Probably waiting for E3 to have a nice big gameplay blow-outNow seriously where's Uncharted 4,why is ND so silent on that?
Probably waiting for E3 to have a nice big gameplay blow-outNow seriously where's Uncharted 4,why is ND so silent on that?
Druckmann is targeting.
"For those asking, @Naughty_Dog is developing The Last of Us Remastered and we're targeting 60fps. More info to come. #PS4"
Because the biggest day of the gaming year for Sony is in two months?Now seriously where's Uncharted 4,why is ND so silent on that?
Seems to me more like an E3 reveal and not some random day of the year.Now seriously where's Uncharted 4?why is ND so silent on that?
Now seriously where's Uncharted 4,why is ND so silent on that?
Why exactly? GAmes are already in HD and use cartoonish graphics with a very basic storyline. Besides running at 60 fps there literally nothing to add. Tlou is by far the superior game, even in multiPlayer.
I can tell you this much, it's not releasing on a Saturday![]()
Now seriously where's Uncharted 4?why is ND so silent on that?
I don't get why people have a problem with these remasters of games. It gives you the chance to play improved versions of your favorite games while also keeping them alive so to speak (old consoles break, disk gets scratched etc).
I'd absolutely die for a 1080p, 60fps, improved graphically version of Half Life 2 and Episodes 1 and 2 on next gen.
What do they say? At work on my phone.Wells and Straley talk about it here.
Now seriously where's Uncharted 4?why is ND so silent on that?
Sony usually doesn't do that.Could it be that they're saving it for E3?
This. I know it includes Left Behind, but even so it's still expensive.$60? No thanks.
What do they say? At work on my phone.
I wonder if a God of War 3 and Ascension Remaster is possible. I know they can't
for the other pre-PS3 games, GoW:3 and GoW:A are pretty recent.
Highly doubt it. It was already in development longer than the previous games before that happened.Probably back to the drawing board. I mean both the writer and director of Uncharted 4 are gone.
Now seriously where's Uncharted 4?why is ND so silent on that?
Glad I waited.
Ps4...the era of variable framerate
I don't get why people have a problem with these remasters of games. It gives you the chance to play improved versions of your favorite games while also keeping them alive so to speak (old consoles break, disk gets scratched etc).
I'd absolutely die for a 1080p, 60fps, improved graphically version of Half Life 2 and Episodes 1 and 2 on next gen.
Probably back to the drawing board.
You mean the PC era?
2010 is not recent.
You mean the PC era?
I can see this sort of thing becomming a trend on these new consoles.
By recent I mean the assets that are good candidates for full HD remastering.
Unlike the GoW games preceding 3.
Now seriously where's Uncharted 4?why is ND so silent on that?
I have an unopened copy of the PS3 version. What do I do if I want to play this version instead?
I think it's not that bad of a practice, it's just tough to accept when you see versions of games getting sold for so cheap on something like Steam. Tomb Raider was always a strange example because the definitive edition was $60 on launch at the same time the GOTY version was being sold for $7.49 on Steam.
Oh,I think they revealed gameplay from U2 before E3 IIRCGo back to the UC2 or 3 reveals. It's how they do it. Announce late in Nov/Dec, show off gameplay at E3, release in the next Nov/Dec.
On the PS4 at least.
I don't see the point of remastering a 720p game to 900p on the XBone.