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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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picked up forbidden island and pandemic.
Was able to play the first one with my kids. Still need to get to playing pandemic. So far good stuff.


Super Sleuth
Sklorenz said:
Hey guys... I've been looking into some two player games for my fiance and myself to play together. Twilight Struggle looks like it could be pretty fun. Pandemic also sounded interesting (and it would be nice to have something to play when another friend or two are over). Does that game work well with two players? Additionally, are there any 2 - 4 player games that are just as fun with two as they are in a group? In my experience that hasn't usually been the case, but I'm just starting to gain a broader interest in board gaming.

I highly recommend Ticket to Ride, Dominion and San Juan as great games for a fiance two player game or group gaming.

My wife likes all three and it has been pretty easy to get at least one of them to the table at least twice a week.

I destroy her at Ticket to Ride but she still enjoys playing it. She destroys me at San Juan but it is still fun to play. Dominion we split pretty evenly and both really like it.


Ah, I'll definitely check out ticket to ride after reading about it in the OP. Just realized that Twilight Struggle is in the OP also, listed as very hard. Might skip that one for now.


Hail to the KING baby
BGG GAF PAX East wrap-up as we're driving back here:

-Played (and learned) Glen More & played Campaign Manager with Unison. Glen More was a nice Euro for sure. First time actually playing for both of us but some quite nice novel mechanics in there.

-Then neverfade joined us for a quick game of Founding Fathers. We totally misplayed this since again it was all of our first times but my impression is that Mathews pulled it off yet again -- creating another worthwhile twist on the Twilight Struggle mechanics. I think it would probably work better with 4 (or at least the social aspect of voting would be more fun) but I still liked it.

-Then neverfade & friends joined us for some Glory to Rome, which was also new to Unison and me. Good game. A lot going on for sure but I can see it being excellent once you get 5-10 plays under your belt.

-Split up the rejoined for an evening session of BSG with Unison, neverfade + friends, and my wife and me. Now I think a game of this type when you have three new people that is pretty tough (we were playing with some expansions too so my reading of the rules a month ago or something wasn't all that helpful in terms of getting a full sense of the game). But it was a good way to get a feel for the game. Highlight of the game was definitely neverfade's friend killing his other friend just because he didn't like his character late in the game even though he had shown no apparent signs of being a cylon and no discussion. Not being a BSG expert I think this brought our chances of victory from about 10% to .001%. But that's what social games are all about, those random memorable moments. So it was good times.

-After that Unison, my wife and I played a game of Stone Age, which is a perfect nightcap (unlike my suggestion of Arkham Horror).

I lugged around like 50 pounds of Arkham Horror and didn't even get to play it! Good times though; got a ton of gaming in for one day, and especially new gaming which is always great.

Awesome playing with you bros!


Yeah, it was nice meeting you all.

That BSG game was kinda crazy. I've never seen so many skills checks that were 13-22 jammed all at the beginning like that before. Glad you guys enjoyed it, its certainly one of the few games that I still have a blast playing even if I lose horribly, which is largely a factor in it being a favorite.

Sorry about the Arkham. Also pretty bummed I toted Mansions of Madness several hundred miles for nothing (to no one's fault) too. :)


I ended up snagging Mansions of Madness while at PAX. Within 15 minutes of getting there on Saturday I hit up FFG's booth and bought the two Space Hulk micro-expansions. I looked at MoM but they wanted $80 for it. No thanks (considering amazon lists it for $57). Most retailers were listing it for $80 except Cardhaus who had it for $59, so I grabbed a copy. A couple of friends and I tore it open, punched the boards, skimmed the rules and dug in. After 3.5 hours total the investigators won (I was the keeper). Reading the rules when I got home I realized I had missed tons of opportunities to mess with their heads. That's what happens when you try to learn on the fly.

Overall it was a hit. Can't wait to try it again now that I have a better grasp of the rules. The game is super simple mechanics-wise but of course because it's FFG you have all the niddly stuff you have to deal with.

I also played the Space Hulk card game for the first time with other players. It's pretty cool. Something to drag out once in a while.

Also played some Forbidden Island, and a few games of Race for the Galaxy--a game I adore but don't get enough chance to play.

PAX was definitely a hit again.


Sklorenz said:
Ah, I'll definitely check out ticket to ride after reading about it in the OP. Just realized that Twilight Struggle is in the OP also, listed as very hard. Might skip that one for now.
It's actually pretty straight-forward, but it's best to wait until you get a couple other games under your belt first.


BigNastyCurve said:
Pardon the newb question, but is "Catan HD" on the iPad the same thing as the Settlers of Catan?

Same game but, sadly, not the best video game implementation. That prize goes to Catan on XBLA.


Does anyone know of a website that actually has 7 Wonders in stock? I've been dying to buy it for weeks now and can't find it anywhere.

Also, suggestions for a 7-8 person party of mostly-casual board gamers? Right now I have Bang!, Catchphrase and Wits & Wagers picked out.


botkiller said:
Does anyone know of a website that actually has 7 Wonders in stock? I've been dying to buy it for weeks now and can't find it anywhere.

Also, suggestions for a 7-8 person party of mostly-casual board gamers? Right now I have Bang!, Catchphrase and Wits & Wagers picked out.
I think most websites are waiting for more stock.

As for 7-8 player suggestions, there's 7 Wonders and Citadels (up to 7), Red November (up to 8), and Saboteur, The Resistance, Slide 5, and Formula D (up to 10).
Since none of the Carcasonne games that I was involved in had started, I sent out an invite to a few more to most (all?) of you guys on my friends list. Just a heads up
Wow, why have my friends and I been playing dominion on BSW? isotropic.org is a hundred times better aside from the lack of animation in the UI.


XiaNaphryz said:
I think most websites are waiting for more stock.

As for 7-8 player suggestions, there's 7 Wonders and Citadels (up to 7), Red November (up to 8), and Saboteur, The Resistance, Slide 5, and Formula D (up to 10).
Thanks for the suggestions! Went ahead and grabbed Citadels and I'm going to hold out for 7 Wonders finally coming back in stock.
platypotamus said:
Since none of the Carcasonne games that I was involved in had started, I sent out an invite to a few more to most (all?) of you guys on my friends list. Just a heads up

On the iOS? I got an ipod recently so feel free to invite me (BomberMouse on gamecenter)


Yaboosh said:
I highly recommend Ticket to Ride, Dominion and San Juan as great games for a fiance two player game or group gaming.

My wife likes all three and it has been pretty easy to get at least one of them to the table at least twice a week.

I destroy her at Ticket to Ride but she still enjoys playing it. She destroys me at San Juan but it is still fun to play. Dominion we split pretty evenly and both really like it.

Thanks for the recommendations.


botkiller said:
Thanks for the suggestions! Went ahead and grabbed Citadels and I'm going to hold out for 7 Wonders finally coming back in stock.
The more I play 7 Wonders the more I'm kind of souring on it. Last game I had a neighbor try a new "no resource" strategy and it totally torpedoed any chance I had of being competitive. I couldn't build anything or finish my wonders.

This is the third or fourth time I've played and been totally hosed by my neighbors.

With that said, because it accommodates 7 and because it plays so quick, I won't mind if people want to play. But two games in a row is my limit and then I want to move on.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
On the last page I mentioned that the copy of Mansions of Madness CoolStuffInc sent me was badly damaged. Thankfully they were quick to send out a new copy, although when I opened the package today instead of being MoM, it was a copy of D&D: Wrath of Ashardalon :|


Screaming_Gremlin said:
On the last page I mentioned that the copy of Mansions of Madness CoolStuffInc sent me was badly damaged. Thankfully they were quick to send out a new copy, although when I opened the package today instead of being MoM, it was a copy of D&D: Wrath of Ashardalon :|
Yikes. Makes me glad I've never tried ordering from CSI. TH ships a lot faster to me anyway, even with the free shipping option.


XiaNaphryz said:
Yikes. Makes me glad I've never tried ordering from CSI. TH ships a lot faster to me anyway, even with the free shipping option.

Whaaa...? Sorry but that a dumb fucking generalization. CSI customer service is on point. This situation is an incredibly rare mishap. They'll make it right. Plus they're cheaper than TH.

TH is great and all, and if their shipping to your location is faster, then more power to you. But "I'm glad I've never tried ordering from CSI"? Gimme a break.


Neverfade said:
Whaaa...? Sorry but that a dumb fucking generalization. CSI customer service is on point. This situation is an incredibly rare mishap. They'll make it right. Plus they're cheaper than TH.

TH is great and all, and if their shipping to your location is faster, then more power to you. But "I'm glad I've never tried ordering from CSI"? Gimme a break.
Woo, got one!

I can see why Astrolad likes posting like this.

Was waiting to see if I can snag an overly-defensive CSI shopper


Hail to the KING baby
that is the thing about CSI they are definitely sloppy (to save money i guess) but their customer service is always solid. i will say they seem to be getting sloppier in their packaging (and I've done ~10 orders/year for the past three years or so so i think i have a decent basis for comparison) but as long as their customer service stays top notch i can probably live with where it's at now


Neverfade said:
Overly defensive? I was pointing out you being a dickhead. Troll or not.

Don't backpeddle.
If having a preference for zero issues as opposed to any issues is being a dickhead, trolling or not, I'll keep on with it. Having excellent customer service doesn't make it completely okay, considering TH has the same as well. And from what Astro is saying, rare mishap doesn't sound accurate either.

This is all a moot argument anyway because inevitably Amazon will start offering the same selection at lower prices down the road.


Hail to the KING baby


Neverfade said:
Stopped reading. You're full of it.
You're right, I'd have absolutely no clue about the shipping quality of orders I've and others I know have received from TH over the past 6+ years. For future consideration, I'll refrain from making comparisons with that baseline to other people's experiences elsewhere over some non-trivially-modicum amount of time which may or may not amount to some figure greater than naught.

Man you're testy.


And I can say the same of my CSI orders.

That doesn't mean that someone out there doesn't have an issue every now and again. That goes for TH, too. Thought the point would be pretty obvious...
I'm on a board game kick. It helps that I've been finding immaculate games at thrift stores lately. To date, I've gotten the following:

Carcassonne w/River Expansion included Brand New - $7.50
Citadels Like New - $2.99
Puerto Rico Like New - $4.99
Magic Hill Like New - $3.50

I haven't played Magic Hill yet but it looks like a blast. It amazes me the quality of games that are being made now. These games blow the shit out of me when compared to the so-called classics like Risk and Monopoly. After looking at the first post I'm thinking I might stick my hands in a copy of Arkham Horror now. Thanks for turning me on to these games GAF!


Hail to the KING baby
moop2000 said:
I haven't played Magic Hill yet but it looks like a blast. It amazes me the quality of games that are being made now. These games blow the shit out of me when compared to the so-called classics like Risk and Monopoly.
Hahah yeah I know. When my family was over for the holidays we talked about how messed up it was that none of these games were around when my brother and I were kids. Our family loved board games and I guess the proof of that is just how many games of Risk, Scrabble, and Trivial Pursuit we played. But if we even just had gateways like Carcassonne and Dominion back then . . . dear God.


For some reason I just found this gem of a thread. I love board games, though I never played anything beyond the classic ones and wanted something new (don't know if I should be counting Magic: The Gathering and DnD). Nevertheless I will look into the gateway ones soon. Great OP.


Hail to the KING baby
Neverfade said:
Anyone been reading up on this Mayday games Crokinole fiasco at the 'geek?

Pretty hilarious.

Hilinski for life.
Haven't had much of a chance to browse BGG recently -- link? I remember other drama involving Mayday though too.


Hail to the KING baby
Baha that is pretty horrible. I love that there are still people/shills trying to defend him even though this appears to be about the tenth time he has scammed people.

Which goes back to one of my key principles in life: Never trust card sleevers or card-sleeve dealers.


MichaelBD said:
The more I play 7 Wonders the more I'm kind of souring on it. Last game I had a neighbor try a new "no resource" strategy and it totally torpedoed any chance I had of being competitive. I couldn't build anything or finish my wonders.

This is the third or fourth time I've played and been totally hosed by my neighbors.

With that said, because it accommodates 7 and because it plays so quick, I won't mind if people want to play. But two games in a row is my limit and then I want to move on.

I'm that no resources guy. :p


Flynn said:
I'm that no resources guy. :p
Isn't it pretty easy to counter that once you spot someone going that route though? As they'll have to depend more heavily on chaining blue or science, you can start actively denying those cards from getting to the player.


XiaNaphryz said:
Isn't it pretty easy to counter that once you spot someone going that route though? As they'll have to depend more heavily on chaining blue or science, you can start actively denying those cards from getting to the player.

Yeah, that's exactly how my opponents play it -- but the first time always throws 'em off.


First tragedy, then farce.
TwiztidElf said:
Has anyone ever bought from funagain? Experiences?
I ordered a couple of games from them today.

They are very well respected. Their prices are a bit high so I've never used them but you should have no worries.


AstroLad said:
-Then neverfade joined us for a quick game of Founding Fathers. We totally misplayed this since again it was all of our first times but my impression is that Mathews pulled it off yet again -- creating another worthwhile twist on the Twilight Struggle mechanics. I think it would probably work better with 4 (or at least the social aspect of voting would be more fun) but I still liked it.

I got this to the table again last night with 5 players (4 of them playing for the first time). It was definitely more chaotic with more players, but the game seems to make more sense with the placement rules played correctly.

Again, there seemed to be an obvious learning curve in effect, even though the game is light. Early on, everyone but me gravitated toward ending the votes as quickly as possible. In later rounds, people started to realize that there were other ways to score points. I'm still not sure how effective you will be if you have no intention at all of gaining points via successfully passing articles in the vote, but I am starting to see other realistic routes to victory.

I still feel little of the tension here of the other Matthews games here. That isn't really a negative thing, as it makes the game more accessible, but it's easy to see why it's not quite as popular with the BGG crowd as those other card-driven games.


Flynn said:
Yeah, that's exactly how my opponents play it -- but the first time always throws 'em off.
And thrown I was.

But again, I know my group likes it and I don't think it's a bad game, it just wouldn't be my first choice.

Now, having had the chance to play a few games of Race for the Galaxy again, that's the game I'd go for as a warm up.
Unison said:
I got this to the table again last night with 5 players (4 of them playing for the first time). It was definitely more chaotic with more players, but the game seems to make more sense with the placement rules played correctly.

Again, there seemed to be an obvious learning curve in effect, even though the game is light. Early on, everyone but me gravitated toward ending the votes as quickly as possible. In later rounds, people started to realize that there were other ways to score points. I'm still not sure how effective you will be if you have no intention at all of gaining points via successfully passing articles in the vote, but I am starting to see other realistic routes to victory.

I still feel little of the tension here of the other Matthews games here. That isn't really a negative thing, as it makes the game more accessible, but it's easy to see why it's not quite as popular with the BGG crowd as those other card-driven games.
I was able to game the debate track enough in the early rounds that I was sitting pretty by end game with a ton of bonus points. What I did was try and get at least one of each debate token early on and see where the votes were going to sway and then focus on that faction. In our game two tokens was enough to be a leader in that particular faction.

Just an FYI, it looks like Founding Fathers is getting the Yucata treatment, can't wait.


Hail to the KING baby
Evlar said:
I've been entertaining myself all afternoon with that Crokinole thread.
This "moonglow" guy is such a fucking shill. I'd pipe up but it'd probably get the thread locked so I just have to bite my tongue. Has happened before on BGG -- their mods can be total pussies with little common sense. But thankfully the thread is still going.
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