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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


I don't see any issue with any of the spoken words in this trailer and the visuals are beautiful. It has an extremely poor choice of music though. I'm still hyped as feck.

Galadrial actor is pretty beautiful as well.
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THE Prey 2 fanatic
Couldn't even make it to the end.
Two minutes of pseudo-motivational one-liners that sound like they are ripped straight from a dollar store calendar dressed against shitty autotune popmusic is the last thing I want from a LOTR trailer.

"Our hearts even bigger than our feet"... uh huh, and Amazon's wallet is bigger than their ambition, ability or understanding of what makes Tolkien truly great.
lmao we're rowing in this boat together
I can't stand the mix of awful pop music with that generic action trailer sound, and I burst out laughing at the line about their hearts being bigger than their feet. Probably not gonna watch this one.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Yeah I'm holding out hope. It might be a fools hope though. Amazon has been really really really bad with their other shit. Wheel of Time is basically 100% fanfic, and hol-e-fuck The League of Their Own casting makes Rosie O'donnell in the original movie look like a professional baseball player compared to the 50 year old soccer moms they cast in the latest one lmao. Of all the flaming piles of dumps on original material I have never seen anything worse than league of their own.
Fool of a took.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
If elven swords don’t glow blue near orcs we riot.

Sting, gandalfs sword and oakenshields sword all should glow near orcs. Any sword of elven steel glows. Thems the rules.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I thought Sting only glowed near goblins? :S
No. In the hobbit GLAMDRING which Gandalf takes and oakenshields sword orcrist from the troll hoard all glow. They were elven swords. Elrond talked about them when they made it to rivendale and talked about the swords histories.

in the movies they only made sting glow for clarity and making it easier to find on screen.
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No. In the hobbit GLAMDRING which Gandalf takes and oakenshields sword from the troll hoard all glow. They were elven swords. Elrond talked about them when they made it to rivendale and talked about the swords histories.

in the movies they only made sting glow for clarity and making it easier to find on screen.

Ah ok. Been a while since I've read the books.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Ah ok. Been a while since I've read the books.
big bang theory noob GIF


if this is not associate with Tolkien, I would’ve give it a chance. It doesn’t feel like tolkien and that’s the final trailer? Poorly chosen music doesn’t help.


I am going to watch this, but this trailer was the worst one released so far. Very antiseptic and rife with generic fantasy platitude-speak. Still excited overall. This seems like it won't have the brutality of Book of Dragons, and I kinda feel it would benefit from that, but I don't know shit about the source material.
Of course it'll be huge.

Some naysayers claimed House of the Dragon would flop, and it's setting records instead.

I'm not concerned with it flopping or not, I just want it to not be shit.

I've seen a few. Some people on here argued that the new elven look is so they can differentiate themselves from the movies, to mention something.
House of Dragon did half of the numbers that the season finale of GoT did.


Another of those trailers that just throws a bunch of random one-liners and CGI scenes at you to make you go "ooh look how cool that is!" while telling you absolutely nothing about what the show is actually fucking about.

When I see trailers like this it doesn't make me more interested in the show, it makes me wonder if there's something wrong with it so they're not telling us anything.


Why can't they make a trailer that gives us an idea of what this show is about? It's just a lot of poetic words from people who clearly aren't poets.

Just from the trailer I can tell this is poorly written, and there is nothing here that compells me to watch.

I'll watch the first episode, I'm a huge fantasy and Tolkien fan so I can't resist, but it's in spite of everything they've been showing.

Also, the soundtrack is out now. With a title track by Howard Shore, so anyone who truly thinks amazon are distancing themselves from the movies can yet again, think again.

It's okay, Shore's minutes of work are easily the best though. McCreary's music is unusually lifeless. Just big and epic with little heart. Kind of a let down. Been a fan of his since Battlestar.
Probably because the people who make these trailers have no idea what the show is about, either. They probably just cobble up a bunch of "cool" scenes and give them to some dude with a video editor and say "here, make a trailer out of this shit and put some random music over it."

It might be intentional though. There's so much fear of stuff leaking out these days, the less people who actually know what happens in the show, the better.
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0:25-1:05 Lets look at people's serious faces. These people can't even craft a decent trailer. How can anyone expect a good movie. I expect 80% of it to be sweeping camera shots of computer generated landscapes. 18% nonsensical drama and 2% actual plot and action.

My advice, RUN YOU FOOLS!


Gold Member
And is the biggest premiere is HBO history. It's a succesd. What matters now is what happens with viewership further down the road.
Hbomax is a very young service, hard to say what "best premier EVA" really means in context of their shows from the past. And if no one watches ep2 of HotD...trust me, they wont be cheering about that premier anymore.

I joined hbomax primarily for this show, if it heads downhill I absolutely will cancel my sub. It's really the only way to influence future shows to be more like what I want.


Hbomax is a very young service, hard to say what "best premier EVA" really means in context of their shows from the past. And if no one watches ep2 of HotD...trust me, they wont be cheering about that premier anymore.

I joined hbomax primarily for this show, if it heads downhill I absolutely will cancel my sub. It's really the only way to influence future shows to be more like what I want.

The articles said biggest premiere in HBO history, not HBO Max history. If that's an error on their end I can't comment, but they did dofferentiate between HBO and max in the articles.

Moot topic anyways till be see next week's numbers.


Gold Member
The articles said biggest premiere in HBO history, not HBO Max history. If that's an error on their end I can't comment, but they did dofferentiate between HBO and max in the articles.

Moot topic anyways till be see next week's numbers.
But back in the day most folk had HBO through their cable subscribers, so I don't think they had the kind of global reach hbomax does today and exact stats.

Just saying that it is much harder to do viewership comparisons between services.and reaching back in time because the landscape is quite different today. HBO says it was the largest premier in hbomax and I'm sure that is true, it just is more difficult to put that into context alongside other shows as a ranking of popularity.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Yeah I'm holding out hope. It might be a fools hope though. Amazon has been really really really bad with their other shit. Wheel of Time is basically 100% fanfic, and hol-e-fuck The League of Their Own casting makes Rosie O'donnell in the original movie look like a professional baseball player compared to the 50 year old soccer moms they cast in the latest one lmao. Of all the flaming piles of dumps on original material I have never seen anything worse than league of their own.
They credit for The Boys though. One of my favorite shows on right now.
Trash. No Tolkien feeling at all, so many interesting stories that they could've adapted while still being respectful but they chose to go about it in the lamest way possible.

If the objective was to go crazy with special effects why not tell the story of Fëanor or something like that? They would have a lot more room to come up with stuff if they went back way further with the story. Give me a guy that can stand up to a bunch of Balrogs.

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But back in the day most folk had HBO through their cable subscribers, so I don't think they had the kind of global reach hbomax does today and exact stats.

Just saying that it is much harder to do viewership comparisons between services.and reaching back in time because the landscape is quite different today. HBO says it was the largest premier in hbomax and I'm sure that is true, it just is more difficult to put that into context alongside other shows as a ranking of popularity.

This is basically just a lot of bla bla, yadda yadda trying to downplay what HBO themselves call the biggest premiere in HBO history (not max history, I looked it up now).

No matter how you try to spin this, HotDs premiere was a huge success, drawing 10 million viewers.

Commenting on future numbers is meaningless until we have those numbers.

Why is it so hard to accept that people were lining up for this?

Oh, and btw, I streamed all seasons of GoT on HBO Nordic, so it's not like streaming wasn't a thing back then. GoT was huge, internationally.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Looks and sounds both janky and super polished. Shame about the uninspired writing and dialogue so far in the trailers.

Oh well, back to finishing up the final session of Better Call Saul (great show btw), so that I can get started on my Breaking Bad rewatch.


Gold Member
Looks and sounds both janky and super polished. Shame about the uninspired writing and dialogue so far in the trailers.

Oh well, back to finishing up the final session of Better Call Saul (great show btw), so that I can get started on my Breaking Bad rewatch.
Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad were excellent, but I could not take any more of it
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Gold Member
This is basically just a lot of bla bla, yadda yadda trying to downplay what HBO themselves call the biggest premiere in HBO history (not max history, I looked it up now).

No matter how you try to spin this, HotDs premiere was a huge success, drawing 10 million viewers.

Commenting on future numbers is meaningless until we have those numbers.

Why is it so hard to accept that people were lining up for this?

Oh, and btw, I streamed all seasons of GoT on HBO Nordic, so it's not like streaming wasn't a thing back then. GoT was huge, internationally.
I'm not dogging it, I'm still watching the show. Just saying that the statement that it was their largest premier, when it pulled half of the prior shows finale, is a hard number to really parse. Plus GoT was NOTORIOUSLY pirated like CRAZY, so is HotD only getting 1/4th the legit paying views? What where they hoping for? What do they need to keep making it? What is the metric for success? IIRC they canned 1-2 other GoT shows already, so there is a lot of catch-up HotD has to do to pay back all that investment. So if it MUST pick up right where GoT left off, well, so far they ain't there yet.

These numbers, out of context, are virtually meaningless other than allowing confirmation bias. The true measure is next weeks hold, as curiosity alone can make the first ep get views, that's why these folks spend so much on "known IP" and then make a show almost completely divorced from it. The IP gets the initial views and then they hope to hook you on whatever it is they are actually selling.

I don't think this is what they are doing with HotD, mind you, I think it will follow the source material fairly well. Good on them for making a competent pilot, hope they can wash out that bad season 8 GoT aftertaste. I also hope they fixed their marketing merch process, GoT had a loooong delay in acting on the popularity of the show with "stuff". We'll see how confident they are in it if we get lots of Dragon shit, spin-off art books, etc. This time period is also much more conducive to the wargames they kept trying to sell for GoT/ASOIAF. We have many more dragons now to separate it from just another medieval wargame.

Hari Seldon

They credit for The Boys though. One of my favorite shows on right now.
I used to love that show but I bailed like 4 episodes into the latest season. The plot was just spinning its wheels and I lost interest.

The best show on Amazon by a country mile is Mrs Mazel. (This is not really a typical gaf show tho lmao). That is the one show that could be on HBO in its golden age and fit right in. They do big dick filmaking like having a 10 minute back-stage to front-stage Burlesque scene with zero cuts. Seems like the directors skilled enough to pull this type of shit off are stretched too thin in the streaming wars these days haha.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I used to love that show but I bailed like 4 episodes into the latest season. The plot was just spinning its wheels and I lost interest.

The best show on Amazon by a country mile is Mrs Mazel. (This is not really a typical gaf show tho lmao). That is the one show that could be on HBO in its golden age and fit right in. They do big dick filmaking like having a 10 minute back-stage to front-stage Burlesque scene with zero cuts. Seems like the directors skilled enough to pull this type of shit off are stretched too thin in the streaming wars these days haha.
I'll have to check it out.

I'm not blown away by the plot of The Boys, but it's enough to keep me interested. The characters are just funny enough to keep me hooked and the general tone of the show is like watching the sarcastic dark commercials in Robocop, but all the time lol.


Gold Member
This review is glowing, hype rising!!!

This bit worries me some:

With a franchise of this depth and scope, it's understandable that the first two episodes might not be enough to fully establish the world that the series will be introducing fans to, some for the first time. Most critics seem to acknowledge the arduous task of world building, like Brandon Katz who praised the new series for its unrivaled "scale, scope, ambition and grandiosity." While others like Rob Keyes pointed out that there is still work to do to make the plot exciting, which was echoed by Meghan O'Keefe who theorized that the plot could either fall apart or rule after the second episode.

Come on, TWO EPISODES in and "the plot could rule"? WTF with these writers? 2 epis is an ENTIRE FILM, enough with the dwadling, glacial plotting these "prestige shows" try to pull these days. Show me the hero. Show me the bad guy. Tell me of their conflict. We used to be able to do this in the OPENING CREDITS of a show :p
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