Ok, so I didn't know where else to go, so I come to you all for help. I finally got this via borrowing it from my gf's dad. I put the game in and it loads to the title screen, I choose new game, normal, save my game, and the game loads the first cinematic. After Joel picks up hiw sleeping daughter off the couch, the screen fades to black, and never comes back. Other times, the game fails to load after I choose new game. Other times, the game doesn't even load. I've tried deleting my game data and reinstalled many times. I've tried it being signed in and out of PSN. Any ideas? I am almost certain I tired without the patch, but I can't remember 100%. I can hear the disc drive spinning like the Tazmanian Devil before I boot the game, and directly after, but soon it just goes quiet.
I finally get around to playing this masterpiece, and I am blocked at every turn

I want to play this on PS3. I want to see what they achieved on this console. I don't know how I am going to see a response either...as I was deathly afraid of even coming here...I'll just skim for my green quote box I suppose..