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The Last Story (US) |OT| One of Wii's epic last breaths.


Oh fuck me. Out of Xenoblade hype (getting it this weekend finally) I tried to play this again and I did the "Trials" but after I fought the
monster after you are poisoned
, Zael sits in a chair, and you're supposed to press A. Or at least that's what it was last time. The same thing happened right before I
activated the island or whatever
and he'd just sit. I can't press home, and I can't get up. I put it down for like a month last time and came back and pressed A and it worked there. Now I have the same problem. Greeaaaat.

Hmm, with the nunchuk you just have to push the direction that Zael has to stand. Not sure how it works with the classic controller.


I shot people I like more for less.
Played through this a bit before Christmas. Loved every minute of it. They really made the island feel lively, even if there really weren't a ton of things to do on it, and I loved just walking around and enjoying the music. The story was a bit cliche and obvious (still loved it), but the characters especially were awesome. For me, it's one of those games I was sad to finish because I wouldn't get to experience the characters and universe anymore. Great game.

As far as funny things, picking "touch her!" in the stargazer's tower twice gets you some funny stuff and during
the wedding scene, if you say no to Calista a few times, she'll hit you and you'll get a game over lol


Played through this a bit before Christmas. Loved every minute of it. They really made the island feel lively, even if there really weren't a ton of things to do on it, and I loved just walking around and enjoying the music. The story was a bit cliche and obvious (still loved it), but the characters especially were awesome. For me, it's one of those games I was sad to finish because I wouldn't get to experience the characters and universe anymore. Great game.

As far as funny things, picking "touch her!" in the stargazer's tower twice gets you some funny stuff and during
the wedding scene, if you say no to Calista a few times, she'll hit you and you'll get a game over lol

Yes me too. I just recently discovered i missed the 2 epilogue chapters, so i went to do those. I was literately laughing at your spoiler moment. same as the stargazer tower everything just has so much charm. Although you didn't do many things in the city it felt so alive. People fighting on the streets. burglars stealing on the market. Knight patrols in the neighborhood. drinking and laughter at the bars and banana pranking everybody was the best thing ever. I just really loved the world i was in. It was my goty last year and i hope to see more on the wii u.


Happy to hear that more people have played and enjoyed this game. On my second time through, and I just
activated the island fortress after the Realm of Ascendency.
Just a very epic scene.

I've also found a few things to do in town that I missed the first time around. Woo! This is a really rich experience, and, being a father, the length is pretty much perfect for an RPG.


Yeah, I wasn't really expecting that either.
Asthar was one of my favourite characters. I loved how he gave you so much knight philosohpy.

I agree with that a lot. This is my favorite wii game of all time by far (though I won't have Xenoblade till sometime this week now :( I have to wait...). I guess the Xenoblade thing is a blessing in disguise though because it gives me time to beat this.


Was it ever explained how (FINAL BOSS SPOILER)
Dagran got the drop on him? I can't remember if he ever explained it in detail.
Not that I can recall. I guess he was just at the right place at the right time.

I've honestly found this game to be quite inspirational in regards to its philosophy on knighthood, particularly during
Zael's trials.
It's a game that has motivated me to internalize some of the things it talks about. Especially when it comes to protecting others and making wise decisions.


Wow. Therius really starts to become an extremely likable character. On chapter 31 at
the ceremony

EDIT: Wow the refusal was really an epic moment. One of the best moments in the game so far!


Well I shut it off like 3 hours ago but I made it to
2nd form. I can't believe you can use prank bananas to trip him lol he even drops his lance when he falls!


Well I shut it off like 3 hours ago but I made it to
2nd form. I can't believe you can use prank bananas to trip him lol he even drops his lance when he falls!

Oh man, really? I need to do this the second time around. I just finished all of the optional chapters after chapter 19. Just did chapter 25,
the sea cave
, and it was a lot easier this time around. Taking the time to use summon circles and saying "yes" to continue fighting when Dagran says he can still sense enemies is really worth it. You don't really feel like you're grinding all that much since the summon circles only give high experience the fir 6-7 fights, and you feel really good that you can level up so quickly.

Going to do some pumpkin farming and try to finish off as many side quests as I can tomorrow evening.


Wow. Therius really starts to become an extremely likable character. On chapter 31 at
the ceremony

EDIT: Wow the refusal was really an epic moment. One of the best moments in the game so far!

I really love that moment in the game as well. It got me to crack a smile and give a "fuck yeah" in my mind. :)


How likable is this guy? Man.


Oh man, really? I need to do this the second time around.

I really love that moment in the game as well. It got me to crack a smile and give a "fuck yeah" in my mind. :)


How likable is this guy? Man.

Yeah, I was shocked haha! I was on a gamefaqs walkthrough (already had the last boss spoiled for me and knew zangy was coming) and it said he was vulnerable to prank bananas, so I stocked up on them before the
Gurak attack
and man was I happy. Zael is probably one of my favorite characters in any video game (although rather cliche) along with Syrenne and Lowell. I love this crew!


Just finished The Last Story over the weekend, and you can count me among its fans. Something very charming and likable about the cast, even
Dagren, in the end

I'm not much of a fan of videogame stories, usually because videogame developers don't seem to realize that plot is secondary to character development (but that is a topic for another, much longer, post). But these characters really grew on me; Lowell and Therius particularly. Perhaps their development arcs were fairly cliche, but they were executed very well. Voice cast was great.

It is such a unique game, structure-wise; a very linear story interspersed with some limited, but rewarding, open-world exploration. Battles seemed to play themselves at the start, but they were always fun, and eventually there was some level of strategy to be found. I had to grind a little to beat the final story boss, but I didn't mind (Thank Guch for Summon Circles). Very satisfying when I finally took him down. And the epilogue was awesome. Being able to experience and interact with the world you just saved for a little while was much more satisfying than an extended cutscene.

I also enjoyed how Zael and Calista's wedding was a freaking playable dungeon with a damn challenging final boss, a brilliant metaphor for marriage!

It is nice to be surprised. Most games fall into strict, obvious categories, and with all the information on the internet, you pretty much know what to expect before you even boot up the disc. The Last Story surprised the hell out of me. I didn't expect another amazing RPG on the Wii after Xenoblade. I didn't expect a cast of JRPG standard characters to be so intriguing. I didn't expect to care about some spiky-haired kid and his band of standard tropes.

This game proves my point above: PLOT DOESN'T MATTER! The plot of The Last Story is typical, over-dramatic JRPG nonsense about the "end of the world" and the "chosen one" who can save it. But the characters and their interactions and experiences together, tell the REAL story, and that story is fantastic.


I shot people I like more for less.
If I remember right, try to stay up close to it as much as possible. The worst attacks were the distance ones. You basically just have to make sure you guard against the up-close attacks so you don't get knocked down, since if he grabs you it's a one hit kill if you don't shake out of it. If you're still having trouble maybe level up on that summoning circle a bit more if you can.


If I remember right, try to stay up close to it as much as possible. The worst attacks were the distance ones. You basically just have to make sure you guard against the up-close attacks so you don't get knocked down, since if he grabs you it's a one hit kill if you don't shake out of it. If you're still having trouble maybe level up on that summoning circle a bit more if you can.

I'll try that, thanks! I'm already level 70, too...should I still grind?


I shot people I like more for less.
No, I want to say that's way higher than I was when I finished the game. You should be fine. Just make sure you guard with Zael as much as you can and use your spirit abilities when you can. Don't forget that Mirania's adds a life back to your count, so don't be afraid to use that if you need to.


I'll try that, thanks! I'm already level 70, too...should I still grind?

I finished the game around level 72 my first time through. You should be fine at 70. That last summon circle was soooo useful. I remember just hacking away like crazy and instructing my guys to attack non-stop. I beat the final boss on my first try, so it's hard to remember what my strategy was exactly, but yeah...block and slash away. Enjoy the epilogue. :) Go to gamefaqs and make sure you do all of the optional chapters in the epilogue!


Thanks guys! Yeah Mirania's Spirit ability is one of the best, except, you know,
. I'll be sure to do all of the optional chapters before I start Xenoblade.


Just finished up Chapter 38 again.
That whole fight with Jirall is incredibly well done. While it's not that difficult, the music, setting, and dialogue are all wonderful. I can't believe they made me feel absolute pity for him in the end.

I'll likely finish up the game again tomorrow night. Can't wait to try out some bananas on Zangurak!


Just finished up Chapter 38 again.
That whole fight with Jirall is incredibly well done. While it's not that difficult, the music, setting, and dialogue are all wonderful. I can't believe they made me feel absolute pity for him in the end.

I'll likely finish up the game again tomorrow night. Can't wait to try out some bananas on Zangurak!

It will be glorious, trust me! Haha. Tried to beat the final boss on Wednesday again, got to its final form and lost with about two or so hits left on him. I've gotta beat it before I beat Xenoblade.


It will be glorious, trust me! Haha. Tried to beat the final boss on Wednesday again, got to its final form and lost with about two or so hits left on him. I've gotta beat it before I beat Xenoblade.

Are you dodging and using the characters' special attacks? I just beat the game for the second time tonight, and I beat the final boss in one go again.

Going to take my time with the epilogue and just walk around and explore around the city a bit more. :) Probably going to spend another 5-6 hours on this before putting The Last Story away for good...or at least for a few years. Unless I get tempted to play through new game+...


Are you dodging and using the characters' special attacks? I just beat the game for the second time tonight, and I beat the final boss in one go again.

I've been trying to dodge though my success rate is slim, especially when it uses that huge beam that takes down a ton of your health. Will try again tomorrow though.

Edit: and to answer the other question yes I do. I normally have at least 1 heal circle and its usually Mirania casting it so I can have revive because of the + 1 life. As for Yurick he's using prominence until Big Bang is able to be used. Calista's special helps a lot though.


I shot people I like more for less.
If I remember right, all the attacks where he swings at you can be guarded against, and anything else you have to dive away from. Don't waste your time diffusing the prominence circles since I think it's immune to break. You should be fine if you just block/guard and then attack, as usually you have a couple free moments. If you get hit, try to make it to a recovery circle as soon as you can (I had trouble finding them sometimes, but you can use gale and then cancel if you're having trouble with that). And just remember to stay close as much as you can. Keeping gathering on helps a lot in that regard. Then again you probably know all this already :p You'll get it, just keep at it.


Yeah, I just blocked and attacked like a mad man, and then ran to the side and dodged when he used his beam.

And holy shit @ being able to use prank bananas on
LOL! Made both fights against him much easier.

Last night, I did
the wedding scene and the fight against Therius.
I did the first one with Zael only wearing his boxers for comedic effect, especially when he
wakes up the next morning and turns around to see Calista looking smoldering on the bed.
Good times!


Last night, I did
the wedding scene and the fight against Therius.
I did the first one with Zael only wearing his boxers for comedic effect, especially when he
wakes up the next morning and turns around to see Calista looking smoldering on the bed.
Good times!

Haha that's awesome! Xenoblade has me wrapped up in its damn engrossing story at the moment... Fuck me and my backlog of unfinished games.


Finished the game for the second time tonight. Did the other optional post-epilogue chapter and watched the gorgeous credits roll. It really is a game that I don't want to end. Very nice stuff all around. 8.5/10 for me.


I shot people I like more for less.
You really make me want to replay it. I wish I had the time right now :( someday though!


So.... I just started NG+

I missed a lot of things on my first play through. Including a side quest that gets you a unique item to upgrade Calista's clothes....

Is it worth it?


I shot people I like more for less.
So.... I just started NG+

I missed a lot of things on my first play through. Including a side quest that gets you a unique item to upgrade Calista's clothes....

Is it worth it?

Only played through once, but did upgrade those clothes once. I'd imagine they're quite good if you upgraded them to level 6, but it would take multiple playthroughs.


The once per playthrough items like the threads (they're threads, right?) bothered me. Apparently you can get them by winning the online deathmatch, too, but I super suck at deathmatch. Plus, you can hardly find anyone to play with you, so you can't practice, and then the last time I did, I got my ass kicked so badly I might as well have not been playing.


Only played through once, but did upgrade those clothes once. I'd imagine they're quite good if you upgraded them to level 6, but it would take multiple playthroughs.

I'm not sure I can commit to that. I just got monster Hunter 3 U.

I guess Last story is done for. I really enjoyed the game though.


Only played through once, but did upgrade those clothes once. I'd imagine they're quite good if you upgraded them to level 6, but it would take multiple playthroughs.

IIRC, you can buy the threads in NG+... maybe in the post-game portion of the game as well in a shop. Of course it would still take multiple playthroughs to get enough gold to hit the level cap on the clothes.


I shot people I like more for less.
IIRC, you can buy the threads in NG+... maybe in the post-game portion of the game as well in a shop. Of course it would still take multiple playthroughs to get enough gold to hit the level cap on the clothes.

Like meow said, you can get them via multiplayer, but I'm not sure how feasible that is. It also should be mentioned that you only need the threads up to level 9 iirc, then you need particles of the outsider to upgrade them further. They (and the knight's attire) can go to lvl 99 in new game plus, but again, it'd likely be a pain. Granted, this is just what I remember reading months ago, so I could be remembering incorrectly.
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