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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I played my first game of Game of Thrones Second Edition last night with 3 others who have played a good number of games. It is probably the heaviest game I've played to date, and to be honest I didn't really enjoy it that much. I was the Tyrells, which I hear have the worst beginning placement. For the majority of the game I had that terrible feeling of not really knowing what I was doing, forgetting what the different tracks represented, etc. I ended up getting my ass whooped and pretty much handed the game to one of the other guys who captured 7 castles in the 8th round. I would probably enjoy the game more a second go-around, but I'm a little scared off from that first experience.

After that, I played Galaxy Trucker for the second time. I freaking love that game and thoroughly enjoy the ship building. We played with the expansion and used the ridiculously difficult cards which made the 3 rounds brutal. Pretty much everyone had a destroyed ship at the end of each round, save a couple of exceptions.

Tonight, I'm going to give Bohnanza a try with my GF. I've read the rules and the two player duel variant looks like it should be good fun.


Was reading comments on FortressAT's DR review and the Dev from DungeonRun posted some comments.
Fortressat.com Dungeon Run
Looks like there is a Dungeon Run 2 coming out later this year .

Mr. Bistro
Like Colby said, Dungeon Run couldn't have gone any smoother at GenCon, but in that environment we controlled the "feel" of the experience. I get how some groups may not be as naturally drawn into the interaction. DR2 offers some dynamic enhancements in that area, while still leaving players with all of the choices Dungeon Run 1 offers.

I'm quite excited to show what is in the works for the follow-up. The new dynamics are simple but meaty, and blend really well with the base game. It's going to give players more of what they want, without just being more of the same. My goal is to provide a hefty but simple toolbox for kicking your friends in the nuts.

Thanks for the review Michael.

Michael Barnes
So the million dollar question- is DR2 a full-fledged standalone sequel, a 2nd edition, or an expansion?

Mr. Bistro
Definitely not a second edition.

Sounds like a "Dominion: Intrigue"


I played my first game of Game of Thrones Second Edition last night with 3 others who have played a good number of games. It is probably the heaviest game I've played to date, and to be honest I didn't really enjoy it that much. I was the Tyrells, which I hear have the worst beginning placement. For the majority of the game I had that terrible feeling of not really knowing what I was doing, forgetting what the different tracks represented, etc. I ended up getting my ass whooped and pretty much handed the game to one of the other guys who captured 7 castles in the 8th round. I would probably enjoy the game more a second go-around, but I'm a little scared off from that first experience.

After that, I played Galaxy Trucker for the second time. I freaking love that game and thoroughly enjoy the ship building. We played with the expansion and used the ridiculously difficult cards which made the 3 rounds brutal. Pretty much everyone had a destroyed ship at the end of each round, save a couple of exceptions.

Tonight, I'm going to give Bohnanza a try with my GF. I've read the rules and the two player duel variant looks like it should be good fun.

I know we're from the same area, and when I saw your first post in this thread I thought about suggesting catching a game next time I visit Lexington; but now you come in here hating on one of my most loved games and loving one of my most hated games -- maybe I'll avoid you for now!

Just giving you a hard time, to each his own. But Seriously, give GoT another try. They should have let the new guy be Baratheon, wtf.


Played Flash Point with Gryphter and some other friends over the weekend. Awesome game with lots of tension without the overwhelming, crushing feeling you can get from Pandemic.

Our one friend rolled hot spots like six times in a row, it was hilarious how shitty of a firefighter he was that round.


I know we're from the same area, and when I saw your first post in this thread I thought about suggesting catching a game next time I visit Lexington; but now you come in here hating on one of my most loved games and loving one of my most hated games -- maybe I'll avoid you for now!

Just giving you a hard time, to each his own. But Seriously, give GoT another try. They should have let the new guy be Baratheon, wtf.

How do you know where I'm from? I'm totally blanking.

Like I said, I would be down for a second game and I'd probably enjoy it more. It usually takes me 1 full playthrough + some after game thinking to fully understand a game.

How can you hate Galaxy Trucker!? That game is a blast.


How do you know where I'm from? I'm totally blanking.

Like I said, I would be down for a second game and I'd probably enjoy it more. It usually takes me 1 full playthrough + some after game thinking to fully understand a game.

How can you hate Galaxy Trucker!? That game is a blast.

I'm in your bushes now.

Mastodon thread and Baroness tangent, etc etc

Edit: And I feel like I have NO control in GT. I'm a huge Ameritrash fan so I don't mind randomness, but GT is more of an activity rather than a game to me.



The King of Tokyo expansion (which is currently in play-testing and will likely hit shelves sometime during 2012) adds additional levels of smash-tastic depth to the already vicious conditions of the core set. In its current incarnation (which Mr. Garfield told me is subject to radical change), the expansion will add four new monsters, character specific powers (for both the four new monsters as well as the original six found in the original box), higher cost and more powerful cards, and a new custom die called the “colossal die” which comes into play under special circumstances and crushes all comers when it does (as Richard's son Schuyler demonstrated when he kicked our collective butts in round one of our play session)


Hail to the KING baby
Oh man that sounds dope. Love the idea of character-specific powers though it will add a bit of meatiness & explanation to the game. Suppose there could be a party version (existing version) and a real version (expansion) which is cool.


Yeah I kind of don't feel like KoT needs an expansion, it really is just about the perfect amount of complexity for what it is. I'll probably wait for some reviews on that one. Then again, if the character specific powers aren't that complicated and maybe just done as a starting card for each monster it's really not any more explanation than you are already doing about the card deck. The only problem is that then people actually want to think a lot more about who they choose and I sort of like that people can just take a monster that looks cool and get on with it.

Played my first games of Innovation, Alhambra, The Resistance and Through the Ages this weekend. TTA was even awesomer than I had expected even though we only played the basic game. Now I'm psyched for the advanced version and have already ordered my own copy. Innovation was also a lot of fun. I need to set up a marathon game day with those two games and put on the Civ IV soundtrack.

We played several games of the Resistance and the spies won all but one. I assume that's pretty common early on. We really should have won the last game but I was a little tired and wasn't vocal enough about the team selection in the last round. I was sure I knew who the spies were but the leader didn't listen and I just let it go. Probably could have convinced her if I tried harder. It was a lot of fun and I'll definitely play it again but man, anyone who says you can replace Battlestar with that game is out of their minds. You don't replace either of them, you just have both. Jeez.


Hail to the KING baby
I've been playing lots of back-to-basics games the past couple game nights. Race for the Galaxy, Ticket to Ride, 7 Wonders, Power Grid, and some other quick ones. It's nice to be able to play 3 games instead of just 1 sometimes.
"Airlines Europe" and "Chicken Cha Cha Cha" have arrived. Yay.
Slightly peeved that the free book that was bundled with the chicken game used nasty sticky tape which removed a patch of paper from the box lid. Grrr.

The AE reviews mentioned that the planes parts had a colour clash between red and orange and they were right. Looked at the bag of planes and could not immediately differentiate them. I've tied little loops of black thread around the orange planes which should help.
Looking forward to getting a game going on Friday.


Cool Smoke Luke
I've been playing lots of back-to-basics games the past couple game nights. Race for the Galaxy, Ticket to Ride, 7 Wonders, Power Grid, and some other quick ones. It's nice to be able to play 3 games instead of just 1 sometimes.

I'm right there as well. I love the monster games but find its so much harder to get a commitment from friends to play them..where as last weekends 4 lighter games was a great hit and everyone's anxious to make it a regular monthly thing.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν

The King of Tokyo expansion (which is currently in play-testing and will likely hit shelves sometime during 2012) adds additional levels of smash-tastic depth to the already vicious conditions of the core set. In its current incarnation (which Mr. Garfield told me is subject to radical change), the expansion will add four new monsters, character specific powers (for both the four new monsters as well as the original six found in the original box), higher cost and more powerful cards, and a new custom die called the “colossal die” which comes into play under special circumstances and crushes all comers when it does (as Richard's son Schuyler demonstrated when he kicked our collective butts in round one of our play session)

Awwwww yeah!

One thing that I haven't quite gotten yet with King of Tokyo is energy cubes. To me it typically seems advantageous to keep attacks, heals and energy cubes while not in Tokyo and attacks/heals while in Tokyo. I haven't ever tried just stacking energy cubes...so I can't imagine as scenario where MORE expensive ones come into play.

Is stacking cubes a useful strategy for folks?
Awwwww yeah!

One thing that I haven't quite gotten yet with King of Tokyo is energy cubes. To me it typically seems advantageous to keep attacks, heals and energy cubes while not in Tokyo and attacks/heals while in Tokyo. I haven't ever tried just stacking energy cubes...so I can't imagine as scenario where MORE expensive ones come into play.

Is stacking cubes a useful strategy for folks?

only at first for me. I typically play to survive/buy cards until there's 3 or less players. At that point I switch to "win the game mode," meaning either go for the kills or go for the points, whichever one is better, hoping the cards I bought will carry me through to the end

edit: thanks for the tip, joey. I went ahead and submitted my offerings. now to do the want list...


psyched for the KoT expansion

do most people play an organised monthly night or do you just freestyle and break the games out whenever? wish I could get more game time in but guess it'll come once the monthly night has bedded in and people are more amenable to playing non-monopoly non-scrabble non-standard BGs and more interesting, fun BGG-style fare


Long time lurker in this thread, and I gotta say this, you guys are bad for my wallet.

Took a long weekend to drive up to Dallas for board games with friends and managed to play a lot of new games.

The Resistance: Bought this back in November and I finally got to put this on the table for a second play. I think it's a great alternative to the other social deductive games I know. I like Mafia/Bang except for the fact there is early player elimination, and I love BSG but we play with AP players (the guy who owns the game is the most AP of us all) so every sessions is 2-3+ hours.

Liar's Dice: Everybody just loves this game. I even bought a second set for my gf so that when the group is big enough we can play with more than 6. Came in handy and we had 7 people rolling die, and almost got to a bid of 20 6s.

Lost Cities Card Game: New game for me. I love how simple it is to pick up and play, but I hate that luck plays enough of a factor that I can't stop someone from playing 2-3 handshakes and 4,5,6,7,8,9 of a color.

Flash Point: Fire Rescue: This game just looks well made. It was our group's first time playing and I did the rules reading. We played 3 games, 2 family and 1 experienced on Novice. As a pandemic vet, I made the mistake of chaining explosions like pandemic in the first game. Whoops. Suffice to say we lost due to structural damage very fast. Games 2 and 3 however went a lot faster and I immediately added this to my CSI cart the next day. One thing I noted and I'm not sure what to do, but when using the fire truck to hose down a quadrant, our D8 had a 1 & 2 on opposite sides of the die, so when we were trying to extinguish fire in a quadrant with 5+ on the D8 roll, we were stuck on determining which way to convert the roll. (basically a 1 was rolled but when we flipped the die to the side facing the table, it revealed a 2) I ended up just using the opposite face of the pyramid the 1 is on, but it begs the question of "Did the game come with the wrong die? or am I misunderstanding what it means to flip the D8 over to the opposite facing?"

7 Wonders w/Leaders Expansion: My first time with the expansion. Leaders is nice, I like it. Just don't think it adds enough for $20. Perhaps I just need more plays in the original so I get bored of it first. The added overall goals were cool, but it also felt like some of the leaders were just unbalanced.

Kingdom Builder: Played this for a third or 4th time. House ruled an opening hand of 2 cards to try and mitigate getting stuck with 1 land type the entire game. Friend of mine still ended up with 5-6 canyons in a row, so maybe we'll try 3 card hands next time... Or maybe allow them to shuffle their existing hand back in the deck and draw 1 less for the rest of the game if they have all of the same type.

Blood Bowl: Team Manager: Finally got to play this with non-casuals. Fun game. Tackle rolls are intense and so is revealing cheat tokens for ejections. The deckbuilding aspect is cool but the game doesn't last long enough to really take advantage of seeding your deck. Especially if you have a few guys that sprint. I like it more because of the interaction in playing each card, you feel like you're actually doing something instead of Dominion where it's who has the best solitaire strat. My favorite play was when I played a star that had a downed 4 star power and a standing 1 star power and then he got tackled. Also realized I had been playing this game wrong in regards to revealing improvements. Oh well. Mistakes to be learned for next time.

Ricochet Robots: This game is the best. Holding onto a 5 move solution to sneak it in at the end of the timer is a great feeling, of which I'm sure a greater one would be calling out a 4 move solution right after that, but I haven't had that happen. Yet. The best part of this is the tiebreaker rule or handicap which makes the game always feel close and doesn't allow for runaway leaders unless the skill levels are way on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Castles of Burgundy: I'm not sure what to think here. I like the game, but it drags a little long (maybe because it was a learning game). The resource gathering portion reminds me of Agricola, as well as the limited turns (because ogod I need to do EVERYTHING and don't have the time to do so) I made a mistake of not rolling and grabbing mines early in the game so I didn't have the silverlite production I wanted, and fell way behind in VP gained from selling goods. Oh well. New strategy next time, but I don't think this will be on my mind when it comes to choosing a game to play.

Blokus 3D: This is way different from regular Blokus. Played 2 games. 3 way tie for first the 1st game, and second game was something like 13, 8, 6, 5 for scores with me in 3rd because 1st place ate all the good plays leaving me with spaces that set up the next person for points. Also found out we were playing this wrong so I'll have to give it another go with the proper rules.

Pack and Stacks: Light game but too random for me. Ideally you want to search for the card that gives you the closest to finish with the roll you have, but there's not enough time to assess that and it seems best to just grab the nearest 4 level truck you can get no matter your roll to make sure you can fit as many pieces in as you can. Also, since the cards don't always match up to everybody's rolls, you can get screwed if there just plain isn't a truck big enough to hold your stuff.

I think that covers the highlights. Aside from Liar's Dice and Ricochet Robots, all the games are still new/relatively new to me. The next day I put in an order in CSI for Takenoko, Flash Point, TtR: Asia, Ricochet Robots, and some FFG Sleeves to put me over $100 for free shipping. Should all get in tomorrow and I'm pretty excited. :D

I had a chance to play A Few Acres of Snow but that got pushed aside for a game we knew the rules to in the interests of time.


psyched for the KoT expansion

do most people play an organised monthly night or do you just freestyle and break the games out whenever? wish I could get more game time in but guess it'll come once the monthly night has bedded in and people are more amenable to playing non-monopoly non-scrabble non-standard BGs and more interesting, fun BGG-style fare

I used to run a weekly session but I think that burned the group out after a few months. If I host a group again I think I'll switch it to a monthly thing. I don't see why your two choices have to be mutually exclusive though.


To me it typically seems advantageous to keep attacks, heals and energy cubes while not in Tokyo and attacks/heals while in Tokyo.
Why would you keep hearts in Tokyo? They don't do anything. There are some cards that can heal you while you're there, though. And something like It Has a Child (basically when you die you come back immediately with 10 health and no VPs) can be a game winner if you get it in a low scoring game where everyone is going for attacks.


Awwwww yeah!

One thing that I haven't quite gotten yet with King of Tokyo is energy cubes. To me it typically seems advantageous to keep attacks, heals and energy cubes while not in Tokyo and attacks/heals while in Tokyo. I haven't ever tried just stacking energy cubes...so I can't imagine as scenario where MORE expensive ones come into play.

Is stacking cubes a useful strategy for folks?

I'm usually the one stacking energy in my group, or at least trying to. I try and keep out of Tokyo and build up some good "keep" cards before trying to make any moves for victory. Having a lot of energy can be really good if certain cards show up (like monster batteries, energize, or energy hoarder) or any keep card that you can continually spend on (stretchy, rapid healing). It's also good to have a bunch of energy in the bank when a really good keep card shows up and you can buy it at the earliest opportunity, like second head or wings.

Also, you're not allowed to use the heart result of a die while in Tokyo, so it's hard to stay in there for an extended length of time.


Hail to the KING baby
great to see lots of classic gaffers here. nice post merc!

psyched for the KoT expansion

do most people play an organised monthly night or do you just freestyle and break the games out whenever? wish I could get more game time in but guess it'll come once the monthly night has bedded in and people are more amenable to playing non-monopoly non-scrabble non-standard BGs and more interesting, fun BGG-style fare

Used to play only randomly on weekends with wife and friends. Now I have a weekly game night that I organize at work that's absolutely critical in terms of allowing me to play hardcore games and 5+ player games. Definitely my experience that most reasonable people will warm up to modern board gaming if you wisely consider your first choices with them, both in terms of complexity and theme. Almost everyone loves board games, as is evidenced by the popularity of non-BGG-style games that are absolutely dreadful in every way and yet still around.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, anyone have a game groups wanna become play testers? I have 4 unpublished games either by known designers or games that I thought looked good that I'm considering publishing.

It's amazing what promising a 2% premium can get you.


So, anyone have a game groups wanna become play testers? I have 4 unpublished games either by known designers or games that I thought looked good that I'm considering publishing.

It's amazing what promising a 2% premium can get you.

I would be! What's involved? Feel free to PM me.


mercviper said:
Flash Point: Fire Rescue: This game just looks well made. It was our group's first time playing and I did the rules reading. We played 3 games, 2 family and 1 experienced on Novice. As a pandemic vet, I made the mistake of chaining explosions like pandemic in the first game. Whoops. Suffice to say we lost due to structural damage very fast. Games 2 and 3 however went a lot faster and I immediately added this to my CSI cart the next day. One thing I noted and I'm not sure what to do, but when using the fire truck to hose down a quadrant, our D8 had a 1 & 2 on opposite sides of the die, so when we were trying to extinguish fire in a quadrant with 5+ on the D8 roll, we were stuck on determining which way to convert the roll. (basically a 1 was rolled but when we flipped the die to the side facing the table, it revealed a 2) I ended up just using the opposite face of the pyramid the 1 is on, but it begs the question of "Did the game come with the wrong die? or am I misunderstanding what it means to flip the D8 over to the opposite facing?"

The way Gryphter explained it to me was that the game shipped with a non-stock D8 with the sides not in the normal placement. If you use a standard Chessex D8 everything works so when you do roll an invalid territory you just flip it over and it will be a valid location.

So, anyone have a game groups wanna become play testers? I have 4 unpublished games either by known designers or games that I thought looked good that I'm considering publishing.

It's amazing what promising a 2% premium can get you.

I'd totally be in. Have a fairly consistent group too. Out of curiosity, are you involved in the board game industry somehow and I just never knew it?


So, anyone have a game groups wanna become play testers? I have 4 unpublished games either by known designers or games that I thought looked good that I'm considering publishing.

It's amazing what promising a 2% premium can get you.

I have a game group that meets bi-weekly here in Corpus Christi that might be willing. Feel free to PM me.
The way Gryphter explained it to me was that the game shipped with a non-stock D8 with the sides not in the normal placement. If you use a standard Chessex D8 everything works so when you do roll an invalid territory you just flip it over and it will be a valid location.

yep, the included die is faulty. fix is to use any other D8 and throw out the one it came with. of course it will still work for regular rolling, just not for this game where the correlation of the numbers matter
source: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/723951/d8-confusion
So, anyone have a game groups wanna become play testers? I have 4 unpublished games either by known designers or games that I thought looked good that I'm considering publishing.

It's amazing what promising a 2% premium can get you.

I would totally love to playtest games. My college board game club meets biweekly, and that would be perfect.

On an unrelated note, has anybody played the Discworld board game that was released last year? It looks super fun.


Glad to see you posting, join us in some games on yucata.de and we'll be bad for your spare time too :)

(You can have some more time with A Few Acres of Snow on there)

Okay, on Yucata as Mercviper

Also added the following list as buddies:



So, anyone have a game groups wanna become play testers? I have 4 unpublished games either by known designers or games that I thought looked good that I'm considering publishing.

It's amazing what promising a 2% premium can get you.

My game group meets weekly, and they've tested games in the past before. Some of them tested Railroad Tycoon and its expansions, and one of them is the lead play tester for Summoner Wars. I'm sure some of them would be up for testing these games. If you'd like me to inquire more, send me a PM.


So, anyone have a game groups wanna become play testers? I have 4 unpublished games either by known designers or games that I thought looked good that I'm considering publishing.

It's amazing what promising a 2% premium can get you.

I'd be down. I have a friend I meet with once or twice a week for two-player action, and then there's a huge amount of people at work that play, as well as an Analog Games Club on campus that I could bring stuff to that meets weekly.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Why would you keep hearts in Tokyo? They don't do anything.

Also, you're not allowed to use the heart result of a die while in Tokyo, so it's hard to stay in there for an extended length of time.

Yeah sorry, miswrote that. Obviously can't use hearts in Tokyo.

What I meant is that when you're not in Tokyo it seems like the standard priority is:
- Heal up
- Attack Toyko
- Stock energy cubes
- Roll for points

...sounds like I should maybe swap "Stock Energy Cubes" and "Attack Toyko" and just horde the hell out of some energy to do awesome card effects.

It'd definitely throw our group for a loop since when we play typically people have like 1-2 cards max. Getting 3-5 cards would really blow people up in the right circumstances, I bet.
Has this been mentioned yet? Due out around summer, it's supposedly Talisman in a 40K setting:


Sorry for crashing the thread since I don't play board games much, but I had fond memories of Talisman and I really love 40K so I'll probably be jumping on this. It's presumably based on the 4th ed and I've only played 3rd. Is there a big difference between the two?
I would totally love to playtest games. My college board game club meets biweekly, and that would be perfect.

On an unrelated note, has anybody played the Discworld board game that was released last year? It looks super fun.
I don't follow this thread religiously, but I vaguely remembered impressions back when I was looking at games around Christmas. I could only find one post, though, by MichaelBD:



Has this been mentioned yet? Due out around summer, it's supposedly Talisman in a 40K setting:


Sorry for crashing the thread since I don't play board games much, but I had fond memories of Talisman and I really love 40K so I'll probably be jumping on this. It's presumably based on the 4th ed and I've only played 3rd. Is there a big difference between the two?

Is it still roll and move? Cause if so they can fuck directly off with that shit.


Has this been mentioned yet? Due out around summer, it's supposedly Talisman in a 40K setting:


Sorry for crashing the thread since I don't play board games much, but I had fond memories of Talisman and I really love 40K so I'll probably be jumping on this. It's presumably based on the 4th ed and I've only played 3rd. Is there a big difference between the two?

I don't know Talisman but the 40k setting immediately piques my interest.

Is it still roll and move? Cause if so they can fuck directly off with that shit.

Talisman is just roll and move? Ewwwwwwwwwww all interest killed just like that.
Talisman is just roll and move? Ewwwwwwwwwww all interest killed just like that.

yeah, it was one of the first Gamer's games I've played, so when I started getting into the hobby it was 1 of the first in my mind. It's basically roll and move with a very light rpg system; fantasy setting, fight monsters with strength or magic, level up. Gather equipment, race to the end. It's not bad, but it plays way too long and is very light. I've decided to keep it to play with my future kids, this should be a good stepping stone between pure roll and moves and everything else
Is it still roll and move? Cause if so they can fuck directly off with that shit.

I assume it still is. I doubt it has more than a fraction of the depth of the games you guys suggest here, but I found it fun, or at least did with 3rd. I couldn't comment on the latest edition.

Talisman is just roll and move? Ewwwwwwwwwww all interest killed just like that.

Maybe Horus Heresy would be more your thing. Absolutely no dice involved!
On an unrelated note, has anybody played the Discworld board game that was released last year? It looks super fun.
I'm assuming you are referring to Ankh-Morpork and not Guards Guards. I owned Ankh-Morpork and traded it away recently, it's a good game but can get a bit stale. The game is simple mechanically (play a card, draw a card) but the fun comes in trying to figure out the hidden roles and their win condition. The problem is that there isn't enough variety in the hidden roles. It feels like half the roles have the same win condition so the variety isn't there. Couple that with the simple play mechanics I grew a little bored with it and decided to trade it away. If you are a fan of the universe there is a lot to like about the game. The artwork is gorgeous and there are some nice inside jokes sprinkled through out the game.

As for Guards Guards, I haven't played it yet. Judging by reviews, Ankh-Morpork is considered the better of the two Discworld games. If you are looking to pick one up grab that one.
Has this been mentioned yet? Due out around summer, it's supposedly Talisman in a 40K setting:


Sorry for crashing the thread since I don't play board games much, but I had fond memories of Talisman and I really love 40K so I'll probably be jumping on this. It's presumably based on the 4th ed and I've only played 3rd. Is there a big difference between the two?

I'm all over that shit

Talisman is just roll and move? Ewwwwwwwwwww all interest killed just like that.

Talisman is not exactly a roll to move system, your roll basically dictates your encounter and you have a choice of which one to take. The game system does not work with set movement. It's an excellent game but does have alot of randomness involved and has always had the issue that it takes a long time to play, as each player added generally means an extra hour of play at a minimum.
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