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The Lord of the Rings Online |OT| F2P lets everyone simply walk into Mordor


How is this game for people with high ping? I'd like to try this out (kinda bored of WoW and looking for a fun PVE mmo) but I'm stuck with 800-2000 ping. In WoW the Hunter and Warlock classes were playable with that lag since the pet could tank for you and their skills were mostly instant, does LOTRO have anything similiar?
I really like what I have played so far. This may be a stupid question, but is anyone else having trouble reading the text at high resolutions? The text seems blurry and when you increase the size ratio of the text it makes it even more blurrier. It is sort of giving me a headache trying to read.


Before I delve into this, is there some sort of organized GAF guild (or whatever the game has as a guild counterpart) and can you access all servers from all around the world?


Started a Character on Riddermark. Have had no queues so far (I'm wondering how long that will last). Character Name: Owensboro


Eaten By A Grue said:
I really like what I have played so far. This may be a stupid question, but is anyone else having trouble reading the text at high resolutions? The text seems blurry and when you increase the size ratio of the text it makes it even more blurrier. It is sort of giving me a headache trying to read.
I've kinda had the same problem. The enviroment and characters are sharp yet the UI and creation screen feels very blurry. Not just the text, but icons and images as well.


Sorry if this has been covered, I did a quick read of the thread and may have overlooked it...does anyone know if you can use game time cards to activate VIP status on a free to play account?


Shanadeus said:
I've kinda had the same problem. The enviroment and characters are sharp yet the UI and creation screen feels very blurry. Not just the text, but icons and images as well.
Yeah that's my only gripe. I can't figure out any way to make the UI less blurry and odd looking.

EDIT: Anyone know if there's some special rule about Kinship population? My kinship has 10 people in it at the moment, but it keeps giving me the warning about being disbanded because I have under eight people in it.


notworksafe said:
EDIT: Anyone know if there's some special rule about Kinship population? My kinship has 10 people in it at the moment, but it keeps giving me the warning

The message will go away after a couple days, as long as you have 10 people in your kinship.


Haeleos said:
The message will go away after a couple days, as long as you have 10 people in your kinship.
Cool, thanks. I was getting worried there for a bit. We're adding new people pretty often so it shouldn't be an problem.
Shanadeus said:
I've kinda had the same problem. The enviroment and characters are sharp yet the UI and creation screen feels very blurry. Not just the text, but icons and images as well.

Same here. Particularly evident on the main menu.


Looks like you get 10 free points in like the 10th quest of the beginner quests when you play as an elf. If this can be repeated on all your characters then I suppose that's a way to get some points.


For all you people rolling F2P toons on Brandywine, how bad are the queues? At peak times in the evenings even VIP people are having to wait a minute or two to get into the game. If we're really at a higher priority than freebies, how long are people having to wait?


there is joy in sucking dick
ag-my001 said:
For all you people rolling F2P toons on Brandywine, how bad are the queues? At peak times in the evenings even VIP people are having to wait a minute or two to get into the game. If we're really at a higher priority than freebies, how long are people having to wait?

All the times I've entered I've averaged around a 2 Minute wait and I've got a F2P account
finally figured out my username for the moria expansion so now i have warden and rune keeper unlocked. i hate class choices. hardest part of playing an mmo for me. :lol


I'm loving playing as a Warden :)

GAF Kinship is growing nicely! Go to Brandywine server, people. The queues really aren't that bad at all!

(like maybe 2 minutes)


Or come to Silverlode for the secondary GAF
kinship...with no queue times! :D

EDIT: Now that I got the game working properly under CrossOver I'll be on a bunch tonight after my WoW raid. Just send a tell to Jeeperskeepers or Scarce if you're on Silverlode and want in!


Kite said:
How is this game for people with high ping? I'd like to try this out (kinda bored of WoW and looking for a fun PVE mmo) but I'm stuck with 800-2000 ping. In WoW the Hunter and Warlock classes were playable with that lag since the pet could tank for you and their skills were mostly instant, does LOTRO have anything similiar?
Unless things have changed since launch days, there isn't a class really similar to hunters or locks. Their LOTRO counterparts are, well, Hunter or Lore Master, but the first doesn't have pets (it's a glass cannon DPS) and the second's pets (unless they changed it) wasn't used for tanking, it was mainly for added damage and Flank! procs.
I made a Brandywine toon for whenever there's nothing to do in my primary server, Firefoot. Toon name is Nolanorth. Look forward to playing with you guys here and there. :)
Yeah, just add Teladain to your friends list and send him a tell. Keep in mind you have to be either level 6 or out of the nooby quest zone (not sure which) before you can receive an invite.
What? It requires a payment method for me to use this Moria key? That's kind of shitty. Anyone figured out how to get around this? I'd rather avoid giving them my CC if at all possible.


Subconscious Brolonging
elrechazao said:
Is there a list of people we can message for gaf invites on brandywine?

I'm elrechazao on brandywine.


Despiriel (another officer who can invite)
Tonica (another officer who can invite)

Everyone who has posted their Brandywine character's name in this thread, I have you added to friends so if you come online while I'm on, I'll send you an invite. Otherwise if you see one of those characters listed above on, just send them a tell saying you're from GAF.
Im just posting for a banned member (charsace aka hunter) who wants to join the guild. Her character name is saellauraen.

She'll be back on the 17th
Spire said:

Despiriel (another officer who can invite)
Tonica (another officer who can invite)

Everyone who has posted their Brandywine character's name in this thread, I have you added to friends so if you come online while I'm on, I'll send you an invite. Otherwise if you see one of those characters listed above on, just send them a tell saying you're from GAF.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Shanadeus said:
Looks like you get 10 free points in like the 10th quest of the beginner quests when you play as an elf. If this can be repeated on all your characters then I suppose that's a way to get some points.
Turbine points are earned through gameplay by completing deeds. there's a Deeds tab on your UI in game to check your progress. Deeds are things like "Kill X amount of wolves" or "Find all the farms in the shire" or "Complete X number of quests". The amount of TP you get range from 5 for a lot of easy low level deeds to 10 or 20 for successive deeds. it may not sound like much, but there are TONS of deeds in the game and they all count for your TP total even if you delete your character and start over with the same account and redo all the deeds again, re-earning even more TP. this also adds more if you have other characters on other servers.

Even without the TP, the deeds are worth doing because you you can earn traits that allow you to buff your character in many different ways. you need to visit a NPC bard like the one inside the prancing pony to equip these traits.

Fun fact: Try getting to level 20 without being defeated to earn the title "The Undying"
Had to enter CC info, but in game now on Silverlode.

Armenius 5 Rune-Keeper.

Side Note: LOTRO helped me finally diagnose a major irritation with my new computer. So happy now.


Ugghhhh roll on Landroval you nubs.

Then again, maybe starting on Brandywine then later coming over to Landroval will help you realize your fatal mistake.


Anyone having trouble deleting the murkwood folder? It says I need permission to delete but I'm trying to delete it from a administer account which is also my only account on my laptop.

ACE 1991

So is anyone on Brandywine using ventrilo and headsets? I'm about to hop on.

Edit: I'm Funa and in the GAF kinship, just in case you wanted to add me to the OP.


Subconscious Brolonging
VicVip3r said:
Has anyone gotten an update error when opening the launcher? I can't seem to update the game to the public version.

You won't be able to play the game with the beta client, you'll have to download the public one.

So is anyone on Brandywine using ventrilo and headsets? I'm about to hop on.

Edit: I'm Funa and in the GAF kinship, just in case you wanted to add me to the OP.

We were, think we're all off now though. A lot of guys should be on later tonight, I'd hop on then.

BattleMonkey said:
Having trouble connecting today

This weekend is going to be the worst for the servers, it should even out during the week though.


Wallach said:
Ugghhhh roll on Landroval you nubs.

Then again, maybe starting on Brandywine then later coming over to Landroval will help you realize your fatal mistake.

Both have large populations, and both are excluded from character transfers at the moment. Gladden, Firefoot, and Windfola are where it's at for having no queues. They may even have lower populations than some of the new servers right now.


Evenball said:
Turbine points are earned through gameplay by completing deeds. there's a Deeds tab on your UI in game to check your progress. Deeds are things like "Kill X amount of wolves" or "Find all the farms in the shire" or "Complete X number of quests". The amount of TP you get range from 5 for a lot of easy low level deeds to 10 or 20 for successive deeds. it may not sound like much, but there are TONS of deeds in the game and they all count for your TP total even if you delete your character and start over with the same account and redo all the deeds again, re-earning even more TP. this also adds more if you have other characters on other servers.

Even without the TP, the deeds are worth doing because you you can earn traits that allow you to buff your character in many different ways. you need to visit a NPC bard like the one inside the prancing pony to equip these traits.

Fun fact: Try getting to level 20 without being defeated to earn the title "The Undying"
I don't think this was part of the deed system, you're given 10 points and then a quest which require you to buy an item to progress. I just skipped the quest and kept my points, wondered if I could possibly repeat this with all my characters - talk to the guy, get the points and then simply ignore the quest.
Might be quicker than farming deeds, and get one points pretty quickly.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Shanadeus said:
I don't think this was part of the deed system, you're given 10 points and then a quest which require you to buy an item to progress. I just skipped the quest and kept my points, wondered if I could possibly repeat this with all my characters - talk to the guy, get the points and then simply ignore the quest.
Might be quicker than farming deeds, and get one points pretty quickly.

Nope. The quest can only be completed once per server.


Shanadeus said:
I don't think this was part of the deed system, you're given 10 points and then a quest which require you to buy an item to progress. I just skipped the quest and kept my points, wondered if I could possibly repeat this with all my characters - talk to the guy, get the points and then simply ignore the quest.
Might be quicker than farming deeds, and get one points pretty quickly.

What did they want you to buy? I haven't done the new zones, but generally every zone has a deed that is "Complete 10, 20, and 30 quests in this zone" and you would get TP for each tier you complete.
Wallach said:
What did they want you to buy? I haven't done the new zones, but generally every zone has a deed that is "Complete 10, 20, and 30 quests in this zone" and you would get TP for each tier you complete.
It's just an intro quest, to get you acquainted with the LOTRO Store.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Soooo glad to see F2P breathing new life into the game! Although I'm not a current player I still love LOTRO, and I was getting worried about the status of the game. Hopefully this influx of players (and cash!) means we're going to get more LOTRO expansions for years to come.

There is still soooo much awesomeness Turbine will now hopefully be able to get through. The current rumor is that Isengard (and hopefully Rohan) are next. The Lonely Mountain, Gondor, Helm's Deep, Northern Mirkwood, and of course Mordor itself are still forthcoming. I'm now MUCH more optimistic about seeing all this content.

I'm glad people are understanding that Turbine is doing free to play pay for item the "right" way, and that not all F2P MMO setups are equal - most are much more unfair to the player. But Turbine's system still allows them to make plenty of $$$.

I wish I could join you guys, though. I keep torturing myself by reading this topic even though I won't be able to dive back into LOTRO until like Feb. at the earliest.
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