Anyone here still using their home computer more than the iPad?
Not really, but it depends on what I'm doing. No 'truck' apps on iPad!
Use Aperture, safari, mail, iTunes on my computer. I love my desk, though. I research stuff much better on my computer.
It,s weird...I love both machines so much.
things I find my iPad BETTER at than my computer(a la Steve Jobs at iPad launch):
Web browsing news (news apps included), forums
Google maps
Showing people stuff
Internet around the house (couch, table, bed)
Reading books
Listening to podcasts via AirPlay
Things I like my computer for:
Interestingly, iMessage - I love IMessage, but typing is waaaaaaay better on a keyboard.
Similarly, I like email much better on my mac, mostly for the typing stuff ( I also use the iPad like interface)
Videos.... Mostly because I can't be bothered with the conversion and transfer to iPad.
Long, deep Internet requiring lots of tabs, and search field typing.
buying apps - I never buy apps on the iPad.... I always buy apps on computing and sync.
Stuff I like my iPhone for(note I have an ooooooold 3G):
Outside Internet