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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hey guys, I'm kinda sorta new to board games. Me and my friends have been playing them for about a year now, but we haven't really branched out past the few that we've played. Whenever I suggest getting into/buying something new everyone else in the group seems a little turned off by learning something new and daunting, such as Arkham Horror or Descent. I was looking for some suggestions, maybe a little bit "heavier" but perhaps not as large as those two games mentioned above. We've been playing Smallworld (and the new Smallworld Underground), Carcassone, Ascension, once or twice we've played Betrayal at House on the Hill, and Last Night on Earth. We've also played Munchkin and Flux, and we are all very into Magic: The Gathering. I'm not really looking much for any card games though, rather board games. Any suggestions based on what we've played? There's usually about 4-6 of us, but sometimes as low as 3, usually around 4 though.


Hail to the KING baby
Perhaps I just find ameritrash generally easier to understand over the rules of most euro games, probably has to do with generally more detailed rulebooks, diagrams, etc. MM was a quick game for my group I dunno, it clicked. Ironically Twilight struggle mentioned above was a tough one to teach for us...

Yep that's fair. My guess is just that you guys are into heavier Ameritrash so it comes easily. M&M is really chock-full of tons of situations-specific rules and there seem to be about ten different mechanics in play at any given time. I mean if you're going to go over all the rules before playing (which I like to do, dsfdf) it's easily 30m+ just to get everything out on the table, nevermind getting into interactions or remembering the key rules. Not a game that seems to go down particularly smoothly unless you really have to right group who's used to heavier stuff. I still think it's a really cool game though, and I'll probably try to best it out at game group next year.


Played our groups first game of Risk Legacy.

Did some tearing up of components right away -- you can pick on skill of two for each faction right away so one goes out of play.

In the end the winner placed a large city /and the four folks who held out placed minor cities.

Two locations got bunker stickers and another a weapon shortage.

It is pretty weird/neat to be writing all over a board game.
Bought Blood Bowl earlier today on Amazon. After reading about it, watching reviews, and seeing Astro's write up, I decided I needed it. Its $16 on Amazon right now if anyone else is interested

Should mention its the Team manager, not the miniatures one
I assume when I head over there, I'm going to have some game invites, yes?

It took a ton of effort to convince my wife to try Twilight Struggle, but she totally loved it once she did.
I want to learn Twilight Struggle as well. Thy have it on Vasal Engine, and the rules are out there, so you can play it online, I believe.


Had my first game day of the holiday season yesterday. All of this stuff was played 2 player.

Rune Age - Played through the "first" scenario, I think. It was the one that didn't have any direct combat against the other player. Ended up losing near the end by being killed by one of the dragon event cards. Was kinda anti-climatic, but still something I'd like to try a few more times at the least.

Dungeon Twister - I had this on my radar for quite some time, and kept putting it off, since it was supposedly coming to XBLA (back of the instructions say "Early 2010"). I picked it up as an XMas present for myself. We played the first scenario with combat and it was pretty neat. I like the mechanics a lot. It seems very simple, but there's a ton of strategy behind it. We both had a little bit of AP, but it wasn't too bad.

Agricola - Picked this up earlier in the week and went over the rules. Ended up playing it twice, and we both enjoyed it quite a bit. I didn't really end up getting the strategy of the game down yet, as I had several unused spaces and negative points in both games we played. However, it's still a lot of fun to build things and sow crops.

Eminent Domain - Played this a few times already. I had asked if my friend wanted to play Race for the Galaxy, since I've only played that once (and he just got it a couple weeks ago). He said he'd rather play this one. You can definitely see that ED was heavily inspired by Race, but it's a lot less random. I don't mind the randomness at all, and find both games to be rather enjoyable.


Hey guys, I'm kinda sorta new to board games. Me and my friends have been playing them for about a year now, but we haven't really branched out past the few that we've played.

Sounds like you wanted something easy to teach but a bit more involved than introductory games. To be honest, the hardest criteria to accommodate is your requirement that it has to play up to 6. Anyway, I'd probably check out Shadows Over Camelot or Battlestar Galactica before you dive into Descent and Arkham Horror (there is a stripped down version called Elder Signs which you may consider as well). Other titles I'd suggest would be Agricola, Union Pacific/Airlines Europe, Hollywood Blockbuster, Vegas Showdown and Stone Age. Not terribly complex but offer a lot more strategy.


Hey guys, I'm kinda sorta new to board games. Me and my friends have been playing them for about a year now, but we haven't really branched out past the few that we've played. Whenever I suggest getting into/buying something new everyone else in the group seems a little turned off by learning something new and daunting, such as Arkham Horror or Descent. I was looking for some suggestions, maybe a little bit "heavier" but perhaps not as large as those two games mentioned above. We've been playing Smallworld (and the new Smallworld Underground), Carcassone, Ascension, once or twice we've played Betrayal at House on the Hill, and Last Night on Earth. We've also played Munchkin and Flux, and we are all very into Magic: The Gathering. I'm not really looking much for any card games though, rather board games. Any suggestions based on what we've played? There's usually about 4-6 of us, but sometimes as low as 3, usually around 4 though.

Diskworld: Ankh-Morpork, Power Grid, and the oft-mentioned Ticket to Ride have been hitting our table the most lately. 7 Wonders as well, but some may consider that more a card game than a board game so it may not fit. None of those are particularly heavy. Also I've heard good things about the various D&D board games. Others here could tell you more, but apparently they play like an easier Descent.


Other titles I'd suggest would be Agricola, Union Pacific/Airlines Europe, Hollywood Blockbuster, Vegas Showdown and Stone Age. Not terribly complex but offer a lot more strategy.

I thought about mentioning Agricola, but it can be a bit fiddly. Also, it's not as hard as Arkham or Descent but can give that impression at first glance.


Blood Bowl will be here tomorrow. Man I love Amazon. $17! I have a feeling I won't like the game much (well, that my wife won't like it so we won't give it a fair shake) but I really want to see how it handles the actual on-field action.
Had a giant game night for a joint bday celebration on Sat.

We started off with a smaller group for Gears of War. I played with the 3 guys I play the video game campaign with, which was cool since we're all fans of the video game. Damn that game is hard with 4 players, too long too. It maximizes the enemies on the field without providing an individual extra cards or anything. You really have to work as a unit and tread lightly, which is the exact opposite of what we do in Gears of War. I would rather run around and be an asshole. 1 guy left on the map? Of course I'm going to use the Boomshot grenade launcher on him. I find the sweet spot for this game at 2-3 players, because you can run around and be an asshole with minimum risk. With 4 you actually have to be careful meaning less fun to me. The minis for this game are awesome but the 4 playable characters are really hard to distinguish. I'm currently painting the 4 guys now but am leaving the enemies alone because they're easy to identify already, and I'd rather spend the time to paint 4 minis but not 32.

After Gears and dinner, we came back and split into groups. 1 had Wasabi and Hey That's my Fish, another had the Resident Evil DBG, and I was with a group of 4 for Survive Escape from Atlantis. I was with some players who are notorious for playing recklessly (1 more so than the other) but it ended up being the 1st time player winning, I was dead last with a bunch of my guys eaten by sharks. I love that game but I heard the Giant Squid expansion is broken and unplayable. Has anyone tried it?

After that, 2 groups combined for 2 games of Cranium while the other group continued with Resident Evil. I love Cranium but it's hard to adhere to the no symbols rule when drawing; just about everyone does it and it's unfair when 1 player doesn't and wins because the other player did and adhered to the rule. Ah well, maybe we should just house rule it to allow symbols.

After Cranium, we finished out the night with at least 4 games of Werewolf, there were either 14 or 15 people, I can't remember. The game was mostly a hit with people comparing it to The Resistance for the most part, which is our regular game but we had 10+ so Werewolf it was. I like them both and am glad to play both. Acting, deceiving, and deduction in either game aren't strong points for some of our group though, and it ends up with half of the group not really participating and especially being outspoken when they try. Power players were prime targets regardless and unfortunately I was killed as the Seer not because I was being suspicious, but because I'm a strong player and they wanted me out. When I revealed my Seer card it was a complete surprise bonus for the Werewolves.

As a gift, I got Shootin' Ladders: Frag Fest. This is a game where the Gingerbread Men from Candyland hate that game so much, they escape to the next game over which is Chutes and Ladders. They're so enraged over how much Candyland sucks that they go on a Deathmatch rampage and start fighting each other, FPS style. It tries to play like FPS multiplayer with Team deathmatch, capture the flag, etc, but everything has a candy theme like M&M16's, Dessert Eagles, and C4reos. Am looking forward to playing for the inevitable lolz; hoping to get the recklessness I crave from Gears in with this game.

Was a great time, I wish we could do this every weekend. I plan on buying a house within the next year which will help accommodate better, currently we have 1 table but people have to squeeze by to get to the kitchen, some floor space, and a coffee table. The 14-15 people we had was probably max capacity.

TL:DR: Had multiple games going. Gears of War is harder and takes longer than I want it to with 4 players. Got Shootin' Ladders: Frag Fest as a gift.


Hey guys, I'm kinda sorta new to board games. Me and my friends have been playing them for about a year now, but we haven't really branched out past the few that we've played. Whenever I suggest getting into/buying something new everyone else in the group seems a little turned off by learning something new and daunting, such as Arkham Horror or Descent. I was looking for some suggestions, maybe a little bit "heavier" but perhaps not as large as those two games mentioned above. We've been playing Smallworld (and the new Smallworld Underground), Carcassone, Ascension, once or twice we've played Betrayal at House on the Hill, and Last Night on Earth. We've also played Munchkin and Flux, and we are all very into Magic: The Gathering. I'm not really looking much for any card games though, rather board games. Any suggestions based on what we've played? There's usually about 4-6 of us, but sometimes as low as 3, usually around 4 though.

I know you said you weren't really looking for card games, but Dominion seems like a natural fit for the nights when you have 4. It's playable with up to 6 if you have the base game and Intrigue expansion, but I find that the game tends to drag a bit with more than 4, plus it can throw off the balance of a few cards. It's fairly light and easy to learn, especially if you start with only the base game. As you add expansions, new mechanics come into play, but they're printed directly on the cards themselves, so there's not really much teaching.

For those nights when you have more than 4, (and sorry, it's another card-heavy game) 7 Wonders is excellent and scales up to 7 players without bogging down and becoming a chore. Due to the way the mechanics work, everyone takes their turns simultaneously, so there's never any periods where people get stuck waiting several minutes for a turn, which makes for nice and snappy play even with a large group.

On the subject of actual board games, Pandemic might be up your alley if your group is interested in a cooperative game. It seats up to 4. You can play with 5 with the On the Brink expansion, though I personally didn't care for that alternate version.

Power Grid seats up to 6, and is quality. I'm not sure how well the theme will fit in with your group, but it's definitely worth a look

Stone Age is a little more complex than the others I've listed, but it's also excellent, and pretty easy to teach/learn as long as one person playing knows the rules. The theming is very good, there's a lot of potential paths to victory, and though it takes a little longer to play than the other games I've listed, it's not too long. It plays up to 4.
Had a game of Mansions of Madness, the players completely failed at it, spent too much time fighting bad guys instead of exploring then they completely all went the wrong way in the mansion so they never even found the first clue before the game ended by itself due to time.
Thanks for the recommendations guys, gonna look into Stone Age, seems like it will be fun. The BSG game sounds intriguing too, from what I read in the OP, but none of us have actually watched BSG so I'm not sure if anyone else would be willing to jump in.
The BSG game sounds intriguing too, from what I read in the OP, but none of us have actually watched BSG so I'm not sure if anyone else would be willing to jump in.

It's a fun game that anyone can enjoy. Just give everyone at the table a brief synopsis of the setting and keep it simple. Pretty simply premise to follow really with the cyborg traitors on board a ship of humans, etc.


There's a few copies of Puerto Rico Anniversary edition left at CSI. If you want it, now's the time to get it. Sold out at publisher and they won't be reprinting.


I've played two games of Eclipse now, and I have to say I really love it.

I really want to play more now that my group knows what we're doing.
There's a few copies of Puerto Rico Anniversary edition left at CSI. If you want it, now's the time to get it. Sold out at publisher and they won't be reprinting.
Woot! Got my order in when there was around 18 copies or so. These things are going fast.

I've played two games of Eclipse now, and I have to say I really love it.

I really want to play more now that my group knows what we're doing.
They need to hurry up and re-print the game so I can buy it. It seems like the game would scratch the same itch that Twilight Imperium does but without the 6 hour playtime.
They need to hurry up and re-print the game so I can buy it. It seems like the game would scratch the same itch that Twilight Imperium does but without the 6 hour playtime.

They already have a reprint in the works, it sold out at the publisher at preorder level a while ago so they put in a reprint and I think they said they hope to get more in January already.

There's a few copies of Puerto Rico Anniversary edition left at CSI. If you want it, now's the time to get it. Sold out at publisher and they won't be reprinting.

Bah didn't know it was going to be so limited. Put in a preoder with Miniaturemarket which had it still as in stock and see how that goes.
Got my little brother hooked on Dominion over Thanksgiving. Bought him Carcassonne and Munchkin for Christmas.

Old high school friends requested I bring Settlers of Catan with me to my parent's house again like last year. :)
Sorry for the camera quality, but it was either flash where everything turns out pure white or no flash where the table causes everything to be yellow, I chose the latter. The 4 player pieces in Gears of War are really difficult to differentiate so I decided to paint them. I don't want to dedicate the time to paint the bad guys, but they're all different models so they don't suffer from the same problem. Here are the figs


This is my first time not using Testor's Dullcoate afterwards; I always remember liking the way they look before so I decided to nix it altogether this time. Plus my can is near empty. I can always change my mind in the future.

This is my 3rd set of minis that I painted, 1st was Last Night on Earth, 2nd was Talisman, now these 4. I'm getting better each time but I still can't do really tiny parts, particularly eyes, so I just ignore them. Still pretty happy with these, a little too shiny but I still don't want to do the dullcoate and I chose a shiny metal for their armor; it's the same paint I use for like suits of armor so it's naturally shiny.

This took me probably 3 total work hours, but Sunday-yesterday since I allowed them to dry between color applications.


Nice job dude. I was thinking the same thing about the figures for this game -- though it kind of suits the original design. In the middle of a real Gears firefight it is even difficult to discern friend from foe. They're all bulky grey/brown masses.

I was considering just putting colored rings around the bases -- since I am too clumsy and untalented to paint like you.


I got a copy of Tannhauser with revised rules for Christmas tonight. I probably won't get to play it for another week or so. Grrr.


Anyone have any opinion on Quarriors? Apparently it's a dice building game. Jeff mentioned it on weekend confirmed and it looks interesting.


Hail to the KING baby
Not so much when the redcoats have taken all my ports.
I'm France in only like 1/5 games I'm playing. Really interesting how differently the sides play. England is all about resources and traditional military and France is all hit-and-run tactics.
I'm France in only like 1/5 games I'm playing. Really interesting how differently the sides play. England is all about resources and traditional military and France is all hit-and-run tactics.

I'm France in 4/5. Getting the Intendant card going with the Home Support is helpful.
If you get lucky with a trader and convert lots of fur cards to lots of coins you cycle quicker through the cards.


I happen to have privileged information that I'm supposed to get Ora et Labora as a Christmas gift. Looking pretty much impossible now, unfortunately... Hopefully it'll get to stores and ship out sometime in the week after Christmas while I still have family in town who will want to play it.
Anyone have any opinion on Quarriors? Apparently it's a dice building game. Jeff mentioned it on weekend confirmed and it looks interesting.

It's a very simple game. Neat and fun but nothing deep at all. You can run a game in less than 20 minutes easily and sometimes faster once players get it down.
Anyone have any opinion on Quarriors? Apparently it's a dice building game. Jeff mentioned it on weekend confirmed and it looks interesting.
I just got it and haven't put much time into it, but I liked it. It's nothing mind-blowing, but it's an interesting enough take on the Dominion formula with the use of Dice to be worthwhile, in my opinion. Will we go to it again and again? I don't know. As others have said it doesn't have the most depth in the world. But I'd say the novelty is worth it, personally.


I just got it and haven't put much time into it, but I liked it. It's nothing mind-blowing, but it's an interesting enough take on the Dominion formula with the use of Dice to be worthwhile, in my opinion. Will we go to it again and again? I don't know. As others have said it doesn't have the most depth in the world. But I'd say the novelty is worth it, personally.
It's been hit or miss with the people I play with but I personally like it. I just bought the first expansion that adds cursed diceband cursed versions of the base creatures (plus a demonic overlord)

If you like to roll dice I can't see how getting a tin full of custom dice is a bad thing.


Anyone have any opinion on Quarriors? Apparently it's a dice building game. Jeff mentioned it on weekend confirmed and it looks interesting.

try before you buy.

It's kinda cool, but I found the gameplay to be kind of lacking after a bit.

Nailed it. If you're newer to gaming, perhaps. For me, it was a mind numbing exercise in psuedo-choices.

Edit: If you like to roll dice, then get Lords of Vegas instead. Horribly underrated game that has, on more than one occasion, had everyone at the table STANDING UP in anticipation of the die rolls.


Hail to the KING baby
It's been hit or miss with the people I play with but I personally like it. I just bought the first expansion that adds cursed diceband cursed versions of the base creatures (plus a demonic overlord)

If you like to roll dice I can't see how getting a tin full of custom dice is a bad thing.

I got the first expansion too. The dice are just too cool. It's got some interesting depth to it, but it's a game that leaves almost everyone going "huh, that's it?" for the first several plays.
Edit: If you like to roll dice, then get Lords of Vegas instead. Horribly underrated game that has, on more than one occasion, had everyone at the table STANDING UP in anticipation of the die rolls.
This. For the love of Christ, THIS! Lords of Vegas is easily one of my favorite games. Strategic, easy to play, tons of things to do on your turn, and there is nothing better than rolling a fistful of dice for control of a giant casino.

I played Blood Bowl:TM again tonight. This time with two players, and it works really well as a head to head game. I pulled out the victory at the end of the game by having a staff upgrade that gave me 2 points for every star player (non-freebooter) I had on my roster. Its just a really solid medium weight game and one I wouldn't turn down a game.

I also played Builder's Duel again. Now that's an underrated two player game. It has that feel of its full sized counter part (Pillars of the Earth) but shrunken down and playable only by two players. This was another game that came down to the last turn. Good game that's often overlooked when discussing two player games.
I got the first expansion too. The dice are just too cool. It's got some interesting depth to it, but it's a game that leaves almost everyone going "huh, that's it?" for the first several plays.

Be interesting to see how the next expansion goes as it's supposed to expand the rules and much bigger expansion than the first one.


I got the first expansion too. The dice are just too cool. It's got some interesting depth to it, but it's a game that leaves almost everyone going "huh, that's it?" for the first several plays.

I think it's a game that only succeeds if you can play it very quickly and several times in a row. It's very random- not entirely random, but significantly more than any other "deck/collection building" game I can think of- and multiple playthroughs are required to take the bitter edge off that randomness torpedoing your strategy. Unfortunately, this is undermined when people are learning the game (since learning games always drag) so it leaves a bad first impression.
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