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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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They may ship on Saturday.. but none of the shipping companies will.. so I will guess Thursday at the earliest since Monday is a holiday.

They charge a restocking fee.

Thanks guys! Info appreciated.

So any recommendations for groups of 6-7? We play 7 wonders and a modified dominion but we are looking for something new.

I second RoboRally - You "program" robots to race around the board firing lasers and trying to hit flags while avoiding pitfalls and conveyor belts. Players make 5 movement choices simultaneously, and when all but one player has "locked in" you start a 30 second timer. No one wants to be caught with the timer so everyone rushes, the entire time. It's almost guaranteed that every turn there is one player who screams "Oh no, I didn't mean to do that!". As you get damaged, you get fewer and fewer choices, and your robot gets wonky and you can't control it as well. It was developed by the creator of Magic the Gathering, I believe.

Takenoko (sp?) is the real deal. It's about 45 minutes long, good strategy and really fun.

And yes, it has an insanely cute panda eating bamboo.

I agree. I love it for a lunch time game session. It's really simple to play, but also has a little bit deeper strategy involved. I even like the die (that's the singular for dice right?) for the turn-start bonuses. Very fun game.

The colourful pieces and stacking bamboo really draws people in too.

Only complaint I had was the irrigation stick things. You use one move just to get 1 of them. No one ever did it. So we use a "house rule" that you get 2 sticks instead.
We also changed it so the tiles you don't choose go to the bottom of the stack. We noticed no one ever took the blue cards if they go on top. Cycling through the stack faster made the blue cards more viable for us.

Do you guys still find Takenoko fun/interesting? This thread has generally been so good for recommendations that I bought it based on these comments and the fact the designer also did 7 wonders. But after 3 plays I feel almost no interest in playing it again.

Specifically, I found it too difficult to get victory points by placing and irrigating tiles (because it's pretty easy to for another player to disrupt). Without the blue cards as a viable route, I didn't feel like there was much room for interesting strategies. You get some cards and have to do your best to fulfill them, but planning bamboo growth and panda placement 4 moves in advance seemed nigh impossible. So it felt like a little optimization every turn, trying to grab whatever victory points you can that turn. I don't mind that lack of longterm strategy in RoboRally, because players are forced into the hectic pace. But Takenoko seemed to elicit analysis paralysis. The components were nice, however.
I wish I played these more. I have LnoE, growing, survival, and the 4th big one they released, and have played them like 3 times. I have IfOS as well, and have tried that once.

My friends suck.

My board game group are normally pretty good. We have about 6 of us main players but can claw some others from work and such when needed.

Growing Hunger just upped the level of awesome for us with the addition of 7 more zombies and all the new rules. It's quite intense. Love it.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So... What's the best place to get Cards Against Humanity im Canada? Amazon.ca has them for like double the US price
And amazon.com doesn't deliver games to Canada apparently -.- starlitcitadel (Vancouver local store) doesn't have it at all, not even out of stock :(
So... What's the best place to get Cards Against Humanity im Canada? Amazon.ca has them for like double the US price
And amazon.com doesn't deliver games to Canada apparently -.- starlitcitadel (Vancouver local store) doesn't have it at all, not even out of stock :(

No idea about that because I'm from Australia, but my mate just got the free ones and made his own cards. Did a pretty awesome job at it too. Great game when drinking.
How difficult to teach/play is Cosmic Encounter for non-boardgamers? I've had success getting my small group of friends who aren't that much into Boardgaming playing some Dominion and Forbidden Island, but haven't really tackled more than that successfully (I'm looking at you, Innovation :( ), and was wondering if Cosmic Encounter would be sth good.

The basic idea is really, really simple. You draw a card, attack who it tells you to, assign ships to battle, play a card from your hand and either win or lose. The kicker is that each person has an alien ability that lets them "break" or "tweak" one of the main rules in the game.

The game's complexity ramps up very nicely because the aliens are divided into beginner, intermediate, and expert. There are also optional rule variations such as adding technology cards.

All the cards have a chart that shows exactly when you can play them and whether they are mandatory or optional. Very good for beginners.

The quality of the pieces is surprisingly good. The little spaceships add a little bit of whimsy to the game.

This game is almost infinitely replayable not just because of the huge number of alien cards, but also because they all interact so differently with each other.

For example, there is an alien that makes it so the person with the lowest attack total wins (which is the opposite of what normally happens) and there is an alien that makes the person who loses the winner...so when combined it means that the person with the highest total would win like normal (but only when those two aliens face each other).


Of course that's just my personal experience with it. For example the first time I played it I got a support class, and all that was required of me was either some odd repairing here and there or transferring my moves. And for almost 3 hours that was the whole game for me. Until i got thrown into the brig, at which point I turned into a spectator for another hour because the humans didn't trust me enough to get me out. The other classes I played after that were only slightly better.
I'm not saying I want more action in my games but... I want more action.
That's why I like resistance so much. It takes the most interesting aspect of bsg, namely the scheming, the lying and the tears, and distills it into a 30 minutes long, extremely animated game.
I love BSG and I'm definitely no expert. What we've learned as we've played the game is that you use the downtime to the best of your advantage. Until the attack cards come up (assuming you are playing with just the base), you can launch ships, beef up on cards by hitting the ship sites that give you cards, scout for locations (this is something I never did until playing with a guy who claimed to have played BSG over a hundred times...he would scout whenever it was his turn)--there's lots to do to prepare while waiting for an attack.


How difficult to teach/play is Cosmic Encounter for non-boardgamers? I've had success getting my small group of friends who aren't that much into Boardgaming playing some Dominion and Forbidden Island, but haven't really tackled more than that successfully (I'm looking at you, Innovation :( ), and was wondering if Cosmic Encounter would be sth good.

CE is one of my favorite boardgames, for a lot of the reasons Affeinvasion mentioned above. That being said, I don't find it particularly easy to teach non-boardgamers. In my experience, here are the things that trip non-boardgamers up:

  • Certain species (e.g. Anti-matter)
  • Defensive ally rewards
  • Progression of a turn
  • When individuals get to draw cards
  • When ships get to move around

However, they are all understandable, it just takes some time. I usually act as "narrator" and prompt each person at each stage in their turn: "Okay we have to flip over the destiny card. You have to attack blue. Choose a planet. Okay, now you have to commit between 1 and 4 ships. Okay, now you get to call for allies. John, as the defender you can now call for allies. Okay now we go around and declare who is siding with whom. Okay now you both select a card. Now..." and so on.

I've had a lot of experience over the past few years doing it, and my advice would be to play the first game or two without the "Flare" cards (basically cards that give additional powers). Unfortunately, playing this way makes defending allies and Negotiate cards less valuable, but it's fine for an introduction. Also, don't stress about adding technology cards, in my three years of playing it I have yet to try them and it's still enjoyable each time.


Well no Cosmic Encounter feedback from me. I didn't get to play anything yesterday, because I got a nerve stuck in my neck and was unable to move my head around. Had to go to the hospital. Sucks because I was really looking forward to play Cosmic Encounter. But I guess you got your answer anyway Smiley90 :)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Well no Cosmic Encounter feedback from me. I didn't get to play anything yesterday, because I got a nerve stuck in my neck and was unable to move my head around. Had to go to the hospital. Sucks because I was really looking forward to play Cosmic Encounter. But I guess you got your answer anyway Smiley90 :)

Ouch :/ hope you're alright! And yeah I did, I'll still be looking forward to a first-playthrough review from you though ;)


Hail to the KING baby
Had a big game group yesterday. Played Dominion with the new Dark Ages sets, Tumblin' Dice (whoooooo! have to play with real money next time), RFTG (hadn't played this in a while), and Game of Thrones BG (baaaaaaaah will not make this mistake again. game is way too fucking long for what it is. what a timesink)


Hail to the KING baby
You're dead to me!

:D I think it all depends on the group. If you have any people prone to AP it can be a killer for one. I do really like the core mechanics, which are actually mostly quite simple and fun. It just feels about two hours too long to me but if played really strictly on time I could see enjoying it again.
Quick update about last nights gaming session.

Played with 6 people yesterday. Started with some Dominion intrigue (I like the intrigue cards more then base) then we played some 7 wonders (this game really is great for large groups, also I love the iOS companion scoring app that tracks your games) then we played some Last Night On Earth (always a good time) and finished with some Puerto Rico (personal favorite of mine)

We also were able to find a guy that used to own a game store that is selling his old stock for less then anywhere else I can find it. He has a ton of stuff but these are what I will be getting.

BSG - $25
Agricola - $25
Memoire 44 - $20
Race For The Galaxy - $15

I will be back to his house this week to grab some stuff. Sad to see his business fail but glad to see my collection grow.


Quick update about last nights gaming session.

Played with 6 people yesterday. Started with some Dominion intrigue (I like the intrigue cards more then base) then we played some 7 wonders (this game really is great for large groups, also I love the iOS companion scoring app that tracks your games) then we played some Last Night On Earth (always a good time) and finished with some Puerto Rico (personal favorite of mine)

We also were able to find a guy that used to own a game store that is selling his old stock for less then anywhere else I can find it. He has a ton of stuff but these are what I will be getting.

BSG - $25
Agricola - $25
Memoire 44 - $20
Race For The Galaxy - $15

I will be back to his house this week to grab some stuff. Sad to see his business fail but glad to see my collection grow.

Those are some great prices for great games. So jealous...


Had a big game group yesterday. Played Dominion with the new Dark Ages sets, Tumblin' Dice (whoooooo! have to play with real money next time), RFTG (hadn't played this in a while), and Game of Thrones BG (baaaaaaaah will not make this mistake again. game is way too fucking long for what it is. what a timesink)

This does not bode well for my GoT BG marathon this weekend. I haven't played it yet but have two games lined up. I was thinking of instituting Robo-Rally like timing, where we set a 3 minute timer after everyone but one places tokens down. Does that sound reasonable?


May contain jokes =>
:D I think it all depends on the group. If you have any people prone to AP it can be a killer for one. I do really like the core mechanics, which are actually mostly quite simple and fun. It just feels about two hours too long to me but if played really strictly on time I could see enjoying it again.

How long is it taking for you? If you cut 2 hours off my games it'd only be an hour long.



Robin Spriggs is looking for a publisher for Capes & Cowls. Goddammit man, contact that guy! There's a thread with a link to his blog on the C&C forums @ BGG.


So I was just checking out on BGG if anything new has been added to the Spiel 2012 list and saw Ratus Cartus. Reading the rules it seems interesting what do you guys think? Looks like I need to make a decision fast because the pre-orders are almost gone: http://www.whitegoblingames.com/game/129/Rattus-Cartus

Would need more info to make a solid decision, but I'm intrigued. I like the IDEA behind the boardgame but after a few plays I couldn't see myself ever playing it over El Grande. Perhaps a card game version would do the trick.
I received Descent 2.0 and the conversion kit in the mail on Friday but just got a chance to dig into it today. It's a great package, but you get less components than the original game for the same price.


The game has 8 Heroes but the conversion kit adds another 48 from the original game, promo figures, and DungeonQuest.

The game has 9 Monsters but the conversion kit adds another 25 from the original game and it's expansions. There are 2 versions of each monster.

If you have the original Descent, it's expansions, or DungeonQuest, I think the conversion kit is a no-brainer. I bought both on Amazon and the total was 72$. My local game shop is selling the main game at MSRP (80$!). Once again, I have no idea how these guys stay in business!

Now I just have to get to work painting these guys up!


Recently put in my first order in a long while. Dominant Species, Glory to Rome Black Box Edition, and Lords of Waterdeep.


Ah. So I guess that means you don't care for something like Caylus or Magna Carta either then?

Lords of Waterdeep is a lighter take on Caylus. The economy is nowhere near as tight as it is in Caylus & there's far more ways to screw opponents badly in Caylus too IMO. I like LoW for what it is (hey I played 3 games of it last weekend) but it's not a replacement for Caylus, Carson City or other 'heavyweight' worker placement/engine builders. It's got theme, it's straightforward to teach & it plays quickly, so it's got its place.


I received Descent 2.0 and the conversion kit in the mail on Friday but just got a chance to dig into it today. It's a great package, but you get less components than the original game for the same price.


The game has 8 Heroes but the conversion kit adds another 48 from the original game, promo figures, and DungeonQuest.

The game has 9 Monsters but the conversion kit adds another 25 from the original game and it's expansions. There are 2 versions of each monster.

If you have the original Descent, it's expansions, or DungeonQuest, I think the conversion kit is a no-brainer. I bought both on Amazon and the total was 72$. My local game shop is selling the main game at MSRP (80$!). Once again, I have no idea how these guys stay in business!

Now I just have to get to work painting these guys up!

So did you buy the conversion kit to use as a mini-expansion for the second edition instead of using it to update a copy of the first edition?
So did you buy the conversion kit to use as a mini-expansion for the second edition instead of using it to update a copy of the first edition?

In order to use your first edition monsters and heroes with second edition, you require both the conversion kit as well as the full boxed game of Descent 2.0. The conversion kit is nothing but cards. No rules are included in the conversion kit.
So did you buy the conversion kit to use as a mini-expansion for the second edition instead of using it to update a copy of the first edition?

Upgrade just let's you use the heroes and monsters from first edition in 2.0 it doesn't really upgrade the first edition as the name suggests.


Lords of Waterdeep is a lighter take on Caylus. The economy is nowhere near as tight as it is in Caylus & there's far more ways to screw opponents badly in Caylus too IMO. I like LoW for what it is (hey I played 3 games of it last weekend) but it's not a replacement for Caylus, Carson City or other 'heavyweight' worker placement/engine builders. It's got theme, it's straightforward to teach & it plays quickly, so it's got its place.

Which is pretty much what I'm looking for. There's only a small subset of my regular gaming group who'd play Caylus, and at the moment if any gaming time comes up that's available with just them Through the Ages is the preference.
Castle Ravenloft
Wrath Of Ashardalon
Legend Of Drizzt

I know most people hate on these games but I think it's just what my game group needs when we cant get a real game of Pathfinder or DnD going. What game should I start with? If the quality is pretty much the same I will just start with Ravenloft.

I realize these games are nothing like a real RPG but after watching some stuff on YouTube I think I would really like how the game plays for a quick dungeon crawl.


Castle Ravenloft
Wrath Of Ashardalon
Legend Of Drizzt

I know most people hate on these games but I think it's just what my game group needs when we cant get a real game of Pathfinder or DnD going. What game should I start with? If the quality is pretty much the same I will just start with Ravenloft.

I realize these games are nothing like a real RPG but after watching some stuff on YouTube I think I would really like how the game plays for a quick dungeon crawl.

I als think these games look pretty cool. From what I heard Legend of Drizzt is supposed to be the best.


Before I try elsewhere, the following games gots to go and I figured I'd see if any of you were interested:

Cosmic Encounter + first 2 expansions.
Eminent Domain w/ promo cards
Lord of the Rings: Nazghul
Sunrise City
Galactic Emperor

Will also entertain offers for 1st edition Dominant Species (looking to up/sidegrade)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Before I try elsewhere, the following games gots to go and I figured I'd see if any of you were interested:

Cosmic Encounter + first 2 expansions.
Eminent Domain w/ promo cards
Lord of the Rings: Nazghul
Sunrise City
Galactic Emperor

Will also entertain offers for 1st edition Dominant Species (looking to up/sidegrade)

Where do you live...? :D


It was really nice to bump into joeyjoejoeshabadoo at Strategicon this weekend. Sorry we didn't get to play a game, but it is always great to put a name to a face within this thread.

I was ambitious and brought games like Ora et Labora and Antiquity that never made it to the table, but got to play a bunch more games.

Highlight of the weekend was Seasons. Believe the hype on this one -- after one play have been thinking about it non-stop.


Unlimited Capacity
I received Descent 2.0 and the conversion kit in the mail on Friday but just got a chance to dig into it today. It's a great package, but you get less components than the original game for the same price.

The game has 8 Heroes but the conversion kit adds another 48 from the original game, promo figures, and DungeonQuest.

The game has 9 Monsters but the conversion kit adds another 25 from the original game and it's expansions. There are 2 versions of each monster.

If you have the original Descent, it's expansions, or DungeonQuest, I think the conversion kit is a no-brainer. I bought both on Amazon and the total was 72$. My local game shop is selling the main game at MSRP (80$!). Once again, I have no idea how these guys stay in business!

Now I just have to get to work painting these guys up!

As someone who runs a local game shop, we can't run a store where we sell everything for 30% off.

On another note, what are some opinions on good co-op games for 2? I want to play something with my girlfriend when I am at home.


Hail to the KING baby
My order at CSI is waiting on Seasons. Pretty stoked for it, and good to hear more positive buzz.

gaaah must resist. i almost made an order out of this, netrunner, libertalia, and some other random crap but no. there's only so many rules a man can learn and teach. and only so many games he can play.

maybe i can learn it at a con or something :p


Finally got around to my second game of blood bowl while teaching my brother the game. Was a great game. Easily jumped into our top 3. Can't wait to teach him Carc and Kings of Tokyo is on its way. Our only unopened game is Descent, so eventually we'll get to that


Before I try elsewhere, the following games gots to go and I figured I'd see if any of you were interested:

Cosmic Encounter + first 2 expansions.
Eminent Domain w/ promo cards
Lord of the Rings: Nazghul
Sunrise City
Galactic Emperor

Will also entertain offers for 1st edition Dominant Species (looking to up/sidegrade)

Had I known that you wanted to get rid of Cosmic with the first 2 expansions we might have worked a deal out if I need to get you something from Spiel. Now I already bought the game. :(


I'd like to pick up something with a "traitor" element to it, but not something like BSg where the theme is going to limit the people who will play it. Thoughts on good choices?


Cool Smoke Luke
Castle Ravenloft
Wrath Of Ashardalon
Legend Of Drizzt

I know most people hate on these games but I think it's just what my game group needs when we cant get a real game of Pathfinder or DnD going. What game should I start with? If the quality is pretty much the same I will just start with Ravenloft.

I realize these games are nothing like a real RPG but after watching some stuff on YouTube I think I would really like how the game plays for a quick dungeon crawl.

I would recommend Ravenloft myself.
Drizzt is certainly more polished, and easier but I think Ravenloft is a better starting place( I have all 3)


Hail to the KING baby
I'd like to pick up something with a "traitor" element to it, but not something like BSg where the theme is going to limit the people who will play it. Thoughts on good choices?
Check out Shadows over Camelot. Very similar core mechanics but lighter and sounds like better theme for you.
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