Twilight Struggle: Played this twice with two different people also new to the game. Both games were close but I won both as USA. First game I almost lost to Europe control but I held on with Poland and scored big in other regions. Second game felt more even and I won with some good scoring cards in the last turn. We all like the game especially my friend who is a history buff. The game is more complex than other games I own but the rules are pretty sensible and the mechanics are well integrated with the theme.
Over a year ago, when my friend and I started our little board game group, this was the first game we ever played - the first game I ever bought. And the only reason I bought is was because it was 2p and the #1 ranked game. Now, I had played plenty of casual over-the-counter board games over the years, but nothing like this. So I almost immediately didn't like it. I found it dry and hard to understand, and after that first night I haven't touched it since. But now after more than a solid year of board gaming under my belt, with many games being pretty heavy, I'm thinking maybe I should give TS another go.
Now, on the opposite side of the spectrum, I just ordered
Revolver! Looks to be a pretty cool head-to-head card game. Drakkenstrike liked it a lot and it was only $25 on Amazon, so why not.