You guys are awesome.
Here you go:
Grudge match? Stream it!
We had 7 people in a lobby, we couldn't start a public match because our party was too big.
So I picked the mission where you have to get downs with the double barrel shotgun, holy cow does it take forever to let loose the 2nd barrel. I can't seem to down anyone cause even point blank 1 barrel isn't enough and they down me before I can get my second shot off.
At least I already unlocked everything so I don't really care about the meta game anymore.
Go with the Shorty as your handgun. Get one Shorty shot and finish with the Double Barrel.
What? Why? Trying to swap between the two would take far longer than simply firing one of them twice. They also have the same damage and range, one beating out the other only slightly in firing rate depending on upgrade level. The Double Barrel's only meant for those who want some effectiveness at close range but don't want to drop their Revolver / Pistol / Enforcer or want to invest extra parts and loadout points on the Shotgun.
This graphic should be used in the tournament some how. Also can we possibly get commentators? Is that possible?
So how do you quit a game without being penalized? I was on the 3rd day of a mission and the genius Matchmaking threw me into a game already half way done. Fearing that I wasnt gonna get what I needed, I pressed OPTIONS>QUIT. Then look at my population...80 People, 60 sick, 20 hungry....FUCK!
So I play a few games to try to balance this and its really hard now. So then another mission comes along and again I aim placed in a losing team which means Im fucked already so I just closed the whole game. (PS Button>Close App) I dont know what awaits me next time I boot up....
Dashboarding like you did lets you quit without being penalized.
you dirty quitter
We've all done it. I just did right now, tossed me in an interrogation match with under 5 minutes left. Hell no ND, not to mention the parts they give you for joining late are laughable.
I am really terrible at this MP... Just hit a guy with a smoke bomb and 3 bullets and he still managed to turn around and kill me.
Is there a good noob weapon set up.. I'm admittedly not very good at FPS.
I think the timing is about the same if the Shorty isn't upgraded. The Double Barrel's got a bigger range, though.
santa monica pls bow is too stronk
Serious question for PS3 vets: Did the Bow go back to pre-nerf in the PS4 version? >.>
Many are called, few are chosen.I give up. I can't play this MP. It's like I'm playing in slow motion.
So how do you quit a game without being penalized? I was on the 3rd day of a mission and the genius Matchmaking threw me into a game already half way done. Fearing that I wasnt gonna get what I needed, I pressed OPTIONS>QUIT. Then look at my population...80 People, 60 sick, 20 hungry....FUCK!
So I play a few games to try to balance this and its really hard now. So then another mission comes along and again I aim placed in a losing team which means Im fucked already so I just closed the whole game. (PS Button>Close App) I dont know what awaits me next time I boot up....
I was having this problem yesterday. Was matchmaking this bad in the PS3 version?Is anyone else having trouble finding games? I'm waiting a while for games :/
I was having this problem yesterday. Was matchmaking this bad in the PS3 version?
Matchmaking just split up my friend and I (who were in a party) so that it could set up a match of four people against me.
I honestly have no words for how bad this game is.
I'm really sick of seeing this. Many times, I've been on the losing team in a super close, exciting, intense match. Then, while dead and spectating, feeling respect for the other team for pulling it off, I see someone teabagging. It just seems like this game ought to be made up of grown-ups more than others, and it's always disappointing when I see it isn't. This is an example of why high expectations are the key to sadness.You're a good player but your teabagging is tasteless.
I'm really sick of seeing this. Many times, I've been on the losing team in a super close, exciting, intense match. Then, while dead and spectating, feeling respect for the other team for pulling it off, I see someone teabagging. It just seems like this game ought to be made up of grown-ups more than others, and it's always disappointing when I see it isn't. This is an example of why high expectations are the key to sadness.
You're a good player but your teabagging is tasteless.
I'm really sick of seeing this. Many times, I've been on the losing team in a super close, exciting, intense match. Then, while dead and spectating, feeling respect for the other team for pulling it off, I see someone teabagging. It just seems like this game ought to be made up of grown-ups more than others, and it's always disappointing when I see it isn't. This is an example of why high expectations are the key to sadness.
Sorry that must have been me I cant resist teabagging feel too right in this game!
Just wondering, have you ever seen a tasteful teabag?
I have and its wonderful like a fresh cup of joe during the dawn of a fresh spring morning gives me goosebumps!
But does your qualitative crux of a game usually lie entirely on matchmaking logic?
It's always awful. We're all trying to have fun and when you teabag you turn it into some weird masculine domination thing.
It's always awful. We're all trying to have fun and when you teabag you turn it into some weird masculine domination thing.
I feel like you're putting a little too much thought into how meaningless this action is. Real talk.