So my Alien Frontiers copy
- The board has a colony constructor track is misprinted, apparently they are sending out stickers as a fix. Sure the problem is in aesthetics only.
- One of the miniatures antenna is unhinged/broken.
- The expansion has one of the dice crooked.
Still it was a success with my group, I liked it and I really like the pieces included. Not a bad purchase for my first big game.
We also played a few rounds of Bang: the Dice Game, it was pretty fun. It retained the feel of the original Bang without being drawn out, so it was fun for both me and people who actually liked the original.
The only difference is that hiding your identity isn't as easy nor as important since the game is way shorter.
Unfortunately that was the last game night for this semester, I'll return to my gaming group in August

In the mean time I did buy games for
everyone back home, even those who wouldn't play them lol. Also bought Ticket to Ride: Europe in hopes of introducing them to better/meatier games.
Bought Castles of Burgundy for my cousins, they introduced me to board gaming but they only play Agricola and Catan.
Zombies vs wrestlers is an odd pairing.
So is aliens vs army, but that's more boring than odd.