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The Museum of Kooks

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This site is great if you love insane people, check it out.



Learn ALL ABOUT the Kooks Museum, why it exists and how to begin your career in innovative, interdisciplinary fields such as crackpotology and kookology or in archaic, obsolete fields such as phrenology, electro-alchemy and psychoosmology.

Schizophrenic Wing

Stand terrified at the feet of the "Worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls" revealed by Francis E. Dec, Esquire, FOR YOUR ONLY HOPE FOR A FUTURE!

Conspiracy Corridor

Situated next door to the Hall of Hate, only enter Conspiracy Corridor with the utmost caution, for you may never return

Instantaneous abduction
Who really killed John Lennon? Did Steven King pull the trigger on orders from Nixon?
People abusing themselves through time
Blackout staged to observe one writer!
Is Jimmy Carter the secret head of the Ku Klux Klan? 
Is Bill Clinton is the biological son of Jimmy Carter? 
Did Clinton and Perot murder 10+ million black women in concentration camps?
Remote Control Electronic Brain Punishment!

Hall of Hate

Whom do you hate: Jews? Communists? White Males? Satan? Bill Gates? Here is your own special place

Rev. Phelps - "god hates fags"
Valerie Solonas - man hater's Society to Cut Up Men
Norma Cox - widowed cripple. Hates everyone... except Hitler.
Isa Muhammad - supreme ruler of The Nubian Islamic Hebrew Mission - on evil Whitey

Library of Questionable Scholarship

Defy gravity! Feel perpetual motion! See UFOs emerge from within the Hollow Earth! Visit MIT's Archive of Useless Research!

George Hammond's Cartesian Universe
Did God Destroy the Dinosaurs?
MITs archive of useless research
The Oral History of the Contemporary World

Gallery of the Gods

Visit all the important deities, each displayed in a lifelike diorama setting

Man who donned rainbow afro wig to draw attention to himself and THE LORD
ACMTC puts the PUNCH back into Christianity. Jesus is their Captain, and they are His ARMY
Descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel
God and Goddess are real, are physical and are having sex in Heaven and ENJOYING IT!

Solution to the World Problem exhibit

Every problem on earth SOLVED by utilizing one simple idea, which has been tragically overlooked by all world leaders, UNTIL NOW.

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
The Universal PANACEA
Brainbeau's 4 Way Peace Plan
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