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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


This bit worries me some:

With a franchise of this depth and scope, it's understandable that the first two episodes might not be enough to fully establish the world that the series will be introducing fans to, some for the first time. Most critics seem to acknowledge the arduous task of world building, like Brandon Katz who praised the new series for its unrivaled "scale, scope, ambition and grandiosity." While others like Rob Keyes pointed out that there is still work to do to make the plot exciting, which was echoed by Meghan O'Keefe who theorized that the plot could either fall apart or rule after the second episode.

Come on, TWO EPISODES in and "the plot could rule"? WTF with these writers? 2 epis is an ENTIRE FILM, enough with the dwadling, glacial plotting these "prestige shows" try to pull these days. Show me the hero. Show me the bad guy. Tell me of their conflict. We used to be able to do this in the OPENING CREDITS of a show :p
Just because an episode is long as a film doesn’t mean it should follow that format. First episode could just be an introduction to characters and some world building with the plot slowly coming forth


Would have preferred the background music of



If the objective was to go crazy with special effects why not tell the story of Fëanor or something like that? They would have a lot more room to come up with stuff if they went back way further with the story. Give me a guy that can stand up to a bunch of Balrogs.
I think we can all agree that Tolkien's work on the Silmarillion needs to be incredibly simplified for modern audience, for example the number of characters needs to be cut by at least 90%, otherwise everyone that is not a fan will get confused immediately.

This show was never going to make Tolkien fans happy, it's impossible given the source material.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So funny enough, I really don't care about this series but I saw that Return of the King is available on Amazon Prime Video and it's the only Lord of the Rings movie I haven't seen yet.

Yes, I know, the conclusion to the series I still haven't seen but I'm finally watching it. I'm going to watch it in short spurts. I watched 1 hour tonight and I'll probably watch 1 hour tomorrow and then the last hour and 20 minutes the day after that.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So I went ahead and watched that trailer. I thought I had seen it but I guess I didn't.

The Hobbit girl with the messy hair is cute. She's the one with the apple in her hand.

Also, a lot of the scenery looks really nice. I really like that elevator scene. Everything looks really pretty and beautiful and fantastical.

This sort of has a "high magic"type of look to it compared to the more "low magic" appearance of the original movies.

I'm actually pretty intrigued right now and minus the obvious "checkmarked" requirements that most movies and shows require nowadays, I must admit it looks decent.

Besides, I'm not paying anything extra because I already have Amazon Prime since I use it a lot so I might as well watch this and get something out of it besides The Boys.
I think we can all agree that Tolkien's work on the Silmarillion needs to be incredibly simplified for modern audience, for example the number of characters needs to be cut by at least 90%, otherwise everyone that is not a fan will get confused immediately.

This show was never going to make Tolkien fans happy, it's impossible given the source material.
I disagree. All you need to do is select a few of the stories and work on each one individually. Most of them lack a lot details so you are left with a lot room to work with.

Each story could end up being a season of a show and if done properly they would create something phenomenal as to me the Silmarillion is probably Tolkien's best work (despite being very different from his other books that were edited and published while he was alive).
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I disagree. All you need to do is select a few of the stories and work on each one individually. Most of them lack a lot details so you are left with a lot room to work with.

Each story could end up being a season of a show and if done properly they would create something phenomenal as to me the Silmarillion is probably Tolkien's best work (despite being very different from his other books that were edited and published while he was alive).

Agreed. The Children of Húrin would make an epic, although very dark, mini series.


All you need to do is select a few of the stories and work on each one individually. Most of them lack a lot details so you are left with a lot room to work with.

That's exactly what they did with the Rings of Power: they invented a lot of new characters to fill the holes in the Númenor storyline.

Otherwise, we all agree: The Children of Húrin is masterful. Turin Turambar would be perfect for an adaptation (but our era is terrible, 20 years ago, it would have been perfect): he's a grey character, neither black nor white, the plot rotates around him (that's what they do with Galadriel: she's the big heroine of the series, whereas it's not the case in the books).
That's exactly what they did with the Rings of Power: they invented a lot of new characters to fill the holes in the Númenor storyline.
No, they made up a lot of bullshit and distorted things so that they wouldn't have to bother telling the actual story. Two very different things.

I'm talking about finding a way to tell the story that is already written, so being as respectful and faithful as possible to justify it being made in the first place. If you are going to change too much what is even the point?
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I didn't know this was coming. It needs more Legolas and questionable physics. As long as this isn't an absolute bore like the Hobbit films, then it'll be worth a watch.

Hari Seldon

That's exactly what they did with the Rings of Power: they invented a lot of new characters to fill the holes in the Númenor storyline.

Otherwise, we all agree: The Children of Húrin is masterful. Turin Turambar would be perfect for an adaptation (but our era is terrible, 20 years ago, it would have been perfect): he's a grey character, neither black nor white, the plot rotates around him (that's what they do with Galadriel: she's the big heroine of the series, whereas it's not the case in the books).
I don't think Amazon has rights to any of that stuff right? Christopher probably put that shit on lockdown in his will lmao.


As someone who loves comics and the MCU, I still don't understand people screaming for an adaptation identical to the source material. I have no issue if the adaptation is 0% like the source material.
As someone who loves comics and the MCU, I still don't understand people screaming for an adaptation identical to the source material. I have no issue if the adaptation is 0% like the source material.
I'm fine with no adaptations as well, I prefer it that way even.

If you love comics and the MCU, what are you not going to love?
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Hari Seldon

As someone who loves comics and the MCU, I still don't understand people screaming for an adaptation identical to the source material. I have no issue if the adaptation is 0% like the source material.
I mean I don't care that much if they change the story in terms of time compression, combine characters, etc. The problem I will have is of they do anti-Tolkien things like nudity and sex, allegories to modern politics, etc.
Would depend on how the showrunners are presenting it, if they're passing it off as an accurate adaption or loosely based.
I don't care about how they present it, it always ends up the same way when the person adapting the material has no respect for it and tries to do their own thing (with the very rare exception occurring when the person in charge of the adaptation is extraordinarily talented and can get away with going a different direction).

What have the people behind this series ever done? It's likely another case of David Benioff and D. B. Weiss all over again, talentless hacks cashing in on a established IP, trying to milk it.
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YouTube compression is harsh. This looks both crazy expensive and fake like hobbit movies.

Still don't know anything about the story so I'm keeping my expectations low hopefully to be pleasantly surprised. It is a 2022 TV series though.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Would depend on how the showrunners are presenting it, if they're passing it off as an accurate adaption or loosely based.

Their intention is to try and create the novel that Tolkien never wrote:

"Can we come up with the novel Tolkien never wrote and do it as the mega-event series that could only happen now?"

Absolute hubris. No. Two nobody writers can't come up with something in close in scale to what Tolkien wrote. The idea they can is laughable and offensive, especially as they also want this series to appeal to modern sensibilities.



Gold Member
There were good parts, but overall they were too long and drawn out. The 3rd film was bad, should have just been 2.
"overall they were too long and drawn out" yes, and then they cramped in the ending which I liked in the book and wanted to see in the film and the love story between an elf and a dwarf was better off not been seen by men. But I still enjoy it overall


I don't think Amazon has rights to any of that stuff right? Christopher probably put that shit on lockdown in his will lmao.
The Tolkien Estate has the rights, but Amazon can use the LOTR appendices. Maybe there were deals for specific stuff... it's very obscure, actually.

"overall they were too long and drawn out" yes, and then they cramped in the ending which I liked in the book and wanted to see in the film and the love story between an elf and a dwarf was better off not been seen by men. But I still enjoy it overall
Did you really enjoy Tauriel as a character?


Their intention is to try and create the novel that Tolkien never wrote:

"Can we come up with the novel Tolkien never wrote and do it as the mega-event series that could only happen now?"

Absolute hubris. No. Two nobody writers can't come up with something in close in scale to what Tolkien wrote. The idea they can is laughable and offensive, especially as they also want this series to appeal to modern sensibilities.


According to Business Insider, Amazon are seeing this show as the make or break for their streaming intentions going forward.

:messenger_tears_of_joy: Oh dear.


As someone who loves comics and the MCU, I still don't understand people screaming for an adaptation identical to the source material. I have no issue if the adaptation is 0% like the source material.
Well, is it really an adaptation if it`s 0% like the source material? Anyway, you can`t really blame fans of the books for wanting a faithful adaptation, as well as one can`t blame people who aren`t bothered by the lack of faithful adaptation, I think it`s a two way street. I, for one don`t care if it`s faithful because I didn`t read the books, but I would like it to be faithful-to a reasonable extent-to the movie trilogy.

Because, if it`s not, than what have we, an adaptation of an adaptation? And you could just go on like this down the years until what remains are only the names. And it would also confuse me :messenger_beaming: and end up watching the show for the sake of it, and it`s not fair, because it might be quite good.

Ulysses 31

No, what's the point? I'm a huge LotR fan. What Peter Jackson did was legendary. I'm not gonna spoil my memories of LotR with anything inferior.
Personally I do get kick out of YTers tearing apart a lot of (post-modernist/deconstructionist) bad writing coming out of Hollywood these days(especially if it's based on well established franchises). And on the slight chance that something is actually good those things are usually pointed out too and I may even check out the shows for myself in that case.

Rat Rage

Personally I do get kick out of YTers tearing apart a lot of (post-modernist/deconstructionist) bad writing coming out of Hollywood these days(especially if it's based on well established franchises). And on the slight chance that something is actually good those things are usually pointed out too and I may even check out the shows for myself in that case.

Fair enough.

Ulysses 31

I would recommend stop letting your opinions be formed by YouTubers or outside influences. Think for yourself come up with your own ideas and evaluate what you watch on your own. Then come talk about it.

I think most of us do that but shut out the noise.
I don't just copy their takes, I look at their reasoning too and it's usually for shows I had no interest in watching anyway. Glaring faults like in Obi-Wan(Leia chases, laser blockade that can be walked around of, trench coat scene) can be mocked without having watched the show itself.
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Well, is it really an adaptation if it`s 0% like the source material? Anyway, you can`t really blame fans of the books for wanting a faithful adaptation, as well as one can`t blame people who aren`t bothered by the lack of faithful adaptation, I think it`s a two way street. I, for one don`t care if it`s faithful because I didn`t read the books, but I would like it to be faithful-to a reasonable extent-to the movie trilogy.

Because, if it`s not, than what have we, an adaptation of an adaptation? And you could just go on like this down the years until what remains are only the names. And it would also confuse me :messenger_beaming: and end up watching the show for the sake of it, and it`s not fair, because it might be quite good.

You could have the same characters where they inhabit the same Middleearth and have the same cultures etc but the actual story is different. It's what the MCU does all the time, that's why I mentioned it earlier.
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