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The Official GAF Pen and Paper RPG Thread of Rolling Nothing But 20s!


D&D Insider now has a character builder. Can't save 'em yet, that I can tell. Course, it's also free. Also, I couldn't tell much without actually finishing a character! :)

Edit: lol, no the builder's still coming soon. This is just an applet to help you do point buy for your stats. The only other good thing it does is that it also lets you apply your bonus points if you start at higher levels. Meh.


I might tackle something in my free time (I do have a lot of it heh) so we have something to use. Maybe with our usage I could polish it up and make it public or something.


Well, here's what I figure on dying.

Any Healing keyword powers being done to you brings you to 0 and then some. Of course, most healing uses the recipient's surges as well, except for the Paladin's Lay on Hands, but yadda yadda.

Stabilizing by means of someone else using the heal skill on you just stops your hp where it is, and you no longer have to make saves until you take more damage from something.

If you fail 3 saves while attempting to stabilize, you die. Remember, failing a save is anything from 1-9. If you make your save 10-19, nothing happens. If you roll a 20 (or more with bonuses), you spend a surge and you get to go to 0 hp. The fails don't have to be concurrent by the way, so 3 total fails over multiple rounds mean you're dead.

Also, if you have no more Healing Surges left, you can't do the whole roll above 20 to survive thing, so you better have some help nearby. :lol

If you fall below your negative shock value, you die.

Coup de grace is now just an automatic crit of any attack made on a helpless adjacent opponent.

I like this system by the way. :D

* * *

Other random pointers: Spook, don't forget to use your character's Second Wind as a minor action thanks to your Dwarven racial. Also, your son could have used Elven Accuracy on one of his Ranger's many misses to turn it into a hit, don't forget about that.

All in all, I like the way things played out, and next combat will be faster. I figure I don't have to memorize all the powers (because that would be impossible as a practical matter anyway), but I could work on being familiar with the powers you've all picked. The main thing I want to review again and again is the Combat rules, and then, to some extent, the Skills rules, and the DMG's content.


Bump for fairly imminent gamage.

Suggestions, while we're retooling...

Gromm - Spook, where's your 8? Those 2 points ain't doing you any good on Int - you'll never use them for anything for any reason. Just sayin'.

Also, don't forget to mark your enemies when you hit them, and don't forget to add your Dwarven Weapon Training to damage when you hit. Once you've marked them, you get a free attack if they attack someone other than you, and they take a -2 to attack anyone that isn't you.

* * *

Keth's stats look good, I guess. He doesn't have any armor, though? He really should pick some up.

Leather provides +2 with no penalty. Hide provides +3 with a -1 Armor Check Penalty.

Also, Keth's hitpoints are too low. 12 base + 11 from his Con +5 from Toughness for picking the two weapon fighting style.

Lastly, he took Elven Precision as a feat, which means he gets a +2 when he uses his Encounter Power Elven Accuracy, an immediate action that lets him reroll a missed attack. Be sure to use that!

Rikdak - looks good. Highly specialized, but good. Just to make sure, but you do know that you get EITHER your Dex or your Int to both AC and Reflex. I mean, the +4 on the Wand once per encounter is nice. And you get a +4 to Initiative and skills like Stealth. But a 16 is expensive, point buy wise.

Chap's Paladin - don't have a sheet. Recommend redoing sheet, keep Int at 8, take points somewhere out of Str, Con, and Dex, get Wisdom mod up to 14. Keep Cha super high, only pick powers that are Cha vs. AC or Cha vs. Reflex or whatever - I think you already did this. Still don't quite get the long-term goal, but I think this suggestion could only help.

Kaze's character, work in progress.


thx for the tips. I will look at these thigns before we play. We still on for tommorow?

EDIT: Oh Oh he is banned. That might complicate things


chapel said:
How did he get banned? Im up for tomorrow.
Something going on the in the poligaf thread I think... If we cannot talk to JD somehow I am not sure how we could play though

Edit: I got in contact with him. We can still play at 1.00 ET\

Chap. Can you host ventrillo again? If yes just PM me the info.


Update: The wife and I will definitely be available next Sunday, possibly for a slightly longer session. Her character is an Inspiring build Human Warlord, with all the temporary hitpoint party buffs that implies. A Cleric might be slightly more optimal for healing, but not neccessary if we have a future Hospitalier in the party.

Still no final decision on how to handle Emoran's situation, but just to review:

Chapel had not used his second wind. There is a DC 10 Heal check to make a character use their second wind. I am not certain if you can make an unconscious character use their second wind. I don't think so, but I'm looking into it. If possible then that is what will happen, all is well. Only one place to go for that answer, and I'm going.

Also, I don't remember, but when Gromm and Ricdak used their Heal skill on Emoran, if one had been trying to cooperate with the other, would the lower of the two have made a DC 10, and thus given a +2 bonus to the other, allowing them to make the DC 15 neccessary to stabilize? If I recall the rolls, the answer is no. Still, a possibility, maybe.

My gut instinct on this one is that the system is not super particularly lethal, but there is a wide x-factor involved in just how quickly you could theoretically die if you roll poorly. And things went about as badly as possible for Emoran, getting critted in the ambush, getting surrounded by dragon shields. Still, that's the luck of the dice, and luck wasn't much with him, so maybe that's all she wrote.

My other concern is that this module is possibly just too hard without having a Leader class since they're able to heal their buddies at range, and no Rogue or Warlock also means a slightly lower damage output. The current plan is to have Lord Padraig have sent someone from his guards to come assist.

Theoretically, she could come along and drop a heal on Emoran just before he croaks. If that sort of deus ex machina seems too heavy handed to some of you, that's because it is, and I'd agree. It might also be fair since she only wasn't there because she was sick. I'm not sure. D&D without the fear of character death and consequences isn't really much of a game anymore, just a time-filler. Honestly, Chapel, what do you think, since this mainly affects you?

Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

* * *

Edit: Wizards' Customer Service confirms that you can make an unconscious player use their Second Wind with the heal skill.

One of you DID make a 10 right?

I think you're in the clear Chap, though that's a close call, huh?


Also, we are running Keep on the Shadowfell, and before you get to the titular keep, I'd recommend someone pick up Thievery as a skill. I'm reading over the rest of the module so I know what's coming and can hopefully get combat and everything else going a bit faster.

Why? Doors and treasure chests and traps. Maybe you won't need to steal things, but I'm pretty sure you'll want to unlock and disable things. Rogues are the only ones with training in this skill, everyone else has to take a feat.

Skill Training lets anyone pick up training in any skill. However, the Multiclass Feat Sneak of Shadows gives someone Thievery training plus the ability to use Sneak Attack once per encounter.

For someone with high Dex, it could be nice to ambush someone for W + Dex + 2d6 damage with a throwing knife.


Sounds good. How much exp are we getting? Enough to level up?

What about sunday, what time do we want to play?


chapel said:
How much exp are we getting? Enough to level up?

:lol Not even close: 275 is the total, and it's 1000 to level. These battles may have seemed difficult, but they're just kobolds.

However, you might get there by the end of next session. Three combats and some quest xp before the Keep, if you do all the side quests. That'll get you to 1000 and change.

What about sunday, what time do we want to play?

My parents will be in town this weekend but they should be leaving ~11 am CST.

I want to play at about noon, 1200 CST, and hopefully we can just plow through some combat encounters. They'll be tough, but I think you guys are getting the hang of things by now and your fifth will be there.

There is a general store in town and a blacksmith, so when you get some more gold, don't forget to buy nicer items and some more basic gear for variety - get a 2 handed weapon / reach weapon, get a long range weapon like a bow or crossbow, get a shield and a one hander if applicable, etc.

Obviously, if you're a Wizard, just get a dagger and otherwise shoot magic missile, but most of you aren't - of course, if you're a Wizard, there is a large tower in town with a quiet, scholarly gentleman who's always got his nose in his books, he might just maybe have some things for sale.

Speaking of Ricdak, did he already make a pick for Eladrin Education? I can't tell. That could solve your Thievery deficit.


Damn. Hey guys due to our friendly storm hanna my schedule for thi sweekend has gott mixed up and I cannot play sunday now :(
Is it to late to move it to saturday? or sunday 16.00 ?


As long as its not too early this morning it shouldnt be a problem. My brother has to go into work this morning at 5am, ie in an hour. He should only be in for a few hours. So after that we could play definitely. Late sunday shouldnt be an issue but of course Id have to talk to my bro. He loves to play so hes up for whenever usually.


chapel said:
As long as its not too early this morning it shouldnt be a problem. My brother has to go into work this morning at 5am, ie in an hour. He should only be in for a few hours. So after that we could play definitely. Late sunday shouldnt be an issue but of course Id have to talk to my bro. He loves to play so hes up for whenever usually.

Well, it can't be any earlier than now. :) Good morning.


0404 when you made that post, he's there at 0500, he's there for "a few hours," we usually play at 1000 (1200 for me). Could work out, definitely. Also, if you do vent a little early I could confirm that my wife's computer settings / headphones work.

I'll start drawing maps, as well.


Just wanted to say great game, y'all.

Also, xp and gold. IIRC, you specifically said you weren't interested in the spears and armor and swords of the first set of kobolds, so loot will only be the coin. All mundane items are sold for 1/5th their value, if you can find an interested merchant: Thair Coalstriker already said he was interested in getting some more scrap metal because he hasn't been getting enough shipments in thanks to all the attacks along the road. With Irontooth gone, now'd be a good time to capitalize on that.

I'll take the liberty of allowing you to scoop up all the (mostly) metal items the blacksmith might have been interested in and auto-sell them.

Encounter 1: Kobold Brigands (475 XP / 4 = 118 xp each)
Coins: 34 sp (3.4 gp)

Wrafton's Inn
Common meal (2 sp) x 4
Pitcher of ale (2 sp)
Typical room (5 sp) x 2
Total spent: 2 gp
Net treasure: 1.4 gp

Encounter 2: Kobold Ambush (625 XP / 4 = 157 xp each)
Coins: 5 gp, 23 sp (7.3 gp)
Obsidian dragon necklace (80 gp)
Short sword x3 (10 gp) Sold! 6 gp
Scale Armor x3 (45 gp) Sold! 27 gp
Net treasure: 121.7 gp

Encounter 3: Kobold Lair, Outside (575 / 5 = 125 XP each)
Coins: 4 gp, 17 sp (5.7 gp)
2 Gluepots (special)
Short sword (10 gp) Sold! 2 gp
Scale Armor (45 gp) Sold! 9 gp
Net treasure: 138.4 gp

Encounter 4: Kobold Lair, Inside (1250 / 5 = 250 xp each)
Coins: 432 gp, 48 sp (436.8 gp)
Short sword x2 (10 gp) Sold! 4 gp
Scale Armor x2 (45 gp) Sold! 18 gp
Battleaxe x2 (15 gp) Sold! 6 gp
Chainmail (40 gp) Sold! 8 gp
+1 Dwarven Chainmail (520 gp - found on PHB, p229) Unclaimed.

Note: the worth of a magic item, whether selling, or disenchanting into residuum) is 1/5th its market price to purchase. Consider that when dividing shares of treasure. The chainmail would be worth 104 gold if you sold it.

Item stats: +7 AC, -1 Speed, -1 Armor Check, +1 Endurance; Item Power: Daily - regain hp as if you had spent a Healing Surge.

Reward from Lord Padraig: 100 gp

Net XP: 650 xp
Net treasure: 815.2 gp
4 parcels of 163 gold, 4 copper.
1 parcel of 59 gold, 4 copper and +1 Dwarven Chain.


Also, pick your 2nd level feats and utility powers and figure out what your stats'll look like at L2 now; help save some time the next time we play.

I've got the maps ready for at least the next session, so just let me know when we're good to game again.


How is everyone? Spook any update on when you're available?

Wanted to thank JayDub for DMing us all this time and Spook before, it has been really fun and I hope we can continue on indefinitely.


chapel said:
How is everyone? Spook any update on when you're available?

Wanted to thank JayDub for DMing us all this time and Spook before, it has been really fun and I hope we can continue on indefinitely.

I'm good, totally. I'm trying to design some 4th stuff for my first 4th ed oneshot adventure in the uber generic Points of Light setting (DM is expected to make the world; I'm trying to introduce 4th to my Eberron group, without using Keep on the Shadowfell).

Whether it goes well or falls gloriously on its face, I'll be posting about it. :lol

Should be a whole mess of orcs, maybe some goblins, maybe some undead, some traps, then a dragon. Should also be extremely superficial on the plot / roleplay aspect because that is, of course, a timesink (one that I adore); so I'll be trying to throw in some quest xp / skill challenges to help avoid combat and move things along... if possible.


How did it go Jay, did you run it yet?

Have you heard from spook? Are we playing this weekend? Im dying to play and so is my brother.


Oh hey.

It went kind of meh.

I should learn my lesson by now and not try to shoehorn players into things. Wait, no some players like being shoehorned. So.

Well, I had a lot of plot ideas that didn't mesh out with the background one character wanted, so I had to dump a lot of plot and just go bare bones + action. But also, 2/4 players hadn't finished their character sheets. We were 30 min late, and then it took until Game time +3 H to get the character sheets done. Then we had a meal in the middle of that. So really, we had two back to back fights with no reason or explanation, roleplaying, or investigation.

Just as well, maybe. I made the whole scenario up on the quick, so it was just a heavy riff on classic fantasy tropes from sources like Wheel of Time / Hobbit & LotR.

The town is set up to be kind of like Rohan or Hrothgar's great hall in Beowulf, and orcs are raiding the town (trying to); the town's primary guardian was a powerful old wizard, but he's been murdered by his apprentice and orcs are pouring in through the portal in the Mage's Guild (with no small number outside trying to break down the gates and sack the town).

The plot element that had to get dropped was due to my game's Wizard not wanting to be an apprentice from this town and not wanting to be part of the guild (he's a multi-class rogue, and he wanted a mysterious past that he's on the run from); the apprentice that murdered the guildmaster was going to be a Doppleganger who took his character's form, setting up a skill challenge in the form of a trial / investigation.

The orcs are dressed like a local clan the villagers have made peace with, but they're actually from a mountain range far away. The idea was that the heroes would deal with the assault, shut down the portal, go investigate the local orc tribe, hopefully use diplomacy and insight to determine their innocence, possibly recruit their warchief to join them, then go through hostile territory to reach the lair of this orc tribe and kill its real leader (a Young Red Dragon). I figured that was enough material, and a simple enough plot, for a 6 hour one shot. The "Hobbit" part was that I was going to use some old Dwarven ruins as a lair, and include a hidden entrance into the dragon's lair (though really, it was the most practical way I could think of to skip through what would logically have to be a huge orc fortress in order to get to the boss and call it a night).

Now, as for this weekend... I'm not sure. I would love to do it, but I need to know what we're doing over here.

We're supposed to be playing my Eberron "Zombiegeddon" game today (kind of a misnomer now, as they fought off and destroyed the plague, and now the only ones carrying the plague, albeit in a latent form, are in the party). If one of our guys doesn't show up, we'll probably finish (continue?) my 4th Ed "Warcraft" campaign, but on Sunday, possibly freeing up today.

Spook e-mailed me last week and I e-mailed him back but he hasn't responded. I'll PM you his address and maybe we can work something out. Hang tight. Sorry I don't have anything more conclusive to tell you, but the situation is kind of in flux re: gaming this weekend since most of my group prefers playing on Sunday but one guy can't.


Yay my ban was shortened

I am kinda busy still :( lets plan it in for next week now k?
good to be back though ...yay


Got your PM Jay, but since spook posted in here about waiting till next weekend I felt it was obvious that we couldn't play.


guys , just a hads up Saturday looks to become filled up with family tasks .. and I am not sure when that day I will be ready to play. Another weekend bites the dust for em , you guys should just play really.. JayD if you want my charstats to have some chopping power with the grp I can get it to you.


No, I won't be able to play either, and I'm canceling my regular game as well.

I've been sick for three days now, and I'm swamped with homework. If I'd been up to doing it Wednesday, I'd be fine, but I felt awful and got done what I could yesterday, which was almost nothing.

As is, I'm swamped.


I hope youre feeling better Jay. Sucks being sick.

Any news for this weekend? My brother has been longing for some action. He has been talking about wanting his guy to die so he can re roll one almost the same but as a wizard thief or what ever. I told him he should be able to just switch out a feat at lvl 2 to multiclass to thief.


I am out.. sorry stupid cold :( ( sick and no voice) And due to it being really busy at work atm I cannot just stay home and sick it out. Why TF am I so doomed in my quest do play some D f-in D?

Surely there will come a time ?

HAppy halloween though


Gentlemen? Is it time to renew this here campaign?

I made those maps well over a month ago, I think, and I was very thorough. :lol It'd be a shame if they went to waste.


Well Im all for a session. Though I am working saturdays now 7-3pm pst. But Im up for anything after that or sunday with notice. Of course weekends are super busy at our house because people come over and we are ramping up for winter.


I am good for a session this weekend, but maybe because we are all so damn busy we shoudl agree on not juts a starting tiem but also an endign tiem ( a 3 or 4 hour window??) and secondly be ready to go at the proposed starting, I love playing with you guys but damn if RL isn;t kicking my ass.


:( duuude. I'd love to but we really have to try to plan this ahead of things.
Saturdays work best for me except when as now I check late. Only one more week of work left for me ( I think) b-4 the end of the year.. so who know what we can do!1


Hey gang. I've been reading up on the cosmology of D&D 4th and I think I finally get it.

Here's a nice primer!



Wow that really makes no sense at all.

I was wondering Jay, if spook is not gonna be around due to traveling or being too busy, maybe we can start something different with another person in the time being. My brother is always willing to play and as well as I am. Of course having a few days to a week ahead to plan is always nice.

Not trying to exclude you at all Spook, you've just been busy since our last session.

Jay, have you looked at the dnd insider stuff and the 3d thing? Is it out yet?


Yeah, I've been wanting to give this another (last?) try sometime soon. Problem is since we're not on a set schedule to meet regularly (like these things absolutely require), it's hard to get everyone on the same page to meet.

Some other people have expressed interest as well, so if we can't get our Keep on the Shadowfell up and running soonish, we may just reboot this with a different crew based on when most people can play.

D&D Insider: one of my players has it; he loves the Character Builder because it will auto-calculate everything, then print off little cards with all your character and item powers, with all your modifiers built in.

D&D Insider Character Visualizer is not up yet.

D&D Insider Game Table is not up yet.

(Which is why we use the freeware "Gametable") :D


Well let me know. My schedule will be in flux soon, but I will make sure to let everyone know. Im all for a reboot if need be.
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