Game night recovery mode ;-)
In the end was a great success. Everyone had fun tho it was slow going since it was all new games for everyone else.
Started the afternoon off with a game of Twilight Struggle that went to round 5 and had to call it with no clear victory when full group showed up, So far everyone thats played it likes it.
Ended up just playing Small World, Ad Astra, and Dungeon Run with full group.
Everyone liked Small world and thought it was really cool how all the combinations really changed how each race acted. All would play again tho everyone expected to cut time in 1/2 now that they got it.
Ad Astra hit the perfect level of Depth vs Fun, The new guy won by not having any expectations and just going for points whenever he could, while the rest of us were holding onto preconceived notions from Catan and Puerto Rico that we'd expand early, score later..
The game went on way to long but afterwards we all agreed if we were way more aggressive to play scoring cards the game would have ended in 1/2 the time.
Definitely a great game if you like Catan or Puerto Rico and want something that blends them..but the game really wants you to race for points as opposed to sitting back and plan for them to come together later.
Dungeon Run was fun way to finish the night. The blend of co-op with backstabbing with a light hearted attitude was great.. going from a game that had no dice to a major dice roller game was cool for changing up the tempo and letting your brain relax and just kick back having a laugh deciding to help or sabotage the guy beside you.
Up to the boss tile everyone probably was thinking this game was a 9..light RPG dungeon crawler that lets you work together or head out on your own if you want...GREAT!
Once the Boss was up everyone got crazy competitive and it fell apart. No one wanted to help each other in the final battle ..and once a couple tried and failed to defeat the boss solo it made everyone kinda lose their enthusiasm.
I think it needs someway to score your characters performance thru out the game and based on that decide who wins.
It feels like it should score more like a game where a bunch of Challengers are thrown into the Minotaurs Maze and only one can escape victorious vs a real dungeon coop where you are a party working together to defeat the end boss. Sure you can help each other but its not really wanted unless its needed.
i think this game could really use an addon to fix the endgame. and expand on the game would be fantastic..more tiles..more characters ...more encounters...more treasure and boss's.