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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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As much as I hated Thunderstone, plaiying it on Yucata, and that review (Undead Ents?!?!) makes me want to give Advance a shot...

Oh, also I think I'll go send some Thunderstone invites on yucata....


Hail to the KING baby
yeeeeah, tempted to put in an order myself. damn you yucata

thunderstone advance
dungeon petz
ticket to ride india


First tragedy, then farce.
Has anyone played the India and China maps?

I'm fairly interested in picking them up, but my experience with TTR maps not in the US is taking 5 minutes to figure out where the cities are.


Has anyone played the India and China maps?

I'm fairly interested in picking them up, but my experience with TTR maps not in the US is taking 5 minutes to figure out where the cities are.

Played the "team Asia" map last weekend with one experienced player & two noobs. We split the noobs between us to make it fair-ish ;)

For background, I've played a *ton* of TtR & its variations; love Big Cities most on the USA map & Nordic for 2 player, mildly dislike Europe's mechanics, really dislike Switzerland's ticket rush.

Really enjoyed the team game. Shared routes + train cards works well, with some simple strategy of making it clear what you're doing outside of those shared routes without being explicit (as that's not allowed). The reduced number of trains per person makes the game end come around quickly if you're not watching.

The "Team Asia" map had some interesting rule tweaks - each tunnel has a number printed on it showing the cards drawn for matches instead of the usual fixed 3, and connections with 2 or 3 routes to grab are funky in that both team partners can grab them to block the opposing team (with a 3 connection route, there will still be one available even if the opp grabs 2).

I liked it & will likely buy it over the other map pack with Switzerland in it - disliked that setup the more I played it & glad I cashed out ahead of the re-release.

Oh & one very cool thing - the route cards showing cities are *leaps & bounds* above every other edition. They show a much better representation of the overall map & position of the two cities for the route. Flip it to the correct orientation for your position around the table & you're sorted. Seriously, *way* better than previous games IMO.


Hail to the KING baby
First CSI order of the year :D

Dungeon Petz: Hope this is good -- don't let me down Vlaada! CSI had it on sale (few bucks off regular I think) which is what prompted this order. I skipped out on Dungeon Lords but heard this was a bit easier. Hoping it will be a good game-night game (i.e. heavy medium ~2 hours).

Claustrophobia: Heard so many good things about this and I don't have many thematic games left so made it the other big part of my order.

Rivals for Catan: Trying to fill in a gap in my collection, which is light medium 2P games. Have so many light and so many heavies but want something meaty but easy to teach. Quite liked the card game I just thought it was a tad broken and supposedly this game fixes that issue.

Thunderstone Advance: Heard a lot of good things about this reboot. AEG can thank Yucata for getting me into this series in the first place.


Has anyone played the India and China maps?

I'm fairly interested in picking them up, but my experience with TTR maps not in the US is taking 5 minutes to figure out where the cities are.

Yep, played India, Asia, Legendary Asia. I like all of them, though all have their own eclair quirks. India, in particular, can get pretty contentious with its maximum number of players. There are a couple of destinations that fill of fast.

Legendary Asia also has some difficult spots, where mostofthe difficulty for Asiais that it's team, based.

It's been awhile since I've played the U.S. map because we're all someone of India and Legendary Asia.

You will have difficulties finding cities, depending on your knowledge of the geography. I find India a little easier in that regard. Oh, and on Asia, if you have to go to Lhasa, build there first. It is the death of all friendships. At least once a game we have someone clutching their hair because they got locked out of it.


Farmageddon, a Kickstarter game, has about an hour left to go. It has already been funded, but about $700 is needed so that every backed copy gets a free expansion. It's only $12 for the game and it's received good reviews, so I would recommend people check it out before it's over.


First tragedy, then farce.
Farmageddon, a Kickstarter game, has about an hour left to go. It has already been funded, but about $700 is needed so that every backed copy gets a free expansion. It's only $12 for the game and it's received good reviews, so I would recommend people check it out before it's over.

Man, it's made a crazy last second push. I'm backing this one, hope it makes it.


Farmageddon, a Kickstarter game, has about an hour left to go. It has already been funded, but about $700 is needed so that every backed copy gets a free expansion. It's only $12 for the game and it's received good reviews, so I would recommend people check it out before it's over.

well they made it and I missed my opportunity. This game looks fun. Oh well, maybe it will do good enough so that it will get a german release. I'd buy it.


Cool Smoke Luke
Played our first game of BattleCry last night before the StrikeforceFights

Really Liked it. I can see its very quick and straight forward now. Definitely less tactical then Tide of Iron but I can see playing this with anyone where As Tide is only gonna be my Gamer Buddy and I.

We played the First Bull run scenerio which had victory condition of winning 6 Flags.

Justin played the blue(Union) forces and I was the Grey(Confederates)

On first turn he played a "forced march" card that let him move all units the center section 2hexes and still attack and he pushed forwards hoping to get to the hills before me.

In my initial hand I had the Counterattack card that let me play the last card opponent played as if I had played it. So I got to move all central units forward 2 hexs taking all the Hill Hexes and being in range to attack his advancing units and cause some serious casualties to his line.

From there things really fell apart for him and I got a string of great cards like Hit and Run that let my 2 Cavalry units move in attack then retreat back to a safe distance.
Needless to say The Confederates won 6 flags to 2..


Does anyone of you still play Catan? I actually don't own it, but I wonder if it even makes sense to get it. In a world where I play Power Gride, Stone Age, Pandemic and El Grande is Catan still something that can excite me? Maybe with the Cities & Knights expansion but to me it looks like it stretches the game out way too much.


Does anyone of you still play Catan? I actually don't own it, but I wonder if it even makes sense to get it. In a world where I play Power Gride, Stone Age, Pandemic and El Grande is Catan still something that can excite me? Maybe with the Cities & Knights expansion but to me it looks like it stretches the game out way too much.

I still play it frequently, but I don't own Power Grid, Stone Age, etc.
Does anyone of you still play Catan? I actually don't own it, but I wonder if it even makes sense to get it. In a world where I play Power Gride, Stone Age, Pandemic and El Grande is Catan still something that can excite me? Maybe with the Cities & Knights expansion but to me it looks like it stretches the game out way too much.

Catan is a classic that should be in everyone's collection. If you want a more challenging experience get the Cities and Knights expansion.
Played our first game of BattleCry last night before the StrikeforceFights

Really Liked it. I can see its very quick and straight forward now. Definitely less tactical then Tide of Iron but I can see playing this with anyone where As Tide is only gonna be my Gamer Buddy and I.

Battlecry is perfect for the game system, it also is more appropriatte for the settingmore than Memoir 44. Found it more tacticle in nature with its little differences.


I can't remember if Dice Town has been mentioned before. I hadn't played it in a while but got the recent expansion as a last minute addition to a CSI order. Played it today and it really opens up the options for the base game (which I already like). We played with 3 (not optimal) and everyone agreed it made the game better (though a little longer).

And before a month or so past Pandemic had sat on my shelf for over a year untouched. Such a waste and a mistake. I've played it a bunch of times recently and it is such a great game. Shame on me for not playing it more. I finally started using the expansion as well, and the petri dishes are more than worth the price of it alone.

We played today with the Virulent Strain option and although we won and never felt like the game was getting out of our control, by the time we cured the last disease there were only 3 cards left in the player deck, and the outbreak track was 3 away from the auto-lose.


listen to the mad man
Just played a bunch of Bohnanza 4 players and what occurred to me this time around is that card counting is significantly more valuable in the game than it initially appeared to me. There's a fixed number of each sort of card in the game--and every card lists how many of its card type is around. So many of the card type are on the tableau face up, so many (a known quantity) in the discard pile, so many (a known quantity) permanently vapourized from the game, so many are in your hand (which you can obviously see), and then there are unknown quantities in other players hands and in the draw pile. Because trading is a huge element of the game, player hands are not exactly an unknown quantity, so you can reasonably determine if any are in other players hands. So card counting is very valuable in determining the odds of certain card types coming up in future draws.

There's one card type that there's only 6 of. I had vapourized 3 and had 1 in my hand. Another player played 1 and then spent most of the game pursuing others; That was a dumb strategy, because it would have been astronomically unlikely for him to get them.

For more strategic play, this hurts the game. Imagine playing against an AI that counted cards perfectly; even without accounting for particularly good strategy, card counting alone would make an AI beat most humans.

Of course the second major mechanic in Bohnanza is trading, so skilled play also results in a no-cooperate trade strategy as other players gang up against you. Especially since one of the major trade types in Bohnanza isn't getting cards you want, but rather donating cards you don't want--so others can easily stonewall you by denying your donations in order to burn you. I suspect the optimum trade strategy is PASSIVE PLAYER/RECIPIENT 1) Do not cooperate. 2) Accept trades that significantly benefit you. 3) Only accept donations if they significantly benefit you, preferring to burn other players rather than take moderate help. ACTIVE PLAYER/INITIATOR 1) Always try to trade away and be as friendly as possible, but I haven't written an AI for this yet so I'm not sure.

I've had the game for a few years now and played a lot of rounds, but I think it's definitely settled into the "casual fun" territory because mechanically these limit a lot of the strategy that could arise.
I love Formula D. I played it at Orc Con and I knew I had to have it. Surprisingly, it's been a big hit with everyone I've introduced it to. I would like to come up with some rules to add a bit more depth. Also thinking about making a custom track. Something shorter so it would be better with less players.
Played Catan and Gloria Picktoria this weekend.

Gloria Picktoria is one of the Zoch Chicken games by Alan "TTR" Moon.
It has also gone by the name "Get the Goods" (theme: trains), then
Reibach & Co (theme: bling) to end up as this version (theme: chickens and bling).

Got it for £3 which is a bargain for a quick (45 mins) and easy to play game (4 actions) with tense decisions.
It's a card game where you build sets of matching cards hoping the wooden fox isn't on one of your sets when scoring happens.
Fun with 4, but not sure how it would play with 2.
I love Formula D. I played it at Orc Con and I knew I had to have it. Surprisingly, it's been a big hit with everyone I've introduced it to. I would like to come up with some rules to add a bit more depth. Also thinking about making a custom track. Something shorter so it would be better with less players.

Is this the same Orccon at LAX? If so, yay another LA board gamer.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
God damn, the Gears of War board game lasts a long-ass time.

I've played it a few times now and each time it's taken at least 2-3 hours.

Fun tactics, some frustrating AI situations...overall a good game I think. Somehow really does feel like playing the Xbox game at times which is cool.


Also finally got a chance to play the Penny Arcade deck building game. It is pretty much identically Dominion.

Fun, though, and awesome art.
anyone got a verdict on citadels - yay or nay?

If you're looking for something light, that can incorporate a lot of player and has modicum of strategy, by all means, get it. If, however, you're trying to find your next big game, you may find it a little lacking.

Citadels, while not my favorite, is a game that I won't hesitate to bring out every so often. It satisfies that light, quick and backstab-y itch. Sadly, though, it can suffer from inordinate amount of downtime; just enough to suck the life out of the game.

For my group, The Resistance--while rather different--has become the light, quick and backstab-y game du jour.
God damn, the Gears of War board game lasts a long-ass time.

I've played it a few times now and each time it's taken at least 2-3 hours.

Fun tactics, some frustrating AI situations...overall a good game I think. Somehow really does feel like playing the Xbox game at times which is cool.

I'm a fan of the Gears game but yeah, it can run waaay longer than I'd like. I also found the difficulty scaling completely borked; I refuse to play a 4 player game because it just stretches the game time out by at least an additional hour on that fact alone. You also find going from full health to dead more often than you'd think; because it's dice you get 1 or 2 bad rolls and you're effed. The theme is unmatched though. Holy crap, it's just like the video game.

anyone got a verdict on citadels - yay or nay?
I love Citadels. It doesn't hit the table too often but is a good time when it does. It can run just a hair too long but strategically picking your role and guessing at the ones everyone else picked is great. It's cheap so you don't have much to lose.


Does anyone of you still play Catan? I actually don't own it, but I wonder if it even makes sense to get it. In a world where I play Power Gride, Stone Age, Pandemic and El Grande is Catan still something that can excite me? Maybe with the Cities & Knights expansion but to me it looks like it stretches the game out way too much.

I don't really understand this post at all. I like Stone Age but I don't see what makes it more exciting than Catan except maybe that it's newer. And I'd definitely rather play Catan than Pandemic. I play War of the Ring, StarCraft, Mage Knight, Power Grid, Agricola, Battlestar, Twilight Struggle, Tigris & Euphrates and Chaos in the Old World and I still think there's room for Catan.

The trading aspect of Catan is still cool and it's something none of those other games really have. It's especially fun if you play with the same friends a lot. You know, the kind of friends who remember the last time you played and can hold a grudge. Last week I punched a countertop during a game of Catan and my hand hurt for four days. You don't get that worked up over boring games :D

anyone got a verdict on citadels - yay or nay?
Another game everyone should own. It's cheap and you can play it with anyone. My sister isn't a gamer but after a couple of rounds of Citadels her response to it was "I'd even play this with people I don't like!" It's best with 3-5 people even though the box says 2-7. It's OK with 2 but it can be a little too cutthroat and 6-7 is a bit too much waiting for your turn. Anyway, great stuff. For the price it's a no brainer.


I just played Hive this weekend. That is a really fun (and quick) two player game.

I also just picked up Hive Carbon from Amazon so I could have my own copy :)


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'm a fan of the Gears game but yeah, it can run waaay longer than I'd like. I also found the difficulty scaling completely borked; I refuse to play a 4 player game because it just stretches the game time out by at least an additional hour on that fact alone. You also find going from full health to dead more often than you'd think; because it's dice you get 1 or 2 bad rolls and you're effed. The theme is unmatched though. Holy crap, it's just like the video game.

It was kind of hilarious. On the game I played last night with my friend, just the starter Emergence Mission...we finally plugged all the stupid emergence holes that the event cards created...and the turn before we were about to plug up the last one we get an event that spawns bitches out of the nearest emergence hole. The final room has 2 boomers, 2 wretches and a drone all gunning for my friend who's behind cover looking right at them. The wretches and the drone in his area. The room I'm in (about 4 areas away) has a pair of wretches.

He uses a double attack order card and boomshots the Boomers and wounds them both, then toss a Bolo to get them both killed. He survives the Drone attack on his AI step. I use Dom's ability to move before he uses an Order card and toss Bolo grenade at the wretches behind me. We get another Drone AI card and it kills my friend! EFF! I forget how it happened but it ended up with just me and the two wretch, and my friend bleeding out near me. I had an opportunity to throw a Bolo grenade at the two of them and end it right there...but my friend didn't want the game to end with him bleeding out...so I bregrudgedly run over to him and bring him up and use something like Sit Tight or Teamwork to feed him some cards instantly. The wretches almost killed us on their turn, but we guarded one of their attacks with an overcharged Lancer shot and survived the second one with a +2 defense card. Killed the last wretch with a shotgun to the face for like an epic 8 damage with the omen multiplier.

Very very frustrating at times when the board is almost cleared. It feels like you should always TRY and leave some people alive so the game doesn't start overspawning on you. Either way, it's fun stuff, just long long long.
It was kind of hilarious. On the game I played last night with my friend, just the starter Emergence Mission...we finally plugged all the stupid emergence holes that the event cards created...and the turn before we were about to plug up the last one we get an event that spawns bitches out of the nearest emergence hole. The final room has 2 boomers, 2 wretches and a drone all gunning for my friend who's behind cover looking right at them. The wretches and the drone in his area. The room I'm in (about 4 areas away) has a pair of wretches.

He uses a double attack order card and boomshots the Boomers and wounds them both, then toss a Bolo to get them both killed. He survives the Drone attack on his AI step. I use Dom's ability to move before he uses an Order card and toss Bolo grenade at the wretches behind me. We get another Drone AI card and it kills my friend! EFF! I forget how it happened but it ended up with just me and the two wretch, and my friend bleeding out near me. I had an opportunity to throw a Bolo grenade at the two of them and end it right there...but my friend didn't want the game to end with him bleeding out...so I bregrudgedly run over to him and bring him up and use something like Sit Tight or Teamwork to feed him some cards instantly. The wretches almost killed us on their turn, but we guarded one of their attacks with an overcharged Lancer shot and survived the second one with a +2 defense card. Killed the last wretch with a shotgun to the face for like an epic 8 damage with the omen multiplier.

Very very frustrating at times when the board is almost cleared. It feels like you should always TRY and leave some people alive so the game doesn't start overspawning on you. Either way, it's fun stuff, just long long long.

sounds epic! The game is really good at tension like that, where you fear the next enemy AI card, just like Pandemic. I didn't think that emergence holes could open up on the Emergence mission? 1st time I played I didn't know to seal them all off except for the last one, but of the 3-4 times I've played it now I don't remember any additonal spawning due to cards. Been a while though and you still pulled off a win. I find that most games the win or the loss can go easily either way, where you win or lose by a hair

I've seen that strategy of leaving guys on the board and it works. Don't leave too many though, there's this one AI card in later scenarios that says basically every locust moves to 4 spaces away from you, so you've got everyone going from across the map and all of a sudden you are FUCKED.


Last week I decided to pick up a game that I could take over to my parents' house and play with my mom and sister, who mostly only play board games when I'm around. They liked Stone Age and 7 Wonders when we played those and since I had been playing it a lot on iOS I considered grabbing Ticket to Ride. But then I thought about how easy it is for someone's game to get ruined because some other jerk takes the one connection you needed right at the end of the game and after a little research I picked up Thurn & Taxis. It's a lot like TtR but without blocking and it has a cool board and tiny houses.

They hated it. My sister was bored five minutes into the game. I'm fine with that, she doesn't have to like every game I bring over but I'm trying to find something she'll like so I ask her what she didn't like about it and all she could tell me was "It's just not fun." Blerg. Then she says words that I would never have picked as a choice of possible responses for my sister in a million years.

"Do you know how to play Magic?"


After some talk about CCGs and LCGs (that I'm sure was riveting) she seemed pretty excited about giving Call of Cthulhu a shot, which would have been awesome to know a few weeks ago when I decided to buy AGoT over CoC. So now I guess I'm going to have both. Yay! I'm not sure if she'll like it as much as she thinks she'll like it, but hey I'm not going to pass up a chance to play Call of Cthulhu with my sister. Plus maybe I've been underestimating her and a year from now she'll be flying around the world playing in pro Magic tournaments making phat cash and laughing at my cute little LCGs. Or, you know, we'll just play CoC sometimes.

I totally call Hastur. That guy rocks.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
sounds epic! The game is really good at tension like that, where you fear the next enemy AI card, just like Pandemic. I didn't think that emergence holes could open up on the Emergence mission? 1st time I played I didn't know to seal them all off except for the last one, but of the 3-4 times I've played it now I don't remember any additonal spawning due to cards. Been a while though and you still pulled off a win. I find that most games the win or the loss can go easily either way, where you win or lose by a hair

I've seen that strategy of leaving guys on the board and it works. Don't leave too many though, there's this one AI card in later scenarios that says basically every locust moves to 4 spaces away from you, so you've got everyone going from across the map and all of a sudden you are FUCKED.

If I've got everything straight, the first level says that you plug up all the emergence holes except for the last one...but there is an AI card that says if there isn't an emergence hole in your area, put an emergence hole tile in that area and spawn something out of it. We cycled through the AI cards two or three times in that game so we had a bunch of spare holes to open up.

We only played with the "leave people on the board" strategy towards the end, just a single wretch. We were hoping to just outrun the thing with a roadie-run/follow combo but the next card just spawned something else anyways.

Hopefully we haven't been playing that first mission wrong! That'd be hilarious if we made it way harder than it needed to be. It's damn complicated having to run back and forth to get Bolo grenades from that one spot and get the random holes that got opened back there.


Yep, played India, Asia, Legendary Asia. I like all of them, though all have their own eclair quirks. India, in particular, can get pretty contentious with its maximum number of players. There are a couple of destinations that fill of fast.
I've only played TTR: India once so far, and we didn't bother to check how many players it was to be played with. We ended up playing a five player game and found the board nearly completely full by the end of the game. Still, most players still managed to finish the majority of their tickets.
Just played Game of Thrones for the first time. It was pretty awesome. Oddly, we all played fairly honorably. Minimal backstabbage.

I feel like that's how most GoT first games probably go. You're so busy working out what pieces do what, and worrying about your immediate neighbors that you don't have much time to coordinate backstabs.
How long was your game?

About 4 hours, and I won with the early victory condition, so it could have gone longer. There was a lot of stopping for rule-look-up, and a lot of re-explanation and such, so maybe next time it would go a little faster.

anyone got a verdict on citadels - yay or nay?

Big time yay. Great game, scales well, not too complex.

Little finger does not approve.

Yeah, I kind of got away with shenanigans a few times. I said to the whole table "House Tyrell, I'm going to trust you not to attack me, and I'm going to put a support marker here so I can help you against Baratheon, because you need to take the Reach so you can muster more troops, and cut off their march into the south". I really did put the support marker there, and Tyrell really attacked Baratheon (and I really supported the attack, Baratheon was much bigger of a threat to me at the time). Both Tyrell and Stark backstabbed me slightly once each, and Stark tried to backstab Tyrell in a naval battle once, but it was anticipated and countered effectively. But there was never a full on promise of aid that got pulled back or anything.

My wife (Tyrell) claimed that she didn't break our truce because she attacked on of my territories where I had no army, she thought our truce just covered actual battles. It was too late to stop me at that point anyway.

I feel like that's how most GoT first games probably go. You're so busy working out what pieces do what, and worrying about your immediate neighbors that you don't have much time to coordinate backstabs.

The rules were probably the second most intimidating I've learned, after Through the Ages, but once you get in the swing of it, they aren't terrible. The actual rulebook just isn't well written/organized.
The rules were probably the second most intimidating I've learned, after Through the Ages, but once you get in the swing of it, they aren't terrible. The actual rulebook just isn't well written/organized.

Yeah, unfortunately par for the course with FFG. It's true that it's not that complicated when you know how to play, but man do they make it a chore to learn.

The one thing about the game is that it doesn't allow as much for secret pacts as you might like. So you have to rely on people being talkative and deceptive at the table, which is a lot more difficult. I wish people could arrange joint attacks and things. What I see too often is people turtle until the later turns, and then it turns into crazy bloodbath. Which is fun, no doubt, but it takes a bit before people's strategy's really evolve.
Around turn 5, we got the Westeros card that forbade playing Defense orders. At this point, I (Lannister) held Riverrun, and Harenhal, Starks held Seagard and the Twins, and Baratheon held Mountains of the Moon and whatever is south of that that isn't the Eyrie. Cracklaw? The previous turn had been a muster turn, and we had our little fronts in that area packed with our strongest armies, but with Defense/Support being provided, none of us could attack.

Needless to say, turn 5 was an absolute blood bath that started the Stark player's fall... if they had been earlier in turn order than me, they would have won the game, I think. I don't think I could have won a defensive battle, and that would have gotten them close to the early victory already.


Hey guys, board gaming amateur here. I have a guy offering me sealed boxes of Blokus, Say Anything and Risk for $20. I assume that's a good deal, but are the games worth it? I've heard of Risk and saw Say Anything in the OP...

EDIT: How are the iPad implementations of Blokus and Risk? I'm getting the iPad 3 so maybe that's the way to go?


thanks for the input on citadels. picked it up today on way back from work.

the resistance sounds very interesting... may need to pick up a copy of that too.

couldn't resist picking up a copy of blood bowl: team manager despite the fact that I don't think my group will be willing to play it (cf. my post about monopoly earlier on in this thread.)
Hey guys, board gaming amateur here. I have a guy offering me sealed boxes of Blokus, Say Anything and Risk for $20. I assume that's a good deal, but are the games worth it? I've heard of Risk and saw Say Anything in the OP...

EDIT: How are the iPad implementations of Blokus and Risk? I'm getting the iPad 3 so maybe that's the way to go?

I really like Blokus. It's a great little abstract game that on the surface is a simple territory control sort of thing, but I've noticed it tends to fool everyone into playing an incredibly poor game their first attempt. You really get the most out of it with 4, though you can relatively easily play a better modded 2 player edition than the rules state by using a subsection of the board.

Can't speak to the iPad implementation at all though


Cool Smoke Luke
Hey guys, board gaming amateur here. I have a guy offering me sealed boxes of Blokus, Say Anything and Risk for $20. I assume that's a good deal, but are the games worth it? I've heard of Risk and saw Say Anything in the OP...

EDIT: How are the iPad implementations of Blokus and Risk? I'm getting the iPad 3 so maybe that's the way to go?

I've played Say anything once and its ok as a non gamers party game. Its cool with some mixed couples relaxing at end of night and still wanting to do something.

I'm not a great fan of Risk anymore, with so many other games that are just way better I'd say skip it even tho they are cheap.

Never played Blokus so can't comment.
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