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The Lord of the Rings Online |OT| F2P lets everyone simply walk into Mordor


GDJustin said:
There is still soooo much awesomeness Turbine will now hopefully be able to get through. The current rumor is that Isengard (and hopefully Rohan) are next.

Isengard has been confirmed by them as the next zone expansion.


there is joy in sucking dick
Evenball said:
Fun fact: Try getting to level 20 without being defeated to earn the title "The Undying"

Holy shit, I want that title. I'm currently at around level 12 and haven't died yet.


BlueTsunami said:
Holy shit, I want that title. I'm currently at around level 12 and haven't died yet.

It's funny, there's always been some controversy over that series of titles (there are 5 from 1-20 starting with "The Wary"). People that re-roll a bunch of times and can't get it because they disconnect in an enemy camp, or their computer stalls briefly and they go careening off a cliff...

I say go for it, but don't think about it too much if you do die before 20.


aidan said:
Nope. The quest can only be completed once per server.
Right, but that might mean that they'll hand out the points still perhaps?
Now that I think about it, they probably only give out 10 points per server at most.

EDIT: Testing it out right now, created a second character on the same server and will check if this one will get 10 points.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Wallach said:
Yes, it was part of the F2P patch.

Oooh... I didn't realize the patch actually added new zone(s) and quests. Is there a good online resource that goes over what has been added to LOTRO on what date/patch?

I don't see a good central page on the lotro wiki.


GDJustin said:
Oooh... I didn't realize the patch actually added new zone(s) and quests. Is there a good online resource that goes over what has been added to LOTRO on what date/patch?

I don't see a good central page on the lotro wiki.

That I don't know. I guess you could go through the release notes section on the official site and work backwards.

Just focus on finding the updates that add new books. This was Vol. 3, Book 2: The Ride of the Grey Company. Guess you could work backwards from that, as those are what will introduce new zones and quest content.
Wallach said:
You should be fine. In fact you should be able to log straight into the game with your old account.

Ah thats great. Found out it hadn't started for EU yet though so a bit more waiting before I jump in again. Not sure if my account is there still, can't reactivate it or nothing. Contacted support in the meantime. Would be nice to still have my old character, not sure if I will start if I can't play with the old one.
So I'm half way through the LOTRO download (through the pando downloader or whatever) and it's just stopped. It says "calculating time remaining" but not actually downloading. I've quit and restarted, it starts downloading but soon just goes down to nothing and is stuck on that message. As usual the FAQ and troubleshooting pages are of no help. Any ideas?


Okay, I created another elf on the same server and went and talked with Dwalin - no store quest or any 10 points where given to me.
I'll go ahead and try this out on Silverlode as well, where I have a Hobbit, and then on a completely new server where I haven't created anything and check if you get these 10 points more than once - and if you can only do this special quest on the first character that gets the quest.


Show your characters people!

(pose, hit printscreen, find them in the Lord of the Rings folder in your documents)

This is Dagrad, my Warden :)



Eaten By A Grue said:
How are you guys even creating free accounts, it is like the main page is screwed up when I submit my information. It shows a window in a window when I click "submit".

I'm still having this issue. Any advice?


Suikoguy said:
Just try it again, it should eventually work.

OK. I've tried it several times over the last 24+ hours, but I haven't spammed it since I thought I was doing something wrong. I'll give it a few more tries. Thanks.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
ElJuice said:
OK. I've tried it several times over the last 24+ hours, but I haven't spammed it since I thought I was doing something wrong. I'll give it a few more tries. Thanks.

It did it to me once, but the second time I tried it worked. Might want to try another browser also.


Okay, I popped in my original game discs to install, and now it's patching but it's patching slooooooooowly. Maybe I should just have used that Pando installer.


Suikoguy said:
It did it to me once, but the second time I tried it worked. Might want to try another browser also.

I appreciate the advice, thanks. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get it to work after several attempts on every browser I have. There must be something weird on my end if it works for everyone else.


Looking to give this a try but being on a Mac I have to jump through some hoops to get it to work. Hopefully this will tide me over till GW2.


Cool Smoke Luke
notworksafe said:
Yeah that's my only gripe. I can't figure out any way to make the UI less blurry and odd looking.

EDIT: Anyone know if there's some special rule about Kinship population? My kinship has 10 people in it at the moment, but it keeps giving me the warning about being disbanded because I have under eight people in it.

the ui gets blurrie when you change the size of the ui elements
go to options and make sure all ui elements are set to 1.0 not 1.2 ect.
also use the daimon 4.1 ui it has 3 different version and you can customize for your desktop resolution

here's a rather large pic showing the base interface fro all 3 versions that come with it
So I'm really liking this game. My one issue is that there seems to be a kind of lack of impact. I don't think it's performance or lag, there's just not the same sense of crisp timing, impact, whatever you might say, when attacking things, interacting with the world, etc, that wow had. Am I just imagining this?
Damn, there's a ton of us Minstrels in the gaf guild I think :lol that's gonna make us pretty popular tho, as I've seen lf healer more than anything else so far.

I'd love to post a picture of my guy, but I realized earlier that he's rockin an omega pedo-stache and needs to find a barber post haste.

Still can't get over how funny it is to kill things as a minstrel, especially things that try to run. I'm like chasing after him yelling "HEY! Come back, I just want you to listen to this song" and then they die. I think my guy may really suck at music.


elrechazao said:
So I'm really liking this game. My one issue is that there seems to be a kind of lack of impact. I don't think it's performance or lag, there's just not the same sense of crisp timing, impact, whatever you might say, when attacking things, interacting with the world, etc, that wow had. Am I just imagining this?
Nope. It doesn't feel as 'snappy' as WoW.
Fun game so far. The combat is the only thing I have an issue with.....and the server lag. I'm guessing the lag is being caused by the fact that its the first weekend of its F2P state, so I'll let it slide. :lol I'm in Brandywine as 'Chiquitita', so please dispense with the invites as soon as possible. :D


Dresden said:
Nope. It doesn't feel as 'snappy' as WoW.

Well, one thing that isn't as apparent right away is that there's a timer that controls your attack rate. You can turn on a visual indicator for this in the UI settings, but the general idea is that there's a timer that is pretty similar to your auto-attack timer (at least for Guardians) for when you can launch your next skill. "Fast" skills break this restriction but reset the timer. You can queue up skills "two deep" if you want to see this more clearly. For example, as a Guardian when I block, I can hit Shield Swipe (block reactive), then just immediately queue up Bash (2nd block chain reactive, cannot fire until Shield Swipe finishes) and it will go off when Shield Swipe finishes even though it was unavailable at the time I hit the button.

Also worth noting is that "Immediate" class skills can be fired *during* other moves, and you will still get the full effect of the skill currently in progress UNLESS you are in the middle of an induction (cast bar). Again as an example, I can start Shield Smash (maybe... 1 second full animation) then immediately hit Stamp and it will cancel the animation of Shield Smash to do Stamp but will give me the full damage and stun from Shield Smash (but again resets my skill timer).


Coldsnap said:
how come my ui, character, and chat goes blurry sometimes?

You're either drunk, or you have dread from dieing or being close to something really evil. Dread turns part of your health bar orange and covers your compass with the eye of Sauron.

As for chat, I don't know. Maybe you're drunk irl?

Elendilmir is a complete mess tonight.


Subconscious Brolonging
ag-my001 said:
There's also been a lot of performance issues tonight, server lag, lost chat connections, etc.

Yeah, there are nearly 65,000 people on Brandywine right now. Server is buckling a bit. Hopefully it'll calm down by Monday.

Although oddly the queue is still pretty short.


Spire said:
Yeah, there are nearly 65,000 people on Brandywine right now. Server is buckling a bit. Hopefully it'll calm down by Monday.

Although oddly the queue is still pretty short.

Where is this pop counter?


Spire said:
Yeah, there are nearly 65,000 people on Brandywine right now. Server is buckling a bit. Hopefully it'll calm down by Monday.

Although oddly the queue is still pretty short.

65,000??? That is huge, are you sure?


Subconscious Brolonging
TheExodu5 said:
Where is this pop counter?


Shows the current queue number, every time someone tries to log in it assigns them a queue number. It's not an exact number of how many people are actually playing, but it gives an idea of how many people have logged in within the last hour or so.

Before this update the server cap for players was 40,000. Since they've added layering, I'm not sure what the cap is anymore. Turbine is saying their servers are actually doing fine, but they're having issues with their ISP, Verizon. Hopefully they can get it all sorted out soon.


Spire said:

Shows the current queue number, every time someone tries to log in it assigns them a queue number. It's not an exact number of how many people are actually playing, but it gives an idea of how many people have logged in within the last hour or so.

Before this update the server cap for players was 40,000. Since they've added layering, I'm not sure what the cap is anymore. Turbine is saying their servers are actually doing fine, but they're having issues with their ISP, Verizon. Hopefully they can get it all sorted out soon.

I guess this kind of gives credence to the Brandywine > Landroval > Elendilmir > everyone else theory in terms of population.


Those numbers are way too high. There's tons of server lag if more than 100 people show up in the Ettenmoors at once, and they'll often be server issues if 4+ groups are running the same raid at the same time. With how many times people have been booted from the game tonight, there's bound to be lots of double, triple, etc. counting.

For the relative populations of each server, the best data has come from in-game events. There have been a couple of events that progress as players turn in quests. People have kept track of the turn-ins to show that Brandywine is first, Elendilmir second, Landroval third, and the others following behind. I think Windfola was the lowest, but it may have been Gladden. Either way, I'm surprised they started up four new servers when there were several low pop ones still going.


Subconscious Brolonging
ag-my001 said:
Those numbers are way too high. There's tons of server lag if more than 100 people show up in the Ettenmoors at once, and they'll often be server issues if 4+ groups are running the same raid at the same time. With how many times people have been booted from the game tonight, there's bound to be lots of double, triple, etc. counting.

For the relative populations of each server, the best data has come from in-game events. There have been a couple of events that progress as players turn in quests. People have kept track of the turn-ins to show that Brandywine is first, Elendilmir second, Landroval third, and the others following behind. I think Windfola was the lowest, but it may have been Gladden. Either way, I'm surprised they started up four new servers when there were several low pop ones still going.

That's just lag from having so many people on your screen at once, has nothing really to do with how many people are actually on the server, and it only effects the people in that area. We know the server was 40,000, and considering how busy they are I wouldn't doubt they've hit or are at least close. With layering, who knows, it might even be higher. Also, I've been watching Brandywine on it and which it reset the queue at 10 it only went down by a couple hundred, and then started climbing again. That number has to be relatively close.
Silverlode is having major lag as well. I guess the F2P is successful in that it's brought in a TON of people! Now lets see how many get hooked and open up their credit cards to Turbine

I received a free 500 points at PAX, bought the 1000 from D2D last night and have earned around 300 through deeds. I've already bought a the riding skill, a horse, some clothing dyes and a hauberk.

Where can I buy turbine point cards? :lol

Providing Turbine with my CC would be so dangerous....


Reluctant-Hero said:
Silverlode is having major lag as well. I guess the F2P is successful in that it's brought in a TON of people! Now lets see how many get hooked and open up their credit cards to Turbine

I received a free 500 points at PAX, bought the 1000 from D2D last night and have earned around 300 through deeds. I've already bought a the riding skill, a horse, some clothing dyes and a hauberk.

Where can I buy turbine point cards? :lol

Providing Turbine with my CC would be so dangerous....
Yeah been getting some lag as well. I totally forgot to toss you a kinship invite as well (I think. It is hard to keep everyone's name straight)! What's your name again?
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