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The Making of X-Men:Legends Is On G4 Right Now...


Lost Weekend said:
This game is looking pretty freaking cool, actually!

I watched the making of X-Men Legends this weekend and I will be buying this game because of this TV special. I did not know that so much work went into the story writing (four of Marvels top X-Men writers wrote the story) and that a new X-Men Character was to debut in this game. The best part of this game is that at any time (I think only on the Xbox version though) that up to four players can play at the same time in the one player adventure. If someone decides not to play one of the other characters, the CPU will automatically control of that character again. You can do this at any point of the game. Pretty cool if you ask me!

Deku Tree

WordofGod said:
The best part of this game is that at any time (I think only on the Xbox version though) that up to four players can play at the same time in the one player adventure. If someone decides not to play one of the other characters, the CPU will automatically control of that character again.

Tales of Symphonia had that and it was cool.

I heard that was in all version this game though. Where did you hear it was only in the xbox version? That would really bug me.


It's over, but I definitely want this game now. I though it would be crap. Hell no. Looks like the best comic book property video game ever....if everything flows together as smoothly as it seems.


Deku Tree said:
I heard that was in all version this game though. Where did you hear it was only in the xbox version? That would really bug me.

On the G4 Special they showed the Xbox version while doing the 4 players but didn't mention any other console version having that feature.


WordofGod said:
On the G4 Special they showed the Xbox version while doing the 4 players but didn't mention any other console version having that feature.

That's just G4 for ya :)


Yeah this came on a few days ago(maybe earlier than that). I'm so looking forward to play this game. I was annoyed that they mainly focused on the "obvious" characters like Wolverine and Nightcrawler...but anyway, i'm looking forward to all of the different era costumes(esp. Jean Grey's Phoenix outfit), as well as the Astral Plane area. The cutscenes looked pretty slick too. Btw, "Allison Crestmere" isn't a new character, if that's who you were referring too, that was the crappy retconned identity for Amara Aquilla(sp?), aka. Magma.


GameFan Alumnus
It is a good game that comic fans should enjoy. 4 Player is for all consoles, not just Xbox.
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