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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Neverfade said:
Christmas came early, Civilization is in stock at CSI and will be here friday!

Also, death to infidels (aka infinite city haters) :p
I emailed Amazon support and they said they expect to ship it out on the 18th as well. I still have my fingers crossed.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I emailed Amazon support and they said they expect to ship it out on the 18th as well. I still have my fingers crossed.

Hell should expect snow showers if Amazon ships a boardgame off on release day. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Well, last night before the Con and for some reason I'm still going to board game night at the bar. Some of my friends want to go and play my games.

I'm going to keep it light given my week of hardcore stuff coming:

Mall of Horror
Are there usually deals for board games on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? I really want a copy of The Settlers of Catan, but I don't want to pay $30+.


First tragedy, then farce.
ninj4junpei said:
Are there usually deals for board games on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? I really want a copy of The Settlers of Catan, but I don't want to pay $30+.

Maybe for Settlers since it has reached mass market status.

The only one I know of is the FFG Silver line sale.
I'm back from my trip. You may recall that I said it would be without Internet and without boardgames.

Turns out, I was only half right!

In Paris, our hotel turned out to be right next to two different board game stores. Due to what I'm now calling "the vacation clause", the wife's ban on new board game purchases was lifted, and we walked away with some new games.

Our choices were super limited by two factors:

- We could only buy things that had English instructions, as neither of us speaks/reads French well (or at all really)
- We could only buy smallish things, as suitcase space was kinda at a premium.

(Sorry Founding Fathers and 7 Wonders, you were the two I really wanted that got screwed by at least one of the above requirements)

So we got:

- Intrigo - I know nothing about this, not rated much yet on BGG and is a relatively new release. Wife thought it sounded interesting and wanted it, so who was I to talk her out of it?
- Jaipur - The only one from my want list that I found that met the above criteria. I wanted to actually play it on our trip, but we never got the chance.
- Rattus - Seems like it's going to make us hate life. Point of the game is to weather the plague better than everyone else, so it sounds like it'll be a very regressive game experience, even moreso than Dungeon Lords or Galaxy Trucker. Hopeful.

Planning on reading the instructions for these later today as we just unpacked them a bit ago. Also need to try and remember other games that I thought looked interesting but were French only, so I can look them up on BGG...
I just made a big order but the online store replied that I need to take one of them out due to a size restriction of packages sent to my country. I simply can't decide which one, so, BGGaf which of these is the weakest link on my order :D

- Memoir 44
- Lifeboats
- The Climbers
- Cleopatra and the Society of Architects
- Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries
- Fearsome Floors
- Thebes/Jenseits von Theben
- Intrigue


BomberMouse said:
I just made a big order but the online store replied that I need to take one of them out due to a size restriction of packages sent to my country. I simply can't decide which one, so, BGGaf which of these is the weakest link on my order :D

- Memoir 44
- Lifeboats
- The Climbers
- Cleopatra and the Society of Architects
- Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries
- Fearsome Floors
- Thebes/Jenseits von Theben
- Intrigue

What are you looking for, what style of gamers will you be playing with?

Is that Lifeboat or Lifeboats? I love Lifeboat, really cut-throat negotiation game, but haven't played Lifeboats & they get mixed up easily.

I love Cleopatra, but it's very light & shares some card collection elements with TtR (which I love also!). Thebes is fun, but light & random.

I will say that Thebes & Cleopatra both share one strong element - they look *gorgeous*. Really nice production quality.
dogbert said:
What are you looking for, what style of gamers will you be playing with?

Is that Lifeboat or Lifeboats? I love Lifeboat, really cut-throat negotiation game, but haven't played Lifeboats & they get mixed up easily.

I love Cleopatra, but it's very light & shares some card collection elements with TtR (which I love also!). Thebes is fun, but light & random.

I will say that Thebes & Cleopatra both share one strong element - they look *gorgeous*. Really nice production quality.

I'm just trying to fill the holes in my collection, but yeah, all of them are very light games, so far I've not being able to play anything heavy with my group (yet!), Agricola is still collecting dust.

It's lifeboats, this one. I feel that Lifeboats and Intrigue both scratch the same itch so I was thinking on playing both and sell the weakest of them.


Hey guys! I saw this over at BGG:

For the next 72 hours Plaid Hat Games is running a Christmas sale. Summoner Wars starter sets are only $10 at plaidhatgames.com

The discounted price will show up at the checkout.

The items are pretty small, and so shipping is cheap. They even ship outside of the US.

Game: Summoner Wars
Plaid Hat Games store: http://www.plaidhatgames.com/store.html

I ordered both sets and with FedEx shipping it came out to $25 and change, only $1 more than retail for one starter set alone!
So I ended up buying a bunch of games after running the recommendations by my wife and watching a few videos together. I wanted to get Carcasonne and Ticket to Ride as well, but she thought they were too complicated...

Ended up buying

Qwirkle Cubes
Hey That's My Fish.

Got Ingenious yesterday and played a few rounds with my wife. She loved it :D Played like 6-7 rounds. Great because each game is so fast; pretty solid game overall.

Will work through the other games in the coming days to get ready for Thanksgiving.


Gold Member
My inlaws were in town and I introduced them to carcassone. Previously they were all giddy about monopoly and UNO for the iPhone, now they are on the first step to true gaming nirvana! Was going to bust out stone age and power grid, but the kinect sucked up most of our free time.

Played calyus again, holy shit is that game about the epitome of eurogame goodness!


First tragedy, then farce.

Played Industry today at the Con. It's the only new game I got in so far.

It's decent. The game feels a lot like a Knizia bidding fest (which I love), but it looks and acts like it is trying to compete with something that Martin Wallace put out... it's very interesting game and I think I really liked it.. it has a strange closed economy and some resource buying from other players.

I came in tied for last, but I really didn't decide on a strategy other than hording money until halfway through the game. Kind of the problem with games driven by bidding... you don't know what something is worth until you've already played the game.

Have yet to meet up with any GAFers but ran into several people from my regular board game night. I think I'm meeting up with Astrolad once I've eaten the pizza on it's way.

Also, if you ever go to BGG-Con.. DO NOT STAY AT THE RAMADA. No matter how much cheaper it is. paper thin walls, super sketchy people who are hanging out in the lobby but don't seem to have rooms here.


CharlieDigital said:
So I ended up buying a bunch of games after running the recommendations by my wife and watching a few videos together. I wanted to get Carcasonne and Ticket to Ride as well, but she thought they were too complicated...

Ended up buying

Qwirkle Cubes
Hey That's My Fish.

Got Ingenious yesterday and played a few rounds with my wife. She loved it :D Played like 6-7 rounds. Great because each game is so fast; pretty solid game overall.

Will work through the other games in the coming days to get ready for Thanksgiving.

Ingenious is pretty excellent... definitely my favorite of that group of games.

That being said, I can assure you that Ticket to Ride is not too complicated for your wife. Your only actions are to draw cards / spend cards to place trains / take new destination tickets. I've never had anyone confused by the game past a few rounds.

Carcasonne has a few scoring quirks, I guess, which makes it slightly more complicated... but it's not that bad at all. You pick up a tile, you place a tile, you possibly place a meeple. That's it. It's a slight step up, but I'm sure you can ease her into it.
Unison said:
Ingenious is pretty excellent... definitely my favorite of that group of games.

That being said, I can assure you that Ticket to Ride is not too complicated for your wife. Your only actions are to draw cards / spend cards to place trains / take new destination tickets. I've never had anyone confused by the game past a few rounds.

Agreed on both, aside from liking Blokus about as much as Ingenious, which is a lot.
Any Memoir 44 fan here? I've been thinking on taking advantage of the current Days of Wonder promotion (free pirate's cove on orders over $50) and the only thing left from them that I want might be some M44 expansion and I'd like some recommendations. Is the air pack a must buy? It seems to pack little content gameplay wise or should I buy some theater?
Air pack is interesting though it seems to add lot of rules to the game which was pretty rules light. It's not complicated though. It does have a nice book with reprinted updated scenarios from almost all the expansions in it though. I would get first though if you didn't have them, the different theater expansions like Pacific, Eastern, etc.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah Eastern Front is probably the most highly regarded and I can vouch for it.

BGG Update:
-Tons of people playing Civ here. All the big Essen games like Vinhos and the like are in heavy heavy rotation.

-There were two guys next to our usual table area that were playing a game of War of the Ring for at least twelve hours yesterday.

-The 4 and 5p games of Gric with Stooge were great. Long but that game is sooo funand playing with 4 and 5 really changes up the gameplay and resource availability.

-Stooge taught us Shadows over Camelot and it was a lot of fun. One step away from BSG neverfade, never you fear!

-Played a ton of random games too like Loopin Louie and lesser-known stuff from the Essen shelf.

Poker tournament tonight whoo.
BattleMonkey said:
Air pack is interesting though it seems to add lot of rules to the game which was pretty rules light. It's not complicated though. It does have a nice book with reprinted updated scenarios from almost all the expansions in it though. I would get first though if you didn't have them, the different theater expansions like Pacific, Eastern, etc.

Thanks, I guess I'll ditch the airpack in favor of one the theaters then. To get over $50 I need to get at least two items so I guess I'll get eastern and pacific (or med theater is better?)
Pacific has some fun and unique scenarios. If you don't have it, the winter/desert board is also nice to have to help the visual flair of the other scenarios.


AstroLad said:
-There were two guys next to our usual table area that were playing a game of War of the Ring for at least twelve hours yesterday.

-Stooge taught us Shadows over Camelot and it was a lot of fun. One step away from BSG neverfade, never you fear!

Also, if that WoTR game lasted 12 hours they were playing something WAY wrong haha.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
dogbert said:
The expansion is another set of roles, some of which need to be used in conjunction (there's a Queen that needs the King to work for example). Most people pick & choose them - they complicate the game a little/allow for more rule tweaks.

There's plenty of discussions on the Geek about which to use/when to use etc. Honestly, I've owned Citadels for about five years and I've barely played with the expansion roles - it's just easier to teach with the base set.

Thanks! Good to know. Sounds a little like Munchkin add-ons: pick and choose the cards you want to add to the original pack.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, the Con is not completely over, but barring someone wanting to play something that just sounds amazing, I'm done for the evening. I've played a metric ton of games this weekend and had a blast.

I will be coming back next year for sure and am going to try and bring the girlfriend. Huge props to Astrolad his wife and friends for putting up with me so much of the weekend. Between them and my normal gaming group from Austin I've had very little problem getting games. Even played 3-4 games with complete strangers.

I can't recommend this enough.. everyone is super nice, the game selection is nuts.

So on to thoughts on the weekend.

I finally played Agricola. It's awesome. I don't know if I like it or Le Havre better. They are certainly different enough to warrant owning both.

Princes of the Renissance.. one of the best games I have ever played. It's an older rare Martin Wallace game that is just a fantastic game with wars and influence placement. Just phenomenally unique game that flows extremely well.

Lords of Vegas - Kind of liked it. I killed everyone and there is a ton of strategy to it, but the randomness really bugged me. They are calculated risks, but you are forced to take some of them to even have a prayer at the game. Not sure I'll ever play this one again.

Aquaretto (Zooloretto/Coloretto/whatever the fuck else themes they have slapped on this). Enjoyable. Not sure why it gets so much love.

51st state - complete fail. Pretty much hated every single moment of this game. Way too fiddly.

7 Wonders - Amazing game. Going to get this one for sure.

Tammany Hall - Super Amazing game. Was my game of the con for sure. Theme is great, great mechanics, tons of screwage factor with great interaction. On the top of my buy list.. or was.

Civilization - FUCKING FUCK AMAZING. Went at 10AM this morning to the Funagain store to buy it but it was sold out. The game seems super complicated and can take a while to learn, but the mechanics are not fiddly. It all makes sense, not a ton of memorization necessary. Feels like a basic version of the PC game. LOVED IT. 4 hour playtime may be an issue but I played it with some of my normal Austin gaming group and they are all down for playing it whenever I want to bring it to the table.

Monsterpocalypse - FAIL. Not the game itself, it still seems like a ton of fun. Astro and I sat this out for 90 minutes or so and read through rules, re-read through rules. There is just too much fiddly stuff going on here for me to ever be able to learn it and bring it to the table. I might forgo all of the power ups and just use the "base" game without getting into the power to see if it is teachable, but this could very well be sold quickly.

Astro and I for instance went through half a turn in close to 2 hours when his wife showed up with food and I encouraged him as quickly as I could to go eat. :lol
Sounds like you guys had fun.

I finally won a game of Space Hulk: Death Angel. Fuuuuuuuuu- that game is difficult. I ended up beating it with only two casualties, so not bad at all. The game can get tense and there is always that sense of hopelessness in the back of your mind. Neat game, that if you can find for cheap pick it up.


I'm back from BGG.Con too. I had to leave mid-afternoon Saturday after my wife got sick; got her coughing up a lung it sounds like it & two kids with drippy noses & coughs too. Fun!

As usual, the Con was fantastic. I bumped into Stooge at random between games, which was cool. He really does look like a young Elvis Costello as he said ;)

As I went with my game group this year, who seem to know everyone, it was a slightly different Con for me than last year with more socialisation. On the flipside, that meant I had almost no problems getting a game as long as one of them was around. It also meant I didn't bother trying to play some of the "hot" games like Civ or London, as someone in the group has bought it...

So the games...

51st State - buddy taught me this, which seems to be the way to learn it. Although some similarity to Race, it takes it in a different direction. Strong theme (I loved the mutant faction). I didn't think it was that fiddly after a turn or two got me in the groove for it. Really keen to play this one again - the guy who taught me had bought it, luckily ;)

K2 - mountain climbing "race" game... Play movement cards to move your pair of climbers up the mountain, play health cards to keep them healthy (the higher you are on the mountain, you lose health faster due to weather etc). It looks deceptively simple, and it is, but there were some fun moments & decisions to be made. Nice & quick too, and easy to learn.

Dominant species. Fantastic game mixing area control & role selection (like Carson City or Caylus) about building up your species during an ice age etc. I *really* liked this. It's heavy & long & every decision is important. Took 4 hours with 5 players (and some teaching) though.

Norenberc - this got some buzz at Essen & I don't see why... We had a lousy random setup which helped kill our enjoyment... But I still didn't see anything I'd buy.

Toscana - one of the wine games, this is really a cube pusher with nice cartoony artwork. Tight economy. I enjoyed this. Seemed a bit solitaire - not much interaction between players.

Key Harvest - another Essen game. Very stylish artwork. Worker placement with a little bit of area control. Typical Euro in a lot of ways (generate goods, sell the goods, buy special powers to tweak the rules etc). I'd play this again. Wouldn't buy it.

Twilight Imperium - my now normal all day game on Friday with the same group of guys. We started at 10, finished almost exactly at 4. A *great* experience of diplomacy, combat etc. Another really tight finish too which rocks. Right after the game, we made plans to do it again next year ;)

Antics - ant control game by the Fragor guys. Horrible board that's okay once you figure it out, but it took a few turns. We got a rule wrong really badly that screwed the last player, so we restarted. Another brain burner - it's really a delivery game & you have to optimize your ant colony to make the most efficient pick ups/deliveries. I want to play this again.

Industry - a remake of an old game. It's basically a series of auctions for 5 rows of 12 factory spaces that generate income, goods etc. Later rows require goods from previous rows. The thing is, to buy one of those spaces is an auction. That's the game - *60* auctions. Money is *really* *really* tight. I think all three of us disliked it tremendously until the last row where we figured out the scoring & what we thought was going to be a runaway leader game ended up being exceptionally close - 2 points separating us all. All of us want to play it again.... There's an interesting little game in this one.

That's what I can remember right now. Definitely played more! Again, a great Con. My only negative was getting treated shittily by the Homesteaders guys with my free moldy copy of the game. They gave out free copies of either Homesteaders or Terra Prime to everyone as a door prize. Turned out it was because many of the games were damp & mouldy (big deal on the Geek, it ruins the game). If people complained, they cannabilized other copies they had to fix it. By the time I got to check my copy, they'd ran out of parts & the guy was pretty shitty to me about it. Oh well, no Eminent Domain kickstart for me then.


Has anyone played Mission: Red Planet?

In a nutshell it's a cross between Citadels and El Grande (it was designed by the same guy who designed Citadels).

I've had it for a while but have only been able to play it a few times with the family. I was able to get it played last night with a group of guys I've started meeting with regularly to play games. It went over well, so I'm hopeful it will be out more often as I really like it.


First tragedy, then farce.
dogbert said:
He really does look like a young Elvis Costello as he said ;)

Yeah, at Halloween 3 different people asked if I was dressed as Elvis Costello. At least I look like someone who is cool and not some jackass.

dogbert said:
My only negative was getting treated shittily by the Homesteaders guys with my free moldy copy of the game. They gave out free copies of either Homesteaders or Terra Prime to everyone as a door prize. Turned out it was because many of the games were damp & mouldy (big deal on the Geek, it ruins the game). If people complained, they cannabilized other copies they had to fix it. By the time I got to check my copy, they'd ran out of parts & the guy was pretty shitty to me about it. Oh well, no Eminent Domain kickstart for me then.

Yeah, that whole thing was shitty. By the time I had arrived they had yanked the copies of Homesteaders from the shelf. My copy of Terra Prime isn't moldy, but you can tell the cardboard got some extra moisture as it is all really soft and not hard like it should be. It's going in the trash pretty soon.

I didn't go there because they give away free games, but it's pretty nice that they do. That said, if you are going to give away free new games, don't hand out shit that you can't sell because it was damaged. They would have been better off giving people nothing than giving out stuff that was unplayable and telling people 'tough luck it was free' when they pointed out the thing was trash.

My guess is the whole thing was done as a way to write off the cost of the games that they had lost and probably had not bought insurance to cover water damage on their product. But that is just the cynic in me. That and they seem to have been giving away those two games for free weekly off of their website for the last few months.

It also doesn't make sense that Tasty Minstrel was literally giving away the only two board games they make. Unless they really thought they were going to sell a lot of copies of that crappy game they were demoing in the lobby. If you make two games and only one of them anyone cares about (Homesteaders) why are you giving it away at all? Whole things screams tax write off for lost goods.


First tragedy, then farce.
Just made it home from the ~4 hour drive from Dallas. Thank God there are Kolaches halfway through because I hate that drive.

So, my late last night was Le Havre with Astrolad and Flynn (and one of his friends). Had a good time, it's my first time with the 4 player game or the "short" game. The short game basically skips a lot of the filler buildings and gives you enough resources so you can start the game building things and not building up stockpiles. Also means feeding your family never becomes a problem like the real game does. Seemed to shave about an hour off.

Got my appetite whet for the real deal soon hopefully.

Played a very early game of Richard the 3rd which is a tile and card based light war game. REALLY liked this one. It's going to be following me home soon. If you like 1960 or Twilight Struggle (I haven't played that one actually) I would suggest giving this a look. The complexity is about on part and it feels somewhat similar though with direct conflict and die rolls. But you can certainly handle it as a nice light war game. Much more satisfying to me than say Memoir 44.

Saw a couple of people playing Labrynth. It looks like it is TS/1960 rethemed with a few changes to the core mechanics. The people playing it really seemed to like it a lot.. not sure I have room in my collection for a 3rd game with this mechanic though. I think Richard III might be my new medium-heavy 2 player game.

Had a blast, I think Agricola, Carson City, 7 Wonders, Civilization and Richard III were my highlights of the show.

With the exception of the Monsterpocalypse debacle the whole thing was a blast. I'll be back next year for sure.
MichaelBD said:
Has anyone played Mission: Red Planet?

In a nutshell it's a cross between Citadels and El Grande (it was designed by the same guy who designed Citadels).

I've had it for a while but have only been able to play it a few times with the family. I was able to get it played last night with a group of guys I've started meeting with regularly to play games. It went over well, so I'm hopeful it will be out more often as I really like it.
I traded it away recently, I thought it was decent. I've never played Citadels but the consensus seems that Citadels is the better game. I love the art and the event card mechanic was kind of cool. The only problem was the theme. It just didn't interest the people I played with so away it went.


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Wait, don't trash Terra Prime, send it to me! :lol

If you'll pay shipping it's yours. I think I can probably flat rate ship it for under 10 from USPS.

Also, just to make you jealous. They totally had a War of the Ring collectors edition set up and I got to play Dust: Tactics. Or at least, started to play before I bailed. DT seems like it could be fun, but has a *lot* of rules in there that don't apply to any units in the bast game. Like 80% of the manual if for component types not in the base game.

So I'm a little worried FFG is going to be putting out 2-3 booster boxes a year for this one.


Hail to the KING baby
Heyooo just got in from our flight (didn't even know DFW to EWR was just 2:45; not bad at all).

-The free games were dope. I think the mold issue is weird; I actually don't mind the idea of being given damaged games at all, especially not ding-and-dent type stuff, but mold is a huge no-no, especially for someone like me with a giant closet full of wooden pieces. I thought it was nice to get the boardgamegeek game, not anything I'd ever buy but certainly something cool to have for free. And then the special room we got brand new copies of telestrations and seafarers so can't complain at all on that front.

-It was nice playing with ya Stooge! Think Stooge and our group must have played at least ten hours of games, and I don't think we played a single one we all knew going in: Carson City, LNOE, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Agricola, etc. etc.

-Happy to be taught Le Havre at the very last minute by Flynn and Stooge. Only fitting to spend the last night playing Le Havre until 3 AM. I think some Ameritrasher who was leaving at 2 AM commented "that's a lively four-player game of Le Havre; they'll be done at 6 AM." Well we were playing the short version and were done by 3 so take that you dice fetishist!

Time allowing, I will definitely try to make it out again last year. Pretty much met all my lofty expectations and was just a great time, and I didn't even do some of the stuff like trying out the hot Essen games, protos, game show, etc.


I can play WOTR Collectors Edition any time I want, I'm not jealous :p

Edit - I am jealous I couldn't make it however. Some of you guys better be a PAX East, though. Hell nor high water is keeping me away in 2011.
StoOgE said:
If you'll pay shipping it's yours. I think I can probably flat rate ship it for under 10 from USPS.

Also, just to make you jealous. They totally had a War of the Ring collectors edition set up and I got to play Dust: Tactics. Or at least, started to play before I bailed. DT seems like it could be fun, but has a *lot* of rules in there that don't apply to any units in the bast game. Like 80% of the manual if for component types not in the base game.

So I'm a little worried FFG is going to be putting out 2-3 booster boxes a year for this one.

Theres already 5 announced expansions for Dust Tactics.


Hail to the KING baby
Neverfade said:
I can play WOTR Collectors Edition any time I want, I'm not jealous :p

Edit - I am jealous I couldn't make it however. Some of you guys better be a PAX East, though. Hell nor high water is keeping me away in 2011.
Hey you were the one who bailed on Pax east last year!

ideally I'd like to go to both; good chance I can make pax east though depending


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Theres already 5 announced expansions for Dust Tactics.


Makes sense. The pieces look cool and the rules are really pretty simple.. but the game keeps talking about air units and all kinds of other stuff that just aren't in the box. Then I read the quick start rules and it says "Uh, you only have like these 5 different guys in the base game"

I really can't stretch how awesome the minis are. Though a few of them had already had some of the pieces break off.. though that was probably because hundreds of people handled that copy this week.
StoOgE said:

Makes sense. The pieces look cool and the rules are really pretty simple.. but the game keeps talking about air units and all kinds of other stuff that just aren't in the box. Then I read the quick start rules and it says "Uh, you only have like these 5 different guys in the base game"

I really can't stretch how awesome the minis are. Though a few of them had already had some of the pieces break off.. though that was probably because hundreds of people handled that copy this week.

It's a miniature war game, they are just trying to market/package it differently as to try and appeal to board gamers or to get in those players afraid of wargame collecting/hobby aspects. So they break it down into bite sized portions with multiple 2 player boxed expansions.


First tragedy, then farce.
My after shots of my library. I managed to dump a lot of junk I didn't want or play and bring in a lot of good games.



Also, Endeavor got relegated to the closet. It might be downgraded to ebay soon. I played it again this weekend with my normal gamer group. I really didn't enjoy it all that much.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I traded it away recently, I thought it was decent. I've never played Citadels but the consensus seems that Citadels is the better game. I love the art and the event card mechanic was kind of cool. The only problem was the theme. It just didn't interest the people I played with so away it went.

They are two different beasts for sure. I've played both roughly the same amount and given my affection for area control games, M:RP has the edge for me.


Hail to the KING baby

Almost forgot to add, the new Survive! is really nice. Great bits and if you don't know Survive!, it's a fantastic light game for 3-4 with lots of direct conflict and random screwage. Wish I could just trade my once-valuable 70s version for the new one straight up because Stronghold Games did a really great job.

OT (MonPoc):

What is a good Plano box for MonPoc storage. I currently have about 4 armies (6 counting Voltron) and 20 or so buildings) so a pretty good bunch. Too many choices:

AstroLad said:
Hey you were the one who bailed on Pax east last year!

ideally I'd like to go to both; good chance I can make pax east though depending

Eastie Beastie Westie Bestie!

(i.e. everyone come to regular PAX in September!)


Hail to the KING baby
Chorazin said:
Oh hells no, PAX East is where it's at. Can't wait for this year, last year was a total blast.
Yeah it is pretty cool. The only bummer about it is open gaming space is somewhat limited (the rooms they have for it are pretty big but they just fill up) and it's only three days! Might be nicer for my scheduling but it was so nice to have a full week of gaming at BGG. The other downside is that there are a lot of events there that you have to wait in line for forever so that just tends to eat up chunks of time unless you're like me and mostly content to just play games all day instead. Like I said above hope to make both though.

From a BG perspective, I think the only thing that could touch BGG would be Essen, and even that would only be from a new-release perspective and not an open-gaming perspective (where I'm not sure BGG has an equal). PAX does a surprisingly good job with boardgaming though which is nice.


Chairhome said:
Read about Dixit on wired's geek gift guide. Any impressions? Seems interesting enough.

It's a strong, noob-friendly party game, which allows for more creativity than something like Apples to Apples. I'd strongly recommend you play w/ 4-6 players.

I've played it about 10 times with several different groups, with ages ranging from 8 to 68. It's gone over pretty well with everyone, although there are definite non-creative types who have a hard time when they are in the storyteller role... either they give a clue that's way too obvious or get flustered by the proposition. Still, it's a great game, that doesn't feel very competitive, even though there's a score track. I have the Dixit 2 expansion cards, so it never has felt stale to me, but some people suggest that the cards do eventually become overfamiliar.

It's probably a game that is best served by being something you play once or twice and then put away until another day, rather than something you play over and over again for hours. Everyone finds the artwork pretty enchanting though... It's simply a fun game to look at and there's a sense of discovery in what cards are going to show up next. If you get it, do yourself a favor, and don't look at the cards until you play.

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