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Share b-movies blaxploitation sexploitation pulp splatter cringe freak movies
I'm one of those dopes who went to film school as a kid, and have always viewed Pink Flamingos, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and Eraserhead as the holy trinity of cinema.
With that said, add Godard's Breathless into the mix, and I swear you could learn everything you'd ever need to know about filmmaking.
Also make it an even five and add Gummo.
Suck my pretentious ass, GAF. <3
What's the meaning of eraserhead? Have a sense? Lynch takes heavy drugs?
You're really not missing much with Headless Eyes lolNever even heard of Candy Snatchers or Headless Eyes!
Well now i understand more ,i saw only one time becouse i found that movie pretty disturbing like the baby monster and when he kill himYea, actually. It's really late and I tend to ramble but...
First and foremost, Eraserhead is Lynch at his best and Lynchiest. The basic story is an extremely dark comedy about a man confronting his fears of oncoming parenthood. That's really all there is to it. No matter what Lynch says. Dude always wants you to think hes deeper than he is. He hints at the subconscious but I don't think theres ever much of a point to any of his flicks. Kinda interpret your own or buzz off.
Then Lynch takes that basic concept a out parenthood, and applies his abstract symbolism per each story beat to express it. I.e. Henry's head popping off from stress or him falling into the unidentified liquid when having sex, baby turning out to be a monster, demon guy pulling the lever and shooting the baby into existance, Henry's mundane existence exasperated to the apex by wide shots of barren industrial landscapes, etc. Lynch utilizes his fascination with "dream logic" to explain away why it seems nonsensical, and his idea of movies performing as moving paintings carry narrative visually.
People dig way too deep into Eraserhead, and lynch loves that, pretending like theres some grander explanation. I have a HUGE hunch that there isn't. It's just layered abstract symbolism and absurdism.
Movie is so fucking funny though. That chicken scene or the part with him waiting for the elevator. I laugh way too damn hard.
I love David Lynch btw, I just see through his schtick. Hes awesome at what he does.nd
EDIT: I hope that makes some sense. Idk, I've seen Eraserhead so many times at this point it really is just a bunch of intentionally vague symbolism
Well now i understand more ,i saw only one time becouse i found that movie pretty disturbing like the baby monster and when he kill him
Is like a dream yeah,i have a glimpse of my experiences with my dreams and i think lynch is a genius to recreate in movie what you "see" in dreams
The parenthood theme make sense
The Japanese grindhouse classic:
What beef do you have with Tokyo Gore Police? Find me a better/crazier splatterpunk action movie. Every subgenre has its classics.
It's not grindhouseWhat beef do you have with Tokyo Gore Police? Find me a better/crazier splatterpunk action movie. Every subgenre has its classics.
In the sense it's never been in a grindhouse theater. But those haven't existed for eons. If you're a purist in that sense then this genre is as good as dead. For the past few decades, late night TV movies, or any film that explores the genre conventions, are the torch bearers. How else would you categorize movies like Mandy and Hobo with a Shotgun?It's not grindhouse