alfin, Celine, Vita, Mint's mom, Millium.

Also Schera, Julia, Kloe, Tita, Dorothy, Aina, Alecia, Jill, Dr. Miriam.

And maybe even Estelle, Joshua, Ries, Lloyd's sister and Selnate.

But not Elise. Never Elise.

Now that's a good way to throw this entire series into the trash. God, I hate the bonding system.
I just finished Trails in the Sky the 3rd. What an absolutely amazing experience that was. I can't believe I got to play such a great game. Just absolutely incredible writing and character development. Falcom is the best. XSEED is the best. Trails is THE BEST!

I must say that this game ended up as my favorite in the Sky series. Most probably because all the characters are already so fleshed out. They're not strangers anymore, but returning friends that we're happy to see, and interact with.

I just cannot say enough great things about this game. The stuff with the doors, the foreshadowing, the setup, the character development, the gameplay (while weird, it was really fun; it's so fun to do broken stuff in this game) is all just weaved perfectly.

Who knew Kevin was so nuanced and deep as a character? He's up there with Estelle as my favorite characters in the series. It also further cements Estelle as the best protagonist in this series.
Man, that ending sequence when they were parting ways. The things she was saying to Renne hit close to home as well. That was amazing writing. And it was an amazing way to end the Sky trilogy.

I just can't get enough of this series. And, even if it the fan patch isn't that good, maybe I'll just dive into Zero no Kiseki (I don't think I can wait for Gu4n's teams translation at this rate :( ). Or please just announce the localization XSEED :O The wait for the Crossbell games and Cold Steel III is going to be agonizing, but it will all be worth it in the end.
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