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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Neverfade said:
My Lords of Vegas game just got serious.


Upgrade! 11.5 gram chips. You could brain someone with a fistful of these.
I think the next time I play with more than my GF I'm going to be using my chips as well. I hate paper money.
StoOgE said:
The ones I'm trying to decide on:

Richard III - 2 player war game about the Wars of the Roses with a 3 hour playtime.
Twilight Struggle - I like 1960 and the theme of this one is pretty legit.
Le Havre
Through the Ages
Twilight Struggle or Agricola are the only two played from this list so I'll go with those.
Neverfade said:
All those (save maybe TS) sound dick-shriveling. Lords of Vegas!
Another recommendation for Lords of Vegas from me. Super fun, easy to play, and the theme isn't going to scare anybody away.


XiaNaphryz said:
Your badmouthing of Through The Ages almost makes me want to rescind my support of BSG. :p

Ok, ok, ok. I apologize. I kinda glazed over that one. It's one I haven't learned yet and I do suspect I WILL like it when I finally get it played. Better? :D
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Twilight Struggle or Agricola are the only two played from this list so I'll go with those.

StoOgE said:
Richard III - 2 player war game about the Wars of the Roses with a 3 hour playtime.
Twilight Struggle - I like 1960 and the theme of this one is pretty legit.
Le Havre
Through the Ages

Et tu, joeyjoejoeshabadoo?

In all seriousness though Stooge, if Endeavor was causing trouble, definitely cross off Through the Ages. It's pretty brain-melty.


Danne-Danger said:
Guys, I'm jumping into Arkham soon, what do I need to know? I have no idea what it is (apart from the "setting"). :eek:
Play some solo sessions first, controlling 3 or 4 investigators. Consult the rulebook frequently. Look up the game on BGG and read up on common mistakes and missed rules.

Repeat until you feel comfortable running through a game without needing to look up something very often, then add more players.
Danne-Danger said:
Guys, I'm jumping into Arkham soon, what do I need to know? I have no idea what it is (apart from the "setting"). :eek:
It's a co-op game set in the Lovecraft universe. You play an investigator moving around town collecting clues in order to seal gates. Too many gates open the Ancient One awakes and you have to throw down which is almost certain death. Seal enough gates and you win.

It's a long game that benefits from having someone who has played it before lead you through the experience. The game feels like a light RPG. You can gain weapons, spells, items, and you even are using sliders to adjust your stats.


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
Et tu, joeyjoejoeshabadoo?

In all seriousness though Stooge, if Endeavor was causing trouble, definitely cross off Through the Ages. It's pretty brain-melty.

That is kind of becoming the rub, I'm getting bored of entry level games, mid-tier games are too much for my friends, but I'm ready to move on to some bigger guns. I'm thinking good 2 player games are the way to go. I have 3 friends that "get" the harder games I own, so stuff like le havre and Agricola that work as 2 players should work decently.

Richard the 3rd is based on hammer of the scots, per bgg forums it should match up to a mid-tier euro game. 1960, TS, etc. Plus I love wars of the roses. I want to be able to murder princes in towers.

I also have the weekly board game night thing at the bar where I can safely break this stuff out. Well, there is this one couple that only play ttr every week, so not with them.


AstroLad said:
xater how much would 51st state be w/ shipping to NY?

getting it from funagain at BGG.con currently but i could get it earlier too

Shipping to the USA is 13,90€ and the game is supposed to cost 24€.
StoOgE said:
That is kind of becoming the rub, I'm getting bored of entry level games, mid-tier games are too much for my friends, but I'm ready to move on to some bigger guns. I'm thinking good 2 player games are the way to go. I have 3 friends that "get" the harder games I own, so stuff like le havre and Agricola that work as 2 players should work decently.

Well in THAT case, Through The Ages works well 2 player, and has a max of 4 anyway, so if you and those 3 friends that get it play, you're full up!


Neverfade said:
55 bucks am cry. This game better be g̶o̶o̶d̶ straight tits.

And there's already reports of 51st State having printing errors & missing tokens... Their first runs are always screwed up.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah, but the company'll probably hook you up. Unless the board itself is fucked up a la Arabian Nights :lol (minor error though, doesn't bother me)


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
Well in THAT case, Through The Ages works well 2 player, and has a max of 4 anyway, so if you and those 3 friends that get it play, you're full up!

well the 3 friends are hard to get into one place at a time.

My working theory is I will get at least one of them in the mood 4-5 times a year. So I can play some decent 2 player action a about 15 times a year with the possibility of scaling.

Right now, I am leaning on asking for Le Havre and Richard III.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Yeah, but the company'll probably hook you up. Unless the board itself is fucked up a la Arabian Nights :lol (minor error though, doesn't bother me)

Well, there is no board, so.... success?


Hail to the KING baby
probably. if i added up all the pieces i got replaced you probably could cobble together a nice full game from it


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
probably. if i added up all the pieces i got replaced you probably could cobble together a nice full game from it

I think my favorite has to be Twilight Struggle. They are on the 4th edition of the game and *still* have about 12 errata cards out there. :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Damn and I still have my 2nd edition! And don't think it's broken! (Though I'm sure if I read enough of the BGG strategy forum I might change my mind.)


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Damn and I still have my 2nd edition! And don't think it's broken! (Though I'm sure if I read enough of the BGG strategy forum I might change my mind.)

I think they are all pretty minor, but of course BGG freaks out about them.

My copy of 1960 has 2 errata cards that I had to put little notes on.

Speaking of errata, I could tell the previous owner of that Road to the Whitehouse game I bought was owned by a geak. They corrected all the errata cards in the game, and the bits were all stored in little containers.


First tragedy, then farce.
Alright, birthday presents are settled.

Le Havre - I just want this. It's one of those things that I've decided I want for unknown reasons, but I want it. It has boats. Boats!

Twilight Struggle - need more 2 player games. Love Cold War stuff.

Richard III - gift to myself :D


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Picked up Galaxy Trucker and played two games of it so far. I really don't like it. At all.

Incredibly tedious set up time, very shallow strategy, and just plain not very fun in execution.

It feels like they were trying to emulate a casual, fast paced video game in board game form.

I'd been looking forward to it for a year too...


Hail to the KING baby
This Twilight Struggle talk has me eyin a new wargame that is The Hotness at BGG: Labyrinth: The War on Terror.



Although 4.0 Weight is probably testing even my limits, much less my poor game group's or wife's. Apparently it looks a lot more like TS than it really is (haven't checked out the rules yet though).

Picked up Galaxy Trucker and played two games of it so far. I really don't like it. At all.

Incredibly tedious set up time, very shallow strategy, and just plain not very fun in execution.

It feels like they were trying to emulate a casual, fast paced video game in board game form.

I'd been looking forward to it for a year too...
Hm, takes me like ten minutes to set up and I'm playing with all the expansions. Then again, I've been playing it for a while so maybe it's just harder at first. I guess any game is easy to set up with enough experience. I'd still say it's easier to set up than the notorious Gric or Arkham Horror though. The only thing that even slightly annoys me about the real-time element is that there is a lot of self-policing that has to happen. Everyone has to know the protocol for building and follow it. If there's one person who even occasionally skirts rules, they could pretty much destroy the game unless you appointed some sort of overseer. As for the strategy comment? Does the game even really have any strategy? It certainly doesn't purport to have much. It's pure on-the-fly seat-of-your-pants tactics. Helps that I'm almost as a rule more fond of tactical games than strategic ones though.

I accepted a long time ago that GT is a dsfdf game, and even worse a dsfdf game that gets better over repeated plays. Hell, I used to dislike the game the first three or so times I played it, but now I'd put it in my top 15 and it's one of the games I'm most looking forward to playing at BGG.CON.


FlyinJ said:
Picked up Galaxy Trucker and played two games of it so far. I really don't like it. At all.

Incredibly tedious set up time, very shallow strategy, and just plain not very fun in execution.

It feels like they were trying to emulate a casual, fast paced video game in board game form.

I'd been looking forward to it for a year too...

Can we be friends?

Also LOL at that Labyrinth cover and the tasteless people who are ooohing and aahing over it on the comments section at BGG.


Hail to the KING baby
Neverfade said:
Can we be friends?

Also LOL at that Labyrinth cover and the tasteless people who are ooohing and aahing over it on the comments section at BGG.
haven't really scrutinized it but am i missing something by just seeing it as an ubergeneric
Eh, it's not any worse than the TS cover.

This looks like it was done using some free PC 3D graphic program from '96. So cheap looking.

EDIT: Actually might not be a bad idea for a geeklist. "Terrible box art on otherwise great games"


Its not the fact that its generic. As I said, read the comments. These people are trying to pull fucking Shakespeare out of a shitty cover.

At least the TS cover has..you know... shit on it. The Labyrinth cover looks like its 5 minutes into someone crafting Call of Duty boxart.


I'm not knocking the game itself. I'm sure with the exposure it's getting, it'll be good. But as an overproduction enthusiast I just have to revel in the tasty bits and/or lack thereof.

Speaking of GMT, I think I'm going to get my first game of Dominant Species going tonight. Mayday needs to hurry the fuck up with some Speci-meeples. For serious.


only game from OP's list i've played is Settlers of Catan. one of my friends teaches english in japan, he asked me to buy it for him before i flew out to see him. I learned how to play it in Nagoya! haven't played it since. It was super fun, but as a new person to the board game world i sucked at it.

i fair well at monopoly though. ;) my lady and i have been playing board and card games a bit more often lately so i might look in to some of these!


Got Halo Wars Risk from Amazon today, and wow is this is a nice version of Risk! The Halo theme aside it looks very sci-fi and different than the traditional Risk board. It's been a long time since I've played Risk, looking forward to breaking this out one night soon!


First tragedy, then farce.
Chorazin said:
Got Halo Wars Risk from Amazon today, and wow is this is a nice version of Risk! The Halo theme aside it looks very sci-fi and different than the traditional Risk board. It's been a long time since I've played Risk, looking forward to breaking this out one night soon!

We're being trolled aren't we? :(


Hail to the KING baby
Jeramii said:
only game from OP's list i've played is Settlers of Catan. one of my friends teaches english in japan, he asked me to buy it for him before i flew out to see him. I learned how to play it in Nagoya! haven't played it since. It was super fun, but as a new person to the board game world i sucked at it.

i fair well at monopoly though. ;) my lady and i have been playing board and card games a bit more often lately so i might look in to some of these!
check 'em out -- a lot of 'em are pretty cheap too!



I had pre-ordered, through Kickstarter, a game called Alien Frontiers. It showed up Thursday and I was able to play it Thursday night.

I wanted AF because I had heard early on that it was a scifi mix of Kingsburg and To Court the King. I like rolling dice and I like scifi and it seemed cool to "kick off" the publishing of the game so I pledged. I had yet to play Kingsburg and TCtK is a fun diversion I play with my family from time-to-time, so I figured it was worth a shot.

Since then I had played Kingsburg a couple of times (without expansion) and thought it ran a little long. I wasn't as overly impressed as I thought I would be.

What's nice about AF is that it's pretty easy to learn and quick to play. I had read through the rules before meeting up with my weekly game group and after about 10 minutes of running through the board and what you could do, we started rolling.

The game is resource management and area control. You are trying to gather resources to build colony hubs that you then launch onto the planet that is depicted on the middle of the board. Also depicted on the board are various space stations where you dock your ships and receive a power or benefit.

Your fleet of ships is represented by dice. Each die is a ship. So you roll on your turn and then place your dice (ala Kingsburg) at various space stations to gather resources, mess with opponents, find alien tech, and prepare colonies for launch. There is no game round per se, as you leave your ships where you dock them until your next turn, when you pick them up and roll again. This means you can lock other players out of areas and vice versa.

When you finally launch a colony, you choose any area on the planet (it is split up into sections) and if you control that area (have more colonies than anyone else in that specific area), you gain a special power and hold onto that power until someone ties you for number of colonies.

The alien tech is in the form of cards and that's where the To Court the King comparisons come in. The tech lets you spend resources to alter your die rolls (either through rerolls or changing the face of the pips), remove other player's ships from orbital stations, gain extra resources, etc.

A really appealing aspect of the game is how even a poor roll can net you something. There is a colonist hub where you are prepping a colony for launch, and even if you can't use some of the more powerful orbital stations (that require doubles, triples, straights, or high die values), you can allocate ships to move your colony along the prep track. So I never felt like I had a wasted turn.

The game ends when a player places his or her last colony on the planet. The VP track is a separate board and it's malleable in that your points increase and decrease as players vie for territories. The game gives you 3 ways to place colonies via orbital stations so there are a bunch of ways to get colonies set up.

Our first game took maybe a little over the 90 minute play time listed on the box and that was with a rule review and a few rule checks during the game. I see this as being in the sweet spot of 60 to 90 minutes when people know how to play.

So the good news is my "gamble" so far has paid off. Obviously we'll have to see how it holds up under repeated play, but opinions were favorable as we put the game away.

The bad news is because it was a self-published game, they are already sold out. However, the buzz has been positive on the Geek and the reviews popping up have matched the buzz, so the designer and publisher are already looking into finance options for a second print run.


Hail to the KING baby
Cool report Michael. Looking forward to it and I might enjoy it even more as I'm a pretty big Kingsburg fan (play with all expansions though). Grabbed it at the last possible second thanks to neverfade's post; should be coming in within the next couple of weeks as I have The Goodies in that order too.

Playing today:
-Fresco (first game)
-Dominion: Prosperity (first game)
-Race for the Galaxy + Gathering Storm


StoOgE said:
We're being trolled aren't we? :(
Oh, I'm sorry, I guess because you don't need to buy Risk from from special gamestore for $90 it's not fun or a board game?

Thought this thread was newbie friendly.


Hail to the KING baby
Chorazin said:
Oh, I'm sorry, I guess because you don't need to buy Risk from from special gamestore for $90 it's not fun or a board game?

Thought this thread was newbie friendly.
He's just messing around. The joke is that "eurogamers" are snobby; trust me we aren't though. :lol If I make a joke about banning people for talking about monopoly or risk, it is purely in jest. If neverfade talks about hating Agricola, it's a total joke. Because no one in their right mind could hate Agricola. All jokes....


AstroLad said:
If neverfade talks about hating Agricola, it's a total joke. Because no one in their right mind could hate Agricola. All jokes....
Headlines: It's War!

Also, jealous on the having Alien Frontiers already. My order can't come soon enough. Doooo want.

Didn't get Dominant Species in last night :(.

But Lords of Vegas yet again was super fun.


Dominion: Prosperity is super awesome. Played it two times already and the money you can sometimes get is crazy. Also some nice tactics. I just discovered, that if you play right, you can buy the pedlar (not sure about the English names) and then get rid of that card with the bishop, and get 5 victory points in one play. But there is so much other interesting stuff you can do. Great expansion.

Now I also need to get Seaside. I think I'll skip Alchemy, that one looks dumb.
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