Not to be negative on the Xseed gods but I noticed an error in chapter 1. Alisa says "I hadn't considered that" but the text says "consider."
I found another one during Chapter 4 where "gentle" is spelled "genteel".
Not to be negative on the Xseed gods but I noticed an error in chapter 1. Alisa says "I hadn't considered that" but the text says "consider."
I found another one during Chapter 4 where "gentle" is spelled "genteel".
There's no reason to use him in the next game. He's literally the most useless character in the game. In sen 2, his craft attacks are status aliments and stats down but none of those work on bosses and regular battles aren't even that hard even on nightmare. His best support craft is the 50% heal along with ailments but there an artes that heals everyone to full health along with ailments that covers the whole map. He has high ATS stat which is tied to Alisa but it isn't that high either and Alisa can help regen CP. Emma has the highest ATS stat so there isn't really a point of using him as a damage dealer either.
Genteel is a word.
My Vita LE was delivered today. XSEED, y'all did a phenomenal packaging job.
Wow, they actually improved on the Ys LE packaging by having a hardcover clamshell instead.
Very very nice.
Ys? lol
You meant Cold steel, I presume![]()
He's talking about the Celceta LE that had a paper thin box. Cold Steel's appears to be much better. Can't speak for it much because I haven't opened mine yet.
A little sad that level-ups only refill HP and not EP as well, considering how quickly you burn through your reserves (at least this early in the game). Fortunately CP comes to you more frequently so you're not forced to horde your points for special occasions like in TitS.
A little sad that level-ups only refill HP and not EP as well, considering how quickly you burn through your reserves (at least this early in the game). Fortunately CP comes to you more frequently so you're not forced to horde your points for special occasions like in TitS.
In the later game, you can gain around 20 cp per turn by auto regen without buffs.
Resonance Beat and Holy Song combined with spells make him a far more effective healer than Alisa or Emma though. I think he's better if you're looking to go through the game as low level as possible where the others shine in situations where you're trying to maximize damage and all that.
When do I get to run around battling & grinding? The first 2 1/2 hours were a good start but the first hour of Chapter 1 is just exploring the school buildings an now I gotta do even more of that ta hand out notebooks. Ahhhh I just wanna level upppp!
When do I get to run around battling & grinding? The first 2 1/2 hours were a good start but the first hour of Chapter 1 is just exploring the school buildings an now I gotta do even more of that ta hand out notebooks. Ahhhh I just wanna level upppp!
That ultimate healing artes can even revive all fallen allies and it gives the buff that gives 20% heal per turn, so having a dedicated healer that can't offer anything else other than just healing is kinda pointless. The strongest characters can do around non-crit 200k+ damage per s-craft and the strongest caster can do around those numbers with 50% ATS buff, using Elliot would only drag battles out.
That ultimate healing artes can even revive all fallen allies and it gives the buff that gives 20% heal per turn, so having a dedicated healer that can't offer anything else other than just healing is kinda pointless. The strongest characters can do around non-crit 200k+ damage per s-craft and the strongest caster can do around those numbers with 50% ATS buff, using Elliot would only drag battles out.
How many chapters are in the game? I saw there was a trophy for over a 100 hours played..
200k??? So you're saying bosses in CS2 have health in the millions?
Also anyone playing on Hard? The chapter 1 boss took me 10 minutes but only due to the high health. Nobody died or even hit red. I'm fine with Normal for mobs but I wouldn't mind more of a challenge. I have a save before the boss so I'm half tempted to do it again on Hard.
There's the game case, the artbook, and then a little cardboard thing that has the pin inside. If you don't have it, then yours is messed up.
Seems like you're not the only one. Noticed someone else on Twitter claiming they didn't get the pin either.
So is it simply impossible even on new game + to get 100% bond status with all characters in one run? That seems really dumb :/ I can get if the game only let you have one romance option (if that is even a thing lol) and once you picked it all other girls were locked out.
So is it simply impossible even on new game + to get 100% bond status with all characters in one run? That seems really dumb :/ I can get if the game only let you have one romance option (if that is even a thing lol) and once you picked it all other girls were locked out.
Take advantage of save scumming.
There isoptions in the game? didnt know that.romance
Not exactly, I'm afraid. It's bonding, like Persona's social links.
Not exactly, I'm afraid. It's bonding, like Persona's social links.
I'm almost certain Seraphim Ring isn't available until the latter half of the game. I don't recall getting it in the first 3/4ths. It also has a massive EP cost and is healing overkill when 30% or 50% is enough to keep you topped out.
As I said in my last post, he's a pretty important character if you're trying to complete the game at lower levels. He might not be as useful if you're just trying to melt everything but that's only one way to play the game.
Is each sequence unique on each day? If I can see all the story bits in one run with s/l but simply can't get all trophies thats fine.
How to get the deepen bond trophies...
All of these Deepen bond trophies are from the dance event during school festival, so yes you can save scum
I'd recommend you check a guide for it though. It's not as simple.
There's a bond guide? Where!?
My main priority is ultimate optimisations >.<
So the answer is yes each available bond is unique each day so you can s/l to see all story bits but have to commit to only certain characters getting the extra link exp.
Yeah, this is a better guide. Explains the bonding requirements in-depth.英雄...ll-Walkthrough
Not sure if better guide exists, it doesn't give any recommendations for who to bond with just states who's available when.
I'm sorry, but the on and off voicework is so bad, it feels amateurish. It's like random lines are voiced in the middle of the dialogue, just a couple of them. I know it's not XSEED's fault, but what was Falcom thinking?
I'm sorry, but the on and off voicework is so bad, it feels amateurish. It's like random lines are voiced in the middle of the dialogue, just a couple of them. I know it's not XSEED's fault, but what was Falcom thinking?
Yeah I understand voices only for major plot line events, but the on/off is so unpredictable in this game.
The secret is that this has been all of Falcom's non-Ys games (cause of close to zero voice acting in those) since Zero no Kiseki in 2010. Zero had the least voice work, Ao had a bit more, CS had significantly more, CSII built on that, and then Tokyo Xanadu probably has the most of the bunch.
How's the voice work consistency for the Evolution titles?
100% all the time IIRC.
It doesn't make sense then since Zero Evo came out in 2012.
If it's space that is an issue, at least they could do the usual compromise and only voice major plot events instead of sporadic voice acting
It doesn't make sense then since Zero Evo came out in 2012.
If it's space that is an issue, at least they could do the usual compromise and only voice major plot events instead of sporadic voice acting
It doesn't make sense then since Zero Evo came out in 2012.
If it's space that is an issue, at least they could do the usual compromise and only voice major plot events instead of sporadic voice acting