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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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It'd be nice to see where exactly this Helius cluster sits in the map of Andromeda. Is it at the galaxies edge or deeper in?

Blows my mind that Andromeda has 10x more star systems than the Milky Ways 100 billion stars. Can't even visualize that given that we're told in the Codexs that barely 1% of the milky way was explored.
When they show the galaxy map it looks like it is the whole galaxy to me(it's round, it circles a giant black hole looking thing), with each of the habitable planets spread over it. Is the big glowy thing just the center of the Helios cluster then?





Neo Member
Cerberus is absolutely showing up. I don't care what BioWare says about it.

Whether or not they will play a big part or not, now that is the question. I'd prefer Cerberus to have as little involvement as possible though.


Cerberus is absolutely showing up. I don't care what BioWare says about it.

Whether or not they will play a big part or not, now that is the question. I'd prefer Cerberus to have as little involvement as possible though.

If they have involvement in the backstory for Cora and Sam, I'm fine with it as long as it adds something of value to the storyline.

If, as somebody else said, there's some hidden plot involving Cerberus sleeper agents present on the Nexus undermining shit and fucking things up... Bioware pls
I wouldn't mind a Cerberus tie if it's just a shout out/reference or if it's used as a springboard to take a character or story in another direction, like maybe Cora is TIM's daughter or whatever, but she's rejected him/his ideology - joining that Asari unit as part of the program to build a multi-species military and being more open minded in general.

If there's a secret Cerberus conspiracy/agent aspect to it, I can't see myself enjoying it after the mess of ME2/3 Cerberus.


Curious what sort of handwavy explanation they'll have for everyone being cool about an AI this time.

Then again, I shouldn't be super complaining. Only ME1 had the hardline stance against AI. Bioware has been walking that back ever since.

But I have to admit, all this Cerberus talk and the whole AI thing is diminishing my excitement. Andromeda was supposed to get us away from this shit.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Curious what sort of handwavy explanation they'll have for everyone being cool about an AI this time.

Then again, I shouldn't be super complaining. Only ME1 had the hardline stance against AI. Bioware has been walking that back ever since.

But I have to admit, all this Cerberus talk and the whole AI thing is diminishing my excitement. Andromeda was supposed to get us away from this shit.

Whoever said that thought?

Beside, one AI is nothing. It's not like we have another "Geth" race anyway. Space sci-fi and AI always seem to be together anyway, no matter the franchise.


Andromeda Initiative
Come on it's right there.
Andromeda Initiative


My head canon is already taking shape. A couple of different takes, but SAM is the main character in all of them.
SAM wants to escape the Milky Way and is the secret mastermind behind the AI.
SAM is from Andromeda and periodically draws species out of the MW for preservation or general curiosity.
SAM is a Reaper spore.
Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if we get the "AI receives a robot/android body 2.0" story angle again at some point. Except more weird because S.A.M is tapped into your own bodies nervous system and shit. I'm sure the tumblr shipping community is just waiting to jump onto that can of worms.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if we get the "AI receives a robot/android body 2.0" story angle again at some point. Except more weird because S.A.M is tapped into your own bodies nervous system and shit. I'm sure the tumblr shipping community is just waiting to jump onto that can of worms.

It would be best if they stay away from doing this. They've already put a blue visor on the Turian squadmate as a nod to Garrus... we don't need AI gets into a robot body 2.0 too.

Sou Da

It would be best if they stay away from doing this. They've already put a blue visor on the Turian squadmate as a nod to Garrus... we don't need AI gets into a robot body 2.0 too.

Eh I don't think that was a conscious callback since the new Alien has an even more similar visor to Garrus.


I'm kind of new here, so I was taking a look at the Mass Effect OT back in 2007.

The difference is staggering, people were freaking out over how good the game was.

I forgot how big of an impact the facial animations and dialogue had back then. There was nothing like it.
Big part of why the game is loved by so many.

I wonder if we are going to see any innovations moving forward now. Seems unlikely, I'd want noone else but Bioware to get the best facial capture in the industry.

Sou Da

Seems unlikely, I'd want noone else but Bioware to get the best facial capture in the industry.

If that trailer is actually in-game footage and the animations work correctly for created faces then BW finally joined the incredibly small ranks of developers who've made an actually convincing video game kiss.

Seriously off the top of my head the only other two are AC Unity and Witcher 3 (probably, I'm honestly just assuming here. I remember W2 scenes a lot better)
If that trailer is actually in-game footage and the animations work correctly for created faces then BW finally joined the incredibly small ranks of developers who've made an actually convincing video game kiss.

Seriously off the top of my head the only other two are AC Unity and Witcher 3 (probably, I'm honestly just assuming here. I remember W2 scenes a lot better)
That's because Cora's romantic scene was handled by a very talented ex-Naughty Dog senior cinematics animator. Good stuff.
Kinda nutty how many people are freaking out over Coras haircut.

I think it has a unqiue charm, makes her stand out design-wise compared to all of the other humans we've seen. But I guess if the community's gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something wrong that means BioWare's doing something right.

Sou Da

Uncharted 4 had nose-bending while kissing!
See now this is kind of a cheat because of the angle hiding lip contact. Nose bending is impressive though.

Kinda nutty how many people are freaking out over Coras haircut.

I think it has a unqiue charm, makes her stand out design-wise compared to all of the other humans we've seen. But I guess if the community's gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something wrong that means BioWare's doing something right.

Where are people even doing this? It's kinda clear to me at least that they looked at supermodels or something close for her. She kinda resembles Miss Switzerland 2013 iirc.


Kinda nutty how many people are freaking out over Coras haircut.

I think it has a unqiue charm, makes her stand out design-wise compared to all of the other humans we've seen. But I guess if the community's gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something wrong that means BioWare's doing something right.

imo BW managed to design her well, I like that hairstyle. But then I'm one of very few who liked it when Natalie Dormer was rocking somewhat similar hairstyle to what Cora has in MEA.
Where are people even doing this? It's kinda clear to me at least that they looked at supermodels or something close for her. She kinda resembles Miss Switzerland 2013 iirc.

Depends on where you look but the usual suspects - some gaming forums, youtube comments, and other places have the usual "she's not conventionally attractive enough for me", similar to the reception Cassandra got. I think she's a good mix of being attractive without it being distracting or overly pandering (like with Miranda in ME2).

Sou Da

imo BW managed to design her well, I like that hairstyle. But then I'm one of very few who liked it when Natalie Dormer was rocking somewhat similar hairstyle to what Cora has in MEA.

This isn't really the same thing at all, Cora isn't shaven one side. Just cut.

I kinda don't really care about the reaction above, if people think that Cora is somehow less "conventionally attractive" than say Miranda's train wreck of a face scan then they're clearly fucking around.
Where are people even doing this?

Everywhere that isn't NeoGAF surprisingly enough (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, video game reporting sites and some comments on the normally reasonable Mass Effect subreddit). Apparently "something something SJW, Feminist, BioWare hates attractive women something something bullshit".

I rag on NeoGAF a lot but damn, does it seem like paradise in comparison. The world is a dark place.


This isn't really the same thing at all, Cora isn't shaven one side. Just cut.

I kinda don't really care about the reaction above, if people think that Cora is somehow less "conventionally attractive" than say Miranda's train wreck of a face scan then they're clearly fucking around.

Why I said similar, not same or identical. Dormer's hair is also a lot longer.

Was Miranda pure face scan? I mean I can see a lot of Yvonne in Miranda's facial features, but e.g. eyes look different. Also when I see people talking about Miranda it's usually about her bodysuit and ass, not about her head :D

Sou Da

Everywhere that isn't NeoGAF surprisingly enough (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, video game reporting sites and some comments on the normally reasonable Mass Effect subreddit). Apparently "something something SJW, Feminist, BioWare hates attractive women something something bullshit".

I rag on NeoGAF a lot but damn, does it seem like paradise in comparison. The world is a dark place.

That's incredibly odd to me. Aside from the obvious intentional dishonesty of people trying to push a narrative they started since DAI I gotta assume this is also just the weird primal reaction people in video game places just have to short haircuts on women.

Like 4 pages of the codex thread on PoE II was lost to people arguing about a dev's hair.

Was Miranda pure face scan?

God I hope not. That was a hell of a botch if so.

Sou Da

I don't like complaining about how other take things because at the end of the day I think the game will have to stand on it's own when it's out, but I do find it funny that there's genuinely more civilized discussion about the game on 4ch than there is on the Codex or any of the big Games media forums.
I think it's sad. People just don't get called out on their shitty behavior anymore, let alone being called out with any repercussions. Used to be you acted like a dickhead, you were ostracized from your peers. Now there are entire communities formed around the notion of being a dickhead, so that when you act like one, you don't even get to feel shunned.


Cool thing I just noticed from the funkopop figurines for MEA: Liam had dual omniblades (which were the signature heavy melee weapons for sentinels in ME3), and Jaal had a sniper rifle. If they are a sentinel and infiltrator respectively, I think I may have my squad picked already :)


Cool thing I just noticed from the funkopop figurines for MEA: Liam had dual omniblades (which were the signature heavy melee weapons for sentinels in ME3), and Jaal had a sniper rifle. If they are a sentinel and infiltrator respectively, I think I may have my squad picked already :)

Well, yeah. Wasabi had them too.

... I'm sure it's a coincidence.
That's been BioWare's mantra on Andromeda for a while now. They want you to explore and find these things out yourself.

A big reason why a lot of dialogue and story related stuff has remained un-shown as well.


I prefer it this way. There were times in the marketing of their other games where a lot was shown, too much even. Granted there is something to be said about that slow trickle of information leading to some people being concerned and doubts, but if these next couple of months are going to be anything to go by, such a slow ramp up transitioning to substantial videos/the multiplayer beta/10 hour demo will be effective. This time around I will finally get to join in on Origin Access, since it was only available as EA Access on Xbox One when DA:I came out.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Cora's haircut is super hot.

I don't mind cynicism and negativity. I'd be a hypocrite if I said I did. I just wish it was more frequently channelled into substantial discussion instead of echochamber whining. It's at those points where in a thread or whatever I feel I no longer have a reason to continue reading or posting. If people are disappointed and annoyed and they want to go on and on about it, that's fine, but I'm out. I've got nothing to contribute or, in some cases, I've contributed and no discussion has arisen from that.

Positivity echochambers are the same, mind you. Discourse from all sides of the fence should be encouraged, and it's annoying as hell when someone gets cranky about "negativity" in an OP or specific thread (Nintendo threads bait this well) because they personally don't like the theme of conversation and want to silence it to buff their hype.

I suppose with Mass Effect / BioWare threads the issue for me is that the threads are laden with the same tired complaints and discussions that I feel have long overstayed their welcome. They've been explored already and I have nothing left to add, and the continued soapboxing is adding nothing in return. With Andromeda I see people pulling all kinds of shit out of their arse; disappointed with how things are shaping up? Sure, but then it descends into oddball assumptions about the narrative, the cast, and whatnot of which nothing has been clarified. Like even Archon; maybe you're not sold on him yet, but how can he really be "Harbinger 2.0" or the Remnants "Reapers again" when the context of what they are, why, and their modus operandi is still completely unknown. The issue, if there is one, is that; the unknown. Not baseless assumptions and then complaining about those assumptions as if they're facts.

/v/ is an awful place to discuss anything BioWare, mind you, predominantly due to its crossover with the /pol/ userbase and high population of alt-right / anti-left/progressive alignment. Due to Manvir (or whatever his name is) baiting on twitter, and BioWare's progressive approach to cast and characters, all BioWare games are blasted as SJW panding cuckfests for numales (see: "Cisquisition").

And you know, I've always found that kind of odd? Like if we want to talk about representation of political/social ideology infused in a game's narrative and cast, while BioWare are indeed pretty good at offering a diverse range of perspectives and characters, they're also great at giving you the option to reject them and explore your own. Those who hated Sara are free to call her a fucking idiot and throw her out of the Inquisition. You can play ruthless dialogue options and quest arcs too. In Mass Effect 3, Joker tells a joke about Salarians and Krogans, and EDI somewhat scolds him on the joke playing to racial stereotypes. Joker politely contests this, outlining the purpose of many jokes deliberately using sensitive material to confront and air out / ease tension between the parties involved, as it's a joke both sides can tell.

Like in terms of "SJW pandering BioWare" I can't really think of any of their games that pressure the player into modern leftist, progressive style thinking. The choices are there, but so too quite often is the alternative. For all the faults in BioWare's writing, I actually consider this one of their biggest strengths. You can play as an militant, conservative, authoritarian if you really want to.


Trailer seems cool. Folk's should really wait till the release before making assumptions. And then they could go full blast on their complaints after. This coming from someone who's on the fence with BioWares recent games
Cora's haircut is super hot.

I don't mind cynicism and negativity. I'd be a hypocrite if I said I did. I just wish it was more frequently channelled into substantial discussion instead of echochamber whining. It's at those points where in a thread or whatever I feel I no longer have a reason to continue reading or posting. If people are disappointed and annoyed and they want to go on and on about it, that's fine, but I'm out. I've got nothing to contribute or, in some cases, I've contributed and no discussion has arisen from that.

Positivity echochambers are the same, mind you. Discourse from all sides of the fence should be encouraged, and it's annoying as hell when someone gets cranky about "negativity" in an OP or specific thread (Nintendo threads bait this well) because they personally don't like the theme of conversation and want to silence it to buff their hype.

I suppose with Mass Effect / BioWare threads the issue for me is that the threads are laden with the same tired complaints and discussions that I feel have long overstayed their welcome. They've been explored already and I have nothing left to add, and the continued soapboxing is adding nothing in return. With Andromeda I see people pulling all kinds of shit out of their arse; disappointed with how things are shaping up? Sure, but then it descends into oddball assumptions about the narrative, the cast, and whatnot of which nothing has been clarified. Like even Archon; maybe you're not sold on him yet, but how can he really be "Harbinger 2.0" or the Remnants "Reapers again" when the context of what they are, why, and their modus operandi is still completely unknown. The issue, if there is one, is that; the unknown. Not baseless assumptions and then complaining about those assumptions as if they're facts.

It kind of sounds like you do have a problem with cynicism and negativity, though, since that's literally the reason why people make baseless negative assumptions.

And I mean, cynicism is objectively bad. Pessimism, sure, fine, but cynicism is looking a good thing in the face and calling it bad just because you're mindlessly negative.
Like in terms of "SJW pandering BioWare" I can't really think of any of their games that pressure the player into modern leftist, progressive style thinking. The choices are there, but so too quite often is the alternative. For all the faults in BioWare's writing, I actually consider this one of their biggest strengths. You can play as an militant, conservative, authoritarian if you really want to.

I feel like that comes from the mentality/mindset that anything outside their comfort zone is pandering to SJWs/whoever, sort of like the people who get mad about a non-white character or whatever because they have their own narrow expectations.

Stuff like Miranda's design/asscam and Ashley's ME3 redesign and so on are all pandering as well - to the same people who probably complain about the SJW pandering; they just see that as normal/"right" so they are blind to it - they expect sexy female characters in sexy outfits for their character to romance/have sex with. Same with how the renegade/"evil" playthroughs provide a decidedly "non-SJW" experience, but aren't seen as pandering when they are (mainly to people who want a power trip with few consequences it feels like).

Sou Da

For the record this stuff isn't limited to BW, Obsidian gets for shit for the inconspicuous shit and /v/ in particular tried to make a big stink about some leaked 2077 art of black woman. BW is just a fairly big target that can be attacked for that stuff and then those attacks can seem reasonable when they can slip in some genuinely reasonable criticisms of the games themselves in there.

Also I think that WRPG communities have some weird deep rooted problems with black characters in general, I still remember the general "black people aren't smart enough to be wizards" sentiment from years ago. This is off topic though.


Eh, I don't think Cora looks anything like Miss Switzerland. It's Mass Effect though, what do I care about the human squaddies? They're staying home.

It's kind of interesting to go back to this leak video after all the information that's been released.


Some of the stuff about the Kett (lol at calling them Vorcha/Collector hybrids) and Cerberus is really interesting given the speculation after the last trailer. I'm leaning more toward the Cerberus stuff just being recycled assets at the time maybe, but still funny.
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