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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
Rei_Toei said:
I think my dad can deal with the backstabbing but, my mom... We'll see :)
Oh yeah my one recommendation in a family setting would be to swap out warlord for diplomat. Eliminates the most blatant and direct screwage of just paying to raze someone's district.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
I was bummed I don't know many of the games on there though I know of almost all of them. I've heard pretty good thigns about Fearsome Floors too.

I can teach St Pete. It's a super easy card game. Like a less complicated verstion of RFTG.

Masons will be harder to teach over the internet, but it's a pretty straightforward game as well.

edit: when you hover over the game it has a "rules" option and gives you a super simplified version of the rules with pictures. Should be easy to teach yourself some games.


If any of you have a lighthearted group/drink when you game, then Pow Wow is a must. You could probably make an effective game out of a deck of cards and some scrap cloth and some coins, but its cheap anyway. Variation of the ol stick a card on your foreheads and try to figure out the table total. Lots of laughs with that one.

Hoping to get 7 wonders and Ms&Ms in tonight. Def tomorrow if not.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
I can teach St Pete. It's a super easy card game. Like a less complicated verstion of RFTG.

Masons will be harder to teach over the internet, but it's a pretty straightforward game as well.

edit: when you hover over the game it has a "rules" option and gives you a super simplified version of the rules with pictures. Should be easy to teach yourself some games.
Yeah I was gonna learn Balloon Race too -- seems super simple but decent a la Lost Cities.
AstroLad said:
I was bummed I don't know many of the games on there though I know of almost all of them. I've heard pretty good thigns about Fearsome Floors too.

I played this the other days with my family, it's good chaotic fun with a little strategy thrown in. Half the charm is lost when played online though, also, if you are playing asynchronusly it's a big PITA due to the fact each turn all the playes have to move their 4 characters but instead of doing all 4 at once, they do it one after another (i.e. player 1 moves 1 pieces, then player 2, then player 3, then player 1 again, etc.)


Hail to the KING baby
This implementation of Stone Age is . . . wow . . . really good. Throw that thing on iOS (and Blackberry for platy!).


First tragedy, then farce.
Ive never played before. I think I kind of know what is going on. ha ha.

wait.. I thought that hut gave me an extra guy? Did I go to the wrong one?

AstroLad said:
This implementation of Stone Age is . . . wow . . . really good. Throw that thing on iOS (and Blackberry for platy!).

Yep, you can even play multiple games and it'll alert you when it's your turn (I highly recommend to deactivate email notifications)


First tragedy, then farce.
Just got back from board game night..

played my 2nd game of Fire and Axe. It is an amazingly fun Ameritrash Viking pillaging game. Really had a great time. Also killed everyone which was nice since I failed horribly the first time I played.


dogbert said:
Betrayal At House On the Hill for $20 at Amazon... They've got Pandemic for that price too. Tempting despite the production problems with Betrayal (which are getting taken care of apparently).

Too many games, too little time.
Welp, I got these two games. Probably going to play one tomorrow. Any suggestion which one to go for first? (Ticket To Ride / Dominion are one of the few games we've played before, if this info helps. Heh)


Hail to the KING baby
Pandemic is waaaay easier to learn. And a pretty fun light co-op (it's grown on me recently). Betrayal is a tougher nut to crack but it does have a cool traitor mechanic. Sort of a higher-highs-lower-lows situation since it seems that you can either get a really cool haunt or a really lame one. Really depends on the experience level of your group and what theme they might dig because the two games are incredibly different.


StoOgE said:
what was it about Catan that you liked?

Building an empire? Trading/wheeling and dealing?

There are a lot of good directions you can go, just trying to pin down what you liked about it. There are a lot of great economic games you can go with if you liked the building an empire part, but they can be lighter on interaction. Then there are heavy interaction games..

Catan kind of sits in the middle of a few genres.

For me, i liked the building an empire a bit more than anything else. I also loved boxing in my opponents and hearing their sweet sweet whines!

I was thinking about getting Carcassone as our next game, as it seems to be an easier one to get into, but Dominion has really caught my eye, and its not too much more than Carcassone.





Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
How did I miss this thread? Thanks to Castle Ravenloft, my wife and I have got interested in board games. We bought Munchkin, but I'm at a loss at what to try next. We're big into fantasy games. Does anybody have any good suggestions?
WanderingWind said:
How did I miss this thread? Thanks to Castle Ravenloft, my wife and I have got interested in board games. We bought Munchkin, but I'm at a loss at what to try next. We're big into fantasy games. Does anybody have any good suggestions?

I really like Dungeon Lords. It's a pretty heavy strategy game, sort of a board game version of the old PC Dungeon Keeper. That is: Each player is building a dungeon and filling it with monsters, and then heroes show up to wreck your shit and pillage and stuff. You want to be the least pillaged.

It is optimal for four, and a lot of people hate it two-three player, though I think it still works.


First tragedy, then farce.
ReconYoda said:
For me, i liked the building an empire a bit more than anything else. I also loved boxing in my opponents and hearing their sweet sweet whines!

I was thinking about getting Carcassone as our next game, as it seems to be an easier one to get into, but Dominion has really caught my eye, and its not too much more than Carcassone.

Dominion is not much harder than Carcasonne, though both games are very different than Catan.

I would say you really can't go wrong with either. They are both in the "must own" category for any serious board gamer... but are also both amazingly good starter games.

I generally prefer Dominion, but I love both games. Carcassonne is nice because it can "grow" with you. There are two expansions for it that are less than 20 bucks each online that make the game simply amazing.

You can also try out a demo of Carcassonne on XBLA if you have an Xbox.


First tragedy, then farce.
WanderingWind said:
How did I miss this thread? Thanks to Castle Ravenloft, my wife and I have got interested in board games. We bought Munchkin, but I'm at a loss at what to try next. We're big into fantasy games. Does anybody have any good suggestions?

I haven't played Castle Ravenloft but I will say Munchkin is not really a "game" so much as it is a series of funny cards that play themselves.

There are some people better positioned to give you advice than I am, but I will say there are two really fun Doctor Who print and play games (i.e. free once you "make them") that I have tried that may be up your alley since you are a bigger Doctor fan than I am.


First tragedy, then farce.

I bought two expansions for Blue Moon at BGG-Con. I also "bought" Blue Moon.

The seller of the base game didn't actually make it to BGG Con despite putting a ton of shit up for sale at the virtual flea market.

So, I put the expansions I bought up for trade. Turns out the guy who sold them to me had mixed the cards up in the boxes and didn't have the right ones.

So I just had to buy a guy two new copies of the expansions I mailed him.

All said, I dropped about 60 dollars on a copy of the Puerto Rico expansion after the trade and all the costs of it go through.

FFS people, don't sell stuff unless it's complete and you know you are going to BGG Con.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
StoOgE said:
I haven't played Castle Ravenloft but I will say Munchkin is not really a "game" so much as it is a series of funny cards that play themselves.

There are some people better positioned to give you advice than I am, but I will say there are two really fun Doctor Who print and play games (i.e. free once you "make them") that I have tried that may be up your alley since you are a bigger Doctor fan than I am.

Thanks, I'll check those out.


StoOgE said:

I bought two expansions for Blue Moon at BGG-Con. I also "bought" Blue Moon.

The seller of the base game didn't actually make it to BGG Con despite putting a ton of shit up for sale at the virtual flea market.

So, I put the expansions I bought up for trade. Turns out the guy who sold them to me had mixed the cards up in the boxes and didn't have the right ones.

So I just had to buy a guy two new copies of the expansions I mailed him.

All said, I dropped about 60 dollars on a copy of the Puerto Rico expansion after the trade and all the costs of it go through.

FFS people, don't sell stuff unless it's complete and you know you are going to BGG Con.

You should put a comment about the messed up expansions in the Flea Market listing. Accidents happen, but man, that sucks.


Hail to the KING baby
Flynn said:
Here's the story I wrote about Mike Doyle, guys.
Nice. Going to read the rest later today.

For me, i liked the building an empire a bit more than anything else. I also loved boxing in my opponents and hearing their sweet sweet whines!

I was thinking about getting Carcassone as our next game, as it seems to be an easier one to get into, but Dominion has really caught my eye, and its not too much more than Carcassone.
You might actually like 7 Wonders. I just got it yesterday and read through the rules and it seems like Dominion with a bit of light "building" in as well. If you love boxing in opponents, there is actually a ton of that in Carc. Dominion has a good deal less interactivity.

How did I miss this thread? Thanks to Castle Ravenloft, my wife and I have got interested in board games. We bought Munchkin, but I'm at a loss at what to try next. We're big into fantasy games. Does anybody have any good suggestions?
I'm not the fantasy expert here (quite the opposite), but check out:
-Small World if you want a light war/area-control game with a hilarious fantasy theme. Plays pretty well 2-5.
-Descent if you want a serious dungeon crawler.
-Catacombs if you want a dungeon crawler that involves flicking things.

There are so many good fantasy-themed games you will not be at a loss.


Hail to the KING baby
oh platy i sent you one more stone age invite for the game with flynn :p

it's really cool that i can play this on my droid


Was afraid that $20 price on Betrayal at House on the Hill at Amazon was going to go away before I got my inevitable gift cards for Christmas so I went ahead and ordered it plus Forbidden Island. Should arrive before our next game night.

Also picking up Ticket to Ride for a present for wife. We love the XBLA version so having a physical copy will be very nice to start including some other folks who might not normally want to play a 'video game'.

In other news my existing group is probably done with Descent Road to Legend campaign. We started the campaign back in September and were playing it about once every two to three weeks and were weren't even a third of the way through the campaign yet. Such a long drawn out game. Descent is fun, don't get me wrong, but when your game group meets only to keep the same game going each time, it can get pretty daunting. We're stopping this one because the Overlord (me) had a seemingly insurmountable lead and I was just starting to siege their hometown with two Lieutenants. No reason to drag the game on for another six months imo. Road to Legend really needs a group that can meet more often than once or twice a month to get through it in a timely manner. Base Descent is a blast though for a good night of dungeon romping.


First tragedy, then farce.
Woo Hoo.

Got my Puerto Rico Expansion and Masons in the mail. Mason's is a fun little semi-abstract game that I'm looking forward to playing. I'm going to have to get my group more playtime with Puerto Rico before I can use the expansion. But now that I have payed effectively 60 dollars for a promo selling for 20 I feel like I need to get it to the table :lol

Also got Rattletrap car and Wholesale Bakery Essen promo cards in for Le Havre. So after Xmas I will have all of the special cards available. It's kind of silly since you only see at a max 6 special cards per game and I'm going to have 76 special cards in my deck :lol But variety is good.


WanderingWind said:
How did I miss this thread? Thanks to Castle Ravenloft, my wife and I have got interested in board games. We bought Munchkin, but I'm at a loss at what to try next. We're big into fantasy games. Does anybody have any good suggestions?
Chaos in the Old World, Drakon, and Descent are some of my favorite fantasy-themed games.
I wish I had never seen this thread. Within the past few days I've bought Carcassone, Catan, and Castle Ravenloft and now I'm thinking of getting Dominion. I have no self control :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Doublethink said:
I wish I had never seen this thread. Within the past few days I've bought Carcassone, Catan, and Castle Ravenloft and now I'm thinking of getting Dominion. I have no self control :lol

It happens. :lol


Unpacking report:

Not entirely impressed with the 7 Wonders components. Player mats seem okay. Haven't bothered to open the cards yet, but impressions on BGG aren't too great (and considering this is a card-driven game, may be an issue). The coins look like a bunch of wooden tokens that were quickly spraypainted. Insert wasn't in great shape either, but I'll likely be tossing it out anyway.

Excellent components all around for Isla Dorada. It's from Fantasy Flight, so meets expectations.

Overall pleased with the bits for Merchants and Marauders, though some of the coins didn't want to punch-out easily. Boardgame vets have developed techniques to properly nudge em out, but a newbie may end up ripping something if they're not careful. The ship figures are definitely awesome in this one.

Not a fan of the cardboard tube for Zombie Dice, but I need to get a dice tower anyway. The dice are fine though.
AstroLad said:
oh platy i sent you one more stone age invite for the game with flynn :p

it's really cool that i can play this on my droid

Sorry, didn't see it. Accepting now.

Doublethink said:
I wish I had never seen this thread. Within the past few days I've bought Carcassone, Catan, and Castle Ravenloft and now I'm thinking of getting Dominion. I have no self control :lol

Sooooo tempted to post some game recommendations right here, but I'll let you enjoy your new buys in peace for now, haha :)
Doublethink said:
I wish I had never seen this thread. Within the past few days I've bought Carcassone, Catan, and Castle Ravenloft and now I'm thinking of getting Dominion. I have no self control :lol

Dominion is a fine purchase. The slippery slope is whether or not you're getting the expansions too.

BTW - I'm a sleeve-aholic. Fantasy Flight sleeves, right? I'm down 180 for my Ticket to Ride set and am looking for quality (though a little sensitive to quantity x cost).
platypotamus said:
Sorry, didn't see it. Accepting now.

Sooooo tempted to post some game recommendations right here, but I'll let you enjoy your new buys in peace for now, haha :)
Now I'm intrigued. What games would you recommend?
StoOgE said:
Woo Hoo.

Got my Puerto Rico Expansion and Masons in the mail. Mason's is a fun little semi-abstract game that I'm looking forward to playing. I'm going to have to get my group more playtime with Puerto Rico before I can use the expansion. But now that I have payed effectively 60 dollars for a promo selling for 20 I feel like I need to get it to the table :lol

Also got Rattletrap car and Wholesale Bakery Essen promo cards in for Le Havre. So after Xmas I will have all of the special cards available. It's kind of silly since you only see at a max 6 special cards per game and I'm going to have 76 special cards in my deck :lol But variety is good.

Masons is on yucata too, in case you want to try that one.

I really miss agricolaonline :/ I've only been able to play the game IRL twice while on AO I played it a lot (and still lost most of the time :lol )
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