And the winner of the internet is!!!!!! lol
Is there a reason why when I go to the PSN store to pre-order, the date says December 31, 2014?
Everyone keeps quoting the photo the last time Eggbok updated it and I'm paranoid about being left out if someone updates it, so I'm just gonna quote it right here.
who made the original image? lol I added the creepy anime Joel abomination to the right behind Bruce first as a joke and it spiralled into that awesome work of art.
who made the original image? lol I added the creepy anime Joel abomination to the right behind Bruce first as a joke and it spiralled into that awesome work of art.
I forgot to ask earlier, but am I too late for the hype plane?
Everyone keeps quoting the photo the last time Eggbok updated it and I'm paranoid about being left out if someone updates it, so I'm just gonna quote it right here.
I have no idea why, but this is infuriating
Ryan McCaffrey has one of the most punchable faces in all of "games journalism".
That's a little harsh.
Sogood.gifLOL somebody webm this! It's brilliant.
Eh, maybe you're right. But the guy is such a shill...he's the epitome of everything that's wrong with this particular brand of "journalism".
LOL somebody webm this! It's brilliant.
I wouldn't have left you out haha, but thanks!
Yup, his Titanfall coverage was the most biased thing I've ever seen. All he did was praise that game way too much, from tweets, articles etc.
Was he the one who was like "My hands were shaking", "Pure adrenaline". "You WILL buy an XBOX for Titanfall"?
I wouldn't have left you out haha, but thanks!
Man I've only dipped in and out of this thread but it just always delivers.
Guys, stop bumping this thread. Apparently you're making Mineshaft_Gap very upset!!!
LOL somebody webm this! It's brilliant.
It's amazing how much glorious catching up I have to do any time I'm away from GAF for three-five hours. I love it. This thread has become, like...a part of me. I leave the tab open on my phone and PC and come back to it first thing every time I touch the internet to catch up.
I'm gonna miss this thread when it's gone.
I'm gonna miss the ass jokes and hype memes, the concern trolling and shade throwing, the excitement and adoration. But most of all, I'm gonna miss seeing all you when it's gone.
Sorry to disappoint you but the game probably isn't locked at 60 fps. But the good news is no one is forcing you to buy it. Wolfenstein is locked 60 though if you're looking for games to play that are rock solid.
seems that way and thanks for reminding me I don't need to buy it but I feel bad for the suckers who ND will get b/c they've been hyping 60 throughout so yes I am disappointed. I did buy wolfenstein.......and although good, way over hyped imo BUT rock solid 60fps (on pc at least).
I have no issue with 30 vs 60 in games but if you're going to sell a remaster of a game that came out on last gen system, hype it's 60 and not deliver, how anyone is not disappointed is beyond me. Good thing is this game will be down to 40 within a month, 30 by october and 25 bucks black friday so I'm holding out.
LOL somebody webm this! It's brilliant.
sorry but response like this allow BS to happen by devs.
I'm going to back off though on this whole thing b/c I haven't played this game yet and I'll reserve my opinion before then b/c IGN has the worst track record and ND is a great dev. I just hope ND delivers (meaning during gameplay it's constant 60 no ifs or buts). If someone told you PS4 could;t handle a HD PS3 game at 60fps, tell me these forums wouldn't explode. That's all. Leave it at that until I can play this thing myself or hear otherwise but these forums.
I'm speaking about single player only as I really tried to stay with this game but it was a struggle right to the end as the gameplay was so repetitive and not very interesting. I know that people out there think this is the best game in the world and they will point out that there are so many ways to kill the monsters, etc but at the end of the day all you're doing is stealth killing these creatures (how many times can I throw a damn brick, bottle, fill in the blank item and then run to beat the enemy over the head) and if you stripped away everything else but literally just the gameplay, I think you would have a much weaker game on your hands. That being said, games aren't evaluated on gameplay alone which is why I still think this game is great but when people say presentation great, gameplay even better, I have no idea what game they're playing.
I actually might pick up this remastered version just to try out the MP, which I didn't do on my first play through as i quickly sold it on ebay after being so burned out by the gameplay. Since MP should remove some of the concerns I have with it (as you're fighting real people), I might need to give it a try as I really did love a lot about this game. Def not paying 50 for it though. Wait until it's 30 which will likely be in a few months - def black friday deal.
TLOU in a nutshell - great story, gameplay is meh.
short answer = NO def not special besides story/presentation.
I think the game leverages too much on stealth and restricts the variety as a result. If they allowed the player to kill certain enemies without doing the typical, hide throw bottle, club, etc it would open things up a bit more. Dont get me wrong, that mechanic needs to be in there but it just feels like thats ALL thats available and it really impacts how fresh the game feels throughout your playtime.
This thread went full-blown nuts.