The Artisan
An hour and 20 minutes to go.
noon huh
i hope cinematic doesn't mean cgi
An hour and 20 minutes to go.
yes, because this is mass effect.
for previous gaming franchises that I was new to I did watch some stuff to get into it, but since Me2's always gonna have a special place in myheart, i'm getting the next ME game no matter how much I hated Me3.fuckin cold and black
especially on Gaf I feel like the reaction to the released content has been kinda mixed, I might as well just not pay attention to it and play the game when it comes out.
noon huh
i hope cinematic doesn't mean cgi
i dunno about that. the love for games like uncharted 4 is unparalleled around here. i do see threads and posts every now and then saying "meh" about it, but the vast majority loved it. and it was chosen for goty wasn't it?This advice applies to basically every game, not just Mass Effect.
ah. well, very good.It doesn't already confirmed by shinobi
8th gen forward it should just be forbidden.CGI seems so pointless when you're on frostbite.
as far as humans go, miranda and TIM looked fairly close to what they do in the game. but regardless of that...i just don't like cgi trailers. if they're not representative of the game in a time where the actual visuals can express and promote themselves, don't show me something that's not representative of what are supposed to be the expectationsI've always disliked BW's CG trailers, anyway. Characters don't like look their in-game models and none of the stuff that happens is ever in the game.
I've always disliked BW's CG trailers, anyway. Characters don't like look their in-game models and none of the stuff that happens is ever in the game.
In the game maybe but all those SWTOR blur trailers were true game lore events.
It's a shame all Old Republic stuff is now considered non-canon, a lot of Bioware's work down the gutter.
how does something become non-canon if it originally was meant to be part of the story
how does something become non-canon if it originally was meant to be part of the story
When Disney bought Star Wars they made everything in the EU which was canon no longer canon. They wanted the space and freedom to tell their own stories, and effectively rebooted Star Wars back to the movies (and a couple of supplemental issues since the ).
The KOTOR series and SWTOR were rendered non-canon to the larger Star Wars universe.
That simply means that movies and other official products may now totally contradict anything established by the games.
Three minutes left from where I live till the trailer comes out.
Aaaaand it's here:
*Looks at thread in general*
So much for being optimistic, Shinobi :/ Apparently the game now looks "plastic" too.
Still a bit disappointed at the lack of a Salarian teammate but all in all, the crew is looking like a fun bunch.
Really hope there's a decent variety in terms of native/new species.
Yeah, I should have specified squad mates. Still though, I am liking the people we have so far.I thought the Pilot is Salarian?
*Looks at thread in general*
So much for being optimistic, Shinobi :/ Apparently the game now looks "plastic" too.
Saying this just from a calm and cool position, I'm actually a little stunned at some of the reactions in the other thread. I legitimately think the trailer's well made, great music, nice action, animations are a big step up, the squad looks great...Still not sure about our antagonist. Everything else is looking awesome so far.
That "other" Gaf thread tho... Jesus
Mystery Angaran squadmate #6 still has no name though, unless I missed something.
Saying this just from a calm and cool position, I'm actually a little stunned at some of the reactions in the other thread. I legitimately think the trailer's well made, great music, nice action, animations are a big step up, the squad looks great...
Why would you think that's the secret squadmate anyway? For all we know, that's just some leader we meet like Aria that will never get in your team.
Yep, that's the sixth.Why would you think that's the secret squadmate anyway? For all we know, that's just some leader we meet like Aria that will never get in your team.
Three minutes left from where I live till the trailer comes out.
Aaaaand it's here:
I know people are hating on this screen but personally I think it looks badass. Getting Mass Effect 1 Shepard trailer shot vibes.
One of the devs on twitter confirmed it was him.
Yep, that's the sixth.
Why so serious?
I really like the human sidekicks, aesthetically wise at least. Dude looks dope af.
Default Male Ryder looks like a doofus, haha.