The N64 Anthology book comes on WEDNESDAY!!! Woo!
Already got mine for more than a week now

I need you to post impressions.
The N64 Anthology book comes on WEDNESDAY!!! Woo!
I need you to post impressions.
Most of the cheap N64-to-PC adapters unfortunately do not support memory card backup from what I know... bah. I know USB N64 adapters that do that do exist, such as the Adaptoid from the early '00s, but good luck finding one of those things...
Thanks, that sounds okay I guess? Besides the pictures I mostly wondered about the text. Is it a good read? Great even? New ideas, insights on the console or its games, or already known facts and stories?Decent
Thanks, that sounds okay I guess? Besides the pictures I mostly wondered about the text. Is it a good read? Great even? New ideas, insights on the console or its games, or already known facts and stories?
It looks so darn pretty, I might bite anyway.
Just got my 64 RGB modded. I'll probably tackle some Blast Corps and Pilotwings as I never finished those back in the day. RGB doesn't look quite as good as I hoped but a definite improvement. I will probably try the HDMI mod in the future when it is more widely available.
Thanks for the detailed impression! Looks decent from skimming over it. Didn't know there was a french version (wouldn't have even known that the book existed if it wasn't for this thread). Guess I'll take whichever I find cheaper, ha. Have to work on my french anyway.I'd post pages but I don't think that complies with Neogaf's TOS given that it's still a newly released book.
EDIT: The publishing company has excerpts of the book here
To throw in my two cents, the text is a great job. They have put a lot of effort into making sure that it doesn't read like a translated project (for anyone that doesn't know, this was originally a french book). However, subtle translation bloops are present (like a sentence that makes sense but isn't commonly used in english and some uses of the exclamation mark) but it's super SUPER minor. The rest of the text (it's not just a game guide as you got developer interviews and forwards) is perfect, clear, informative and the presentation is just stellar. Images used are correct and nice looking. First thing friends tell me is that it looks and feels like a nice decent book.
got this for Christmas, lmao
got this for Christmas, lmao
I got that shirt from Target a couple months ago; people give me compliments all the time
everyone loves the N64
NOA did so well with the N64. It was Nintendo's downfall in Japan, but actually I think increased over the SNES in revenue in the US. It was huge in Australia too, the console was a multiplayer revolution, it was huge at my uni.The US was the one place that loved the N64 curiously. Also supported by the fact that it had huge Western dev support. Something that sounds ridiculous today for a Nintendo console.
NOA did so well with the N64. It was Nintendo's downfall in Japan, but actually I think increased over the SNES in revenue in the US. It was huge in Australia too, the console was a multiplayer revolution, it was huge at my uni.
For $4 billion in losses, all the Xbox achieved market-wise was taking half the N64 userbase. The PS1 rolled straight into the PS2. The N64 market was sliced in half between the Gamecube (Nintendo fans) and Xbox (FPS fans).
After Rare fell apart they should have funded Free Radical or someone. Or moneyhatted the bond games. Or given the Gamecube a bit more juice and RAM, it could easily have been the clear most powerful console if it was the same price as the others.
It had the best in-game polygon performance of the generation (with bump mapping, at 60FPS too, in Rogue Squadron III) as it was. I think with 30% more juice it would have had the best version of multiplats, which would be a decent selling point. Such an amazing efficient console design.never thought of them buying Free Radical, but if the GC had even more power, what do you think that would've done for it? sucks that the PS2 was gonna eat everyone's lunch anyway & nintendo took from that gen what they did, but here we are
I never once thought a lack of power was an issue of the GCN. I think the lack of DVD playback and the fact that it was perceived as a "toy" by teenagers is what prevented it from selling better.
Not actually suggesting that should have been a goal, but it was so well designed (specifically as the antithesis of the bottlenecked N64) they ended up with the top performing console in polygons despite it being half the price of the others for most of its life. It could easily have had some extra juice, and those 'toy' complainers would have shut right up if it was clearly the most powerful, instead of looking worse than it was in many cases because it got bad PS2 ports.I never once thought a lack of power was an issue of the GCN. I think the lack of DVD playback and the fact that it was perceived as a "toy" by teenagers is what prevented it from selling better.
I never got the complaints about the Z button, it was basically a select button. The controller did make certain PS2 ports a bit funny. But online was overblown, ivory tower media company reviewers took a dump on it for that (which was an issue), but surely only a tiny percent of PS2 owners were online that generation, it really just wasn't a thing yet for most of the market. It was like gamespot/IGN complaining about games not having widescreen, surround sound and progressive scan that generation, making that more important than the actual game itself in many cases, when 99.9% of players were connecting via composite to an older CRT, just elitist nonsense.yup, power was a complete non issue. it was the mini DVDs, controls unsuitable for painless multiplatform conversions (missing button, Z-button clusterfuck) and the lack of good online play options.
I never got the complaints about the Z button, it was basically a select button.
Did games really need all those buttons? Yeah I guess they built out on what the PS2 had.problem was more that there was just one of them, meaning multiplats that used both triggers (and stick clicks) were fucked on GCN.
Did games really need all those buttons? Yeah I guess they built out on what the PS2 had.
It's funny how controllers now actually have less input options than the PS2 controller (which had analogue on every button) because Sony just threw every idea a competitor came up with on their pads in as many places as possible.
one example I can think of is that Freedom Fighters and I think some Tom Clancy games were hampered by this. Those types of games.
Yeah I think I rather get that for PS2(and I own it on Gamecube).SSX Tricky as well.
snow day feels
Everdrive 64 arrived yesterday! Already have a Mega Everdrive, loving both so far!
snow day feels
I like the box it comes in. Never seen anyone post that before and just assumed it would be in some media mail thing. Maybe next blackfriday I'll finally get the ones I want.
Best thing to own ever for the N64, I love mine, hope you love yours.Everdrive 64 arrived yesterday! Already have a Mega Everdrive, loving both so far!
The Mega Everdrive is sexier packaged though, it arrived in a mini Mega Drive/Genesis clam shell:
Both items are bought directly from Krikkz btw!
Everdrive 64 arrived yesterday! Already have a Mega Everdrive, loving both so far!
I can only assume I am in the minority, but I really do appreciate the native internal resolution of the n64, and I do not like the often odd looking and very era-inappropriate 1080p renders of old n64 games.
Try4ce mentioned that the UltraHDMI was using something called deconvolution to sharpen up the blurry mess that can happen when looking at the n64 under a modern screen. Do emulators support deconvolution?
Also Try4ce briefly mentioned that some people even prefer "pixelated textures", then showed a clip of Zelda appearing clear, but it was only shown briefly so I couldn't get my head around what was going on. He mentioned this was only available through emulation. What was this technique? Internal resolution increase?
Hello everyone.
I've got a question as I'm not too sure of my options. Basically, I found my N64 in storage but I am still looking for the grey controller that it came with (I at least have the translucent purple).
What I'm wondering is in the event that my grey N64 controller is too worn out, are there decent third party options? I've heard of Cirka controllers being sold in my local places, but I'm not too sure if it's good quality. I know Horii sold those valuable controllers, but I'm mainly just looking for something serviceable for party games.
Maybe this is not the right thread to ask about this sort of thing, but does anyone here have any experience with the Raphnet N64 to Gamecube/Wii adapter cable?
I saw some talk earlier in the thread about the Gamecube to N64 adapter, but I haven't seen any mention of the reverse. I'm itching to replay Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask with the original controller, but with the better image quality of the Gamecube and Virtual Console ports. My main concern is making sure the analog stick feels right because aiming in those ports with the Gamecube controller feels really twitchy and difficult.