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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


The spooniest Spoony Bard that ever spooned or barded, that's why.

Trails FC+SC Spoilan


Is probably the greatest villain of all time.
The way he planned everything out and set up Joshua to be his eyes and ears on everything Cassius was just.. amazing. The reveal itself still gives me the chills to even think about, and the way he breaks down the events that happened in the Ark was seriously some of the creepiest dialogue I have ever read in a JRPG, that was some fucked up chain of events.. but of course how can that not happen? How can people not be addicted to miracles and become so dependent on them.

All I'll say is
someone's read Childhood's End.

Note also Estelle "Spitting Hot Fire" Bright WON that pre-fight rhetoric battle too, AND the one against Col. Richards.


Guys, I've done my part to raise visibility for The 3rd by voting for it in the Most Anticipated 2017 Thread.

Hopefully it'll garner interest so more people interested in buying it. Which, I hope in turn will generate the much needed revenue and/or incentive for XSEED to localize Zero/Ao for us baka gaijins.
I feel like Agate should get more love. He's a badass dude with a giant sword who looks cool. What else do you want?

I guess you could claim that he's tropey (by Trails standards) or boring, but I liked his backstory in SC.

Agate in SC
gets a real neat character arc like Estelle does, it just gets outshone by said BEAST MODE though.

The professionalism, the fatalistic determination, the strong sense of justice, a real eyeful of his sense reguarding respect, and his place in a family as big brother to Tita. It's real great for someone who is SHOCK AND AWE starts off as a hothead who talks shit to teens via alot of watching how he says stuff as much as what happens.
It depends really. If it was some junk translation like Nayuta then I wouldn't bother. I don't trust lower quality fan translations not to be machine translations prettied up.

Hasn't the nayuta one been updated to be much higher quality? Played a bit of it the other day and I didn't get the impression it was a machine fed translation.



A rags to riches story.
From Team Grant member *shivers* to a full party member.
I was rooting for her every step of the way
I'm also an irrationally huge fan of Richard as well and think he's the best written
the series has ever had.
Cuteness is truly justice.
We postain favs not named Estelle from TiTS?
In no order: Muller, Loewe, Kloe, Aria, Scherazard and of course Kevin
I always thought Kilika was awesome, and I wish I got the chance to find out more of her story. The stuff in SC was great. I hear she's in Crossbell?
Trails FC+SC Spoilan
Is probably the greatest villain of all time.
The way he planned everything out and set up Joshua to be his eyes and ears on everything Cassius was just.. amazing. The reveal itself still gives me the chills to even think about, and the way he breaks down the events that happened in the Ark was seriously some of the creepiest dialogue I have ever read in a JRPG, that was some fucked up chain of events.. but of course how can that not happen? How can people not be addicted to miracles and become so dependent on them.
And he had an awesome battle track!

Bladelord Loewe

Neo Member
^AGREED! I loved that one and the Merciless Savior track as well, that one truly made it feel like the end.

I feel like Agate should get more love. He's a badass dude with a giant sword who looks cool. What else do you want?

I guess you could claim that he's tropey (by Trails standards) or boring, but I liked his backstory in SC.

I don't know how I missed this!

Trails FC/SC Spoilers:

Remember back in FC the epic introduction to Chapter 3 how the "Mysterious Masked Man" the leader of the Jaegers was going on about how him and Agate were so alike and it pissed Agate off so damn much, it just made him want to rage out and fight more? I really thought all that talk was just bullshit at that time. Then you find out in SC that both Agate and Loewe's pasts are more alike than anyone's in the entire cast, it's pretty heart rending when you make the comparisons between Hamel and Agate's home town and his sister as well. I loved how that it wasn't just some tropey bullshit, they actually thought it out well enough to back it all up.

I made sure I took Agate with me to the final battle and the dialogue was very worth it, in his own way he really got back at Loewe but had to pass on the 1 v 1 to Joshua. Loewe's death... I still don't believe it. It was a clone dammit!! :(

It was just an amazing damn series of games.

Do not read below if you have not completed CS 1 and 2:

I know I will get a lot of hate for this but I didn't feel anywhere near as miserable playing Cold Steel 1 and 2, even when Crow died, but I did feel a sense of rage that everything we had done as a whole (Class VII) meant absolutely NOTHING, and everything Crow had done as a terrorist meant NOTHING because Osborne is alive and he dies realizing this.. ouch.

Minus the reveal of Osborne being Rean's father, I don't think anyone could have seen that shit coming. I knew he was alive though, Olivert said that he had ties with the Ouroboros. I bet anything that once Osborne learned how to cheat death and got what he wanted from them, he seperated himself. Why else is he taking over Vita's plan and even daring the Grandmaster herself to do something about it? That takes some balls of steel.


(CS2 Epilogue Spoiler)
I did feel a sense of rage that everything we had done as a whole (Class VII) meant absolutely NOTHING, and everything Crow had done as a terrorist meant NOTHING because Osborne is alive and he dies realizing this.. ouch.

(CS2 Epilogue)
To this day, I felt that Rean's decision to help Obsborne consolidate his power and established a firm foothold in Crossbell is misguided.

Considering one of his best friends died in his arm, also he was abandoned as a child, and still he actually wanted to help him out of his own volition. Even after his outburst in the final dungeon.

One of the times I wish Kiseki series has branching paths so that Rean can choose not to help Osborne.

PK Gaming

(CS2 Epilogue)
To this day, I felt that Rean's decision to help Obsborne consolidate his power and established a firm foothold in Crossbell is misguided.

Considering one of his best friends died in his arm, also he was abandoned as a child, and still he actually wanted to help him out of his own volition. Even after his outburst in the final dungeon.

One of the times I wish Kiseki series has branching paths so that Rean can choose not to help Osborne.

Even when you disregard the fact that his actions were directly responsible for avoiding full scale war, being the Ashen Chevalier is a responsibility he couldn't walk away from. His decision to work with Osborne was great because it runs counter to the typical shonen "I choose my own path and I can do anything with friendship, effort and victory!" moments that permeate most JRPG endings.

It's part of his steps to becoming an actual adult.

Bladelord Loewe

Neo Member
(CS2 Epilogue)
To this day, I felt that Rean's decision to help Obsborne consolidate his power and established a firm foothold in Crossbell is misguided.

Considering one of his best friends died in his arm, also he was abandoned as a child, and still he actually wanted to help him out of his own volition. Even after his outburst in the final dungeon.

One of the times I wish Kiseki series has branching paths so that Rean can choose not to help Osborne.

There has to be more going on than we are allowed to see, this is Osborne after all and he did make an entire nation think he was dead.

Honestly I think the game would have been fucking perfect if they had ended it right after he finds out the reveal and the credits roll.. which I thought WAS the ending. Ugh talk about missed opportunity, though I did love the Crossbell love.



She actually plays a kinda important role too. Only kinda tho.

Oh that's fine. After her whole story explanation (SC end-ish spoilers)
with Walter and Zane in SC, and her off-screen display of strength scaling the tower (I remember our party's surprise, haha),
she just seemed so cool and capable.
There has to be more going on than we are allowed to see, this is Osborne after all and he did make an entire nation think he was dead.

Honestly I think the game would have been fucking perfect if they had ended it right after he finds out the reveal and the credits roll.. which I thought WAS the ending. Ugh talk about missed opportunity, though I did love the Crossbell love.
To add on a little to your first post (CS2 end spoilers)
they do a great job showing how pissed Rean is at taking up that mantle, especially in his interactions with Claire. You can see that he knows why he had to do it, but doesn't seem to agree with it one bit. Going on from that conflicted position he was basically forced into for the greater good is going to be something really cool about where the story for the next game should head.
(CS2 Epilogue)
To this day, I felt that Rean's decision to help Obsborne consolidate his power and established a firm foothold in Crossbell is misguided.

Considering one of his best friends died in his arm, also he was abandoned as a child, and still he actually wanted to help him out of his own volition. Even after his outburst in the final dungeon.

One of the times I wish Kiseki series has branching paths so that Rean can choose not to help Osborne.

[CS2 Epilogue]
He did it out of the sense of duty to end the conflicts as quickly as possible. It's the typical dilemma between choosing between your ideal or what you want and him choosing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others is just so classic Rean.

The one thing that doesn't sit well with me is how all his friends support his decision, as they always have. This is a typically controversial subject and I feel like their automatic, unconditional faith in Rean actually speaks poorly about their critical thinking and their concern of Rean as a friend.

Bring me back the Jusis who said "your tendency to put others before yourself is abnormal to the point of disturbing" in the first game, goshdarnit!

Bladelord Loewe

Neo Member
Please do not miss marking any spoilers, a lot of people have not completed CS2.

Which is why I am hoping that there is more to this all than what we see with our eyes... I am hoping this is all just build up for some epic plan Rean is going to unleash at some point at a good opportunity. What are we suppose to do for CS3? Literally just roam the entire land of Erebonia doing fetch quests for daddy?

PK Gaming

[CS2 Epilogue]
He did it out of the sense of duty to end the conflicts as quickly as possible. It's the typical dilemma between choosing between your ideal or what you want and him choosing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others is just so classic Rean.

The one thing that doesn't sit well with me is how all his friends support his decision, as they always have. This is a typically controversial subject and I feel like their automatic, unconditional faith in Rean actually speaks poorly about their critical thinking and their concern of Rean as a friend.

Bring me back the Jusis who said "your tendency to put others before yourself is abnormal to the point of disturbing" in the first game, goshdarnit!

[CS2 Epilogue]
I'd tell him to tow(a) the line too myself. It's not like he even has many viable alternatives to go with either. He could bail and go off on adventures as a bracer, but considering he literally possesses a weapon of a mass destruction, I doubt the Empire would ever let him off that easy. Then there's the genuine good he'd accomplish by joining up with the Empire. Yeah there's that "putting others before yourself" thing being played up again, but it's different this time around; he's not some kid playing hero to score brownie points anymore, he's got overwhelming power and responsibility to match as the Ashen Chevalier.

So what i'm saying is that he's basically an Avenger and if you're friends with an Avenger you gotta cheer em on.

Please do not miss marking any spoilers, a lot of people have not completed CS2.

Which is why I am hoping that there is more to this all than what we see with our eyes... I am hoping this is all just build up for some epic plan Rean is going to unleash at some point at a good opportunity. What are we suppose to do for CS3? Literally just roam the entire land of Erebonia doing fetch quests for daddy?

[CS2 Epilogue]
He's obviously not going to do this forever! Circumstances will change, power will shift, and he'll have to make another hard choice. Osborne still needs to be taken down, and I figure it'll be time for Class VII to start handing out some asskickings like the good ole days.
CS2 spoilers:

The end-game makes it pretty clear that Rean's
decision to be part of Team IRONDAD instead of Team BRACER is, while perhaps the pragmatically right choice, is not the "happy ending" choice that he should've taken.

So in that regard,
I expect CS3 to explore the ups and downs of Rean in a more intimimate manner so that we'll finally see a development of Rean's character where he will be selfish for once and decide it's time for boy to become man.


[CS2 Epilogue]
I'd tell him tow(a) the line too myself, if I were in their shoes. It's not like he even has many viable alternatives to go with either. He could bail and go off on adventures as a bracer, but considering he literally possesses a weapon of a mass destruction, I doubt the Empire would ever let him off that easy. Then there's the genuine good he'd accomplish by joining up with the Empire. Yeah there's that "putting others before yourself" thing being played up again, but it's different this time around; he's not some kid playing hero to score brownie points. He's got overwhelming power and responsibility to match as the Ashen Chevalier.

What i'm saying is that he's basically an Avenger and if you're friends with an Avenger you gotta cheer em on.

(CS2 End Spoilers)
Also if you consider the socio-political viewpoints at that time by the commonfolk (and heck, Rufus' position as a pawn in it all, too), it was really the only move Rean could've made. Not to mention that since that train scene from CS1, you could tell that Rean knows something is up with Osborne that just isn't right.
[CS2 Epilogue]
I'd tell him to tow(a) the line too myself. It's not like he even has many viable alternatives to go with either. He could bail and go off on adventures as a bracer, but considering he literally possesses a weapon of a mass destruction, I doubt the Empire would ever let him off that easy. Then there's the genuine good he'd accomplish by joining up with the Empire. Yeah there's that "putting others before yourself" thing being played up again, but it's different this time around; he's not some kid playing hero to score brownie points anymore, he's got overwhelming power and responsibility to match as the Ashen Chevalier.

So what i'm saying is that he's basically an Avenger and if you're friends with an Avenger you gotta cheer em on.

[CS2 Epilogue]
I understand the rationale. It's just that when you have a cast of 11 people with different personalities, you'd expect some kind of disagreements over difficult choices, even if they'd eventually relent and respect Rean's decision. I just feel that criticizing and questioning each other are important parts of genuine and lasting mutual friendship.

CS2 spoilers:

The end-game makes it pretty clear that Rean's
decision to be part of Team IRONDAD instead of Team BRACER is, while perhaps the pragmatically right choice, is not the "happy ending" choice that he should've taken.

So in that regard,
I expect CS3 to explore the ups and downs of Rean in a more intimimate manner so that we'll finally see a development of Rean's character where he will be selfish for once and decide it's time for boy to become man.

For sure. Though I hope that it wouldn't be resolved too neatly and quickly, like Rean realizing what he needs to do after a pep talk in the Prologue or something. I want some suffering for a while, building up to a glorious "let's get down to business!" moment.

PK Gaming

[CS2 Epilogue]
I understand the rationale. It's just that when you have a cast of 11 people with different personalities, you'd expect some kind of disagreements over difficult choices, even if they'd eventually relent and respect Rean's decision. I just feel that criticizing and questioning each other are important parts of genuine and lasting mutual friendship.

[CS2 Epilogue]
Criticisms and disagreements absolutely have their place in long lasting relationships, but in regards Rean's decision, it would have been incredibly out of character for someone to just step in and directly object to his big decision. They're all going their separate ways, and concern is easily the biggest issue on their minds right now. But even with that aside, everyone is implicitly aware of the fact that this is something he must do as the Ashen Chevalier.

Personally, i'm glad we didn't get a potentially hamfisted "you're siding with the ENEMY?!" outburst from some members of Class VII. They've all grown significantly from their experiences, and each of them understand that growing up isn't necessarily the easiest or the most straightforward of processes. Sometimes the people you care about have to incredibly make tough decisions and there's nothing you can do to change that. On the other hand, supporting them in their endeavors is pretty much friendship 101.

Bladelord Loewe

Neo Member
Honestly I wouldn't rule out that someone DID object to it, but we will NEVER know because guess what?

They fucking skipped the entire scenes that followed after that HUMONGOUS "I am your father" reveal and pulled such a back handed dirty time skip on us... ugh. Which is why I am calling it right now, there were most definitely objections, I am sure of it. Rean must have used the ultimate hammy speech, because it actually worked, put everyone in their place for the bigger picture. I think it's being kept under wraps and it will all lead to something amazing in CS3. He will definitely not let this go.

I am 100% getting a One Piece vibe, and what I mean by that is that everyone needs to train very hard to get stronger because that's right folks, our heroes that we spent over 100-200+ hours in 2 games total, had to get rescued in every final battle! Despite the party being LVL131, Warrior jewels, Earth Wall, Saintly Force, Food, broken as hell orbment setups, and winning each battle decisively. The enemy pulled some lame last second power up trump card rendering it all worthless, it was pretty pathetic to have to get patronized over and over again and we are at the end of the 2nd game. I know we are dealing with arguably some of the most powerful enemies in the entire series, but this became almost comical.


The only one that was actually great! My heart almost skipped a beat when Arseid came to the rescue there, I almost thought we were actually going to watch him die in front of Laura when McBurn revealed he had a sister sword to Loewe's.. and for him only to pull out his own Godlike sword, unbelievable. We finally got our first decent choreographed duel too. None have surpassed Loewe vs Joshua yet, and that was done with sprites. I know this is the Kiseki team's first 3D experience and all, so I will cut them a tiny bit of slack since that scene was very cool. I hope they evolve even more for CS3.


Even when you disregard the fact that his actions were directly responsible for avoiding full scale war, being the Ashen Chevalier is a responsibility he couldn't walk away from.

(CS2 - continued)
The thing is, I felt that Rean can still truly make a difference, even without him bowing deeply (sort of speak) to Osborne. He doesn't owe Osborne anything. Of course he'll still need the logistical support of The Courageous to do what he wants to do, but he could still keep the peace at Crossbell, even without Erebonia Army's involvement.

If, for instance, Osborne blackmailed Rean into servitude by threatening harm at the Courageous and his friends, it would make more sense to me.

[CS2 Epilogue]
He did it out of the sense of duty to end the conflicts as quickly as possible. It's the typical dilemma between choosing between your ideal or what you want and him choosing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others is just so classic Rean.

The one thing that doesn't sit well with me is how all his friends support his decision, as they always have. This is a typically controversial subject and I feel like their automatic, unconditional faith in Rean actually speaks poorly about their critical thinking and their concern of Rean as a friend.

(CS2 - continued)
Perhaps it's just how sense of duty is so deeply ingrained in the Japanse culture. :p But yeah, at that point Rean can end the conflict using Valimar alone, though. Perhaps the two generals from the Noble faction can beat him, but I still think it's possible without Osborne's involvement.

You know, I would've prefer Jusis (or anyone, really) to question Rean's decision at every turn, making it a bit more interesting that way.


[CS2 Epilogue spoilers]
Let's not pretend we don't know that the real reason Rean is helping Osborne is so that he can learn the secret to his immortality/resurrection.

The things we do for love.
[CS2 Epilogue]
Criticisms and disagreements absolutely have their place in long lasting relationships, but in regards Rean's decision, it would have been incredibly out of character for someone to just step in and directly object to his big decision. They're all going their separate ways, and concern is easily the biggest issue on their minds right now. But even with that aside, everyone is implicitly aware of the fact that this is something he must do as the Ashen Chevalier.

I'm really glad we didn't get a potentially hamfisted "you're siding with the ENEMY?!" outburst from some members of Class VII. They've all grown significantly from their experiences, and each of them understand that growing up isn't necessarily the easiest or the most straightforward of processes. Sometimes the people you care about have to incredibly make tough decisions and there's nothing you can do to change that. On the other hand, supporting them in their endeavors is pretty much friendship 101.

[CS2 Epilogue]
Oh, a "you're siding with the ENEMY" disagreement is not what I'm envisioning, haha. Especially since Osborne is not really their enemy, yar? They have Millium in the fold, after all.

I'm thinking of "are you sure this is the best for you?" or "is this what you really want?" I mean, Rean does this to everybody but here nobody seems to do the same for Rean. It feels like either everybody is either handling him with kids gloves or just automatically trust that Rean knows best.


Haha I am ultimately saying that I'm disappointed with Rean's Class VII friends. Toval remains awesome.
Oh, a "you're siding with the ENEMY" disagreement is not what I'm envisioning, haha. Especially since Osborne is not really their enemy, yar? They have Millium in the fold, after all.

I'm thinking of "are you sure this is the best for you?" or "is this what you really want?" I mean, Rean does this to everybody but here nobody seems to do the same for Rean. It feels like either everybody is either handling him with kids gloves or just automatically trust that Rean knows best.


PK Gaming

(CS2 - continued)
The thing is, I felt that Rean can still truly make a difference, even without him bowing deeply (sort of speak) to Osborne. He doesn't owe Osborne anything. Of course he'll still need the logistical support of The Courageous to do what he wants to do, but he could still keep the peace at Crossbell, even without Erebonia Army's involvement.

If, for instance, Osborne blackmailed Rean into servitude by threatening harm at the Courageous and his friends, it would make more sense to me.

Routing enemy forces and occupying an entire state (using tactics most likely provided to him by Rufus) straight up wouldn't be possible on his own. The sheer manpower and planning required for an operation on that scale could pretty much only be set up by the Empire. Rean would never just fly into Crossbell on his own and force them to surrender because it could result in fatalities (which directly goes against his creed). Also the Courageous has been disbanded, and pretty much everyone that was a part of it has gone their seperate ways so its not really an option either (for now...).

Blackmail would have been a horrifically bad idea too. Partly because it would clash with his demeanor (it would be immediately obvious if Rean was being blackmailed after he came back to Thors), and partly because it's a massive narrative cheat. Like, it's such an easy way out for Rean's character. You essentially deprive him of having to make a difficult decision by relying on such a basic ass cliche in order to keep his hands clean. Straight up, his decision to side with Osborne is straight up the best thing that could have happened to his character because it's such an unconventionally grey direction to take the character in..

Oh, a "you're siding with the ENEMY" disagreement is not what I'm envisioning, haha. Especially since Osborne is not really their enemy, yar? They have Millium in the fold, after all.

I'm thinking of "are you sure this is the best for you?" or "is this what you really want?" I mean, Rean does this to everybody but here nobody seems to do the same for Rean. It feels like either everybody is either handling him with kids gloves or just automatically trust that Rean knows best.

[CS2 again]

Well again, I don't think words like "is this really what you want" serve any purpose to him at this point. Rean's own situation has grown beyond just concerning his own well being; his actions have direct ramifications on hundreds of thousands of people. That's why i'm fine with characters like Sara reassuring his difficult decision or Jusis reminding him to stick his head high no matter situation he finds himself in—those are the words he needs to hear the most right now.

EDIT: Oh yeah forgot about Toval, lol.
[CS2 again]

Well again, I don't think words like "is this really what you want" serve any purpose to him at this point. Rean's own situation has grown beyond just concerning his own well being; his actions have direct ramifications on hundreds of thousands of people. That's why i'm fine with characters like Sara reassuring his difficult decision or Jusis reminding him to stick his head high no matter situation he finds himself in—those are the words he needs to hear the most right now.

EDIT: Oh yeah forgot about Toval, lol.

[CS2 End]
Yar, it would serve little else other that showcase some nice character moments but I need my character momeeeents (Machias say something interesting you bastard).

Do you remember a flashback scene near the beginning or Chapter 2, where Class VII and the mentors are having a meeting to decide what to do next, then Rean makes this big speech and everyone is immediately on board with what he wants to do, marking the beginning of Thors Crimson Wings? I think a similar flashback in the Epilogue where everyone's opinion is actually divided would serve as a poignant contrast, even if they'd eventually agree (albeit maybe with reservations) that it's bigger than Rean. It'd also be the unofficial end of Thors Crimson Wings.

PK Gaming

[CS2 End]
Yar, it would serve little else other that showcase some nice character moments but I need my character momeeeents (Machias say something interesting you bastard).

Do you remember a flashback scene near the beginning or Chapter 2, where Class VII and the mentors are having a meeting to decide what to do next, then Rean makes this big speech and everyone is immediately on board for what he wants to do? I think a similar flashback in the Epilogue where everyone's opinion is actually divided would serve as a poignant contrast, even if they'd eventually agree (albeit maybe with reservations) that it's bigger than Rean.

[CS2 - Finale]
Yeah, i'd so be on board with that.

Honestly, I wish they devoted some screen time to the period between Rean's operation and his return in general.

It would have been so good/important


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
As someone who just finished CS1 and hasn't played CS2 yet, I just want to say, I really appreciate everyone not only spoiler-tagging but labelling their posts properly. Makes it easier to navigate. Cheers


Routing enemy forces and occupying an entire state (using tactics most likely provided to him by Rufus) straight up wouldn't be possible on his own. The sheer manpower and planning required for an operation on that scale could pretty much only be set up by the Empire. Rean would never just fly into Crossbell on his own and force them to surrender because it could result in fatalities (which directly goes against his creed). Also the Courageous has been disbanded, and pretty much everyone that was a part of it has gone their seperate ways so its not really an option either (for now...).

(CS2 - cont.)
What you said makes sense, but I don't think Courageous was disbanded right then and there, didn't it? As for tactics, I don't think Rufus is the be-all and end-all tactician anyway. Rean has plenty of backing from Olivert and Arseid Sr. too. Also given what we know, Courageous and his allies will help him in any decision he was going to end up making anyway, so he won't be fighting by his own.

Then again, we're veering off into what-ifs territory here. Given Rean's character, it would be impossible for him to choose any other option.

Blackmail would have been a horrifically bad idea too. Partly because it would clash with his demeanor (it would be immediately obvious if Rean was being blackmailed after he came back to Thors), and partly because it's a massive narrative cheat. Like, it's such an easy way out for Rean's character. You essentially deprive him of having to make a difficult decision by relying on such a basic ass cliche in order to keep his hands clean. Straight up, his decision to side with Osborne is straight up the best thing that could have happened to his character because it's such an unconventionally grey direction to take the character in..

(CS2 - cont.)
Thinking about it some more, I agree that blackmail is a cheap way out. I'll agree with you on that one. Still, I couldn't help thinking that his decision will affect a greater number of people in the long run.

As someone who just finished CS1

Let's hear some impressions then :) Since you haven't started CS2 yet, I'm interested in hearing your take re: (CS1 epilogue)
What drives Crow into masterminding Osborne's assassination


Hopefully The 3rd proves steam releases are more viable for these games going forward. At least it doesn't have years of localization and a PSP version going against it this time..

Hard to believe that it would sell well. According to SteamSpy FC has sold about 200k, but SC only bit over 30k. By that rate 3rd will sell about 5k. Realistic guestimate would be something around 10-20k. Pretty disappointing that even a game like AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed has sold almost three times as much as SC has on Steam.
Hard to believe that it would sell well. According to SteamSpy FC has sold about 200k, but SC only bit over 30k. By that rate 3rd will sell about 5k. Realistic guestimate would be something around 10-20k. Pretty disappointing that even a game like AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed has sold almost three times as much as SC has on Steam.

It's all about the long tail. When SC launched, it was around 10k copies, and FC was around 140k. Both titles have continued to sell as time goes on, and SC has always been pretty expensive (I think $20 is the cheapest it's been?).

The 3rd will probably launch low, but I would imagine that it will be a consistent seller and eventually get to fairly respectable numbers.


The 3rd will probably launch low, but I would imagine that it will be a consistent seller and eventually get to fairly respectable numbers.

This is, as far as I can tell, Falcom's strategy with the series, too, since it started. Over time, it's become their best selling series, and it snowballs more and more with each title. As new people are interested in the newer titles, Falcom has new people to throw interest to for the older ones, as well.

If you look at it from a marketing standpoint, you're not marketing one title after a certain point, you're marketing a series. A new customer starting at Cold Steel, for example, turns into a strong potential customer for FC/SC. Then in a few months, that will change into FC/SC/3rd. So this new customer that just bought two games, has a very high potential of buying three more on top of it.

In the off chance that we get Zero and Ao released in English at some point, look at it this way: a single purchase has the potential to turn into the purchase of six other games, too. (though now, it's just 4- but that's actually really good) - from a sales perspective? That's an amazing prospect and many people want to be able to pull that off.
[CS2 Epilogue]
He did it out of the sense of duty to end the conflicts as quickly as possible. It's the typical dilemma between choosing between your ideal or what you want and him choosing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others is just so classic Rean.

The one thing that doesn't sit well with me is how all his friends support his decision, as they always have. This is a typically controversial subject and I feel like their automatic, unconditional faith in Rean actually speaks poorly about their critical thinking and their concern of Rean as a friend.

Bring me back the Jusis who said "your tendency to put others before yourself is abnormal to the point of disturbing" in the first game, goshdarnit!

Cs2 ending
it came off to me as if theyre dancing around the issue no agreeing with it complicitly.

Reans going to end up a jobber for Team Erebonia in cs3 and beyond hanging around altina and the like heh.


Unconfirmed Member
Hard to believe that it would sell well. According to SteamSpy FC has sold about 200k, but SC only bit over 30k. By that rate 3rd will sell about 5k. Realistic guestimate would be something around 10-20k. Pretty disappointing that even a game like AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed has sold almost three times as much as SC has on Steam.
Steamspy says FC's median play time is a little over 6 hours, whereas SC's median play time is around 43 hours. While most FC buyers didn't buy SC, but it's quite likely that most SC buyers will get the 3rd.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Let's hear some impressions then :) Since you haven't started CS2 yet, I'm interested in hearing your take re: (CS1 epilogue)
What drives Crow into masterminding Osborne's assassination
Gee that was dangerous to quote and edit. :p
Anyway I posted them earlier.
As for Crow, it's strongly implied that Crow's life was severely negatively impacted by the chancellor's reformist policies, so he wanted not only revenge, but also inflicting chaos all over. I'm not sure how much of a mastermind he really is, or how much he's being manipulated by Ouroboros, though. First time I hear about Abyss Witches too.
Guess I'll find out when I get CS2. :p


For some anecdotal support. I convinced a friend to give CS1 a go. Hes just recently completed CS2. Hes now bought FC

And that is absolutely how it works. A lot of companies are afraid of doing a continuous story like Falcom has done, because it means maintaining a customer long for a very, very long-term scenario.

However, while it is difficult (have you noticed how many times the games have been reprinted?) to do the above, if you can 'future proof' the games in a way or keep them released with current console generations, then you are pretty much guaranteed to keep building your customer base for that exact reason.

I won't be surprised if Falcom, at some point, eventually starts doing PS4 rereleases, just to simply get it back up in the "current time." In Japan, not only was the Sora trilogy on PC and PSP, but it was also on PS3, thanks to the PSP remaster series- as well as Zero and Ao both being available via the Evolution versions and as downloads on PSN for Vita owners. Now that we're up a new console and if the Vita will soon begin to be phased out, it'll be time to do something new *there*, too- and I doubt that Falcom will be forgetting Zero and Ao and letting them fall behind, simply because of its relationship to the Sen/Cold Steel series.

Falcom's been good at keeping the Sora trilogy available to current gamers in Japan. Since we have them on Steam, they should be good and stick around with English speaking gamers, too- because now we have no worries about console updates as well, on top of things.
Been playing Trails of Cols Steel and I absolutely love it. I am on chapter 3, about 20 hours in and really enjoy the story. I just don't like Alisa, I find her annoying.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Been playing Trails of Cols Steel and I absolutely love it. I am on chapter 3, about 20 hours in and really enjoy the story. I just don't like Alisa, I find her annoying.
I found her relationship with her mother to be potentially interesting, but otherwise agreed. Also I found her to be the least useful party member. She sucks, probably my least favourite member of class VII after [chapter 5 spoilers]


Unconfirmed Member
Been playing Trails of Cols Steel and I absolutely love it. I am on chapter 3, about 20 hours in and really enjoy the story. I just don't like Alisa, I find her annoying.

Honestly she becomes a lot better during the cold steel games. That said it took all of Cold Steel II for me to come around on how cool she actually is when she totally gets away from the tropes.

Alisa CSII characterization spoiler(nothing about her story more like a trait she showcases)
What made me come around to her in CSII are all the scenes where she's basically letting her inner mechanic out. I hope that stuff goes somewhere with her. I'd like to see her become an amazing engineer.


Hey, watch it. That's my first playthrough max bonding you're all talking about.

Have some pics of proto Rean and Alisa:


Almost seems like Alisa was originally meant to be the MC of Sen.

Nyoro SF

I kind of like the beta designs, they're kind of retro. Rean's gun looks mad silly though with how huge it is compared to his hand lol

PK Gaming

Hey, watch it. That's my first playthrough max bonding you're all talking about.

Have some pics of proto Rean and Alisa:


Almost seems like Alisa was originally meant to be the MC of Sen.


Alisa with a sword and Rean with a gun... yep, she was definitely supposed to be the main protagonist. They probably changed protagonists when they realized how profitable a male protagonist was. After all, you can't run the waifu game without a guy for otaku's to self insert into.

Honestly don't know how I feel about it. I like Rean, but Alisa... Having her and him paired up in a Joshua/Estelle dynamic definitely would have be interesting.

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