Is anyone else getting a weird bug like this in certain games? I've seen the line in a few games now, I think it might be related to folders.
I got that once playing Paper Monsters...
Is anyone else getting a weird bug like this in certain games? I've seen the line in a few games now, I think it might be related to folders.
Uh... well I'm actually married to my wife, and she's the one that expressed to me missing the weather and calendar widgets she has on her Android phone, so she can look at her schedule at a glance. As for the weather, I don't really get the point myself, but she seems to want it. And we both miss toggle widgets, to turn wifi and Bluetooth on/off without going into settings.You must not be married
I get that he's trying to be a nice husband and put some weather nonsense but she really doesn't want any of that. It's like buying DVDs for her birthday
Uh... well I'm actually married to my wife, and she's the one that expressed to me missing the weather and calendar widgets she has on her Android phone, so she can look at her schedule at a glance. As for the weather, I don't really get the point myself, but she seems to want it. And we both miss toggle widgets, to turn wifi and Bluetooth on/off without going into settings.
Not a big deal, and I'm sure they'll get there eventually.
What's up with all these hideous cases being posted? You people have awful, awful taste.
500px updated!TV Forecast updated for retina:
Speaking of retina updates, I only have a few left. One month after release, the only ones I'm still waiting for are:
Verbs, Google Translate, Dropbox, Deep Green, 500px, and ESPN ScoreCenter XL. That's 6 out of the 40 total apps I have. Verbs, 500px, and Deep Green devs have said they'll be updating soon though.
What's New in Version 1.4
This update is for iOS 5 only.
Retina Graphics: Updated for the new iPad
Download HD Photos: Tap the Download button on a full-sized photo that is for sale in our Market
Photo Location Support: See where geotagged photos were taken
Improved Navigation: You can now find your photos, your favorite photos, and friends' photos by tapping "You" in the sidebar
Improved Search: use tags or photo names to explore 500px
Improved NSFW filter
Does anyone know of any city/village management games for the iPad which don't look like arse and aren't overly cartoony? I've tried Camelot, city of wonder, trade nations, and city of warfare, but they aren't great.
On another note Ive gone through 3 cases so fr and haven't liked anything.
Hahaha I am glad I am not the only one. I keep buying new cases and frustrated with them in about a week before wanting to try another one. I really wish Apple just made one that protected the whole damn iPad like they did with the iPad 1.
After 1month+ of ownage, I can safely say this is pretty much the best device I've ever used.
On another note Ive gone through 3 cases so fr and haven't liked anything. I have my eye on this one, but seems tough to get from Canada:
Fantastic reviews and seems to be exactly what I want. I was going to get the new Pixelwrap HD but apparently the new version has a ton of issues and dissapointing reviews.
PS- Quick sketch I made with paper:
Hahaha I am glad I am not the only one. I keep buying new cases and frustrated with them in about a week before wanting to try another one. I really wish Apple just made one that protected the whole damn iPad like they did with the iPad 1.
Right now I am leaning towards making a go at this one (comes in a ton of colors):
Not for me. Can't stand cases that cover up the bezel. Make it look so much bulkier.
A few questions:
1. At this point could I walk into my local Apple store and expect to find an iPad available or are they still on backorder etc?
2. How many hours of HD video can you fit on a 16 vs 32gb iPad? I'm going on a vacation soon and would like to store up a movie or 2 in HD and maybe a few episodes of Breaking Bad.
Thanks in advance!
Is anyone having issues with wireless syncing to iTunes? Mines seems so erratic. Apple states it has to be plugged in to sync wireless. Mine is plugged and at 90% and nothing is showing up in iTunes. And I swear I remember being able to sync when it wasnt plugged in once.
will I find myself juggling programs and files?
After 1month+ of ownage, I can safely say this is pretty much the best device I've ever used.
On another note Ive gone through 3 cases so fr and haven't liked anything. I have my eye on this one, but seems tough to get from Canada:
Fantastic reviews and seems to be exactly what I want. I was going to get the new Pixelwrap HD but apparently the new version has a ton of issues and dissapointing reviews.
i have a feeling something may be wrong with the battery on my new ipad. i'll leave it to charge overnight while connected to its AC adapter, and after using it for 5 or so minutes of use (updating NYT app, making a turn in Draw Something, checking mail), the power will quickly drop to 95%. this never happened on my iPad 2.
should I try draining the battery and have it recalibrate itself before bringing this in to the genius bar?
Bump from last page
can you use your idevice in wifi discovery mode for stuff? kinda like how you can play with DSes even if they're not connected to the internet. thinking about games and messaging here
I got a 16 and haven't had issues and don't expect to have any. I only have a couple gigs of music, if I need my other songs I can stream with Google Music.Been trying to find an iPad 3 around my area. There's plenty of 16 gigs, but no 32 gigs. With cloud services lately, should I actually worry about size? Is 16 gigs plenty enough for everything or will I find myself juggling programs and files?
Well technically no, iOS devices don't have wi-fi direct. However you can create a WiFi hotspot with some carrier approved models and that would work for connecting two or more iOS devices without a separate access point. Developers are expected by Apple to use bluetooth for games, messaging and other such stuff though.Bump from last page
can you use your idevice in wifi discovery mode for stuff? kinda like how you can play with DSes even if they're not connected to the internet. thinking about games and messaging here
It's fine.Can I charge my iPhone with the iPad charger or will I destroy the iphone battery because the 10w output is too much?
A couple of large games and you're at the limit quite easily, 13.35gb fills up quickly.I have a 16gb iPad and I'm not even close to filling it. I have no idea what people need more space for unless they're loading it up with audio or video.
Andy Ihnatko - Apple's post-PC world
Greetings, fellow charter members of The Post-PC Generation! God, can you even remember what it was like back in the pre-Post-PC days? I came across a photo of myself from olden times and I was sitting in front of something with a screen and a keyboard and a mouse. I was wearing these ridiculous bellbottom dungarees and a Swatch watch and crazy-stupid-big sideburns. I couldn’t even believe it was me!
Yeah, I’m still kind of struggling with this whole concept, and Apple’s only made things worse in the two years since it introduced the iPad and gave us all a new buzzphrase. During the media event for the new iPad, Tim Cook referred to the iPhone and the iPod touch as “post-PC devices”.
I look at the iPhone to the right of my keyboard. I fail to recognise it as anything other than a phone. Didn’t phones predate computers by, like, a long stretch?
I remember seeing plenty of old movies in which Jimmy Stewart and William Powell are using telephones. I can’t remember a single one in which Myrna Loy or Fred Astaire try to Tweet anything.
Slow-roast revolution
Whatever we want to call it we’re definitely in some sort of slow-roast revolution. I can tell because over the past six months, I’ve let go of my last shreds of desire for an 11in MacBook Air.
You may recall the little passion play I went through last year. I had a review unit for a month or two and the first time I travelled with a full-featured MacBook in the magazine pocket of my smallest satchel instead of in a special bag filled with accessories, I fell deeply in lust. I might have pulled the trigger and bought one, if not for the fact that I’d upgraded my MacBook Pro just a few months earlier.
Two things have happened since then. First, iOS app developers have become much bolder. On Day One, they were writing apps that treated the iPad as a content consumption device. By the time the iPad 2 was released, they thought of it as a machine that could handle many functions of a ‘real’ computer, during those specific instances when it’s just not worth hauling around a full-sized notebook.
Today, more and more developers are confident that the iPad is indeed a real computer, and are expressing that confidence by making desktop-class iOS apps – with Apple leading the way, of course. The new iPad edition of iPhoto isn’t just competitive with the desktop version, the tactile nature of the iPad makes it superior to most of the available consumer-grade image editors for Mac OS and Windows.
The second thing was the arrival of the third-gen iPad. Dammit, this is a sweet display. I expected that the Big Win of the Retina display would be crisper text and sharper graphics. Naw. It turns out that the 2,048 x 1,536 screen opens up the iPad to new functions that it couldn’t really handle very well. VNC sits at the top of that list. VNC was a bit clumsy on the iPad 1 and 2. On the new iPad, it’s damned-near perfect. The iPad’s display exceeds the resolution of your MacBook back home, and the LTE mobile broadband dramatically reduces the range of situations under which you won’t have a decent internet connection.
No, I no longer wish I had an 11in Air. What I have here – a third-generation iPad and an Apple Wireless Keyboard – is better. I have better-than-good native iOS apps to handle almost all of my mobile needs. When only a desktop app will do, I have VNC, and/or the wonderful OnLive Desktop service that allows me to run Microsoft Office on a virtualised Windows 7 server.
My MacBook is still the go-to machine when speed and convenience are required. At 10 megabits per second or faster, VNC works well enough for live typing and editing, but, yeah, it’s not As Good As Being There. And in most hotels, you’re lucky if the in-room internet doesn’t require you to drop a phone handset into an acoustic coupler and then insert some coins.
(Side-notes to Apple: if you were serious when you said that the iPad is a serious computer, you need to beef up the iPad’s keyboard support. The arrow keys should map to screen up/screen down in every scrolling text; I should be able to rotate between running apps by hitting Cmd-Tab, as I can in Mac OS; Pages should let me apply boldface and italics via keyboard shortcuts, and it shouldn’t ‘help’ me extend selected text the way it does when I’m selecting via touch. Email me and we’ll discuss.)
All of this has got me wondering about the fate of ultrabook-class computers. The 11in Air offers a sub-optimal Mac OS experience. As much as I liked it, I always wished for a larger, more readable screen. In some circumstances, the presence of full-screen app modes in Lion were the machine’s saving grace. If I’ve noticed this shortcoming, you can bet Apple has, too. I bet that the 11in Air will be the first MacBook to get a Retina upgrade.
Still, it feels like we’re seeing something we almost never see: confusion in the Apple message. With iLife, iWork and hundreds of other desktop-grade apps available for the iPad, Apple is clearly saying that the iPad is a great choice for ultra-mobile computing.
One table away, however, it also has an ultra-mobile Mac that looks a lot like the iPad and isn’t all that much heavier. But it costs twice the price, it runs for three-quarters to half as long on battery, the screen is harder to read, and it only runs one class of apps.
I don’t see doom for the 11in MacBook. But I do think whatever Apple does to this Mac will tell us a lot about how the company wishes to define computing in general, and Mac OS specifically, for the next five years.
Great article from Andy Ihnatko (editor of all tech stories for Chicago Sun Times) about how iPad is at the point it can be your main computer:
im sorry but these stories just make me believe that macs are not good computers for work or play, because I can never see the iPad replacing my desktop or laptop PCs.
iPad is a good substitute but is far far away from filling all the functionality (especially multitasking) of a standard computer.
The only people that maybe can replace with an ipad is those that do not need multiple windows and multitasking functionality. Maybe journalists writing an article is among those?
im sorry but these stories just make me believe that macs are not good computers for work or play, because I can never see the iPad replacing my desktop or laptop PCs.
iPad is a good substitute but is far far away from filling all the functionality (especially multitasking) of a standard computer.
The only people that maybe can replace with an ipad is those that do not need multiple windows and multitasking functionality. Maybe journalists writing an article is among those?
The vast majority of computer users only use computers for browsing the internet, social networks, and light document creation. And that is basically it. There is a reason Tablets are going to be outselling the entire traditional PC market by 2016 based on all industry projections.
Great article from Andy Ihnatko (editor of all tech stories for Chicago Sun Times) about how iPad is at the point it can be your main computer:
Yeah, I don't see any casual user setting up VNC or navigating servers.. When only a desktop app will do, I have VNC, and/or the wonderful OnLive Desktop service that allows me to run Microsoft Office on a virtualised Windows 7 server.
im sorry but these stories just make me believe that macs are not good computers for work or play, because I can never see the iPad replacing my desktop or laptop PCs.
iPad is a good substitute but is far far away from filling all the functionality (especially multitasking) of a standard computer.
The only people that maybe can replace with an ipad is those that do not need multiple windows and multitasking functionality. Maybe journalists writing an article is among those?
Yeah, I don't see any casual user setting up VNC or navigating servers.
Thinking about making the plunge today. Last day of my internship so I figured I'd treat myself.
Silly question, so bare with me: I have an iPhone that I keep all my music on, so I have no plans on using my iPad for music.
When syncing, is it easy to keep the two "separate"? I don't want to keep "checking" or "unchecking" music selections every time I sync my iPhone or iPad. How does this process work?