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Fucking RawFenris on Tiny Chat tonight.

Fucker tried to lie about being a Paramedic, backpedaled and said he was an intern for two years even though it's not possible anywhere. The insurance issues alone would keep an intern away from an ambulance.

Didn't remember his badge number, house number, lieutenant or captain's last name, the difference between paramedic and medic, the difference between ALS and BLS, the amount of calls a year Ottawa EMS services have, what a code RED is, what firematic means, and then he lied about having a fiance even though all of his dating profiles are active and calls himself a bachelor. Adding to that, he said he saved two people's lives out of the thousands of calls he received each year of the two years he allegedly served and doesn't remember the names of the two children he saved.

Also he lied about his age like ten times. Initially said his age was 30, then 32, then 28. He's actually 28 and couldn't have joined one dating site he supposedly joined because it wasn't around when he said he joined.

I know what it's like to be a compulsive liar and I know it was humiliating for him to withstand all of those questions, but I just could not stand it any longer and went on a tirade against him. I'm really sorry if I annoyed the hell out of some of you. I thought it would be a useful lesson.
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