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The new trend seems to wait for weeks before buying a new release.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
It's more common and becoming standard for new games to release broken only to wait for patches weeks to months later to fix them. It just seems to pay off to wait awhile before purchasing new games because quality control is not priority for these money grubbing companies.


Gold Member
What do you mean?



It's a valid strategy, especially for single player games. Jedi: Fallen Order had issues when it first came out. I forgot about it for a few months then remembered "oh yeah, I did want this" and bought it on sale. I got a really good game and it had all its patches done. Same thing with the second Shadow of Mordor game. By the time I bought it they removed the pay to win stuff. Developers probably hate it. They don't forecast players buying their games months later.


It’s not new. It’s just become sensible now with so many games releasing in an unfinished state and $70 games making people understandably risk averse.

But I remember the 360/PS3 gen in particular being crazy for huge discounts within weeks. Constant B-tier ‘good but not worth $60’ games dropping to $20 and suddenly finding an audience.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Right? I don't think I have any 2023 games. I'm not even sure I have a 2022 game yet. I think after I beat Watch_Dogs 2, I'm gonna play Jedi: Fallen Order (-85% off recently), and usually I'm not playing games that recent. When I do play very recent games, it's probably because I got access through Family Share. Otherwise, I only buy games if they're like -80% off at least, and only if I plan to play it very soon. The backlog is immense, especially with the vast Family Share libraries.

Honestly, anything more recent than 2016 is basically brand fucking new to me.


Honestly unless it's something you're SUPER hyped about, waiting really pays off. Not just with improved performance, but price drops.
Absolutely, not only do you get the game in a better state, but often you will get it for less money.
This. I really want to play Jedi Survivor but given some performance issues and it's AUD$109 ($99 with GP discount) for the basic version I'll wait for a discount and some time for launch patches.


[Frequency illusion, also known as the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon or frequency bias, is a cognitive bias referring to the tendency to notice something more often after noticing it for the first time, leading to the belief that it has an increased frequency of (or new) occurrence. The illusion is a result of increased awareness of a phrase, idea, or object – for example, hearing a song more often or seeing red cars everywhere.]

Welcome to the club OP.
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I haven’t bought a new released game on launch since Cyberpunk. After I got fucked on the performance for that game I won’t buy any game at launch on any platform.


The nicest person on this forum
This year I bought most of my games day one and so far no major issues.

You think I'm gonna wait for games like TotK, FFXVI and Armored Core VI? Fuck no! I'm buying those games day fucking one.


I have such a big backlog by the time I get to games they've been out at least half a year. I find I like it this way.
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Try longer than weeks.

I'm still waiting to purchase the following PC releases from this year because they launched broken and by all accounts they are still broken:

  • Wo Long
  • Wild Hearts
  • Last of us part 1
Meanwhile I'm plugging a ton of time into indie and emulated games on my steam deck wondering why I even have a 4090.

Shits not cool man.


I buy Nintendo games at launch because I’m probably not going to get it cheaper than when using a voucher. Everything else waits for a sale. I’m waiting this winter to play Hogwart’s Legacy, but will be playing Tears of the Kingdom here in a few weeks!
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The problem is the hype train for those games is one week max and after that you're starting to see them for what they are, it's unlikely you will buy them (or in 2 years at a cheap price).
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Mr Hyde

I only buy a select few games at day 1, the games and franchises I know and love. In all other instances I almost always wait for complete editions, remasters or heavy discounts. If these devs and publishers are gonna fuck with me I'll happily fuck with them. There are so many games out there today that waiting on another one isn't an issue. I don't suffer from FOMO or need to be in the conversation about the hottest new kid on the block.
TotK was the last game I've preordered for years, and that's only due to Nintendo being one of the few devs left who's quality you can trust, and the $50 tickets.


Performance wise ToTK seems particularly atrocious so it doesn't stand out amongst the other games. On the contrary the difference is there probably won't be any update to fix the issues, Nintendo doesn't intend to give us a choice to wait or not.


I barely buy new releases at all. Waiting gives more stability and content at the same or a lower price. I've been outside of the main hype cycle for so long that I have years of games to choose from for under 10$ if I want something different.
I usually wait 2 weeks for Ubisoft releases so I can enjoy the 90% discount.
It makes no sense to me. If I was a publisher, I'd rarely mark my games down. All that does is teach people that a game will drop in price and be in a better state the longer they wait.

People complain about Nintendo rarely dropping prices, but they clearly understand how to maintain the value of their past, present and future games.

After seeing the first Mario + Rabbids game 90% off every other week for years, there is no way I could justify spending $60 on the sequel. Hell, even 40 or 50 percent off doesn't seem like enough yet.


It's like buying a a new Capcom game and not expecting a better version of the same thing a year later and cheaper.

People cried about Ultimate marvel vs capcom 3, I didn't.
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