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The NEW NeoGAF Tinychat: Mischief. Mayhem. Party Pig Dance Parties.

Moblin and I got bored after everyone left and decided to play with iSketch. We love you all <3

Too bad photobucket resized the picture, so much smaller now :(
Edit: also, this was done with the laptop touch pad thing. Wish I had a mouse, and my wacom tablet isn't working right.


Arsenic Yellow said:
Moblin and I got bored after everyone left and decided to play with iSketch. We love you all <3

Too bad photobucket resized the picture, so much smaller now :(
Edit: also, this was done with the laptop touch pad thing. Wish I had a mouse, and my wacom tablet isn't working right.

I have to find a way to stay up. Can't believe this is what I am missing from Season 3 of TinyGAF :(


Arsenic Yellow said:
Moblin and I got bored after everyone left and decided to play with iSketch. We love you all <3

Too bad photobucket resized the picture, so much smaller now :(
Edit: also, this was done with the laptop touch pad thing. Wish I had a mouse, and my wacom tablet isn't working right.

Aw i loveee it <3 Dat Late Late crew :)
To set the record straight and to make sure there are no mistranslations... no one is banned for good. I don't think it's right that people are talking behind each others backs but I need to realize that it's gonna happen and I, nor anyone else can police that.

I didn't handle it correctly when it was addressed the other night and Koodo, I apologize to you for that. I should've let you speak your peace and just moved on, I was being salty and very much cuntGAF. I also don't think Del should've taken the brunt of talking to the chat. I will swallow my pride and just move on.

I suppose if people want to leave and make a new room, I can't control that. I just want this stuff to end and tinychat to return to being laid back and fun. Splitting up the group isn't going to help the situation, I want to keep everyone together.



I'd like to say sorry to to everyone in the chat. I should have never blown up and expected people to stop what they do naturally. It was silly of me and embrassing.
I most certainly hope that we can put all of this aside and get back to our prime objective, which was having fun. Ive come to know a lot of GAFers thru TinyGAF that i normally wouldnt have met thru OT or on the gaming side. (too many personalities, too many inside jokes/references)

I'll continue to visit TinyGAF, 2 rooms or not...


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Flashback time!

So early morning on the 6th, this guy Cypher finds the room randomly. A few of the late-late night crew (CuntGAF minus several key members, if I recall correctly) are engaging in small talk when the discussion turns to body modification and tattoos. Turns out our new friend Cypher is really into that sort of thing, and before we go our separate ways he makes what I assume to be a half-joking promise to tattoo himself the following evening.

Well lo and behold, he actually shows up and starts doing it! But that's not the best part; look at what we were discussing as he inks himself live on camera in front of a bunch of strangers:

Nice chatting with you tonight gaf, lets make a rebound some time. Also, ArsenicYellow is quite a hottie. But you didnt hear that from me.


SecretMoblin said:
Try again in a few hours. Although the window of activity has been shrinking as of late. Lots of school, I suppose...

It's always fun when moblin is there though.


Attackthebase said:
That's the main reason why I'm not on much anymore.

School seems to have haltedf everyone. I think it wont get back active till we have a long break..in december.


i was gonna come kick it with you guys but can't get on tinychat. I get error 2046 when the flash tries to load, and google turned up nothing, any ideas?
Delio said:
School seems to have haltedf everyone. I think it wont get back active till we have a long break..in december.

That will probably be the case. I know I won't have much to do come December, and I'll be resting preparing for another semester of lots of work and fun.
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