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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Yeah, definitely getting Pegasus first. I've already read the rules and read through a few session reports. I can understand folks saying get Exodus first or instead of... but there's really nothing wrong with Pegasus and by getting it first, it still gives us something awesome to look forward to in Exodus a few months / plays later instead of being let down by Pegasus after the fact.
Agyar said:
Is Alchemy really hated that much?
Most of the hate is based off of the high price. It's as expensive as prosperty but has only 120 cards or something like this. Prosperty has around 500 new cards and coins and plates, etc.

Other than that Alchemy is great. Those cards allow some hilarious turns :D
AstroLad said:
1. Seaside
2. Prosperity
3. Intrigue
21. Alchemy

This is correct. Though my wife says she likes Prosperity way more than Seaside.

edit: Dammit now I want to play Dominion. :p Headed to dominion.isotropic.org for a couple games.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Artadius said:
Ended up working just fine and everyone really liked it. Once folks were comfortable with the mechanics, the game still played quick and we finished in about 45 minutes. Bureaucrats and Mines were early strong cards that became just about useless later on as the Silver pile was the first to run out. Militias caused lots of groans and evil eyes... especially from my wife.

Treasure piles should not run out. You don't place a limited number of them on the table like you do with kingdom & victory cards - they all get placed. So there should literally be ~40 silvers in the supply.


GDJustin said:
Treasure piles should not run out. You don't place a limited number of them on the table like you do with kingdom & victory cards - they all get placed.

In a seven player game with lots of Mines and Bureaucrats, I assure you every single Silver treasure card was either in someone's deck or in the trash pile lol
GDJustin said:
Treasure piles should not run out. You don't place a limited number of them on the table like you do with kingdom & victory cards - they all get placed. So there should literally be ~40 silvers in the supply.
It's not that hard to get the treasure piles to run out with certain cards. I once played a game where we ran out of copper. Stupid Mountebank.


I think I've read that the intended design is for the money stacks to be bottomless, so if you own more than one full Dominion set (e.g. Intrigue), you can use the money from that as well to supplement the base sets stacks if they run low.
So the wife and I had an epic board gaming day today, for no particular reason.

As part of that, we played our first 2 player game of Fresco:

At first we both kinda hated it, but it turns out, we had a rule slightly wrong, but just wrong enough to really screw up the game. Fixing that, this is a nice little worker placement game. Possibly a trainer for Caylus or Agricola or something. I am not sure if we'll play 2 Player again, because like Dungeon Lords, it has a "fake player" mechanic just to take up spots for your workers, and we both kinda hate that. Still, the base game was good fun, and reading and talking about the little expansion modules included in the box, I think they'd be good times too, without upping complexity too much. Wife beat me by just a couple points.

Then we played our second game of Innovation. After 2, we like this one even more than we did after the first time. This particular session had some really great moments. I used a Prehistory card (Tools) to get to Age 3 while wife was still stuck in 1. A card from that age actually then bumped me up to 4 pretty instantly. In age 4 I got Gunpowder, which I used to blast my wife back to the stone age (well, she was still in the stone age when I got it, so even further back into it). I was already in age 5, when she got an age 2 card (Road Building) that let her do some nifty trading with other people's boards... meaning she stole an age 4 tech from me, and I lost access to my sweet age 5 tech that I was using at that point. She dominated for most of the rest of the game, until a Physics accident left her with no cards, and me with a bunch. Too little too late, she still won. Totally awesome.

Then we played Agricola. We both spent most of the game talking about how much we hate Agricola (no matter how much you like it, you hate it too). Of course, right after it ended, we talked about how we should play it more often. Fucking Agricola!

Finally, we just wrapped up a Glory to Rome game. We flew too close to the sun, our brains are mush after all that. I absolutely destroyed her in this one. I had (very early) a building that let all of my Merchant Clients act as any role. I then did everything in my power to end up with a few of them. Got 5. This meant that any role my wife lead, I got to copy at least 5 times. There was really nothing she could do.
I finally managed to get a new game to the table, Trias. I bought this game a long time ago based solely on the fact that it comes with dinomeeples but had it on hold for almost a year. The premise is really simple, at the beginning there's only one big continent which represents pangea where all players place their dinomeeples, slowly each turn the players start to drift away the land tiles, reproduce and migrate their dinos to form new continents, each time a new continent is created, it's scored and the first and second players with most dinos on it score points for it.


(not my picture)

Each turn, the players have to use a card to determine the type of tile they'll move on their mandatory drift, but there's also a meteor card, once that is drawn the end game is triggered, everyone has an extra miniturn and then it's scoring time again. The player with the majority on a continent scores a point for each tile on it and the second majority scores half of it. There's only one counterintuitive rule, when you drift a tile the dinos on it fall on the water and must be rescued on that player next turn or they'll drown (instead of moving with the land mass).

The game turn goes like this (1 dino = 1 herd):
  1. Mandatory drift of the same tile type that you have in your hand of the top card of the stack (forest, steppe or mountain)
  2. Use up to 4 action points on the following actions:
    1. Drift another tile (3 action points)
    2. Move a dino herd to an adjacent tile (1 point)
    3. Reproduce a dino (1 point, but could only be done once for each herd)
    4. Rescue up to three swimmers to adjacent tiles (1 point)
  3. Resolve swimmers and overpopulation (ie, kill excess of dinos)
  4. Draw another card

It's a good game, but the rulebook is simply awful and the 2 player variant is reaaaally different, I swear we made so many mistakes yesterday it's not even funny (thank god for BGG), I even lost one of my dinomeeples (cats...). I'm dying to play it again with all the corrections though.


(not my picture)
My friend on Fri liked Last Night on Earth, he'll have to play a few more times before really getting it though; I don't think he's played Magic and honestly having that as a background really helps. I couldn't help but put the pedal to the metal as zombies though

had 2 others over on Sat for Catan, they were cool with trying Forbidden Island as well, my first time playing with 4 people. It went well but we were 1 turn away from winning when we lost the helicopter pad, dammit!


Trading LNOE and GH expansion for the out of print Lost Valley.

Can really only be an upgrade. At this point my take on LnoE (and Flying Frog in general) is pretty negative coming from a seasoned gamers perspective. I'd play it with newbies but at this point they are far and few between with my group, plus I'd hate for yet another bullshit scenario/card draw combo come up and turn them off boardgaming right out of the gate.

How hard can it be to make a balanced, thematic, tense zombie game?

We need a savior (much like Merchants & Maurauders did for the pirate themed genre) to save unlife in boardgaming!


Hail to the KING baby
Neverfade said:
How hard can it be to make a balanced, thematic, tense zombie game?
Man I think LNOE is pretty much this. Actually the one thing it does really well. It's pretty light though; no one would ever confuse it for an FFG game.
AstroLad said:
Man I think LNOE is pretty much this. Actually the one thing it does really well. It's pretty light though; no one would ever confuse it for an FFG game.

I agree, I think LNOE is the best it's gonna get. If I had 1 complaint, it's how card wording/syntax can be really subjective and argued; this is the reason why I stopped playing Magic and I'm roped right back into it with LNOE


You guys are smoking the good shit if you think LnoE is anything close to balanced. Something better WILL come along eventually, if I have to make it myself.

I also don't think I've ever had a tense game of LNOE. It's always pretty clear whose going to win about halfway through. Sometimes from the get-go (truck scenario, player starts with an item, huuuurrr)

Thematic is all it's got going for it.


Hail to the KING baby
i've had close games of LNOE that have come down to the last few turns, and even the last one. it's not that productive to talk about in the abstract though as it comes down to individual scenarios. some scenarios, like the easy early ones, are fairly hero-friendly, whereas a lot of the later ones and the web ones are more zombie friendly. it's very customizable like AH


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
i've had close games of LNOE that have come down to the last few turns, and even the last one. it's not that productive to talk about in the abstract though as it comes down to individual scenarios. some scenarios, like the easy early ones, are fairly hero-friendly, whereas a lot of the later ones and the web ones are more zombie friendly. it's very customizable like AH

The game at BGG was pretty unbalanced.

Your wife had no chance from about the halfway point.

That said, it still took a lot of cooperative work and people working together to pull it off.

LNOE is a sure fire winner for me. Theme is amazing. Just amazing.

I find the gameplay itself to be engaging enough as well.


AstroLad said:
i've had close games of LNOE that have come down to the last few turns, and even the last one. it's not that productive to talk about in the abstract though as it comes down to individual scenarios. some scenarios, like the easy early ones, are fairly hero-friendly, whereas a lot of the later ones and the web ones are more zombie friendly. it's very customizable like AH
Yeah, you know my feelings on AH, too.

I've had games of LNOE that were moreso interesting than others too. My point is, when I sit down to play a game I want to KNOW a game is going to be interesting and not HOPE it will be playable this time, should fate smile upon us. Thousands of games do this. So why waste my time with ones that don't.
I've had a good amount of games that were tense as hell, coming down to final turns where 1 mistake can cost you the game. I've also had a fair share of really unbalanced, un-fun games too where it's obvious who is going to win and we just finish up for the sake of finishing up. In terms of balancing, some house rules are necessary for that depending on which scenario you're playing, but in terms of tense vs non-tense, it varies too often to generalize certain scenarios.

Neverfade said:
I've had games of LNOE that were moreso interesting than others too. My point is, when I sit down to play a game I want to KNOW a game is going to be interesting and not HOPE it will be playable this time, should fate smile upon us. Thousands of games do this. So why waste my time with ones that don't.

we posted at the same time, but this is a perfect way to put it, I might have to steal that


Neverfade said:
Yeah, you know my feelings on AH, too.

Assuming you hate the game, what feelings would that be? AH is like the perfect thematic game. My entire collection (albeit small at this point) is 90% thematic and there is NOTHING even compares to the scope of that game. The rules are fiddly, but once you get past that it's just an incredible game.

If you know another thematic game that is as deep and enriching as AH is, then I'd like to play it.
My wife and I both still have headaches from our marathon of gaming yesterday. Where did we get the dumb idea to play Agricola and Glory to Rome at the END of a marathon?


Mashing said:
Assuming you hate the game, what feelings would that be? AH is like the perfect thematic game. My entire collection (albeit small at this point) is 90% thematic and there is NOTHING even compares to the scope of that game. The rules are fiddly, but once you get past that it's just an incredible game.

If you know another thematic game that is as deep and enriching as AH is, then I'd like to play it.
Twilight Imperium.


Well, you got me there... I haven't it played it, but I'd heard enough about it to concede defeat.

I wonder which is longer though. TI or a full game of Diplomacy?


I'm totally addicted to dominion.isotropic.org.

Although, I'm not addicted to getting possession in three games in a row and two of those having King's Court.

The Race for the Galaxy AI game I found at BGG is pretty sweet as well. Don't really want to play the expansions until I own those as well though.

The next game I was looking to buy was maybe Agricola or BSG. What would be more fun for a family group of 4 or 5 people? I've read that Agricola can be very hard to teach, but I think they would like the theme more. I'm the only one in the group that has seen BSG.


First tragedy, then farce.
There could not be two more different games.

BSG is a thematic game with very simple rules that is all about working with the other players.. trying to figure out who is helping you, who is the cylon trying to screw you. Amazingly fun game, especially if you watched/liked the show.

Agricola isn't single player solitaire, but interaction is pretty low. It is an amazing economic engine game all about planning 5-6 moves ahead to make the most efficient and diverse farm possible.

You can't go wrong with either game. Agricola is probably the better of the two games, but they are both amazing. If you are looking for a game with a lot of interaction and a more social experience, BSG is the way to go.

BSG is probably a medium game (i.e. a bit above an entry level game) where Agricola is medium-heavy. So Agricola has a bit more weight to it.


Yeah, sounds like BSG would be better for them, but I still want to get Agricola some time down the road. So far they've enjoyed Power Grid, Dominon, and they loved Pandemic, so the interaction would be welcome I think.
Mashing said:
Well, you got me there... I haven't it played it, but I'd heard enough about it to concede defeat.

I wonder which is longer though. TI or a full game of Diplomacy?

TI can take a very long to play especially if you have lot of people playing. The expansion rules also make the game last much longer while base TI pretty much has a built in timer that forces the game to end.

Neverfade said:
You guys are smoking the good shit if you think LnoE is anything close to balanced. Something better WILL come along eventually, if I have to make it myself.

I also don't think I've ever had a tense game of LNOE. It's always pretty clear whose going to win about halfway through. Sometimes from the get-go (truck scenario, player starts with an item, huuuurrr)

Thematic is all it's got going for it.

I rather have strong theme in my zombie games than a game that distills the genre into math. I've had nothing but great times with LnoE and lots of tense moments.

Qaz Kwaz

Neverfade said:
You guys are smoking the good shit if you think LnoE is anything close to balanced. Something better WILL come along eventually, if I have to make it myself.

I also don't think I've ever had a tense game of LNOE. It's always pretty clear whose going to win about halfway through. Sometimes from the get-go (truck scenario, player starts with an item, huuuurrr)

Thematic is all it's got going for it.

I've had many, many, many games come down to the final turn. Maybe you're playing it wrong (I know we were at the start).
JesseZao said:
I'm totally addicted to dominion.isotropic.org.

I've been having a ton of fun with this as well. I admit to having resisted it for quite a long time, just because I'm something of a purist when it comes to board games. But, man...you take out all the sorting through piles and piles of cards to get the game set up and it's hard to go back.

While I still vastly prefer in-person gaming, iCarcassonne, dominion.isotropic.org and this RtFG AI program have all proved to be more than mere curiosities on my laptop/iPad. Which was a big surprise. Now let's see some bloody Carc expansions...

Now I'm off to design the perfect zombie game for Neverfade...actually, boardgame-gaf should totally start collaborating on a project... ;p


BattleMonkey said:
I rather have strong theme in my zombie games than a game that distills the genre into math. I've had nothing but great times with LnoE and lots of tense moments.

Pretty much this. Almost every game I've played comes down to the last few turns, where a mistake on either side will cost them the game.


I'm probably the last person on here who wants a game distilled into math. That's great that you guys games come out close. Mine don't.

Fucking opinions, how do they work?


Hail to the KING baby
anyone up for a couple games of dominion? dominion.isotropic.org

Artadius said:
I'm on Yucata now as well. Artadius

Would appreciate invites to new games. Is there a buddy system?
i sent you a stone age invite. there is a friends list just go to players, search, then add to buddies here is my list which i think is most gaffers:


AstroLad said:
anyone up for a couple games of dominion? dominion.isotropic.org

i sent you a stone age invite. there is a friends list just go to players, search, then add to buddies here is my list which i think is most gaffers:

I signed up as Mashing the other day when I friend asked me to join. I haven't played most of the game on Yucata though.


Hail to the KING baby
that sounds a lot like the 2p battle box doesn't it? wonder if they will go the full monty and include a non-crap board
Well it sounds like they will have prepackaged faction sets this time instead of two random starter forces in a box. I would imagine they would make a new starter, but they will likely be selling faction sets separate as well. The previous starter was repackaging of old material, but from now on it's going to be in complete sets and such. The newer factions were excluded from the recent starter and there was lot of new stuff in the works that has been on hold for some time.

Doubt they will put out a fancy board, since the game has tons of maps to play on.


Hail to the KING baby
50 I believe? Have to check the rules though think I messed up one little thing. Fun game though! Nice to have three games to play on Yucata now.
Yeah, I saw it on there and it was the only one besides Stone Age I had played before, now I'm wondering why it's been so long since I've played it live.

(probably because I keep getting new games and playing those)


First tragedy, then farce.
I'm really enjoying Arkadia.

St. Pete isn't really working very well in this setting. It is more of a Dominion style super quick fairly light card game. When it takes hours between buying a single card it can be a bit too long.

Arkadia on the other hand is inching up my wanted list quickly. Haven't totally figured the strategy out, but I like the math behind it and have always thought the bits were really nice looking.
I was wondering if the format was hurting St Pete, or if I just wasn't really getting the game. Glad its the former, because it seems pretty cool, in theory.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah St. Pete has a lot of passing which I guess doesn't work quite as well in terms of completing games. But ya know in PBEM style it's not a big deal. I'd like to learn and play Fearsome Floors too.
In other Kaiju battle gaming news, preview of the upcoming Godzilla board game is out with some nice pics of how the stacking modular buildings will look like: http://www.tabletopgamingnews.com/2011/02/08/43604

Gryphter said:
How is Monsterpocalypse? I first saw this game after going to a Kaiju Big Battel event, the fact that it has collectible pieces turns me off though. If they're releasing just a standard non collectible edition, consider me interested.

I think it's a great game, though it's more miniature war game than a board game, though it feels like a hybrid at times. If your not used to miniature gaming it might seem a bit much with all the rules and abilities available for all the figures since it's not just one big standardized game system like most board games tend to be.


Hail to the KING baby
I just wanna say City is out of fucking control as card in Dominion. That's the thing about Prosperity I feel, and why I like Seaside better, is that a lot of the Prosperty cards just make turns go nutso. Not saying they're overpowered because every set has good and bad cards, just nutso.
--- Your turn ---
You play a Throne Room.
... You play a City.
... ... You draw a City and a Workshop and get +2 actions.
... You play the City again.
... ... (You reshuffle.)
... ... You draw a Rabble and a Silver and get +2 actions.
You play a City.
... You draw a Rabble and a Silver and get +2 actions.
You play a Rabble.
... You draw a Quarry, a Throne Room, and an Estate.
... Tremayne draws and reveals a Copper, a City, and a Grand Market.
... Tremayne discards all of them.
You play a Throne Room.
... You play a Rabble.
... ... You draw a Copper, a City, and a Rabble.
... ... Tremayne draws and reveals a Copper, a Quarry, and a City.
... ... Tremayne discards all of them.
... You play the Rabble again.
... ... You draw a Province, a Workshop, and a Grand Market.
... ... (Tremayne reshuffles.)
... ... Tremayne draws and reveals a Copper, a Quarry, and a Rabble.
... ... Tremayne discards all of them.
You play a City.
... You draw 2 Cities and get +2 actions.
You play a Workshop.
... You gain a Quarry.
You play a Workshop.
... You gain a Quarry.
You play a City.
... You draw a Copper and a Rabble and get +2 actions.
You play a Rabble.
... You draw a Province, a Quarry, and an Estate.
... Tremayne draws and reveals a Province, a City, and a Gold.
... Tremayne discards a City and a Gold and puts the rest back.
You play a City.
... You draw 2 Coppers and get +2 actions.
You play a Rabble.
... You draw a Copper, a Quarry, and a City.
... Tremayne draws and reveals a Province, an Estate, and a Grand Market.
... Tremayne discards a Grand Market and puts the rest back.
You play a City.
... You draw a Copper and a Silver and get +2 actions.
You play a Grand Market.
... (You reshuffle.)
... You draw a Quarry and get +1 action, +1 buy, and +$2.
You play 7 Coppers, 4 Quarries, and 4 Silvers.
You buy a Province.
You buy a Province.
(You reshuffle.)
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