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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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BattleMonkey said:
I think it's a great game, though it's more miniature war game than a board game, though it feels like a hybrid at times. If your not used to miniature gaming it might seem a bit much with all the rules and abilities available for all the figures since it's not just one big standardized game system like most board games tend to be.

ah, sounds like it's not for me then. ah well, thanks


Hail to the KING baby
they really wouldn't have to put in that much effort to make a game that appeals to boardgamers but w/e they're clearly stubborn
AstroLad said:
they really wouldn't have to put in that much effort to make a game that appeals to boardgamers but w/e they're clearly stubborn

They are a miniature game company and it was made for the CMG market originally, so board gamers obviously was not a priority. The new Godzilla game should appeal more to board gamers.


Played Race for the Galaxy with some friends for the first time. Only the owner had played before (and many times) and I came out ahead in the end by 1 point.

Liked it a lot, but still like Puerto Rico more for those type of games.


Ferrio said:
Played Race for the Galaxy with some friends for the first time. Only the owner had played before (and many times) and I came out ahead in the end by 1 point.

Liked it a lot, but still like Puerto Rico more for those type of games.

Give it some time and play the RTFG AI game on the PC; you can spin through games so damn quickly, it's a great learning tool. A handful of games of Race doesn't let the game shine.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
So I'm not the only one who is a little eh on St. Pete. When do we get paid? I couldn't figure that out.

At the end of the worker phase. We are in the building phase. So like 2 more to go before we get there.
AstroLad said:
I'd like to learn and play Fearsome Floors too.

I'm up for any sort of PBEM game, whether on Yucata or not, so feel free to invite me to anything you want to try (this goes for everyone else too, as long as I don't have to actually sit on the machine babysitting the game, I'll try anything).
AstroLad said:
Yeah St. Pete has a lot of passing which I guess doesn't work quite as well in terms of completing games. But ya know in PBEM style it's not a big deal. I'd like to learn and play Fearsome Floors too.

I really like Fearsome Floor though I've only managed to get it to the table a couple of times. The only problem is that on every turn each players has to move its four characters but can only move one at a time (player 1 to player 4 each moves a character x 4 times), on yucata each turn takes a loooong time.


AstroLad said:
anyone up for a couple games of dominion? dominion.isotropic.org

i sent you a stone age invite. there is a friends list just go to players, search, then add to buddies here is my list which i think is most gaffers:

I'm on there too, under JeremyH. Pretty open to playing stuff, especially during weekdays when I'm at work.

I've played Finca, Hey, that's my fish, Roll through the Ages, Stone Age, & Thurn and Taxis on there already. Would be open to trying more as well.

Have you guys played 7 Wonders or Jaipur online at all?


You have to play "live" games, but it's a nice site. There are several other games on there (Caylus Magna Carta, Metropolys, etc..) as well.

Tough to navigate if you don't speak English at first, but worth it!
Has anybody tried playing Keldon's RtfG program online? It's a reasonably impressive version of the game...I bet we could get some good games going with this group. Unlike d.i.o you have to download something, here:

Get it here and give it a shot, the AI is pretty cool too.

Sorry, I'm sure this is all buried in the thread somewhere, but this is the first I've heard of it, and given all the interest in online play right now it seemed worth mentioning.


First tragedy, then farce.
Good night at board game night.

Played Fresco.. not crazy about it. It isn't bad, but there are much better games with similar mechanics. Playtime is short, rules are simple. We played with all 3 expansions.. I can't imagine how simple the game would be without them.

My biggest issue is the game *really* punishes the leader. I mean, Power Grid punishes the leader, but not like this. I got out to an early lead and had no paint for 2-3 rounds.

Followed that up with For Sale (still enjoy this game for what it is) and St Petersberg. Wanted to get this to the table based on my iffy experience with the Yucata version. Reconfirmed: the game is amazingly fun in person. The asymmetric online play sucks the fun right out of it though.
StoOgE said:
My biggest issue is the game *really* punishes the leader. I mean, Power Grid punishes the leader, but not like this. I got out to an early lead and had no paint for 2-3 rounds.

Almost sounds like you were messing up the rules the same way my wife and I did. There are enough market stalls for everyone to buy paint. Each player chooses a stall (in wake up order), and buys up to the number of paints that they have apprentices deployed to market (so, 0-3). Each player can never possibly buy/shut down more than 1 stall total, and thus there will always be some paints available to buy for everyone.


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
Almost sounds like you were messing up the rules the same way my wife and I did. There are enough market stalls for everyone to buy paint. Each player chooses a stall (in wake up order), and buys up to the number of paints that they have apprentices deployed to market (so, 0-3). Each player can never possibly buy/shut down more than 1 stall total, and thus there will always be some paints available to buy for everyone.

Ah. That would explain the problem. We were allowing the first player to shut down up to 3 paint stalls buying 1 paint from each. and they were with regularity.

This meant two things happened:

1) the first player to wake up effectively got whatever paint they wanted/needed.
2) The 3rd and 4th players got no paint at all.

I'll have to give the game another go then with the right rules.

I think it was the game teachers first game of Fresco as well and he was really struggling with a few of the rules.


AstroLad said:
i sent you a stone age invite. there is a friends list just go to players, search, then add to buddies here is my list which i think is most gaffers:

I added everyone on this list to my buddy list


Hail to the KING baby
coo these are the invitations i have out:

Stone Age Worker Choodi, Worker platypotamus[Worker Triphibian]
Stone Age Worker Artadius[Worker Triphibian, Worker Choodi]
Stone Age [Worker Mashing, Worker Triphibian, Worker carno]
Arkadia (Original) [Worker Mashing, Worker platypotamus, Worker StoOgE]


I think I accepted the Stone Age invite... are you waiting for more for that particular game or is it a two player one?

I've also played Roll Through the Ages and Two by Two as well and can jump right into those games if anyone's interested.


Well, read the rules for Stone Age and there's a few things that are confusing, but I usually learn by playing. I'm at work right now so if we're playing a live game there may be times that I'm away from the PC (it's pretty slow right now, so hopefully not).


StoOgE said:
Ah. That would explain the problem. We were allowing the first player to shut down up to 3 paint stalls buying 1 paint from each. and they were with regularity.

This meant two things happened:

1) the first player to wake up effectively got whatever paint they wanted/needed.
2) The 3rd and 4th players got no paint at all.

I'll have to give the game another go then with the right rules.

I think it was the game teachers first game of Fresco as well and he was really struggling with a few of the rules.

Funny, my group played it wrong too the first time, similar mistake.


I wish there was an online version of BSG. It plays perfectly well by PBEM and PBF and it would translate perfectly well to online (you'd have to do something to curtail people going too far back to look at the cards that is played--but that also poses a problem for PBEM/PBF as well). Probably licensing issues out the ying-yang though which I would venture to guess why it has not happened.


Mashing said:
I wish there was an online version of BSG. It plays perfectly well by PBEM and PBF and it would translate perfectly well to online (you'd have to do something to curtail people going too far back to look at the cards that is played--but that also poses a problem for PBEM/PBF as well). Probably licensing issues out the ying-yang though which I would venture to guess why it has not happened.
There is an online version of BSG through Vassal. I've been toying around with downloading the software and module and giving it a go. It can be played either "live" or via PBEM.
MichaelBD said:
There is an online version of BSG through Vassal. I've been toying around with downloading the software and module and giving it a go. It can be played either "live" or via PBEM.

You can get alot through Vassal, it just is all fan done and not approved in any ways. Software was created to do stuff like Battletech, Warhammer, Warmachine online for free, but it's customizable enough that people have made all kinds of other games on it.


Yeah, that looks pretty darn great. I'd probably have to trade away my Betrayal at House on the Hill if I got that since it looks like a superior game across all facets.


BattleMonkey said:
Anyone else play the Resident Evil card game since Dominion rip off was mentioned? See expansion is already on the way.

Yeah I think they announced plans to do expansions every six months...

The base game is fine, imo, but it has too little variety. With new expansions coming out, it could work very well. I think I might actually prefer it to Thunderstone because of the less convoluted combat, but I've only played Thunderstone a few times so far...

If you haven't taken the dive, my general advice is to see how the expansion pans out, as there are so many deck building games out there that it seems silly to settle for a solid, but not spectacular one.

Speaking of deck-building games, I'm curious how people would rank the ones that they've played and why...

For me it would be something like this.

Dominion - Very dependent on the cards you're playing with, but clearly the king of the genre.
Resident Evil - I am a sucker for the theme. The relative lack of variety is the only downside, and that will likely be fixed soon.
Thunderstone - Maybe it's just me or bad play on my part, but this feels cumbersome and dry. I love the theme, but it's amazing how fiddly and luck-driven it can feel.
Ascension - Certainly a more casual deck-building game, but it seems so simple it's almost moronic. Since only a few random cards are only up for sale at a time, it's hard to develop a strategy.

Just got Puzzle Strike this week... haven't played it yet.


I'll never put Dominion #1 because it has art that makes me want to puke. I don't know why I bought the game. Thinking of selling it and just playing it when other people bring it. Thunderstone OTOH looks ace (look and theme are VERY important to me).

Seth C

AstroLad said:
seth -- accept your yucata invites!

Sorry about that. I expected to get an e-mail if I was invited to play anything. I have it set to e-mail me when it is my turn and it is set to forward all messages to my real e-mail address. Odd. Well, they are accepted now.


Mashing said:
I'll never put Dominion #1 because it has art that makes me want to puke. I don't know why I bought the game. Thinking of selling it and just playing it when other people bring it. Thunderstone OTOH looks ace (look and theme are VERY important to me).

Yeah, have fun with Thunderstone. Play a shitty clone of Dominion with tacked on bullshit that slows the game to a crawl, and often will result in a winner being determined in the first few rounds, just because the art is "better."

I fucking hate Thunderstone! (I was forced to play it again Wednesday night. At least we played two great games of Dominion Seaside before hand!)
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