What board-game podcasts do people recommend? I listen to Dice Tower. Heard good things about Shut Up & Sit Down but it must be their video series since their podcast seems to come out infrequently.
I mostly dig YouTube Channels over podcasts, myself. So I may be a bit off topic with this:
Love Dice Tower. Vasel is such a fun guy to listen to. He's not as critical as I'd like him to be, but he truly looks for and finds the fun elements in nearly all the games he reviews. Reiner is pretty boring, all in all. But has some solid knowledge about war-themed games, so that helps.
SU&SD is good too. Quite entertaining, but not as informative as DT. That might just be me.
I also dig Watch It Played and Crits Happen. Both are again, informative; albeit a little slow, shows.
And of course, you've got Tabletop on Geek & Sundry. It's a very entertaining show, yes. But it seems some of the actual game knowledge is limited. However, if you're looking for a good casual impression for the games you may have interest in, this isn't a bad outlet to check out.