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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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My group got together for an impromptu game session last night; one of the guys got Drizzt for his bday over the weekend and wanted to try it out.

We had 4 experienced players and did the 7th or 8th scenario in the book; there's a dude encased in a crystal, you have to free him as well as defeat the big bad of the game which is some demon/Balrog wannabe. There are no healers in this game but the monsters' AC is a little lower and the heroes are stronger, so it I think that's how they're balancing it out. It was very rare to have even 1 monster in play because we just smashed them asap. Still, the volcanic vents and curses chipped away at us and we used up both healing surges towards the end on account that you just couldn't heal, really. We freed the dude and got the big bad down to 1 HP; it came down to the final attack roll against him. Only needed a 6+ on the dice and it came up a 3. Defeat

Good fun, this one is more fighting based and it's nice to see some of the monster cards are actually events instead of monsters. Looking forward to trying other scenarios.


Today was gaming day as usual for Tuesday evenings. While we only managed to be three, we did have one of the most meaningful evenings of board gaming I ever participated in.

We managed to avoid a Pandemic, twice! While our first game with just 4 epidemics was a bit rocky (mainly due to me not reading through the manual before and ignoring that the game ends once all blue cards have been used up). Still in the final turn, possibly by misinterpreting the rules of the scientist we managed to narrowly avoid defeat and won by finding a cure for the fourth virus.

Now that we actually knew how to play and when it might end, we played the intermediate game with 5 epidemics. And what can I say? While there were a whole lot of outbreaks we did win. And I think it was quite comfortable too.

Definitely a fun game and I'm looking forward to playing it again and also with the expansion pack.

Afterwards, when one of our group got home we did play a round of Dracula. And it went down the wire. I as Dr Helsing had discovered 4 of Dracula's tombs, Dracula discovered 4 of his prey. My health was down to one. It was a do or die situation. There were two possibilities for his final tomb. One of which before held his Amulet. If he did not exchange that with another card my final energy cube would be gone, I would have lost. But what if he did not put his fifth tomb on the board? I had the fifth victim among my hand cards, so I could not risk an encounter with him. That would have meant to show him my left over encounter cards, as well as him showing me his. Had he seen the fifth victim was not on the board, he would have won.
I had to roll the dice. And luckily, I rolled right. He did indeed change the space where before had been his amulet. There it was, the final tomb. I won by the narrowest of margins. I was certain, he would have looked at my left over cards the next turn.

Quite exciting end to a rather exciting game on a perfectly misty Viennese evening in the fall.
Hey all. I am relatively new to the scene, having gone to a monthly group in the area for the last 6 months or so. I'm loving every new game I come across, and starting to amass my own small collection. I was wondering if there was anyone here in the LA/Long Beach area. Since my reg group only meets once a month, I'd like to get something more regular going!


Ricky_R said:
Wait a minute.... I'm from Puerto Rico and I didn't even know we had a board game.

There's even a card adaptation.

San Juan is great fun for two people. Regular Puerto Rico is great for three to five. Both games are really excellent.
ZackieChan said:
Hey all. I am relatively new to the scene, having gone to a monthly group in the area for the last 6 months or so. I'm loving every new game I come across, and starting to amass my own small collection. I was wondering if there was anyone here in the LA/Long Beach area. Since my reg group only meets once a month, I'd like to get something more regular going!
Welcome! I go to a group that meets in Culver City that meets every Thursday. The group is pretty big and we regularly get around 7-10 people a week to play. We will play pretty much whatever and there is usually two sometimes three tables going at once so there never really isn't a problem getting in a game. You will need to sign up with the group through Yahoo groups. The group is set to private and you need to accepted but they accept everyone. The Yahoo group is just used for RSVPing to the meetings. Just shoot me a PM and I'll send you the link.

Slacker said:
Regular Puerto Rico is great for three to five. Both games are really excellent.
The official two player variant is not bad at all. My wife and I have played that a few times and we both enjoy it.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Waiting for the PR anniversary set. Game is ugly

I'm actually super excited for the anniversary set as well.

Played another game of Power Grid last night. Had a blast, but lost to my girlfriend. Ahh
Any comments or recommendations for Small World? Every time I go to our local Cool Stuff Inc branch down here in SFL, they have stacks of the game that just came in from the main branch in Orlando. They are selling tons of this game and expansions, yet never tried it.

Any good?
BattleMonkey said:
Any comments or recommendations for Small World? Every time I go to our local Cool Stuff Inc branch down here in SFL, they have stacks of the game that just came in from the main branch in Orlando. They are selling tons of this game and expansions, yet never tried it.

Any good?
It's a super simplified area control game kind of like Risk minus the dice rolling. The fun comes in the different race/power combinations that effect the way the race plays. It's a fun game but really light. There isn't much you are doing on a turn but placing pieces or deciding if you want to go into decline or not (if a race becomes too spread out it is best to go into "decline". Basically obsoleting that race and drawing a new one). I personally like it but it's a divisive game. Even on here there are people who like it and people who hate it.


I'm hoping you guys can give me some recommendations for good games that are similar to Ascension/Dominion. My husband and I've played both extensively, but I'm looking for something similar but hopefully with less chances of 10+ minute turns where he goes through his entire deck while I watch. ;)

The criteria are pretty loose: playable with 2 players, less than 60 min in length, and not Carcassone.
Aponi said:
I'm hoping you guys can give me some recommendations for good games that are similar to Ascension/Dominion. My husband and I've played both extensively, but I'm looking for something similar but hopefully with less chances of 10+ minute turns where he goes through his entire deck while I watch. ;)

The criteria are pretty loose: playable with 2 players, less than 60 min in length, and not Carcassone.

If you want deck building games, then it's almost always going to be a "wait your turn" type of deal. Nightfall is one where you have the ability to do something on every player's turn.

If you're willing to ditch the deck building game style, there are plenty of games where everyone does something at the same time so you never have to wait your turn.


narcosis219 said:
If you're willing to ditch the deck building game style, there are plenty of games where everyone does something at the same time so you never have to wait your turn.

I don't mind waiting while people play 5-10 cards, it's when people start cycling through their deck every turn that my attention wanders. Non-deck building are also ok, though that pretty much opens up the entire genre. :) We've played Arkham Horror Asylum and D&D Wrath of A___ and liked both (Arkham more so than Wrath), it's just that they're not time-friendly for weekdays.
Just ordered the LOTR LCG base set. Looks fun in the videos on the site, so I can't wait. Getting together with some peeps on Friday to introduce them to Dominion and 7 Wonders, then it's Starcraft the board game on Saturday night. Big weekend.

Also, send zackiechan an invite on Yucata if you want to play St. Petersburg or help me learn Thunderstone and CM2008.


Hail to the KING baby
Learned at Day 1 of BGG:
-Blood Bowl Team Manager
-The Resistance

Good stuff; liked them all for very different reasons. Resistance reminds me how much I hate lying but does so in a brief and relatively painless way.


Hail to the KING baby
Cross-posting from G+ :p

AstroLad said:
Learned at Day 1 of BGG:
-Blood Bowl Team Manager
-The Resistance

Good stuff; liked them all for very different reasons. Resistance reminds me how much I hate lying but does so in a brief and relatively painless way.

Wait, I thought you were a lawyer?


TwiztidElf said:
Damn the iPad version of Forbidden Island is fantastic. I was up really late last night playing it.
I may have to finally break down and get an iPad this year. Forbidden Island, Greed Corp, Ticket To Ride, Smallworld, Carcassonne, etc etc etc. It's quickly becoming the ultimate board gaming machine.


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
Wait, I thought you were a lawyer?
I know -- irony!

So since it's 4:30 a.m. over here and I just got done with a long day of gaming with Flynn and a bunch of other people here's my quick view on the games so far:

Kingdom Builder: Really enjoy this. I saw on BGG that its average score is pretty low so maybe there's some great reason to hate it that I've just missed in my first three playthroughs. So far to me it's basically all the good parts of Dominion -- modularity, ease of learning, interesting interactions -- in a completely fresh sort of area-control type mechanic. Glad I picked it up.

Blood Bowl Team Manager: So we just got done with a ~ 2.5-hour game of this. I've played it twice and I think I quite dig it. It's too long by about an hour (even at two hours) and has a bit too much going on by midgame for what should really be a light-medium card game but I just find the core mechanics and all the luck involved really fun. Definitely a love-it-or-hate-it title though. Several people here certainly hate it. :p Which I think is reasonable if you're just not into ornate FFG gameplay.

Tournay: Definitely liked the game I played but I love other euros so much I don't know this would crack my top 30 because it doesn't really have a particularly standout element like most of my fav euros (at least that I can tell from my one and only play).

Powerboats: Fun classic racing game that's probably also 30m too long for what it is.

Also played Innovation, some crazy Essen fishing game, and a couple other things (not Jab yet though). Think I've learned about ten games at the con so far, which is super-solid.
AstroLad said:
Blood Bowl Team Manager: So we just got done with a ~ 2.5-hour game of this. I've played it twice and I think I quite dig it. It's too long by about an hour (even at two hours) and has a bit too much going on by midgame for what should really be a light-medium card game but I just find the core mechanics and all the luck involved really fun. Definitely a love-it-or-hate-it title though. Several people here certainly hate it. :p Which I think is reasonable if you're just not into ornate FFG gameplay.
The length is my main complaint as well. I played it again three handed last night, two of us had played before, and it still took us 90 minutes. It's fun and can get you thinking, especially with all your upgrades, but mechanically it's really light and that kind of sucks.

In addition to BBTM I played Urban Sprawl again, goddamn that game is good. There was a turn where I was sitting in last place, around 15 points behind the leader, and I rocketed up almost 60 points. I made a couple good building decisions coupled that with some really lucky event cards that kept giving me points I had taken the lead for the rest of the game. It did come close at the end but I was able to hang on.

I was trying to get the new Civ expansion to the table but we never was able to get a fourth and three player Civ kind of sucks.


AstroLad said:
Kingdom Builder: Really enjoy this. I saw on BGG that its average score is pretty low so maybe there's some great reason to hate it that I've just missed in my first three playthroughs. So far to me it's basically all the good parts of Dominion -- modularity, ease of learning, interesting interactions -- in a completely fresh sort of area-control type mechanic. Glad I picked it up.
I quite liked the look of this. If I continue to hear good things, I might just have to pick it up.
BattleMonkey said:
Urban Sprawl takes long to play?
Oh yeah. It took us about 2 and half hours to play with three players. From all accounts, four is worse and really not ideal for this game. The problem is the board will change before your turn so it's hard to plan out your moves ahead of time. With three players it's a good chance you will get what you want but with four it's almost guaranteed the board will change completely before your turn.
Well I was interested in Super Dungeon Explore till I saw it comes in a million pieces that you have to glue together. I already got way too much shit to put together for other games including all the Dreadfleet stuff I got recently. See no reason why these figs had to be done in multi part plastic like that, they are not that great of figs to require the treatment


Well I was interested in Super Dungeon Explore till I saw it comes in a million pieces that you have to glue together. I already got way too much shit to put together for other games including all the Dreadfleet stuff I got recently. See no reason why these figs had to be done in multi part plastic like that, they are not that great of figs to require the treatment
I feel exactly the same way. I was kinda on the fence with the "chibi" look of the models, but was going to put that aside if the gameplay was good. Then I saw all the stuff about gluing together the models and everything and struck it off my list immediately.


i played Snow Tails for the first time the other night. What a neat idea for a game. You are racing dog sleds and your speed and direction are determined by the cards you play from your hand. I came in last but only because I decided to go out in a blaze of glory by driving my sled into a wall after having suffered a lot of damage.

Also got another game of King of Tokyo in. That game is generating a lot of fans from the people I regularly game with.
Played some Resident Evil and King of Tokyo today, good time for everyone. Got Panic Station, seems interesting, sad to see how bad the rules were that came with the game, you have to download the new edition of the rules online because it was seriously some sloppy writing. Hope to try it out within the week.


The Spielefest Vienna is done for another year. As last year when I started going again after last being there about 15 years ago I was there for 2 of the 3 days. Saturday and Sunday.

And as last year on Saturday I went there alone without anything set up. Different than last year I didn't participate in the Settlers of Catan tournament but instead manged to run into the two guys I knew were there.

With one of them I first enjoyed a quick game of Tobago, really nice little game, and I like how you can influence the treasure maps and who finds the treasure. I think that's now on my shortlist. At least for some more playing time, and probably also for buying.

Then I found the other guy, fresh off his Carcassonne tournament finish, and we along with some other people played 3 rounds of 7 Wonders. Regrettably Leaders didn't make the trip and got lost somewhere prior to the Spielefest opening. Or so I presume. Still, 7 Wonders always is great fun. More so if I manage to win, which I did twice. Once even doing something I haven't done before, going for military. First game with 5 I won, second game with 7 (2 novices that joined our experienced group) I faltered badly, but once they left and we played with 6 players I regained my winning form. Nice.

After that I got introduced to Identik, which I promptly fell for. The whole "explain a picture for the other people to draw" thing with a little twist. You, the describer as well as the other players that drew the pictures receive points based on 10 predefined important aspects of the picture. But those are only revealed once the time has run out to explain the picture. That sure is a nice twist, especially considering what inane things there are (e.g. The nose of the man is bigger than his feet."). Then again on second thought with more experience you might get used to this and just focus on what you perceive to be important details. Hm... I'll see.

And then we were thrown out at closing time ;)

Today was evenful as well, went with a friend of mine and met another group of 7 there.

First I kind of got talked into participating in the 7 Wonders tournament that actually ist for the Austrian Championship. Well, while I did play okay, I lost in the first round and was free to join the larger group, that played on their own. Just in time for another round of Identik. Nice. Laughs were had and people screamed at others misrating their masterpieces. Enjoyable.

After that half of the group left ,we played Abalone quattro twice, in different team setups, and continuing my good fortune I did indeed manage to be on the winning team both times. Then again I'm the only one who had played Abalone before today, so I guess that counts for something.

A quick game with magnets followed, I don't remember the name, was nice for about 3 rounds, but seemed to wear thin after that. Basically you had to place magnets in an egg-box without them attracting other already placed magnets. Once you placed all your own magnets you won. Nice but nothing more than that.

With the 7 Wonders tournament finished and bot my mates that participated and lasted longer than me finally joining us we got ourselves hold of King of Tokyo. After reading about it here I was quite thrilled when I saw it on Saturday.

We (5 players) managed to play it twice within an hour including explanations. Fun. Indeed a very fun game. Though we hardly managed to buy cards. But interestingly enough we managed to end the game in both ways. The first with all monsters exept the winner getting axed and then with a King of Tokyo and 20 victory points. Nice. I prematurely lost all my hearts both times.

Fun. Definitely on my list. I wonder how well it scales if I wanted to play it with 7+?

Definitely looking forward for next years Spielefest.


Hail to the KING baby
On the comedown from BGG. Feels weird that it's midnight and I'm not thinking about the next Essen game I'll be playing this evening.


Getting Battlestar Galactica for xmas, so now I'm watching the show on Hulu to enhance the experience. :p

The expansions worth looking into or should I stick with the base game for a while until my group gets used to it?


Getting Battlestar Galactica for xmas, so now I'm watching the show on Hulu to enhance the experience. :p

The expansions worth looking into or should I stick with the base game for a while until my group gets used to it?

Absolutely get the expansions, bow well versed is your group in boardgaming? I'd say just grab the base for now, as BSG has a fair amount of rules. I've played countless games of it and could recite the rules by memory probably, but teaching new people base + both expansions at once is a fucking chore, even for me.


Back from BGG.

My favorites were:

Ora et Labora: Heady worker placement from Uve Rosenberg -- feels like a blend of Agricola and La Havre with worker stealing for those who thought that those prior games weren't interactive enough.

Tourney: The follow up to Troyes. Feels lighter initially, since it card driven (no dice) but still some meaty card interaction to think about.

Runners Up:

Quebec: Thinking about it the game feels like a more complex El Grande. Lots of cube pushing, but there's so much going on that it doesn't feel entirely soul-less. The cubes build buildings, after all!

Kingdom Builder: fast settlement placement with huge variety.

Nefarious: fast role selection in a race to build inventions and get VP. Feels too fast in some circumstances

Wish I had played: Dungeon Petz


Hail to the KING baby
BGG.Con Top 5 (limited to newish/Essen games)
Quebec: Upon reflection I think this was actually my number 1. Designer is a friend so I'm biased, but given the theme and superficial euro-ness of the game, I expected to like it but for it to not really be my thing. Turns out the game is totally interaction-dependent since you rely on others to complete the buildings you start, and you also have incentives to help others with their buildings. Kind of hard to explain the various mechanics but I thought it came together incredibly well.

Kingdom Builder: Most played game in terms of number of plays. Easy though when the game lasts only about 30m. I dug my first five plays a lot. It's basically an area-control-type game but the areas you want to control and how you want to control them change completely from game to game because score is based on 3/10 different cards and you have access to 4/8 different powers each game, as well as 4/8 terrain tiles. Be curious to see how I feel after 20+ plays and after having seen all the variable scoring cards and powers, but I think it definitely has the potential to be Dominion-like in terms of broad appeal and snappy but somewhat deep play.

Tournay: Don't have the Troyes background, but this was a very solid and deep euro. Probably won't pick it up though because I have a lot of those already and need to get into Troyes more first.

Blood Bowl Team Manager: Kind of a surprise hit for me. The learning game didn't go so great because none of us knew it and we were taught it in 5m by some person who was passing by. Feel like this is one of those where you need to play 3-5 times and learn all the basic abilities and then it flows much better. But regardless I really like the matchup mechanics (why do they call them highlights -- they should be called matchups!) as well as all the goofy stuff like the tackle rolls and especially the cheat tokens. Though I do which there was a way to more easily randomize cheat tokens. Might throw in some counters to mark cheats and then throw the tokens in a bag and draw at matchup time. Going to bust this out with the game group. My only general complaint is that it feels about 30-45m too long so I may try out the short season variant where you start out with upgrades.

Nefarious: The other Vaccarino game where you play a mad scientist paying to build crazy inventions (that either give you veeps, money, or card draws and/or give/take away same from other players). Loved this the first couple times I played it, but by my fourth or fifth play I started to think that maybe it's almost too fast. Some games last about 10m at most it seems. Will wait on this one though it is quite pretty.

More Games I Enjoyed
Fistful of Penguins: Push-your luck dicefest with animal dice. Almost definitely will pick it up once it hits CSI.

Dice Town: Never played this when it came out. Yes I love rolling dice. Basically dice worker placementish (e.g., most 9s gets you veeps, most 10s gets you money, etc.) with lots of cheap stealing of cards.

Dungeon Fighter: It was kind of messed up because the fan translation for this game was horrible, so no one was playing by the proper rules. But it's a co-op dungeon crawl where you roll dice and aim them at a target and get bonuses. Sometimes you get forced to roll them far away from the table, with your eyes closed, etc. Will see what the reactions are to the complete game but I'm quite interested.

Wish I Played
Dungeon Petz: So someone could teach me.

Urban Sprawl: Same, though doubly so for this deep & long GMT game.

Stone Age Style Is the Goal: I don't think this was in the library but Funagain had it for sale. Only willing to pay CSI prices for a Stone Age expansion though. I hear it's good though which is actually quite surprising to me (like Stone Age just don't see any need for an expansion).

Walnut Grove: "A cross between jigsaw puzzles and worker placement" that plays in 45m? Gah how did I miss out on this!?


I've been pondering a co-op horror game for a while now. I've been watching videos for Mansions of Madness today, and it looks pretty interesting. One question though - watching the videos I've seen so far - it doesn't seem like the investigators have that many decisions to make. Are there points in the game that require the investigators to make tough choices about what to do next to succeed?
I've been pondering a co-op horror game for a while now. I've been watching videos for Mansions of Madness today, and it looks pretty interesting. One question though - watching the videos I've seen so far - it doesn't seem like the investigators have that many decisions to make. Are there points in the game that require the investigators to make tough choices about what to do next to succeed?

It depends on how things work out really and the scenario, but for the most part it's a game about exploring and finding a specific order of clues. It is a simple game really despite looking imposing with all the stuff in it. Players themselves will have to determine who does what in order to best succeed often based on the characters they pulled and their abilities. Some characters are better suited for solving the puzzles, some are more combat oriented, etc. Victory and loss conditions can vary per scenario also so it's often a race against time so players have to split themselves up efficiently


Posted this elsewhere, time to post it here. My BGG.Con run-down:

Fantastic few days of gaming, and easily the most slickly run BGG.Con I've been to (past 3). They've got this down to a well oiled machine at the Westin, so next year's change of venue, and likely some growth, is going to be interesting. They're definitely over capacity in the current mix of large conference space & smaller rooms, and tickets sold out in record time (though there was quite a churn of resales late on), but it still feels small & relatively intimate, generally. Lots of familiar faces, a familiar structure/rhythm to the Con routine, and lots of games :) I'm lucky to have a bunch of my regular gaming group go up to the Con, so most of my gaming time (and social time) was spent with them, with some random 'pickup' games thrown into the mix in-between.

Here's a random run down of what I played:

Eclipse - Game of the show. It's a civ-lite set in space, featuring a bunch of large hexes for locations, abstracted resource mechanics, semi-random techs available each turn, tight economy, ship upgrading (fantastically well done) and easy to resolve dice based combat. It *looks* intimidating in photos & from a rules description, but it's /real/ easy to play & quick too. 2 hours for 4 players. We played it twice in a row, that's how much we enjoyed it, and all 4 of us will likely end up owning it despite the pointlessness of that ;) It's dang perfect for the group I played with. I would have played it a third time if I could have.

Ore et Labora - new Uwe Rosenburg game (Agricola etc). Think Le Havre without the fiddly resource management, with added spatial management for bonuses/end game scores. Uses a rondel for managing good availability that works /fantastically/ well. Stroke of genius. The theme of making whiskey helps ;) Despite the cards being in German, I really liked this, more than Le Have. Just the right level of complexity & engine building for me.

Vanatu - the third big hit for our group. Manage a Polynesian island by fishing, selling fish for goods, converting goods into VP etc. Throw in role selection with a nice variety of important bonuses. Nothing /new/ but exceptionally well executed. What makes it stand out is the turn order importance. There's 8 different actions you can bid for each turn with your five actions markers. When it's your turn, you can choose to execute any of those actions your highest bidder in... Ties are broken by turn order from the start player this round. Which is *brutal* as other players ahead of you can block you really easily, making start player /really/ important. A little long, but I want to play it again.

Nefarios - new card game by the Dominion designer. Fun, 'evil super villian' theme combined with nice artwork & simple mechanics, but nothing /fantastic/... We played it twice to get a better feel of it because of the two changing 'game tweaks' that are random (our first made it /very/ simple). Fun, but at $60 from Essen, and $45 US RRP, it feels expensive.

Lancaster - a Queen game that's been out for a few months but new to my group. Area control, kind of, mixed with economic engine, kind of, a dash of voting, and a good old "Medieval English Kingdom" theme. Great production quality from Queen, as usual. Liked it enough to teach it and play it later in the weekend.

Pax - Roman themed card game that's real simple to teach, real simple to play. twenty minutes or so, and would play again.

Core Worlds - deck building game in the vein of Ascenion/Thunderstone etc, but with a sci-fi theme. Massive dud. Got a three player demo with two random gamers & we all were "meh" almost immediately. Just nothing compelling about it, nothing interesting about the theme, fiddly energy/action management, and heavily weighted to the first player each round because of how the card drafting works. Meh.

Dungeon Runners - new dungeon crawler by the Summoner Wars guys (which I love). Semi-cooperative dungeon crawler - once you beat the big-baddy, everyone is out for themselves to escape with the prize. Reminds me a little of Claustrophobia but without the asymmetric gameplay. Enjoyed, might buy.

Walnut Grove - "meh". Not /bad/ but not good. Typical economic engine game with an added tile building/management aspect for production, which I enjoyed.... But the game overall? Meh. Nothing stood out, nothing grabbed me.

Dark Horse - Kickstarter indie game that's effectively a Wild West mix of Kingsburg action selection & Catan expansion/resource gathering on a map. Worked very well for what it is, is already in production, and played well. Didn't overstay its welcome - 60 mins for 3. Designer was /very/ nice & looking for feedback on the role I played.

Rise! - Another Kickstarter game, this one is up for funding right now. Two player abstract, 20 minutes long, simple to learn,nice to play. Enjoyed this & would fund it if I thought it'd make it.

7 Wonders - not a favourite game, but decided to do the tournament as it's such a quick & random game. Ended up easily winning my first game, which put me into the "money" table. Came 4th overall, got a copy of an Essen card I'd been interested in, and had a good time.

Kingdom Builder - mixed reaction in our group. We had a relatively sucky setup for 4 players with only 2 "move" powers available - they were grabbed & the two of us who couldn't get them were kinda stuck most of the game relatively. Would play it again, and happy some friends bought it, but not in a rush to buy.

Played a bunch of older games too, of course, and had my yearly "epic" game on Friday with the same guys I've been doing since my first year at the Con (this year Warrior Knights). Met a nice friendly couple from the same town as me who plied me with liquor while we played Formula De.

All in all, a great long weekend away. Met a bunch of interesting new people, traded for a bunch of new to me games, and played a bunch of good games. Well worth it. I *thoroughly* recommend the BoardGameGeek.Con for any board gamers out there. It's filled with friendly normal people who *love* to game.


Hail to the KING baby
Eclipse - Game of the show. It's a civ-lite set in space, featuring a bunch of large hexes for locations, abstracted resource mechanics, semi-random techs available each turn, tight economy, ship upgrading (fantastically well done) and easy to resolve dice based combat. It *looks* intimidating in photos & from a rules description, but it's /real/ easy to play & quick too. 2 hours for 4 players. We played it twice in a row, that's how much we enjoyed it, and all 4 of us will likely end up owning it despite the pointlessness of that ;) It's dang perfect for the group I played with. I would have played it a third time if I could have.
Interesting, kinda wish I tried it now.


Interesting, kinda wish I tried it now.

Eclipse is a thoroughly streamlined space civ game... Explore, expand, research, conquer. Almost no fluff. Enough randomness to make games varied without random. Straightforward combat with a great tech upgrade system to give some variety. You've got 9 turns, no more, making the game move quickly. We had a little analysis paralysis in our second game (two different players to the first) and we still clocked in at 30m per player total.

In our second game, one player got some lousy tile draws that limited his economics... And blam, the right tech came up & he was now in a fantastic position, and he made the most of it to build up & expand almost instantly.

The best player won in each of our games BTW if that matters, and the "story" of each game was decidedly different.


Hail to the KING baby
Kingdom Builder - mixed reaction in our group. We had a relatively sucky setup for 4 players with only 2 "move" powers available - they were grabbed & the two of us who couldn't get them were kinda stuck most of the game relatively. Would play it again, and happy some friends bought it, but not in a rush to buy.
This is interesting -- I've found the move powers to be relatively weak for many of the goals. Much like Dominion though the game tends to depend heavily on the starting draw & move. It's kind of messed up, I'm already ready for the first expansion. :p


This is interesting -- I've found the move powers to be relatively weak for many of the goals. Much like Dominion though the game tends to depend heavily on the starting draw & move. It's kind of messed up, I'm already ready for the first expansion. :p

Some of it just down to it being our first game at it... Some of it was the setup of tiles, powers & just the terrain card draw. But yeah, the two players who could Move had so much more mobility it was ridiculous and scored significantly higher than me & the other player. Like I said, I'd be happy to play it again, and likely will sooner than later.

The two Donald X games got a strange reaction in our group... One player played one game of Nefarious & that was that for him - no interest in it again. We played it again straightaway (at my bidding) because I didn't think we'd seen the 'real' game as our two power cards effectively broke the economy. The second game, investments cost full price & there was no real use for the minions (they moved to whatever action card you placed). It was a more pensive, slower game. But still relatively dependent on card draw & luck. Nice art, but I wouldn't pay $35 for it. It's a card game, really.
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