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The Official GTA: Chinatown Wars thread


typo said:
This is the first GTA that has been able to pull me away from the story missions to do the side missions. I'm addicted to the drug-dealing economy of the game, it's not even funny.

Yeah me too, i love the drug dealing :D
I love the drug dealing, the ammunation truck stealing and the gang drug van stealing. I love instigating cop/gang shit.

Anyone use the cabs? I use the cab A LOT for my cross town dealings :lol . It's just too much of a hassle for me to drive all over the place myself.


playstencil said:
I love the drug dealing, the ammunation truck stealing and the gang drug van stealing. I love instigating cop/gang shit.

Anyone use the cabs? I use the cab A LOT for my cross town dealings :lol . It's just too much of a hassle for me to drive all over the place myself.

How do you hail a cab? I know how to jack one (obviously). :D


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Bluecondor said:
How do you hail a cab? I know how to jack one (obviously). :D

Hold X or whistle in the mic.
I just use X, easier for me.

Someone give me tips on how to destroy these cameras. I destroyed one with a grenade, but some others I can't reach with grenades, and I can't seem to target them with guns. What do i dO?
playstencil said:
I just use X, easier for me.

Someone give me tips on how to destroy these cameras. I destroyed one with a grenade, but some others I can't reach with grenades, and I can't seem to target them with guns. What do i dO?

Make some Molotov's at a gas station. Works everytime


playstencil said:
I just use X, easier for me.

Someone give me tips on how to destroy these cameras. I destroyed one with a grenade, but some others I can't reach with grenades, and I can't seem to target them with guns. What do i dO?

Molotov cocktails work every time.
I've come to a fork in the story, which I'm not following, and I'm curious about what path to take. Just basing it on
the email from Z-dude and C-dawg, it seems like C-dawg is supposed to be my best friend or something, but also a fuck up for the Triads. Is this one of those times where it's one or the other? can I help C-dawg without killing him? is Z-dude the right path to take?
666 said:
This is fun for GTA on the DS, but to say it's better than GTAIV is just being a douchebag internet hero...

You can say you like one more than the other but comparing the two of them is just stupid. While the two games share the same premises, theyre completely different gameplay wise.


markot said:
I wish you could make more money from hijacking trucks and vans >.<!

yeah but the chance at a
is so sweet. I mean I just got one 30% into the game and the Koreans really don't like it.

Oh and someone mentioned a strategy for taking the ammunition trucks with a molotov. I found a little that
using 2 shots from the stubby shotgun will make the driver come out so you don't waste much of anything. Watch out though he has a shotty of his own
. If you have a secluded safe house near by its definitely worth it to hijack these things.

playstencil said:
I love the drug dealing, the ammunation truck stealing and the gang drug van stealing. I love instigating cop/gang shit.

Anyone use the cabs? I use the cab A LOT for my cross town dealings :lol . It's just too much of a hassle for me to drive all over the place myself.

I definitely do. Especially when you get the tip offs. Usually the drug they want is really far away and making a few trips back and forth from a seller to that buyer is well worth it.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Stuneseht said:
Though there are many good missions; so far, "Dragon Haul Z" is my favorite:lol . it was very creative.
That one is definitely a unique mission. I failed the dancing part once too because people got too suspicious :(


Any tips how to jack a "Ammu-nation" truck efficiently? Gotta shoot it enough(can't seem to force them off the road) or something else(mollies just kills it:p)


Just a quick question before I go out and buy it, this game is more like the classic GTA's and Vice City right? And less like GTAIV?

insta-buy for me then


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
[Nintex] said:
Just a quick question before I go out and buy it, this game is more like the classic GTA's and Vice City right? And less like GTAIV?

insta-buy for me then

It's like a cross between GTA/2 and GTA3. The charm, style, and mechanics of the 2D games, with advancements from the 3D games (eg: 3D cars with physics, more to do, etc).

If you like the classic games I cannot fathom how you could be disappointed.


great game

amazing drug dealing element

man this game is soo much better then GTA 4 gameplay wise it isnt even funny


EatChildren said:
It's like a cross between GTA/2 and GTA3. The charm, style, and mechanics of the 2D games, with advancements from the 3D games (eg: 3D cars with physics, more to do, etc).

If you like the classic games I cannot fathom how you could be disappointed.
Just got it and so far it's quite awesome, I'm impressed by the visuals, controls will take a while to get used to, I always use B for brake in other games and here it's Y, so I've gunned down quite a few people. :lol

The Touch screen stuff is genius as well, overall a great game that I'd recommend to anyone! :D



Hell, that pre-order box is bigger than the game one.


This and Henry Hatsworth arrived over the week-end, I want to start playing but I'm almost at the end of the 4th case in the first PW and I think I'd better see it through :D
crispyben said:
This and Henry Hatsworth arrived over the week-end, I want to start playing but I'm almost at the end of the 4th case in the first PW and I think I'd better see it through :D
yeah, complete this game first. totally worth it.
crispyben said:
This and Henry Hatsworth arrived over the week-end, I want to start playing but I'm almost at the end of the 4th case in the first PW and I think I'd better see it through :D
Do not let anything from this world or the next prevent you from playing through any PW game.



Hail to the KING baby
My general beefs with the game after more gameplay (still gets a 5.0 for Fun Factor though):
-Too many cops/too easy to get busted. Seriously let's get back to the GTA III level of cops Rockstar. The busted thing is just a function of how fast the run is in this game compared to the acceleration of most of the cars.
-Missions are too easy. Especially with the always conveniently placed health and armor available in missions. This doesn't really bug me all that much though.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
AstroLad said:
-Too many cops/too easy to get busted. Seriously let's get back to the GTA III level of cops Rockstar. The busted thing is just a function of how fast the run is in this game compared to the acceleration of most of the cars.

This initially bothered me, but I feel the take-down system completely counters it. Sure, there are lots of cops, but even having three stars on your tail is removable without ever going to a spray shop, and its heaps of fun to speed down the highway ramming cop-cars head on and grinding them up against walls.


Hail to the KING baby
EatChildren said:
This initially bothered me, but I feel the take-down system completely counters it. Sure, there are lots of cops, but even having three stars on your tail is removable without ever going to a spray shop, and its heaps of fun to speed down the highway ramming cop-cars head on and grinding them up against walls.
The takedown system is great, and I really hope it makes it into the following GTAs, or at least the inevitable GTA Wii if they choose to make differentiated DS/Wii & PS360 series. But it doesn't mitigate the issue I'm talking about. Further as to the takedown system, there is the fact discussed earlier that it really is not kind to the bigger vehicles (which need more SMASH POWER as I said earlier)--it's all about the fast cars when you're being chased by cops, no matter how small.
there should be more cop cars and less walking cops imho.

Sometimes it happens that a walking cop tries to get you out of your vehicle while driving by with full speed :lol

OT: I played GTA IV few minutes agou and I caught myself in looking at the minimap to guess where the next dealer could be to drive there :D


im 25% into the game and I did a shitload of drug dealing and ive been busted 0 times, wtf are you guys talking about..

and I really like the takedown system for this game but I dont want it in my 3D gtas! In 3D gtas it's fun when 5-10 cop cars are after you, taking 3 down would be way too easy.


Hail to the KING baby
Beaulieu said:
im 25% into the game and I did a shitload of drug dealing and ive been busted 0 times, wtf are you guys talking about..

and I really like the takedown system for this game but I dont want it in my 3D gtas! In 3D gtas it's fun when 5-10 cop cars are after you, taking 3 down would be way too easy.
25% :lol :lol
I'm 12% in the game and did only 4 or 5 missions so far. So these % say nothing :D

BTW Do not talk about easy! Play GTA IV on PC with traffic set to 100, then console version is easy yet too


Sucks at poetry
Caesar III said:
there should be more cop cars and less walking cops imho.

Sometimes it happens that a walking cop tries to get you out of your vehicle while driving by with full speed :lol


Jaagen said:
Any tips how to jack a "Ammu-nation" truck efficiently? Gotta shoot it enough(can't seem to force them off the road) or something else(mollies just kills it:p)

Block it off with your car or ram it into a corner so you slow it down a bit. Get out and rail it with a sub machine gun until the drivers get upset and come outside. Make sure to kill the drivers before attempting to hijack the truck, as they have shot guns and will kill you with one, or two shots only. This can be very frustrating so stay far away and shoot them first, then drive the truck back to your place to inspect it.

I don't understand what happened by the first time I jacked the truck I only got like a couple of shot gun rounds. Does it depend on which box you open from the back?


I tried it.

GTA + Burnout?

As a videogame, this could very well be the best GTA i ever played.
As a GTA, we'll see, it looks awesome.

Friend Code: 227825399957
Add me, please:D


Douchebag. Yes, me.
How do purchased cars work in this? If you buy one and lose it, is it gone for good?

One of the few things I dislike about this game is that it retains the old-school GTA garage system. Why would I ever buy an expensive car, when I can't retain it? I could understand if it was something like "well, you destroyed it so it's gone", but half the time you bring a car to a mission and you have to leave it behind and it's lost.


Jaagen said:
Any tips how to jack a "Ammu-nation" truck efficiently? Gotta shoot it enough(can't seem to force them off the road) or something else(mollies just kills it:p)

2 shots with the stubby shotgun makes the driver come out.


How exactly far in the game is the mission after which you can get the preorder bonuses? :*

By the way, in the end the OST for this game was created by the ground-up for it, right?


I'm really loving this, some of the missions at the beginning were already more fun than some of the final ones in GTA IV.
Awesome job by Rockstar; I didn't "trust" this team a lot since i didn't like the 2 PSP ones, but this one, maybe because it's my first "old-style" GTA, is awesome.

By the way i really love the online features, it's like a portable 360 at times, please add me if you can:
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