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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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antiquegamer said:
Space Hulk was a pain in the butt to learn and I am sure it's way more simpler than LOTR card game. It has one of the worst instruction booklet, not to mention the choice of background they used to print the word on.
You've got that right! I had to use a few youtube videos to walk me through the setup and a couple of turns before I could figure out what the hell I was supposed to be doing. Even after playing a game with a friend, I'm pretty sure we screwed up a couple of things. That seems to be pretty common for us though. It usually takes us 3-4 plays of a game before we finally get all the rules down.
We've got a smash hit in our game group with King of Tokyo. Holy shit that game is fun. It moves very quickly and can get exciting for players all around. The games can be a little on the short end but we ended up playing multiple times the night anyway (played 3 games with 3, then 2 games with 6, all in one night). I didn't think one of the short "appetizer" games I brought would turn out to be so loved, it was our main event last night. Put an order in for the Promo Cards and am excited to play more, here's to hoping for expansions

I know Quarriors is the hot shit right now and both being dice rolling games I have a feeling it is stealing the spotlight. KoT is a big recommendation from me, though.

I also got Wasabi! on the table Fri and Sat night. This is a tile placement game with a sushi theme. The Fri players all loved it; it was much more social as we discussed our favorite types of sushi and ingredients. Sat players liked it as well, but coming right off of the action packed King of Tokyo made Wasabi seem so slow in comparison.

Lastly, I got one 3-player game of Survive in. We all liked it, but I have a feeling it won't hit the table as often. Setting up is a chore, and randomly placing the tiles to build the island is a little cumbersome; I was using the bag to shuffle them up, but when reaching in you can feel which tile is which because of their varying sizes. Plus when you look at the tile to make sure it is face up, if it isn't you see the action underneath and it's difficult to ignore when trying to build the island without cheating. The gameplay turned out to be run for your lives antics which is awesome, thumbs up from me as well.


Neverfade said:
Oh yeah, also played Battleship Galaxies. Blech.

Heroscape is better.
I'm regretting my purchase of BG, though I do want to give it a few more plays before deciding whether or not to dump it.

Also, after seeing some reviews/previews of Star Trek: Star Fleet Captains, I see another preorder in my immediate future.


AstroLad said:
I like the base still but if I am playing with more experienced players really dig the expansions. The only downside is that it adds like 10m to setup which is a lot for a <60m game. It does't add too much complexity and I really like the way you build the decks with a sampling from base and expansion so you have no idea what you're going to get.
Setup for us took a lot longer than 10 minutes, as the dude who had it had never played with the expansion before.

When we were cleaning up I recommended he just keep all the cards together (so his stack of 1s would be a mix of the base and expansion). If the setup is that you pull a random number of each Age, then just shuffle them all together and randomly pull out the cards you need of each Age. Seems a lot quicker than trying to separate everything just to mix it up again.

I do the same thing with Galaxy Trucker. I have all the I, II, and III cards mixed in a giant deck. I shuffle the whole thing before a game and then just randomly pull out the appropriate cards as we set up the current delivery run.


Hail to the KING baby
Gryphter said:
We've got a smash hit in our game group with King of Tokyo. Holy shit that game is fun. It moves very quickly and can get exciting for players all around. The games can be a little on the short end but we ended up playing multiple times the night anyway (played 3 games with 3, then 2 games with 6, all in one night). I didn't think one of the short "appetizer" games I brought would turn out to be so loved, it was our main event last night. Put an order in for the Promo Cards and am excited to play more, here's to hoping for expansions

I know Quarriors is the hot shit right now and both being dice rolling games I have a feeling it is stealing the spotlight. KoT is a big recommendation from me, though.
Looking forward to trying it out. Playing Quarriors for the first time right now and digging it. One of those games whose rules are a lot more involved than the game actually is complex. Rolling dice if fun though.

I do agree that it's weird how overlooked King of Tokyo has been considering the presence of Garfield and the cool theme. Still need to read through the rules myself though but I am hyped (just waiting to have 4-5 together to play it, nice thing about Quarriors is that it seems to work quite OK with 2 a la Dominion).
AstroLad said:
Looking forward to trying it out. Playing Quarriors for the first time right now and digging it. One of those games whose rules are a lot more involved than the game actually is complex. Rolling dice if fun though.

I do agree that it's weird how overlooked King of Tokyo has been considering the presence of Garfield and the cool theme. Still need to read through the rules myself though but I am hyped (just waiting to have 4-5 together to play it, nice thing about Quarriors is that it seems to work quite OK with 2 a la Dominion).

Perhaps its because King of Tokyo just looks really lame. The components and the art just really are not attractive at all to me and almost kid like, and seeing it being played on a table, it looks very lacking. I'm sure most people are judging it based on how it looks.


Hail to the KING baby
hahah yeah maybe. definitely going to be #1 on my list for our next game group though

finished quarriors. pretty fun -- don't know if it's that suited for two though. some of the abilities like the slime that that can morph are worthless with two and you kind of lose the dynamic of having to survive round after round of attacks on your creatures. good fun though will keep and probably play at our next game night as well. plays quite fast
Also bunch of other Kaiju monster battle games have came out with lot of very impressive production values which probably has soured many to jumping onto King of Tokyo.

Anyways had another game night tonight with the GF and we did a 5 player Game of Thrones. Enjoyed it, though the card drawing at the end of turn really makes things turn out pretty unpredictable at times and can screw up perfectly good set ups and flows.... I dunno, but still liked it. Will pick up the 2nd edition when it's out to see how the extra rules add to the game.

On tap for Wed night we are going to be doing the Back to the Future card game probably, maybe some Bang! as well unless I can get Mansions of Madness read up before then.
I feel the need to say that "For Sale" is indeed awesome. it's been a hit with my family and has seen a lot of play at work at lunchtime.

I've been slowly convincing them to try new games, we moved fromt traditional card games, to bottle imp (awesome), munchkin (way too long, a coworker brought this) to for sale. I hope to introduce them "Hey that's my fish" this week to finally 7 wonders somewhere in the near future.


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
Also bunch of other Kaiju monster battle games have came out with lot of very impressive production values which probably has soured many to jumping onto King of Tokyo.
yeah but those are all by a bunch of schlub designers not mr. garfield


That's funny, I think KoT looks great, I've just got a bunch of games recently that people are still learning so I don't want to throw too many rule sets at them. Otherwise I'd probably buy it.

Speaking of Mr. Garfield, we finally played our first game of RoboRally after months of trying to gt it to the table. Six players, one board (Cross), lotsa fun. One hilarious conveyor belt tug-of-war that ended in a double suicide. Good times, good times.

Also played a four player game of Cyclades. Three of the players were new and everyone was sort of playing nicey nice and I couldn't get Ares so it was sort of an anticlimatic ending when my friend grabbed Athena, bought the extra philosopher and used the creature that steals another one to complete his second metropolis. Still, it went over well and everyone learned an important lesson to not play nicey nice.
Participating in my first math trade on BGG. My 2 offerings are up and my want list is ready to go, but it looks like we're not allowed to submit the want lists yet. Will have to keep an eye on it until the deadline, which is Fri.


Gryphter said:
Participating in my first math trade on BGG. My 2 offerings are up and my want list is ready to go, but it looks like we're not allowed to submit the want lists yet. Will have to keep an eye on it until the deadline, which is Fri.

Is this the big "Labour of Love" one? If so, yeah it's still open for new items for a few hours today, after which it'll get locked & you can submit your wants on the OWLWG (or whatever it's called).

I love math trades, and I've got a few items listed in this one. Mind you'll likely end up with whatever's the "least value" of the items you choose in your wants for each trade & adjust around that "least value".

And in this one, mind you'll be paying full shipping. I think there's a fair amount of unrealistic junk in this particular math trade for some reason, particularly when the shipping rules are taken into consideration.... A set of blank Dominion cards?? A piece of tanga trash that tanga couldn't give away??
Gryphter said:
Participating in my first math trade on BGG. My 2 offerings are up and my want list is ready to go, but it looks like we're not allowed to submit the want lists yet. Will have to keep an eye on it until the deadline, which is Fri.
You can always submit your list before the deadline. If there are more things you want to add you can always submit multiple times.
^ Yep, labor of love math trade. I am offering 2 games and only have 5 things on my want list, albeit several instances. Probably "20" different line items but with duplicate protection bringing it to 5. Got my fingers crossed, my main concern is that no one bites :(
Yaboosh said:
When you guys talk about math trades, it is like you are talking in Arabic. I don't get them at all.
It's like a 3 way trade, but only instead of 3 ways, it's like hundreds or maybe even thousands. Basically you say what you want to trade away, what you want in return, then a computer tabulates the results for all participants. Then you're told where to send your shit and you wait for your stuff to be sent to you, which will almost always be from a different person; the person you're sending to will not likely be the person sending you something in return.

I used this video tutorial to figure it out; the system is pretty daunting without it, not gonna lie.
RyanDG said:
Here's a good site to see some of the lists available:

Edit - I should also mention here that my wife and I didn't even really get into any of the deck building mechanics other than a few small shifts to some of the cards until we got the first expansion.

OK, so we played couple of games to get familiar with the mechanics, we did a few things wrong but we are learning. Couple of questions for you. First the encounter deck, do we custom make the deck base on scenario we are playing? (ie we only put cards that have the particular icons for that scenario). And we are a bit confuse about objective. It seems they are all have negative effect. So why would we want to earn these relics, I am assuming these are winning requirement for some of the scenarios?

Thanks, the game is fun even my daughter find the game entertaining.

edit: did some more reading and research, so the encounter deck need to be adjust for each scenario and those objectives are for the 3rd scenario.
Yaboosh said:
When you guys talk about math trades, it is like you are talking in Arabic. I don't get them at all.

Person A has Yellow; WANTS Purple
Person B has Blue, Red and Green. WANTS to Orange and Yellow
Person C has Purple and Orange WANTS Red and Blue
Person D has Yellow and Orange. WANTS Green and Blue

Magic algorithm spits this result out:

Person A will ship B Yellow and get C's Purple.
Person B will ship C Blue and ship D Green. Recieves A's Yellow and D's Orange.
Person C will ship A Purple. Receives B's Blue.
Person D will ship B Orange. Recieves B's Green.

A got lucky. He wanted Purple and he was able to trade away his Yellow for it.
B got everything he wanted. He initially put up 3 items for trade but he only traded 2 of them away (like it should be).
C only got 1 of the things he wanted.
D also only got 1 of the things he wanted.

Notice that C wanted Red, and there was a Red in the pool. The reason why he didn't get Red is because B would have had to ship out 3 things in total when he only wanted 2 things, which wouldn't be fair to B. Math trades won't rip you off.

Notice here that a lot of people didn't get EVERYTHING that they wanted, BUT they were able to trade their item away and recieve what they want back. You don't have to go to every single person and ask them if they want your Yellow for his Purple. He simply throws the Yellow in the pool and recieves a Purple back.

It isn't always possible to match everyone with what they want, but it is the most efficient way to trade your stuff away and get something that you want. You won't ever be down an item. Every item you ship, you will recieve something that you want in return.

It beats going online and finding someone who will trade you directly. You throw in your unwanted item and you get something you want back.


I am REALLY loving Dominion. It is such a fun game. I kind of hate that the cards are going to get some wear and tear on them but I think putting every card in sleeves is over kill, even for me. So far I have the base set and Seaside. I'm going to order Prosperity now and then later on I'll pick up Intrigue.

If anyone is looking for a fun card game I highly recommend Dominion, but if you're looking for board games I'm sure it's already been mentioned to you.


Hail to the KING baby
Deadstar said:
I am REALLY loving Dominion. It is such a fun game. I kind of hate that the cards are going to get some wear and tear on them but I think putting every card in sleeves is over kill, even for me. So far I have the base set and Seaside. I'm going to order Prosperity now and then later on I'll pick up Intrigue.

If anyone is looking for a fun card game I highly recommend Dominion, but if you're looking for board games I'm sure it's already been mentioned to you.
yep it's definitely the biggest euro-style game to come out in years, perhaps ever by the time it's all said and done.

i need to bust it out again since I haven't even had the chance to play with cornucopia yet. playing online burnt me out on it a little but it's still an amazing game


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Got a new job with a decent pay bump, AND the wife finished grad school and got a new job as well. We're pretty much rolling in the money.
Read: We aren't broke living off one income for the first time in two years.

So that means... I can now, within reason, buy whatever board games I want! This is a dangerous proposition... previously $30 for a game was a big deal. I was never so out of $$$ that this would break the bank... just meant no video games or bar drinking for a bit, etc.

I just placed an order for Stone Age, Dominion Seaside, and Wits & Wagers. I had to show some restraint just to get it down to that (removed Fresco, 7 Wonders, and Small World from my cart).

Now, it seems like my key board game limiter is going to be space and not money. First World Problem, I know.

Anyway, just excited to bring something new to the table for the first time in a long while.


Hail to the KING baby
GDJustin said:
Got a new job with a decent pay bump, AND the wife finished grad school and got a new job as well. We're pretty much rolling in the money.
Read: We aren't broke living off one income for the first time in two years.

So that means... I can now, within reason, buy whatever board games I want! This is a dangerous proposition... previously $30 for a game was a big deal. I was never so out of $$$ that this would break the bank... just meant no video games or bar drinking for a bit, etc.

yes, yes it is. (pic from a couple days ago)

I just placed an order for Stone Age, Dominion Seaside, and Wits & Wagers. I had to show some restraint just to get it down to that (removed Fresco, 7 Wonders, and Small World from my cart).
good choices! <3 Stone Age and Seaside, and W&W is the one tolerable tabletop trivia game in all existence.

space is definitely a limiting factor (and I speak as someone with a giant closet+ full of games). this is why every few months i cull my games and throw up 10-15 on ebay. you may be surprised that you could recoup a big chunk of your money even for used games


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Surprised you didn't already own the Alhambra big box AL. I'm a (fairly) casual BGG and even I have it. Just hit the table this weekend... it's a much stronger 2P game than people give it credit for.


Hail to the KING baby
GDJustin said:
Surprised you didn't already own the Alhambra big box AL. I'm a (fairly) casual BGG and even I have it. Just hit the table this weekend... it's a much stronger 2P game than people give it credit for.
yeah this was because i picked up base alhambra on the cheap a long time ago and have been picking up some of the expansions here and there whenever there's a fire sale. i do like alhambra -- it is awesome on boiteajeux.net though

there are lots of big games i don't have -- i only own 11 of the bgg top 15 for example!
So our game nights have been going well and we seem to be getting 6 players on a regular basis, but the amount of games for 6 players seems a bit limited with our collections. Lot of card games work with 6 players, but we got a bunch of that and we are looking for more board games specifically.

Any good recommendations for big groups? To note we also really like to have good theme and mechanics in our games so please nothing super ugly abstract Euro no matter how interesting it can be.


AstroLad said:
yes, yes it is. (pic from a couple days ago)

good choices! <3 Stone Age and Seaside, and W&W is the one tolerable tabletop trivia game in all existence.

space is definitely a limiting factor (and I speak as someone with a giant closet+ full of games). this is why every few months i cull my games and throw up 10-15 on ebay. you may be surprised that you could recoup a big chunk of your money even for used games

that k2 one looks interesting, whats it about


BattleMonkey said:
So our game nights have been going well and we seem to be getting 6 players on a regular basis, but the amount of games for 6 players seems a bit limited with our collections. Lot of card games work with 6 players, but we got a bunch of that and we are looking for more board games specifically.

Any good recommendations for big groups? To note we also really like to have good theme and mechanics in our games so please nothing super ugly abstract Euro no matter how interesting it can be.
RoboRally, StarCraft, Twilight Imperium. 7 Wonders isn't a themey game but it's fast even with 7 people and is a great filler game while you're waiting for people to show up. Nice thing about RoboRally and 7 Wonders is that everyone takes their turns simultaneously so downtime is pretty low.

You could play 7 player Battlestar Galactica with expansions and a Cylon leader. I've never tried it but I want to eventually. It would be a horrible way for someone to learn the game, though. It's definitely something you do when you have 7 people who've played it a lot. Not the ideal way to play it but I'd like to try it once.

Or hey, split into 2 groups. Tons of good 3-4 player games.


BattleMonkey said:
So our game nights have been going well and we seem to be getting 6 players on a regular basis, but the amount of games for 6 players seems a bit limited with our collections. Lot of card games work with 6 players, but we got a bunch of that and we are looking for more board games specifically.

Any good recommendations for big groups? To note we also really like to have good theme and mechanics in our games so please nothing super ugly abstract Euro no matter how interesting it can be.

Showmanager (or Atlantic Star), Union Pacific (or Airlines), Jet Set and Nuns on the Run to name a few. All feature different mechanics, so pick whatever that may interest you.


sneaky77 said:
that k2 one looks interesting, whats it about

Played it at BGG.Con last year. Mountain climbing game, with an interesting mitigated "push your luck" element. You're trying to get as high up the mountain as you can, but you need to get your climber /back down/ too to score the points. You've got a random draw of three cards from your own deck of movement cards & you play one. Each card has a different movement speed etc. As you go further up, you're in more risk of running out of oxygen etc, losing your climber. There are base camps you can get to for some safety, but there's limited space etc. So you're trying to push up, while staying safe, but if you push too far for a good score, you might die.

It was a lot of fun; not too heavy, but not too light with some decision making. Nice board, nice cards.


Neo Member
I am new to the party, but we have started playing board games almost every night at my house. The gaming group is my non-gamer wife, 10yr old son, 7 yr old daughter, 4yr old son (he watches), and me. We started with Catan a month ago, added Ticket to Ride two weeks ago, and last night played Super Munchkin and Blokus.

We are all addicted, my kids played Munchkin again this AM, and I purchased Forbidden Island last night. My next purchase will be Dominion I think...I might need help.

TL:DR I like board games and lurk here.
Thought some of you might be interested, the Kickstarter for Alien Frontier's expansion is live. It adds a fifth player, some new alien techs, secret goals, and factions. The expansion's a bit pricey at $35. but it includes shipping and they do have a backer level that includes the base game as well. Considering Clever Mojo will not discount the base game from MSRP this is one way to get the base game with free shipping.
Impulse bought King of Tokyo and turned out to be a really awesome game. Many decisions to be made despite the random nature of the dice and cards.


I played my first game of Dominion yesterday. Before playing, it didn't sound too interesting to me and I was wondering why it was rated so high on BGG. After that first game, I've been itching to play it again already!
Yaboosh said:
I am still not digging Innovation. I just don't find the dogma actions that interesting.
It's not clicking with me either. I think Innovation is a decent game but it's nowhere near as amazing as people are making it out to be.
I'm really bored of Dominion now.

I do play with random kingdom cards, but it all seems very monotonous after playing it so much.

If you want to win without a single kingdom card (ESPECIALLY in prosperity):
1)Buy money
2)Buy money
3)Buy VPs.

If you want to win with kingdom cards:
1)Buy money
2)Buy 2 copies of the card combo you wish to have
3)Buy VPs.

I'm running on a 60% win rate with this strategy, and it's a 4-6 player game. The only thing keeping that from being higher is the luck of the draw. I think this is the most optimal way to play.

Whenever I'm forced to play this game I'm on autopilot and never have to think twice about anything and still win. It kind of feels a roll and move game now. Except it's draw and buy shit.

Reaally regret dropping about $120 on this game =(.

BUT! It was the game that got me into boardgaming, so that makes me hate it a little less.


Definitely agree with you on that. Many games of Dominion at our place descend into 'Race for Provinces'. First/Second turn Smithy/Village is an 'in joke' at my place now.

Some cards help. In the base set, Witch and Gardens mix things up a bit and have made for some interesting games. The only expansion I have is Seasides. Only played it 3 times so far, but it also mixes things up nicely.


Hail to the KING baby
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
It's not clicking with me either. I think Innovation is a decent game but it's nowhere near as amazing as people are making it out to be.
you guys are sychos

if you don't "get" innovation, the problem is not with innovation -- *spoilers* the problem is with you


narcosis219 said:
I'm really bored of Dominion now.

I do play with random kingdom cards, but it all seems very monotonous after playing it so much.

If you want to win without a single kingdom card (ESPECIALLY in prosperity):
1)Buy money
2)Buy money
3)Buy VPs.

If you want to win with kingdom cards:
1)Buy money
2)Buy 2 copies of the card combo you wish to have
3)Buy VPs.

I'm running on a 60% win rate with this strategy, and it's a 4-6 player game. The only thing keeping that from being higher is the luck of the draw. I think this is the most optimal way to play.

Whenever I'm forced to play this game I'm on autopilot and never have to think twice about anything and still win. It kind of feels a roll and move game now. Except it's draw and buy shit.

Reaally regret dropping about $120 on this game =(.

BUT! It was the game that got me into boardgaming, so that makes me hate it a little less.

In some kingdom sets, buying money with only a few actions can be the best thing to do. If there are no +action cards for example, it doesn't make sense to buy lots of kingdom cards, since they're just going to be dead in your hand. If you purchase more then 1-2 actions that are NOT also +actions, you're taking a real gamble with your deck and you have to hope you don't run into multiples. I sometimes wish the game wasn't like this, but that's how it goes.

That's not to say action centric strategies can't work either, it just really depends on the set of kingdom cards you get. I've done crazy stuff like mass alchemist + herbalist + a few villages to draw my whole deck and play double possession in a two player game. Other sets I look at it and go "huh, no +actions... silver it is!". Do you play with any other sets other than Base and Prosperity? I find that Base especially results in Big Money being very effective.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
It's not clicking with me either. I think Innovation is a decent game but it's nowhere near as amazing as people are making it out to be.

These guys speak the truth. :p I got a freebie of it & can't face teaching it to people.

It's no Race, that's for sure.


TechSamurai said:
I am new to the party, but we have started playing board games almost every night at my house. The gaming group is my non-gamer wife, 10yr old son, 7 yr old daughter, 4yr old son (he watches), and me. We started with Catan a month ago, added Ticket to Ride two weeks ago, and last night played Super Munchkin and Blokus.

We are all addicted, my kids played Munchkin again this AM, and I purchased Forbidden Island last night. My next purchase will be Dominion I think...I might need help.

TL:DR I like board games and lurk here.

Wow, my family is similar to yours, except my youngest is six. You should also give Citadels a try; my family loves it.
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