Sylvania police say the dialogue below is a transcript of an online instant messaging conversation between Elissa Schuster, 23, a Sylvania woman accused of raping a 4-year-old girl, and John Fleming, 36, a Tampa man charged with possession of child pornography for receiving e-mailed pictures of the child.
She raped her 4 years old daughter *live* and took pics, all of this why she was talking to a guy saying he would send her free tickets for some sporting even. he was posing as a football player.
For some reasons, I cant link directly to the pictures, so just click on the links:
Thats "Buckin4God2"
thats Lustylis429, the mother.
here's an except from the chatlog:
Lustylis429: i will send a separate one of just her face
Buckin4God2: no . . . . send me a frontal that is with da face
Buckin4God2: oh come on
Buckin4God2: now i am [mad]
Lustylis429: i don't want to be a pedafile . . . . or have people think i am into kiddie porn
Buckin4God2: \>:0 [Internet messaging symbol indicating the writer is upset.]
Lustylis429: no don't be [mad]
Lustylis429: i will do it 4 u . . . .
Buckin4God2: no one will know
Buckin4God2: with her face
Lustylis429: well she is very crabby, but i will ask her
Lustylis429: ok i am transferring it now . . . . but this is it b/c she is getting very mad at me
Lustylis429: so do u think u can do me a favor?
Buckin4God2: anyways lookin at her . . . . um i am not dat attracted
Buckin4God2: i am attracted to u
Lustylis429: well that is good
Buckin4God2: what favor?
Lustylis429: do u think u can have me come for a game with a friend and get me tickets?
Lustylis429: & i want a jersey of urs
Buckin4God2: sure
The log was found BY HER HUSBAND
Complete Chat Log:
Holy shit that is one of the most SICK! THINGS I HAVE EVER HEARD OF MY ENTIRE LIFE.
This MOTHER *RAPED* her daughter for a fucking JERSEY AND A PAIR OF TICKETS
Another url with more details:
I have lost faith in humanity.