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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Oh, nice. I must have skimmed over that part. I guess I'd originally thought that wouldn't work because some of the haunts seem to use the Omen and/or Room that triggers the scenario, but that should be pretty easily rearranged most of the time, if needed.
Got two of my kickstarted games to the table last night, Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia and A Study in Emerald.

Euphoria - this is a worker placement, where you use dice as your workers. The interesting twist to this game is you want your workers as dumb as possible. You see, whenever you retrieve a worker (one of the two actions you can take on your turn. The other is place) you immediately roll them. If the pips on all the dice in front of you, plus your worker's intelligence is 16 or higher, you lose a worker. It's an interesting mechanic that adds a twist to the standard worker placement strategy of getting as many workers as possible.

Besides the intelligence chart, it's your standard turn these resources into other things which may be points are can give you points. I liked the game, it played quickly, was easy enough for newbies to pick it up but still felt strategic for regular board gamers. The production quality is out of sight though. At least with the kickstarter edition, the gold bars are made out of metal and are heavier than shit.

A Study in Emerald - Martin Wallace's take on deck building based on Neil Gaiman's short story. It's confrontational, has a great theme, and I immediately wanted to play again after the game, it was a ton of fun.

Instead of a typical deckbuilder where you are buying cards out right, in A Study in Emerald, you are bidding on cards with influence cubes. These cards can be used to place cube, money for travel and purchasing more cubes, assassinating other agents (players) and royalty, as well as a whole host of different actions and card effects. The game is not easy, from the multiple actions you can take to the weird scoring, this is a game where you really need to pay attention.

Anyway, I loved it and was glad I backed it on Kickstarter.


Hail to the KING baby
I really wanted to try out Emerald but I really can't justify it given the level of complexity and the fact that I really hate bidding mechanics of any sort (because I tend to play with a wide variety of people game to game so achieving any sort of parity just isn't realistic.

I also really want to try Navajo Wars (http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2014/01/07/navajo-wars-tabletop-epic-upon-time-west/) but there too it's like...I just won't have the time to learn it. :/
Component wise: why is study in emerald so expensive?

It's only expensive because it's "exclusive" here, they got no competition.
It's also expensive, because technically it's a limited print run. From what I understand, Martin Wallace was able to get the license to the short story under the proviso that it not be sold through normal distribution. If the game proved to be popular enough he would be able to reprint it and sell it through normal means.

Besides Treefrog Games, Cool Stuff Inc is the only store that is stocking it and I don't think they got it through normal distribution channels, hence the cost. Component wise the game is sound (except for a misprint on two of the tokens) but it's not like it's full of minis or plastic.


Preparing for some upcoming gaming sessions with primarily 2 players but a possibility of a temporary 3rd and need some help. We enjoy coops but it doesn't have to be.

Among the group we've already got Lords of Waterdeep and its expansion, Ravenloft/Ashardalon/Legend of Drizzt, Castle Panic w/ Wizard's Tower, and Castaways. We've got Boss Monster, and Escape from the Cursed Temple for fillers.

Seriously considering getting Pandemic and/or Legendary but I've never played either one of them. Have pretty much 0 experience with deck builders so Legendary would be something new for us. Pandemic seems pretty universally lauded and we enjoy Forbidden Island and its from the same designer.

Are the expansion packs pretty much a requirement for both those games?

Headed on the right track with those options or is another superior option eluding us altogether?


Hail to the KING baby
Pandemic and Forbidden Island I feel like are almost too similar? Pandemic adds a bit of complexity and a different theme but I don't know that owning both is necessary in a world of soooooo many great co-ops.

I like Legendary a ton but it's really hit or miss. Most of my gaming group dislikes it but my wife & family love it, and so do I (so obviously it's a big winner in my book). I would play it reminding people that there is a "best winner" but still having it be a co-op. And after lots of experience, I say ignore the optional Super Showdown rule. Adds 5m of play that are totally unnecessary and muddy the focus.


Warhammer: Diskwars has gone from a Pog joke to a craze around me. I picked up a copy online a bit ago but all the FLGS around me can't get it in stock and CSI shows it as out of stock. Its crazy fun and I think FFG may have givin it a low print run or something. Great game.


Pandemic and Forbidden Island I feel like are almost too similar? Pandemic adds a bit of complexity and a different theme but I don't know that owning both is necessary in a world of soooooo many great co-ops.

I like Legendary a ton but it's really hit or miss. Most of my gaming group dislikes it but my wife & family love it, and so do I (so obviously it's a big winner in my book). I would play it reminding people that there is a "best winner" but still having it be a co-op. And after lots of experience, I say ignore the optional Super Showdown rule. Adds 5m of play that are totally unnecessary and muddy the focus.

Thanks for the input. I think we'll dive into Legendary and see if we'll like the deck building genre. The Marvel theme and coop is icing on the cake :)

Curious as to what some of your favorite coops are? We really dig the D&D games. I actually have Descent 1.0 too but no one liked being the overlord so we never play it. Heard there was a Descent 2.0 coop pack coming and that could be great but doubt it will work with my 1.0 version.


Hail to the KING baby
Thanks for the input. I think we'll dive into Legendary and see if we'll like the deck building genre. The Marvel theme and coop is icing on the cake :)

Curious as to what some of your favorite coops are? We really dig the D&D games.

I've not played D&D, but here's my personal Top 5:
1. Ghost Stories
2. Arkham Horror (with one expansion -- any expansion)
3. Pandemic (with On the Brink expansion)
4. Legendary
5. Hanabi

Some other good ones to look into include Flash Point and Escape.
I've not played D&D, but here's my personal Top 5:
1. Ghost Stories
2. Arkham Horror (with one expansion -- any expansion)
3. Pandemic (with On the Bring expansion)
4. Legendary
5. Hanabi

Some other good ones to look into include Flash Point and Escape.
this list needs more Flash Point: Fire Rescue.


Hail to the KING baby
Flash point is not quite in my Top 5 because I find the setup/rules/gameplay a bit fiddly for the light game that it really is. Also certain roles feel fairly over or underpowered. Still an excellent game that I'd play more if I didn't have about six other co-ops I like a bit better. :)
Do semi-coops count? I've loved Archipelago, and recently picked up Co2 which I'm looking forward to getting to the table. I guess Co2 has more of a co-op feel to it in the grand scheme of things.

Anyone played Yggdrasil? Looks pretty cool, digging the theme.

Has a lot of elements of pushing your luck, and the single die is more punishing than Ghost Stories. I really like the idea of modifying your luck with the bags, and it has this sense of betting before you take on fights, with the ability to modify rolls after you dedicate resources.

Also, has a great sense of teamwork. People must set up others in order to win.
I guess Co2 has more of a co-op feel to it in the grand scheme of things.
That's where you are wrong, sir. Sure, you can all lose and people need to work together to not let that happen, but you will never see a group more begrudgingly "working together" than a group playing CO2. Great game, it can be a mean experience. Also, protip, for your first game don't play with 5, stick with 3 or 4 if you can.


Do semi-coops count? I've loved Archipelago, and recently picked up Co2 which I'm looking forward to getting to the table. I guess Co2 has more of a co-op feel to it in the grand scheme of things.

If you like semi-co-ops, you should check out Tomorrow. Really dark theme, but really excellent game.

Anywho, I have a 6 player Twilight Imperium session on the books for tomorrow. First game in over a year. Excite.


Unconfirmed Member
Pretty sure I'm going to back this new Kickstarter. It is called D-Day Sergeants and is based on Lost Batallions Sergeants Miniatures game.


D-Day Sergeants is a smaller in scale (uses cardboard figures instead of hand-painted pewter mini) to keep the costs down.

I had been trying to decide if I wanted to try the Mini's game, but wasn't sure based on the cost so I think I will try the Kickstarter and get more band for my buck.
I've not played D&D, but here's my personal Top 5:
1. Ghost Stories
2. Arkham Horror (with one expansion -- any expansion)
3. Pandemic (with On the Bring expansion)
4. Legendary
5. Hanabi

Some other good ones to look into include Flash Point and Escape.

Ghost Stories really is damn amazing.
That's where you are wrong, sir. Sure, you can all lose and people need to work together to not let that happen, but you will never see a group more begrudgingly "working together" than a group playing CO2. Great game, it can be a mean experience. Also, protip, for your first game don't play with 5, stick with 3 or 4 if you can.

Looking forward to it!

If you like semi-co-ops, you should check out Tomorrow. Really dark theme, but really excellent game.

I'll have to check it out, but while I love the theme (people tend to be down on it for being, well, a downer, but they don't mind pretending to be Nazis or murdering tons of stuff in board game) I have some reservations about some of the mechanics and how it would sort of balance out. Also, not sure I'd have the right group for that one.


Anyone played Panic on Wallstreet? Saw it on SU&SD and thought it could be something to have to round out the collection with another party game (the other being Coup), The Resistance is being considered as well of course.

Yeah I saw their review and thought that it looked fun. My group likes economic games so a party variant of that might go over well. I would have to figure where to get it in Germany though.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yeah I saw their review and thought that it looked fun. My group likes economic games so a party variant of that might go over well. I would have to figure where to get it in Germany though.

I'm coming back to Europe end of April, just saying.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this, but Theseus: The Dark Orbit is the best mancala-based sci-fi game of 2013.

But seriously it's great. I'm pretty sure it's a much much better 2 player game, as I haven't played it with more than 2, but I'm really liking it so far. A great follow-up by the Neuroshima Hex dude.


People who only like a game if they win fucking suck. I wind up having to throw matches just because I want to have an enjoyable day and not have fucking Mona pouting about how she hates this game. And suddenly the entire atmosphere is brought down when we all have to try to convince them to play again or at least try a new game or something. Oh, but when she wins, suddenly it's SO FUCKING FUN! Fuck you, Mona, and fuck Brian for bringing you!

So, how have everyone else's gaming days been?

p.s. This also applies to those guys I played against last night in FNM. So what if you lost a round or two, if you can't have a good time after that, drop the fuck out.

p.p.s. Sorry for the rantings....


People who only like a game if they win fucking suck. I wind up having to throw matches just because I want to have an enjoyable day and not have fucking Mona pouting about how she hates this game. And suddenly the entire atmosphere is brought down when we all have to try to convince them to play again or at least try a new game or something. Oh, but when she wins, suddenly it's SO FUCKING FUN! Fuck you, Mona, and fuck Brian for bringing you!

So, how have everyone else's gaming days been?

p.s. This also applies to those guys I played against last night in FNM. So what if you lost a round or two, if you can't have a good time after that, drop the fuck out.

p.p.s. Sorry for the rantings....

It's fine, people like that suck. I am competitive in the sense that I do try to win but I have fun even if I lose.
I usually make it clear how I feel about someone I game with, especially if someone else brings them to our game nights. Have had friends get the message loud and clear and understand to essentially only come without so and so along. And some folks just no longer got any invites to our game days.
You guys need to check out this awesome Kickstarter game called Tiny Epic Kingdoms. It's a 2-4 player fantasy game, in which you pick a fantasy based faction such as Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, etc. and collect resources, build up your magic level, battle for territory, and build a giant tower of glory!

The game has already greatly surpassed it's $15,000 goal and is rapidly approaching $100,00! It's already tripled the amount of factions and maps to play on due to stretch goals. The game has multiplied in value in just ten days since it started!

And the best part? It's only $16!! You can also go for the $24 Deluxe Edition which comes with extra factions, maps, special dice, and a digital art set that comes with a Print-n-Play version of the game!

Check it out!

I'm just starting to get into tabletop gaming, so this is my first post here. Hey!


Super Sleuth
You guys need to check out this awesome Kickstarter game called Tiny Epic Kingdoms. It's a 2-4 player fantasy game, in which you pick a fantasy based faction such as Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, etc. and collect resources, build up your magic level, battle for territory, and build a giant tower of glory!

The game has already greatly surpassed it's $15,000 goal and is rapidly approaching $100,00! It's already tripled the amount of factions and maps to play on due to stretch goals. The game has multiplied in value in just ten days since it started!

And the best part? It's only $16!! You can also go for the $24 Deluxe Edition which comes with extra factions, maps, special dice, and a digital art set that comes with a Print-n-Play version of the game!

Check it out!

I'm just starting to get into tabletop gaming, so this is my first post here. Hey!

Are you involved with this kickstarter?


Played A Study in Emerald today. I haven't played many Martin Wallace games (I'm interested in trying the Steam ones, and Field of Glory TCG), but I like Ankh Morpork and this game feels very similar in some ways.

I really liked the theme and thought it was presented well, as the source material is pretty cool, and there's all sorts of criss-crossing of historical personages and fiction that the game represents well. I also really liked the deck building mechanic (as it's more of a slow, careful roll than other games that have you consume cards at all times), and neat touches like the "double agent" mechanic. Also, AstroLad, the game may have a "bidding mechanic", but it feels more like area control that is awarding you a card. In any case, the "bidding" is woven into your player actions, so it's not like a straight-up auction phase.

But the way the scoring works in the game is...really odd, to say the least. You are put on a secret team and if some mystery team mate of yours ends up last in points, your entire team is wiped off the scoreboard- and I didn't see a viable way to really figure out who's who and encourage them to get ahead. I didn't quite wrap my head around it all.
Played A Study in Emerald today. I haven't played many Martin Wallace games (I'm interested in trying the Steam ones, and Field of Glory TCG), but I like Ankh Morpork and this game feels very similar in some ways.

I really liked the theme and thought it was presented well, as the source material is pretty cool, and there's all sorts of criss-crossing of historical personages and fiction that the game represents well. I also really liked the deck building mechanic (as it's more of a slow, careful roll than other games that have you consume cards at all times), and neat touches like the "double agent" mechanic. Also, AstroLad, the game may have a "bidding mechanic", but it feels more like area control that is awarding you a card. In any case, the "bidding" is woven into your player actions, so it's not like a straight-up auction phase.

But the way the scoring works in the game is...really odd, to say the least. You are put on a secret team and if some mystery team mate of yours ends up last in points, your entire team is wiped off the scoreboard- and I didn't see a viable way to really figure out who's who and encourage them to get ahead. I didn't quite wrap my head around it all.
Yup, the scoring took a minute to wrap my head around too. While there isn't a concrete way to tell who your teammates are, unless they do something completely out of the norm, it's pretty apparent who they are about half way through the game.


Nope, just backing it. Am I not supposed to post about Kickstarter games here?

EDIT: Reading back on my post, it does kind of look like an add. I'm not a shill, I promise. =/

It just looks weird when someone new shows up and he/she pimps a Kickstarter. ;)

The game actually does look interesting though. I never back board game Kickstarters though because they pretty much always have terrible shipping rates for me. Also I'd rather hear some reviews first.
It just looks weird when someone new shows up and he/she pimps a Kickstarter. ;)

The game actually does look interesting though. I never back board game Kickstarters though because they pretty much always have terrible shipping rates for me. Also I'd rather hear some reviews first.
Yeah... sorry about that. Lol.

That's unfortunate. Shipping rates can get pretty crazy on some Kickstarters though. And there are some reviews out there already for Tiny Epic Kingdoms, including a video from UndeadViking (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EFHshAhtks) and a bunch over at BGG (http://boardgamegeek.com/forum/1443566/tiny-epic-kingdoms/reviews).


Awesome! A friend just gave me his copy of 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Said he didn't use it anyway. Love this game. :D
Played A Study in Emerald today. I haven't played many Martin Wallace games (I'm interested in trying the Steam ones, and Field of Glory TCG), but I like Ankh Morpork and this game feels very similar in some ways.

Steam is very good. Almost casual friendly, easy to transition ticket to ride players into, but meaty. I have become a bit of a Wallace fan though. London is so good
I've been looking at some different games which use the Cthulhu Mythos as a setting, and I'm really interested in getting Eldritch Horror. Do you guys recommend it over Arkham Horror? I don't really have a gaming group yet, so it would usually just be a 2-3 player game (With me playing solo on occasion).

Would it be worth my money?


I've been looking at some different games which use the Cthulhu Mythos as a setting, and I'm really interested in getting Eldritch Horror. Do you guys recommend it over Arkham Horror? I don't really have a gaming group yet, so it would usually just be a 2-3 player game (With me playing solo on occasion).

Would it be worth my money?

I have been thinking about grabbing it as well.
I like Eldritch a lot. Have found it pretty challenging and less fiddly than Arkham. I enjoy both though.
Does it feel like less of a full game since they streamlined it a little? I watched UndeadViking's review which made the game look fantastic, but I wanted to see if other people enjoyed it over Arkham as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Does it feel like less of a full game since they streamlined it a little? I watched UndeadViking's review which made the game look fantastic, but I wanted to see if other people enjoyed it over Arkham as well.

I think after 5 to 10 plays it could probably use more encounter cards and ancient ones. Feels like a full game though and has a nice flow to it.


Go with Eldritch. Much better designed ruleset, much more thematic because of it. Arkham is really a game that has become bloated with so many rules and errata (don't get me wrong, I love it), but if you're just starting in the Cthulhu board game stuff, go with Eldritch.
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