Exodus ( Mass Effect creators ) - Sci-Fi RPG - Mara-Yama Trailer


Gold Member
Damn that looks pretty cool. How was this initially posted back in October to such little fanfare? A new game by creators of mass effect announced 2 months ago, and the post didn’t even make it to 2 pages of comments…

Buggy Loop

Gameplay tomorrow!

Please be good..

Season 1 Please GIF


Be like Mass Effect, and keep DEI shenanigans to a minimum, and I might be interested.

The first one I expect, the second one I doubt.
As if a large portion of users on this very platform wouldn't accuse mass effect of being woke when it would come out today with a gay kaidan and the asari race being basically non binary where they choose if they are male or female.
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Gold Member
All i see is unreal engine models, effects and FSR artifacts. I do love the music and the vibe tho. Hopefully this will be decent


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Be like Mass Effect, and keep DEI shenanigans to a minimum, and I might be interested.

The first one I expect, the second one I doubt.
Tbf, it's probably why they left and I can't see any DEI shit so far.
Next up, Absurd Ventures
Let's see what they are cooking, so far it sounds like GTA.


Gold Member
I just hope they show enough so we can have the game precisely measured against all the defining markers of wokeness by our in-house panel of experts, so I know if I should like it


As if a large portion of users on this very platform wouldn't accuse mass effect of being woke when it would come out today with a gay kaidan and the asari race being basically non binary where they choose if they are male or female.
non-what? they are hermaphrodites, Asari don't play pretend whenever their fee-fees change on a whim


non-what? they are hermaphrodites, Asari don't play pretend whenever their fee-fees change on a whim
Right from the ingame Codex

Asari are a mono-gendered species with no concept of gender differences. According to Liara, "male and female have no real meaning for us," and, if asked, says that she is "not precisely a woman." At the same time, asari are often referred to as if they are an all-female race. To humans at least, asari appear female with feminine physical characteristics and voices. Even among the asari, many individual asari are referred to as “she” and “her“ but some asari prefer male pronouns.


Right from the ingame Codex

Asari are a mono-gendered species with no concept of gender differences. According to Liara, "male and female have no real meaning for us," and, if asked, says that she is "not precisely a woman." At the same time, asari are often referred to as if they are an all-female race. To humans at least, asari appear female with feminine physical characteristics and voices. Even among the asari, many individual asari are referred to as “she” and “her“ but some asari prefer male pronouns.
hermaphrodite =/= non-binary: "my fee-fees say today I feel like a girl and two minutes later I will feel like a boy and then like a lamp and back and forth cause I'm special "

Some coomer nerd dev created the ultimate excuse for an all female race to be able to reproduce with humans, then realize something like that wouldn't be that feasible, so the hermaphrodite part was needed and by the end nobody cared enough so it was accepted


Gold Member
That's great news. I look forward to the trailer tomorrow. With all the furor/disapproval around Intergalactic, it seems like good timing.

Damn that looks pretty cool. How was this initially posted back in October to such little fanfare? A new game by creators of mass effect announced 2 months ago, and the post didn’t even make it to 2 pages of comments…

Yeah, I think this has been flying below many people's radar. I remember its original reveal, a year ago, but I had forgotten about it until recently.

Drew Karpyshyn is involved in the writing, which gives me some hope.
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hermaphrodite =/= non-binary: "my fee-fees say today I feel like a girl and two minutes later I will feel like a boy and then like a lamp and back and forth cause I'm special "

Some coomer nerd dev created the ultimate excuse for an all female race to be able to reproduce with humans, then realize something like that wouldn't be that feasible, so the hermaphrodite part was needed and by the end nobody cared enough so it was accepted
They have no male sex organs therefore they are not hermaphrodite, here is the asari reproduction straight from the game :

Asari reproduction is very different from other forms of sexual reproduction. An asari provides two copies of her own genes to her offspring, one of which is passed on unaltered. The second set of genes is altered in a unique process called melding, also known as the joining or the union. During melding, the eyes of the asari initiating the meld dilate as she consciously attunes her nervous system to her partner's, sending and receiving electrical impulses directly through the skin, however physical contact is not strictly necessary.

They are litteraly reproducing via magic mumbo jumbo.


They have no male sex organs therefore they are not hermaphrodite, here is the asari reproduction straight from the game :

Asari reproduction is very different from other forms of sexual reproduction. An asari provides two copies of her own genes to her offspring, one of which is passed on unaltered. The second set of genes is altered in a unique process called melding, also known as the joining or the union. During melding, the eyes of the asari initiating the meld dilate as she consciously attunes her nervous system to her partner's, sending and receiving electrical impulses directly through the skin, however physical contact is not strictly necessary.

They are litteraly reproducing via magic mumbo jumbo.
ok, so non-binary bs is not what Asari are and no one would bicth about them, that's where I'm going, it's clear I don't remember the lore in the game, but ME wouldn't be called woke by today standards, even less when you play it like a psycho renegade Shepard (best version) :messenger_beaming:
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Gold Member
A little concerning they didn't think the budget was worth it to show the trailer at TGA's. I'm skeptical

They revealed the game at least year's TGAs. I don't think it's about budget. I think they wanted a little breathing room this year, didn't want to get drowned out by dozens of other trailers dropping at the same time. I'm just speculating, but that would make sense to me.

There have been several other cinematic trailers since then, but this will be the first showing gameplay.
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We should have a list/article about how many "from the ex-creators of" independent games actually worked.

Edit - Wow the main site has tons of lore dump. Writers are putting in work.

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This game has some big money being poured into it. They got Peter Hamilton writing two tie in novels.

Yeah, just finished the first one on Saturday and cant wait for the second. So hyped! The world building has been amazing.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the Exodus episode from secret level comes out tomorrow as well.
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Gold Member


Is there a character creator ?, hope i can make my own because im not vibing with the main guy in the trailer.
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Gold Member
Gave this its own thread. (which I will now delete, since Mr. Wolf gave it one 2 minutes earlier.)
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Is their a character creator ?, hope i can make my own because im not vibing with the main guy in the trailer.
I was going to write this exactly lol, was looking good until i saw the protagonists started talking and showing up at second 33, the guy looks a bit retarded and the girl with the dumb and dumber hairstyle booof

What's with the character artists lately? Avowed, Heretic, this, etc etc bleeegh

balls of snow

Gold Member
Im in. Need to know if cc is in though. The main looks too much like that guy in the EA magic fps flop game.
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