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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
Richard Borg had a great post on the changes to the anniversary edition of Battle Cry on BGG:

The 150th Anniversary Edition of Battle Cry is so much more than a reprint.

First off let me say the game looks AMAZING! New Box cover artwork and the back of the box is dominated by a large image of a game in progress. It also lists the game contents and all the battles that are included.

The new images for the battlefield game board and the terrain tiles work seamlessly together for outstanding visual appeal.

Note to help players track victory, the new game board has opposition flags printed on a player's side of the board. When the flag bearer (last piece) in the opponent's unit is eliminated, place the piece with the flag on an empty flag space. The game board is also set up so two boards can be set side by side to form a 26 hex by 9 hex epic size battlefield for future BIG Battle Cry double-wide battle scenarios.

The new Terrain Summary Sheet details how all the terrain features will affect game play, including new rules for Woods, Homestead and Entrenchment tokens.

The entire Command card deck has been redesigned and the card quality is outstanding. In addition, the text on some Command cards has been updated, for example:

The All Out Offensive card is gone. It is replaced by a Battle Cry card - Roll 1 die for each card you have, unit symbols rolled order units to move and battle with 1 additional die.

Rally takes place across the entire battlefield - Roll 1 die for each card you have, unit symbols rolled rally figures back to under strength units, which may battle but not move.

A Scout card allows a player to draw 2 cards, select one and discard the other.

Assault cards only order units equal to the number of cards you have.

Fight Back is a new card, that allows a unit to fight back after being attacked.

The rule booklet contains 16 pages of very well illustrated rules and also presents 30 ACW battle scenarios. Most of the Classic battles have be updated work well with all the rule updates.

The Battle Dice are custom made for the game.

The figures are all new, but size wise will scale very well with the figures if you own a copy of Classic Battle Cry. The Artillery unit is now made up of 3 figures and a General when attached to a unit will allow the unit to ignore a flag and also allow the unit to take ground after a successful battle against an adjacent enemy unit.

There are lots of other minor rule updates that increase playability, while still foster the historical, a unit that is forced to retreat when on its baseline is not eliminated, instead 1 figure is removed for each retreat hex it cannot complete.

But the best is yet to come, in that Wizards/AH/Hasbro plans to support the 150th Anniversary Edition of Battle Cry with future expansions and battle scenarios.

That is of course if the initial release meets sales projections ;-)

Battle Cry 150th Anniversary Edition should be in stores the first week of December
Sounds pretty great if you're looking for a light, pretty, tactical civil-war game


Neo Member
I just ordered Tobago - looks like a game for me - easy to learn, nice bits, modular board, treasure/exploration theme, can't wait til it arrives so I can hound my wife to play it


First tragedy, then farce.
So, played Carson city again last night and I used the variant (red) cards.. the game is soo much more fun with the red cards. All of the cards are significantly muted compared to their yellow sides (with the exception of the chinese worker, who seems to be more powerful). If nothing else it fixes the sheriff always getting the $5 for 1 VP at the end of the game.

I guess I need to try the blind bidding and river variants at some point and print me off an Indian card.

Carson City is slowly creeping up my favorite game list. It's just such a solid, quick little game with a ton of mechanics that flow together very well. I really can't believe it isn't higher on BGG. I know anything in the top 150 is going to be a really good game, but Carson City to me is up there with the very best of them.
serfr said:
I just ordered Tobago - looks like a game for me - easy to learn, nice bits, modular board, treasure/exploration theme, can't wait til it arrives so I can hound my wife to play it
Nice pick up, Tobago is pretty good. It really is super easy to learn and teach so I don't think you'll need to try hard to get your wife interested.

As for the Battle Cry reprint, considering how well WotC treated the Betrayal reprint I'm going to have to wait and see.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, in my search for the PDF of the Indian card for Carson City I saw that Astrolad bought an Italian Magazine to get the real deal. I'm very glad someone figured out how to get the real deal because I was going to Kinkos after work :lol

12 dollars for a single role card. I figure Kinkos would have charged me half of that for a mismatched one. :lol


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
Carson City is slowly creeping up my favorite game list. It's just such a solid, quick little game with a ton of mechanics that flow together very well. I really can't believe it isn't higher on BGG. I know anything in the top 150 is going to be a really good game, but Carson City to me is up there with the very best of them.
As long as you continue playing with the dice! I'm actually getting the Indian through a French magazine. About $11 which is pricey but not too bad and the includes shipping. As far as its rank I dunno; it does seem a touch low. I consider anything above 7.5 as generally top class within its genre and it's just ymmv from there but Carson City falls just below that and I certainly do consider it a top-class worker-placement game. Maybe not in the Gric tier but certainly ahead of stuff like Stone Age (which I quite like too).

No great sales online yet. I was hoping Miniature Market would have something nice but no dice, just a bunch of random CCGs and stuff. Not that I really have the need for any more games at the moment but if the price is right....

Neverfade saw you were selling Alien Frontiers. Any particular dislike for the game or are you just cashing in at a good time? My copy is still sealed and it will probably be a few more weeks until I can learn it anyway.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
As long as you continue playing with the dice! I'm actually getting the Indian through a French magazine. About $11 which is pricey but not too bad and the includes shipping. As far as its rank I dunno; it does seem a touch low. I consider anything above 7.5 as generally top class within its genre and it's just ymmv from there but Carson City falls just below that and I certainly do consider it a top-class worker-placement game. Maybe not in the Gric tier but certainly ahead of stuff like Stone Age (which I quite like too).

I'm going to play with the blind bidding mechanic at least once to see what I think. I doubt I will like it as much. Dice rolls are fine with me as long as you can plan for or mitigate the luck, which you can in Carson City by getting extra guns and/or holding back workers.

Plus, you get the excitement of stuff like last night. One of the player needed to roll a 6 and the other a 1 to force a tie that would then be won by initiative by the player who needed the 6. The first player rolled the one and when Dan rolled a 6 the entire table errupted. Pure dice rolling (risk/monopoly) I can't stand. But I can put up with Carson City and Catan where you can plan for the risk a bit.

The river seems like it could be fun since it makes the effectively about 15% smaller which should mean more conflict.

Also, have you seen this variant?


Seems interesting and could easily be printed at home. If you actually buy it, it just comes with a single sheet that says "make copies as needed". I'm thinking laminated card stock with a dry erase marker would be awesome.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah that looks quite cool. I like the laminated idea although my experience with dry-erase has been iffy at best. Probably be a while until we branch out to that expansion anyway. Between Gric, Le Havre, Stone Age, Carson City, and Alien Frontiers it's definitely going to be a Worker-Placement Christmas at the AstroLad Haus.


AstroLad said:
Neverfade saw you were selling Alien Frontiers. Any particular dislike for the game or are you just cashing in at a good time? My copy is still sealed and it will probably be a few more weeks until I can learn it anyway.

Cashing in. It's really good, but not really great. I can stand to not play it until January's second printing to turn a profit. Since it's a recent topic: Carson City is a better game. :)

Played my first full game of Civ last night. FUUUUUUck its long. Went a touch over 4 hours.

SUPER close game. Last turn Germany attacked China, barely wiping them out. Had they failed, Rome (me) would have won with a Tech victory.

Next time....

P.S. I found it ironic that the two nations in contention for the lead were the only two that got nuked. I figured it would have set us back a bit more than that. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Played my first full game of Civ last night. FUUUUUUck its long. Went a touch over 4 hours.

What were your thoughts of the game?

From the short game I played I found it to be just amazingly tight given all of the different things going on. To me it really felt like a simplified version of the PC game (Tech pyramid is amazing too, I don't want to keep up with a tech tree) It's on my Xmas wishlist right now, but I am considering buying it for myself now and taking it off the wishlist.

And 4 hours for a first play probably means 3 hours or so once everyone has learned it which really isn't too bad considering the scope of the game.


I've got my first game of Civ coming up in a few hours. I'm really looking forward to it. Going at it with 3 people.

Has anyone received their copy of Alien Frontiers? I haven't noticed any mention of it for a bit. It's been quite a hit with the game group I meet with weekly. I've been bringing it with me since first getting it and every week someone wants to play. I am really enjoying it.


Hail to the KING baby
MichaelBD said:
I've got my first game of Civ coming up in a few hours. I'm really looking forward to it. Going at it with 3 people.

Has anyone received their copy of Alien Frontiers? I haven't noticed any mention of it for a bit. It's been quite a hit with the game group I meet with weekly. I've been bringing it with me since first getting it and every week someone wants to play. I am really enjoying it.
per above neverfade is selling his and i haven't opened mine yet :lol


AstroLad said:
per above neverfade is selling his and i haven't opened mine yet :lol
Ha. I zipped right past his comment.

I had thought about selling and rebuying as well, but I really do like the game and have decided to keep it.

And I've been meaning to try Carson City as well.

Right now my "wants" are:

Dust - I need a Risk-like game with more meat. I want to get the old gang back together and it has to be simple with a lot of dice where we have at each other. I'm thinking Dust will fit the bill.

Power Struggle - not sure why but this game just appeals to me.

Cyclades - another game I think I'd really like.

And I want to get back into M44. My buddy and I were playing the crap out of it last year but we haven't since getting hooked on Twilight Struggle. I taught my brother to play M44 a couple of weeks ago and he really liked it, so I want to get the Eastern Pack and get back into the game.


Hail to the KING baby
MichaelBD said:
And I want to get back into M44. My buddy and I were playing the crap out of it last year but we haven't since getting hooked on Twilight Struggle. I taught my brother to play M44 a couple of weeks ago and he really liked it, so I want to get the Eastern Pack and get back into the game.
Have you tried TS knockoff Labyrinth yet? Just read through the rules yesterday and it seems awesome and potentially superior to TS. And yeah M44 is always a good choice for some nice light wargaming. Eastern Front is a nice expansion that adds not only new scenarios and figures, but new mechanics as well. My only disappointment was that the new figures don't actually have different abilities from their base analogues.
Did Labyrinth officially come out yet?

MichaelBD said:
Dust - I need a Risk-like game with more meat. I want to get the old gang back together and it has to be simple with a lot of dice where we have at each other. I'm thinking Dust will fit the bill.

Dust the board game is pretty meh. It is Risk like though. The new Dust Tactics game though is completely different beast if that is what you are talking about.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Did Labyrinth officially come out yet?

Only to P500 people at this point. Don't think you can get it outside of that, maybe direct from GMT? I have yet to see it on any of my normal online game stores. There were a lot of copies floating around BGG-Con.

If you are looking for a good light war game and enjoy TS check out some of the card driven war games that Twilight Struggle/1960 were developed from:

Washington's War
Path's of Glory
Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage
Combat Comander Series

Columbia's Block War games are pretty straightforward as well. I played and enjoyed Richard III a good deal and found it's complexity to be very straightforward. Not really any more difficult than M44 in my eyes but a much more satisfying game.

Richard III
Rommel in the desert
Hammer of the Scots
Texas Glory
Crusader Rex

I've been looking to actually get into the lighter side of wargaming for a bit and my Richard III experience is probably going to push me into getting 4-5 of these games. Most have a 3 hour or less playtime (Rommel weighs in at 1-1.5 hours!).

I'm probably going to lean more heavily onto the block war games simply because I already own TS and 1960. I might pick up Labrynth and Paths of Glory at some point though.


MichaelBD said:
Dust - I need a Risk-like game with more meat. I want to get the old gang back together and it has to be simple with a lot of dice where we have at each other. I'm thinking Dust will fit the bill.

I haven't heard anything really good about Dust, I guess it's rather Meh. Maybe give Risk 2210 a shot? It's got new and different Risk action, but it still "Risk" at the core.
All this Civ: the Boardgame stuff is just going to keep you guys from trying Through the Ages, isn't it?

(had to talk a friend and the girl he started dating out of learning it yesterday, I didn't think we had time, and I don't know her well enough yet to know if she's ready for that hardcore and long of a game)


Hail to the KING baby
I am two Vlaada games back now actually. TTA (which I will learn) and Space Alert. I shoulda learned Space Alert at BGG! I was almost going to sell it b/c my group is either too small (3-4) or too casual to get a real game of Space Alert together almost ever but I stuck with it because of my love for Vlaada.


platypotamus said:
All this Civ: the Boardgame stuff is just going to keep you guys from trying Through the Ages, isn't it?

Through the Ages immediately went on my BGG auction after playing Civ.

Take that!


platypotamus said:
If I was on camera right now that you could actually pinpoint the second when my heart rips in half


You should try it. You're managing (chiefly) two resources to build things that let you build better things. Just like TtA, but we all don't have to play tea party and imagine whats happening -- it actually happens. :D


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
I almost certainly will try it at some point, but not until I get rid of this crappy old version of Civ that sucks real bad.

Anyone want it? :D
I've seen that going on ebay for pretty good prices the last few weeks.


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:

You should try it. You're managing (chiefly) two resources to build things that let you build better things. Just like TtA, but we all don't have to play tea party and imagine whats happening -- it actually happens. :D

Shots fired.


Hail to the KING baby
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Fantasy Flight's sale is up.

I ended up getting Lord of the Rings: Friends and Foes Expansion, Tribune, and Tribune Expansion. All for $43 shipped, which isn't too bad. I was thinking of grabbing Android but from all I read I don't think I'll ever play it so I passed.
booooo booooo

(not that i really expect them to be clearancing anything i really want though something like Cold War or Condotierre would have been nice)
frpgames just put up Labyrinth for sale, they usually get anything gaming before any other online retailer, so others should be getting it by next week.


Want to order Tribune but kinda afraid of trying to check out with this 500 error disaster going on. I smell multiple charge fiasco!


First tragedy, then farce.
So, did everyone buy Micromutants yet?

Also, Beowulf: the movie is Knizia's Kingdoms which is a very fine 2 or 4p light game. Almost up there with Battle Line or Lost Cities for me.

I didn't get anything. The ones I was interested in were only 10 or so dollars off normal retail and they aren't high enough on my list to justify jumping ahead of other games that are wanted more.
Site still doesn't work for shit, keeps crashing on checkout so fuck it. Might buy something if what I want is in stock when the site is working again


Hail to the KING baby
Not getting anything. Most of the stuff is just a lesser version of what I already have, and I'm not into fantasy unless it's an absolute top-flight game so that rules out pretty much all the board games. Also they still charge shipping (understandably) so that makes them a little bit less attractive as impulse buys.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Not getting anything. Most of the stuff is just a lesser version of what I already have, and I'm not into fantasy unless it's an absolute top-flight game so that rules out pretty much all the board games. Also they still charge shipping (understandably) so that makes them a little bit less attractive as impulse buys.

But micro mutants is superior tiddlywinks.


AstroLad said:
Have you tried TS knockoff Labyrinth yet? Just read through the rules yesterday and it seems awesome and potentially superior to TS. And yeah M44 is always a good choice for some nice light wargaming. Eastern Front is a nice expansion that adds not only new scenarios and figures, but new mechanics as well. My only disappointment was that the new figures don't actually have different abilities from their base analogues.

I've got my eye on it. My issue is the same as everyone else's I suppose--too many games and not enough time. For two player stuff I have TS, Washington's War (which I like), 1960 (just got in a BGG trade), M44, Conflict of Heroes (played a few times and has a lot of potential), Space Hulk (only played a few times), and a crap load of shorter 2 player card games (like BattleLine, Lost Cities, Roma, Odin's Ravens, En Garde, etc.). So it doesn't make sense to add another game to the mix right now.

Eastern Front is for sure my next purchase in the M44 system, along with the desert/snow board of course.

And I just finished up game 1 of Civ. a shade under 6 hours with 3 of us playing. Lots of references to the rules and AP during City Management phases.

My Pros and Cons:


* I adore Civ V and Civ Revolution and this game feels to me like both of those games.
* They got a lot of the heart of Civ right...the placement of cities, tech pyramid, culture track, multiple paths to victory, etc.
* Up to par with FFG productions the components feel great. I love that thick cardboard with the linen finish, it simply feels right to me.
* The game itself is simple in turns of mechanics, but there seems to be a lot of depth to explore.
* Lots of decisions to make that tangibly effect your Civ for turns to come (e.g. construction of buildings and placement of said buildings).
* The trade component works well.


* Length. Obviously the first game it was expected the play time would be extended, but I wonder if this game can be played in under 4 hours. And we only had 3 people...
* Combat I'm still on the fence about. I like the idea of deck-building your troops, but the guy who won basically had the whole deck of flight cards in his hand by the end of the game and was able to waltz into my capital with minor resistance.
* On the one hand I'm sick of these tiny decks of cards--they can be tough to shuffle and it feels like FFG is skimping to save costs. All the cards included with this game are the FFG mini-variety.

Ultimately the game was won via a military victory. There was the complaint that if one player goes military the other players need to do the same in order to not get wiped out, which can take some of the fun out of trying different strategies. After one game I'm not sure I'm ready to give in to that theory, as I was one tech away from Space Flight when my capital was taken over, and I personally felt my Civ was the weakest overall. I was the last to build my 3rd city and that hurt me in production and trade. And by the time I did build my third city the dude who won had his military built up enough that he was able to swoop in and destroy it only 2 turns after I had built it.

I haven't read any strategy articles on the game but my thoughts are that there are means to protect yourself against a military-minded opponent.

I think if this game can be brought under a manageable amount of play time, then it will fit into a nice niche that is deep enough to feel like you've played something epic (longer than say Chaos in the Old World, or Galactic Emperor, or even Power Grid) but less than the ultimate game: Twilight Imperium, which requires a time commitment of 7 hours or more.


Hail to the KING baby
Nice report!

Played some random Dominion tonight with all the expansions. We lucked out as always and didn't get any Alchemy cards. I've come around on Prosperity, which I was sort of unenthusiastic about after playing with one of the recommended Prosperity-heavy sets. The cards are a lot of fun, especially those that act like Actions but are really Treasures.

That was one funny thing about BGG.Con -- didn't see anyone playing Dominion (although I know Prosperity was always checked out so I'm sure there were some people playing). Contrast that with PAX East where they had like six 30-strong Dominion tournaments. Guess it falls through the cracks since most people at BGG seem to favor either playing super heavy/epic games or the hot Essen releases, with the occasional sprinkling of a party/dexterity game while Dominion falls into this quasi-serious but certainly not at all heavy rut and everyone there had played every expansion save Prosperity a katrillion times I'm sure. It certainly never crossed our mind to play even though we did play the otherwise-unplayed Carc and Catan that probably fall into that Dominion category too.

Also this is a totally random aside, but BGG has had some weird threads recently. Between the PR/TS thread where everyone is threatening to rate all games a 1 as revenge for what people are doing to TS/PR/Gric and this thread where some guy is defending cyberstalking with the fervor of a windowless-van enthusiast, it makes me appreciate the moderation on GAF.


So I made it to the checkout screen at FFG with Cave Troll, Tribune, and the Tribune expansion all queued up. And I was ready to enter my CC info and pull the trigger. But I stopped myself because I thought about what I just posted a little bit ago--that I don't have the time to play what I have, so why buy more, especially since none of the games listed are on my hot "need to buy now" list. So I backed out.

I've played Tribune a few times and I have it on my amazon wish list, but the fact it's available with my game group makes me think it's not worth adding to my collection.

I hate it when I'm reasonable.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, Black Friday in general can really lead you to buying shit you don't want because it is cheap.

I think Astrolad called it the Steam sale syndrome at BGG-Con and he's right. You see shit. Shit is cheaper than you normally see it so you but it even if you don't really want it.

I almost bought Gulo Gulo tonight at my FLGS because it was in stock for 35 dollars. It's a game for children. I'm a 28 year old man-child. But it's like 80-100 dollars on BGG at any given time so I almost pulled the trigger.


StoOgE said:
I think Astrolad called it the Steam sale syndrome at BGG-Con and he's right. You see shit. Shit is cheaper than you normally see it so you but it even if you don't really want it.
That's funny, because I've definitely bought games on Steam because they were only a few bucks and have never actually played them.

And the more I'm thinking about Civ the more I'm obsessing over it. I'm just really scared about the playing time and how that will affect being able to play it on some type of regular basis.
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