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The new Mortal Kombat is actually pretty darn good!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Don't get me wrong, Deadly Alliance was a huge step up from MK4 (which is the red-headed stepchild of the series as far as I'm concerned) but I still felt that it was missing something. Ed Boon & co. said that they were pressured by Midway execs to finish that one quickly and to get it out in time for the holidays and it showed. It was still an okay fighter but you could tell that it just wasn't quite "komplete".

Deception fixes nearly all of Deadly Alliance's shortcomings. Where do I begin?

For starters, the cast. There was a huge cast shakeup in MKDA. A lot of old favorites (most notably Liu Kang) were cut from the roster and there were a large number of completely new characters. MKDA continues that tradition. A lot of the characters that were playable in MKDA aren't playable in MKD and they were replaced with some new characters as well as some old favorites that haven't been seen since MK3 (many of whom got complete makeovers). I've gotta hand it to the MK team... they really tried to keep things fresh with this one and its great. Because the cast differences between MKDA and MKD are so great, MKDA gets to keep some of its relevance and that's nice.

The fighting portion of the game is a lot more fleshed out. The death traps are great and now everyone has 2 fatals and a suicide (many of which are just nuts). The lack of fatalities in MKDA was perhaps my biggest complaint about that game so it was nice to see that rectified...though I'd still like at least 1 more fatal per character to make up for the lack of friendships, animalities, babalities, and brutalities (I'm not saying I want those back...just that I'd like there to be more finishers in general).

Next up, Konquest. Boy oh boy did this improve!!! Its like Grand Theft Auto meets Mortal Kombat. This is probably my favorite mode (maybe even edging out the actual fighting game itself!!). Its just so much fun running around the realms and unlocking items. You also learn a great deal about MK's backstory. Konquest also reveals the details for the plot behind Deception and it does so surprisingly well. The cameos from the old MKs are great. I just can't say enough good things about this mode. Like I said, it was a huge improvement. Now I can't wait to see what they do with it when MK7 is released on the next-gen systems.

Then theres Puzzle Kombat and Chess Kombat. These two modes aren't terribly exciting (Puzzle Kombat aint no Puzzle Fighter that's for sure) but they are still nice to have because they offer a nice diversion.

If all of the other games being released these days had as much content as this game I'd be a heck of a lot more inclined to part with my $50 (in my case it was $55 b/c I got the Kollector's Edition at BB) instead of waiting for the price to drop. This game really tries to give you your money's worth unlike 95% of the other stuff that gets released and again, I commend the team that worked on the game for doing so. They could have just taken MKDA, added some new backgrounds and a few more characters and released it but they did so much more.

My final analysis? This is the best MK since MKII and right now I'm tempted to say that it might just tie with MKII for the best game in the series. The only reason I won't say that its better than MKII is because, for its time, MKII was just lightyears ahead of everything else in terms of graphics and presentation and so forth and truthfully MKD isn't.

If you were ever a fan of any of the MK games you need to buy this one... and at full price too!


JC10001 said:
The new Mortal Kombat is actually pretty darn good!


For me to POOP ON!!!
Yeah people seem to either love it or hate it. Personally, I love it. Playing on LIVE really takes me back to the days when I used to be able to go to arcades for fighting game competition. The arcade here closed its doors earlier this year so its been a long time since I got some good competition going. MKD is just what the doctor ordered. The deathtraps and secrets and everything is just so damn cool. Its awesome to pull off some secret move or instant kill and hear the other guy say, "Oh damn! How'd you do that?" There's lots of "ooh" and "aahh" moments. And not a bit of lag either so far. That's really impressive.

I do enjoy Puzzle Kombat, but I'm not always in the mood for it. The chess on the other hand is kinda worthless cuz when your rook takes pawn, etc., you have to actually fight it out for the victory. A simple battle chess with animations would have been more tempting to play.

Konquest is cool, but could have been better. For me, the worst part was being FORCED to learn each character's moves. If you've hit X, Y, A, B, followed by down+X, down+Y, down+A, down+B, followed by up+X, up+Y, up+A, etc. etc. with one character, you don't need to do it again and again, and again. If they had cut the training out, it'd be a lot more enjoyable. The story to it is awesome and makes Shujinko one of my favorite characters now. Some more depth would have been cool, but whats there is still fun. I'd hardly call it "GTA meets MK" though.


I think the story to Konquest sucks. The main quest is ok and the twist ending is very good, but the "backstory" they've added with the other MK characters is just awful and completely nonsensical. None of it fits into the MK timeline. I could spend all day listing inconsistencies with it.

For example...

Raiden asks Shu for help in facing the Deadly Alliance. He agrees but soon after is sent to prison. When released, he is now an old man and Damashi says it's been decades. Yet nothing else has aged. It's still right around the time of MKDA. WTF?

It's like they wanted to include every MK character so John Vogel had to just make stuff up to fit it all in regardless of if it made any sense. One or two problems would be understanble, but it's so bad 90% of Konquest has to be taken as non-canon.

I'm also sick of them retconning what Shinnok's amulet does in every game. Pick a power and stick to it.


MarkRyan said:
You're not critical enough ;)

I know there are other things to complain about but he's right. You buy an MK for the fatalities. The fact that there were only 5 or so that were any good is a huge letdown. To date, MK:DA is the only MK I don't own because of that reason.


I despised Konquest, but I'll admit that it did help in teaching the gameplay.

I like the game. The fighting engine is somewhat flawed, but I don't care because the online component makes it a blast to play with friends. It's really really fun and the interactive stages make it better. Puzzle Kombat r0x hard too.

That said, I can't wait for DOA: U. It should be a fantastic experience online with 2 people battling it out and 6 more watching the match and trash talking. Talk about recreating the arcade experience.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Anyanka said:
I think the story to Konquest sucks. The main quest is ok and the twist ending is very good, but the "backstory" they've added with the other MK characters is just awful and completely nonsensical. None of it fits into the MK timeline. I could spend all day listing inconsistencies with it.
For example...
Raiden asks Shu for help in facing the Deadly Alliance. He agrees but soon after is sent to prison. When released, he is now an old man and Damashi says it's been decades. Yet nothing else has aged. It's still right around the time of MKDA. WTF?
It's like they wanted to include every MK character so John Vogel had to just make stuff up to fit it all in regardless of if it made any sense. One or two problems would be understanble, but it's so bad 90% of Konquest has to be taken as non-canon.
I'm also sick of them retconning what Shinnok's amulet does in every game. Pick a power and stick to it.

While the above is true, I managed to take it with a grain of salt. What really seemed messed up storywise, at least to me, was...

Liu Kang's story. In MKDA he was inside of Kano but in his bio for Deception he states that his soul was inside Shang Tsung and that he witnessed the Deadly Alliance win through Tsung's eyes. How was he in two places at once? And if Deception is correct does that mean Kano is still alive (hope so)? Hopefully Liu Kang, Kitana, etc will get their bodies back because as of right now they are dead but their corpses are being controlled by the Dragon King. I think it'll happen. Johnny Cage and a few others have come back afterall. And besides, I believe it was Vogel who said "no one in MK ever REALLY dies".


I think JC said it best when he mentioned the fatalities being his biggest complaint and hardly touched on the gameplay. That in itself simply backs what just about everyone else is saying. If you don't care about depth in the fighting engine, you'll like MKD. If you want depth, stay as far away from MKD as you can.

Without Puzzle, Chess, Konquest, and Online... this game wouldn't be getting even half the props it has. I think that's the real draw of the game, because complaining about the number of fatalities means nothing to someone who wants gameplay depth. They all get old after a week anyway.

MKD = Good for casual fighting game fans and MK fans (some, not all)
MKD =/= For fighting game fans who want depth in their fighter

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
DrDogg said:
I think JC said it best when he mentioned the fatalities being his biggest complaint and hardly touched on the gameplay. That in itself simply backs what just about everyone else is saying. If you don't care about depth in the fighting engine, you'll like MKD. If you want depth, stay as far away from MKD as you can.

Without Puzzle, Chess, Konquest, and Online... this game wouldn't be getting even have the props it has. I think that's the real draw of the game, because complaining about the number of fatalities means nothing to somehow who wants gameplay depth. They all get old after a week anyway.

MKD = Good for casual fighting game fans and MK fans (some, not all)
MKD =/= For fighting game fans who want depth in their fighter

Well I never claimed that MKD was a deep fighter because clearly it isn't. I'm someone who can enjoy a fighting game whether its deep or not. I've gotten plenty of mileage out of VF, SC, etc but sometimes you just want some simple fun and it that regard MKD does what it does exceedingly well.


JC10001 said:
Well I never claimed that MKD was a deep fighter because clearly it isn't. I'm someone who can enjoy a fighting game whether its deep or not. I've gotten plenty of mileage out of VF, SC, etc but sometimes you just want some simple fun and it that regard MKD does what it does exceedingly well.


Ranger X

The new Mortal Kombat is sure not Mortal Kombat 2 but it looks like it could be the best since Mortal Kombat 2 though...
While I do like the game/series a lot, I've gotta say their boss designs SUCK BALLS. I hope the team decides to create a boss for future games who:

A) Does not look incredibly lame. Moloch and now Onaga are just stupid looking bosses. They don't look very scary or creative. They look really generic, actually.

B) Aren't cheap as fuck. Fighting the last two bosses from the last two games just sucks the fun out of both titles. All the strategy you used to get to that point goes out the window as you just mash the quickest combo your character has to take advantage of the boss' slow speed, all the while hoping they don't just pick up your character and throw them for 33% damage each time. A few of those and you're done for. Oh boy.

C) Don't make obnoxious roaring noises. It'd be cool if they sounded SCARY, but they are more just annoying than anything else. Having to hear Onaga go "Rwoooaaaaawwaaarr" after each round is annoying to the point where I wanna mute the stereo.

If the team can take care of that for the next game, we'll be all set. :)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Uno Ill Nino said:
While I do like the game/series a lot, I've gotta say their boss designs SUCK BALLS. I hope the team decides to create a boss for future games who:

A) Does not look incredibly lame. Moloch and now Onaga are just stupid looking bosses. They don't look very scary or creative. They look really generic, actually.

B) Aren't cheap as fuck. Fighting the last two bosses from the last two games just sucks the fun out of both titles. All the strategy you used to get to that point goes out the window as you just mash the quickest combo your character has to take advantage of the boss' slow speed, all the while hoping they don't just pick up your character and throw them for 33% damage each time. A few of those and you're done for. Oh boy.

C) Don't make obnoxious roaring noises. It'd be cool if they sounded SCARY, but they are more just annoying than anything else. Having to hear Onaga go "Rwoooaaaaawwaaarr" after each round is annoying to the point where I wanna mute the stereo.

If the team can take care of that for the next game, we'll be all set. :)

I think most of your prayers will be answered in the next game. I think they will take one of two routes:

1. They will bring back Shao Kahn (this is the safer bet just becuase of fan demand).

2. They will make Raiden evil and he'll be the last boss. This is far less likely but I think its still a possibility because you can fight "Dark Raiden" in Konquest mode and if you read his bio it sounds like Raiden is really pissed of now. Something might happen at the end of MKD that could really make him snap and send him over the edge.
JC10001 said:
I think most of your prayers will be answered in the next game. I think they will take one of two routes:

1. They will bring back Shao Kahn (this is the safer bet just becuase of fan demand).

2. They will make Raiden evil and he'll be the last boss. This is far less likely but I think its still a possibility because you can fight "Dark Raiden" in Konquest mode and if you read his bio it sounds like Raiden is really pissed of now. Something might happen at the end of MKD that could really make him snap and send him over the edge.

Raiden's ending: Raiden kills Shujinko even though Shujinko killed the dragon king. Reason is: He was dumb enough to fall for the ruse of Onaga
I picked up the Kollectors Edition on release day and have been enjoying it ever since. It's a lot of fun to play the Chess and Puzzle against friends.

Unfortunately, it's not very "pick up and go" friendly. It takes some time and practice to actually get good with a character. Making things a bit rough to play arcade mode with a friend.

I think I'll end up pussying out and just downloading the save so I can use the other characters. I have way too many other games to work on, Burnout 3, ESPN NFL & NBA 2K5, Star wars Battlefront(must play online a lot!), and soon Smackdown vs. Raw & Halo 2.

Not a lt of time left to being wandering around Konquest adn the Krypt.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I just downloaded a save file and forgot about Konquest, although that means no Shinjuku as a playable character right now. This game is still a blast online, and since the online is such a big part of the game, it does kind of suck that you have to work to get all the secret krap unlocked.

You also get spoiled by the lag-free online play. It made playing GGXX #Reload almost impossible for me online, although I can stand SvC Chaos even with lag.
I don't mind having to work to get things unlocked... its that fact that once you have them unlocked you have to go through the Krypt to FIND what you unlocked and then open that coffin.

Kind of a pain in the ass if you dont write down what you unlocked.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
jecclr2003 said:
I don't mind having to work to get things unlocked... its that fact that once you have them unlocked you have to go through the Krypt to FIND what you unlocked and then open that coffin.

Kind of a pain in the ass if you dont write down what you unlocked.

Er...the letters on the koffins change from gold to grey after you unlock the item in that koffin slot.

evil ways

Uno Ill Nino said:
While I do like the game/series a lot, I've gotta say their boss designs SUCK BALLS. I hope the team decides to create a boss for future games who:

A) Does not look incredibly lame. Moloch and now Onaga are just stupid looking bosses. They don't look very scary or creative. They look really generic, actually.

B) Aren't cheap as fuck. Fighting the last two bosses from the last two games just sucks the fun out of both titles. All the strategy you used to get to that point goes out the window as you just mash the quickest combo your character has to take advantage of the boss' slow speed, all the while hoping they don't just pick up your character and throw them for 33% damage each time. A few of those and you're done for. Oh boy.

C) Don't make obnoxious roaring noises. It'd be cool if they sounded SCARY, but they are more just annoying than anything else. Having to hear Onaga go "Rwoooaaaaawwaaarr" after each round is annoying to the point where I wanna mute the stereo.

If the team can take care of that for the next game, we'll be all set. :)

Unless Boon & Co. are being a bunch of cockteases, the next game should feature the return of
Shao Kahn
so all will be well as long as they keep him big and buff but give him actual fighting styles and a bit of agility.


The Liu Kano ending, like every other ending, is a "what if" scenario. Not all endings come true. That goes for every ending in every game.

Bringing Kahn back would be lame. It's too early. They need to make death mean something in the MK universe. Nobody has taken his death seriously. He should be out for at least 3 games. He's also way over exposed. He was boss for 2 games in a row, and much more if you count upgrades. They're never going to top his invasion of Earth in MK 3, everything else just makes him look weaker and ruins his legacy. They need to come up with new villains instead of relying on him over and over.


Anyanka said:
The Liu Kano ending, like every other ending, is a "what if" scenario. Not all endings come true. That goes for every ending in every game.

Bringing Kahn back would be lame. It's too early. They need to make death mean something in the MK universe. Nobody has taken his death seriously. He should be out for at least 3 games. He's also way over exposed. He was boss for 2 games in a row, and much more if you count upgrades. They're never going to top his invasion of Earth in MK 3, everything else just makes him look weaker and ruins his legacy. They need to come up with new villains instead of relying on him over and over.

It has been 3 games. Deception is MK6.


Hey someone tell me all the Krypts with characters in them! I completed Konquest mode, and have NOT given it a second thought of going back in it.

Spoiler or PM.

My opinions on the extras_

Puzzle: Hey not bad, but pretty sloooooow.

Chess: Mucho better!

Haven't done online yet, but I am a total button masher to this so I am easily defeated. :(


Puzzle Kombat is digital crack! I just got done playing a someone in PK and that was the quickest hour I've seen go by! It is the PERFECT substitute for Super Puzzle Fighter II until that game gets an online release. I'm loving it way better than the regular game! And gasp...NO LAG!!

Puzzle Fighter fans...this IS our calling! See you online!
Lyte I know that.... in Konquest when you find something you still have to go to the Krypt and dig it up.

Like I said its a bitch if you dont remember where your item is you unlocked. As far as I know, outside of Konquest it doesn't keep track of items you have keys for.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
One thing really pisses me off: how they force you to use the analog stick in Konquest mode. I was all set to use my new Street Fighter (gasp) PS2 controller with this game but, since it has no analog stick, I would have to unplug and replug everytime I actually needed to fight. What a pain in the ass. It's not like the d-pad is used for anything in Konquest.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Bookerman said:
I'm so waiting for Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks....

a game set just before MK2?


How is that possible though? If you read the official MK2 comic book (you can unlock pages of it in MKDA) it says that MK2 happens almost immediately after MK1 ends. That doesn't exactly give much time for another story.... or is this another case of Boon changing the story again?
nnthomas said:
Hey someone tell me all the Krypts with characters in them! I completed Konquest mode, and have NOT given it a second thought of going back in it.

Spoiler or PM.

My opinions on the extras_

Puzzle: Hey not bad, but pretty sloooooow.

Chess: Mucho better!

Haven't done online yet, but I am a total button masher to this so I am easily defeated. :(

how to unlock stuff!!!!

Extra Costumes

Ashrah Found in a chest H-4 Netherrealm
Baraka Open Koffin SR with 2252 Gold Koins
Bo Rai Cho Open Koffin IB with 2086 Onyx Koins
Dairou D-8 Chaosrealm. 8 pm Beat Konquest first.
Darrius Found in a treasure chest in a house in F8 in Outworld.
Ermac Found in a treasure chest in A-8 in Netherrealm
Ermac Found in a chest A-8 Netherrealm
Havik Open Koffin CN with 1114 Onyx Koins
Hotaru Open Koffin QT with 1064 Ruby Koins
Jade Found in a chest G-4 Outworld
Kabal Found in a chest B-1 Chaosrealm (Fight Kabal)
Kenshi Found in a chest A-6 Earthrealm
Kira Open Koffin SG with 990 Sapphire Koins
Kobra Defeat Kobra on the beach in Earthrealm
Li Mei Defeat Li Mei around 11am at Blue town in Orderrealm
Liu Kang Found in area H-5 of Edenia at 12 PM the first day of every month.
Mileena Found in a treasure chest at point F-7 in earthrealm after 7pm behind a tent
Nightwolf Defeat Nightwolf near the castle walls in Netherrealm.
Noob - Smoke Open Koffin EJ with 1494 Platinum Koins
Raiden Found in a chest F-3 Edenia (Fight Raiden)
Scorpion Found in a treasure chest in the first city in Konquest
Shujinko Found in area F-1 in Edenia. Inside the double doors on the side of the palace, on a Tuesday at 3AM.
Sindel Found in a chest H-6 Outworld
Sub-Zero Found in a treasure chest in F-8 in Earthrealm at 7PM-9PM
Sub-Zero Found in a chest F-8 Earthrealm
Tanya Defeat Tanya near the Ice Cave in Outworld.
Contributed By: dasviolator, Menji76, ErraticSE, Rare Trick, McHazard24, MysticFog, Sony Entertainment

Unlockable Arenas

Beetle Lair Found in a treasure chest at point A-6 in Earthrealm after finishing Konquest
Courtyard Treasure chest in netherrealm (Area A-1)
Dead Pool Open Koffin JI with 2191 Ruby Koins
Dragon King In chaos realm at 4am on a Sunday check one of the huts at D-7.
Dragon Mountain Found in a treasure chest at point H-8 in Outworld
Golden Desert Treasure chest in neatherrealm (area E-2)
Kuatan Palace Found in a treasure chest at point A-4 in Orderrealm
Liu Kang's Tomb At the end of the bridge in earthrealm after fighting Jax (Area H-6)
Living Forest Open Koffin DS with 1694 Sapphire Koins
Nexus Treasure chest in choasrealm (Area A-4, 3am)
Portal Treasure chest in earthrealm (area G-5)
Quan Chi's Fortress Found in a treasure chest at point H-5 in Orderrealm
Shang Tsung's Courtyard Found in a treasure chest at point A-1 in Neatherrealm
Contributed By: dasviolator, NBA 500K1

Unlockable Characters

Havik Found in a treasure chest on map H-4 In Choasrealm in Konquest (check the houses)
Hotaru Found in a treasure chest at point H-1 in Orderealm after 4AM
Jade Open Koffin OI using 2,417 Jade Koins in Krypt
Kenshi Found in a treasure chest on map C-3 In Earthrealm in Konquest
Kira Found in a treasure chest at point H-2 in Earthrealm between 7-9pm
Li Mei Find her in a house in outworld (Area F-7)
Lui Kang Found in a treasure chest at point G-8 in Edenia at 12AM Friday Morning behind the tent
Noob - Smoke Open Koffin DM using 3,642 Onyx Koins in Krypt
Raiden Defeat Him at Point E-3 in Orderrealm After Finishing Konquest Mode
Shujinko Finish Konquest Mode
Sindel Found in a treasure chest at point D-1 in Netherrealm
Tanya Find Treasure Chest on map A-3 In Outworld
Contributed By: dasviolator, McHazard24

Unlockable Puzzle Fighters

Bo' Rai Cho Open Koffin ND - Key from Chest in Earthrealm at C6
Jade Open Koffin GO - 2,911 Ruby Coins
Kabal Open Koffin MI - 2,425 Platinum Coins
Kenshi Open Koffin TR - Key from Chest in Earthrealm at G4
Mileena Open Koffin GM - Key from Chest in Netherrealm at C6
Raiden Open Koffin PP - 3,604 Gold Coins
Contributed By: aux
good luck with darrius im thinking its a time window box like some of them because the only house it can be is that little hut right on the water edge near the mountainish rocks

but there is nothing in it.

edit: and IMO they really dropped the ball with conquest, i mean It coulda be sweet like had the game in 6 time frames (mk1-dec) and had story lead in and cutscenes for the various tournaments/storylines (hey it woulda had every character!) but im thinking ed boon is no kojima when it comes to cutscenes so maybe we were better off.

what I mean is all the shots we saw in attract mode over the years at the arcades (kahn yelling at tsung, kano chasing sonya through the portals, kahn invading earth etc) coulda been done real time and I woulda marked out (wrestling term).

oh well maybe next game *sobs*


JC10001 said:
How is that possible though? If you read the official MK2 comic book (you can unlock pages of it in MKDA) it says that MK2 happens almost immediately after MK1 ends. That doesn't exactly give much time for another story.... or is this another case of Boon changing the story again?

It's the MK1 comic that is unlockable in MKDA.

The comics have always been dubious in regards to MK canon. Like in the MK II comic Scorpion helps Sub-Zero before the game began, yet in the games he didn't realize it wasn't the original Sub-Zero until the actual tournament had begun.

Some time does pass before MK and MK II. Cage starts filming another movie. Liu Kang walks home and discovers his fellow monks dead. Jax searches for Sonya. It's not like years or anything, but there is time to do a side-quest. It all just depends on exactly what Liu and Kung are doing in this new game. It could be a prequel where Liu arrives at the temple, discovers it destroyed and then teams up with Kung to beat down the Tarkatan forces ending with them going through the portal to start up MK II.

Also, Ed Boon doesn't write the stories. In fact he knows like hardly anything about them at all. The recent stories have been written by John Vogel, who is much better than John Tobias.

evil ways

The Bookerman said:
I'm so waiting for Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks....

a game set just before MK2?


Actually the new Game Informer says Shaolin Monk's timeline is set between the end of MK1 until MK3, featuring characters, stages and events from those 3 games.

It also mentions different playable characters besides Liu Kang and Kung Lao, with 8-10 different fatalities, plus stage death traps and the fact that there are enemies based on the MKII flying monks and the bosses are MK characters like Ermac, Shang Tsung etc. It supposedly has different paths and branching storylines/events like Onimusha 2 where you might or might not meet certain characters along the way depending on what you do.

Sounds pretty awesome to me, here's hoping the gameplay is not total crap like MK Special Forces.


evil ways said:
Actually the new Game Informer says Shaolin Monk's timeline is set between the end of MK1 until MK3, featuring characters, stages and events from those 3 games.

It also mentions different playable characters besides Liu Kang and Kung Lao, with 8-10 different fatalities, plus stage death traps and the fact that there are enemies based on the MKII flying monks and the bosses are MK characters like Ermac, Shang Tsung etc. It supposedly has different paths and branching storylines/events like Onimusha 2 where you might or might not meet certain characters along the way depending on what you do.

Sounds pretty awesome to me, here's hoping the gameplay is not total crap like MK Special Forces.

WTF, when is this supposed to come out?
evil ways said:
Actually the new Game Informer says Shaolin Monk's timeline is set between the end of MK1 until MK3, featuring characters, stages and events from those 3 games.

It also mentions different playable characters besides Liu Kang and Kung Lao, with 8-10 different fatalities, plus stage death traps and the fact that there are enemies based on the MKII flying monks and the bosses are MK characters like Ermac, Shang Tsung etc. It supposedly has different paths and branching storylines/events like Onimusha 2 where you might or might not meet certain characters along the way depending on what you do.

Sounds pretty awesome to me, here's hoping the gameplay is not total crap like MK Special Forces.

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