
we are all aware of the Holdo maneuver. yes it is "the most amazing thing ever" to many people. the scene that made a million media critics ooh and aah with it's shiny lights in space. personally i wasn't that impressed with it, i dunno, i have seen a firework in real life before. this was not that incredible. jingling keys in front of film critics.
besides, it made no sense to me. what the fuck? why would she do that? Rey and Finn and Rose are all on that spaceship, and she just flew lightspeed straight into it? this is proving that she is a good guy? the fact that she is kamizakeeing right in the direction of all our heroes?
when i saw the movie i thought this was hilarious, i started thinking of other movies. what if in Die Hard, instead of McClane shooting McGruber with a gun, Sgt. Powell crashes a helicopter into the building, seemingly killing everyone, but when we see the rubble, McClane and all the hostages are safe, and all the bad guys are dead? it would be insanely reckless & utterly stupid.
that is what happens in this movie.
i looked it up on Wookiepedia just now because i couldn't believe it. nobody had ever talked about this or how utterly stupid it was. maybe i was wrong, and it was two different ships. but i looked up the Throne Room, which says
Snoke's Throne Room was an enormous chamber veiled by an opaque red curtain. Located aboard the Supremacy, a Mega-class Star Dreadnought and flagship of the First Order,
then i looked up where Phasma was, since she was there with Finn & Rose. she dies but they don't (plot armor!). they even mention the attack lol.
During the pursuit of the Resistance fleet, Phasma fought with Finn aboard the First Order flagship Supremacy, which had been devastated by a hyperspace ramming attack.
next i looked up Holdo's manuver, which says
When the transports came under fire, Holdo piloted the heavy cruiser Raddus into position and jumped to lightspeed through Supreme Leader Snoke's flagship, the Mega-class Star Destroyer Supremacy.
so... yeah... she just flew right into the spaceship that all our heroes were on.

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