as told by jeffrey sachs many times over.
Says in his new book all we need is 15 cents to the 100 dollars to eradicate poverty the worldover by 2025. I believe him, my professor believes him, and I believe in my professor.
Its a well-known fact the IMF and Worldbank are pawns of the west - tools used for the accretion of getting the wealthy wealthier and as an unfortunate result the poor poorer. Now Im not poor. Mommy and daddy make upper-middle class income and pay for my 40k education - but I hate to break it to them my major is not going to make their money back. Tears are shed. Ive moved on.
So for you budding developmentalists in the room - show thyselves. Post your questions/comments/readings that youd like to share. I for one adhere to the views shared on Real Economic Outlook edited by Ann Pettifor, which, as their site describes it is "a collaborative venture involving radical economists from around the world. RWEO 2003 contributors include Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, renowned ecological economist Herman Daly, as well as a host of distinguished southern economists, including Jayati Ghosh, Gita Sen, Franklin Serrano, Jomo KS and Zo Randriamaro." Good textbook which I read last sem for my development of third world countries class. Its quite somethin.
Never heard of them but then again I dont know that many economists to begin with - just the bigwigs (Friedman, Malthus, Keynes, Rostow...etc...etc)
Says in his new book all we need is 15 cents to the 100 dollars to eradicate poverty the worldover by 2025. I believe him, my professor believes him, and I believe in my professor.
Its a well-known fact the IMF and Worldbank are pawns of the west - tools used for the accretion of getting the wealthy wealthier and as an unfortunate result the poor poorer. Now Im not poor. Mommy and daddy make upper-middle class income and pay for my 40k education - but I hate to break it to them my major is not going to make their money back. Tears are shed. Ive moved on.
So for you budding developmentalists in the room - show thyselves. Post your questions/comments/readings that youd like to share. I for one adhere to the views shared on Real Economic Outlook edited by Ann Pettifor, which, as their site describes it is "a collaborative venture involving radical economists from around the world. RWEO 2003 contributors include Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, renowned ecological economist Herman Daly, as well as a host of distinguished southern economists, including Jayati Ghosh, Gita Sen, Franklin Serrano, Jomo KS and Zo Randriamaro." Good textbook which I read last sem for my development of third world countries class. Its quite somethin.
Never heard of them but then again I dont know that many economists to begin with - just the bigwigs (Friedman, Malthus, Keynes, Rostow...etc...etc)