I don't mean to pick on you as I know you're trying to help...
But the first guy is trying to pick between open headphones and an open gaming headset, so telling him to pick open vs closed doesn't help at all. The Game ZERO is Sennheiser's closed headset from that gen, and the Game One is actually open. The 598 is open too. Of those two I'd say pick the Game One and just plug it right into the PS4 controller, since it has the mic built in and that sounds important. Using the little earbud mic plugged into the controller seems annoying to me.
And that second Sony pair you linked to doesn't work wirelessly with the PS4, which doesn't support bluetooth headphones of any kind. There are a few first party headsets that'll work on PS4 with surround and PC with stereo (the gold and platinum headsets) though you'll have to switch the dongle, and there are some decent third party options like the Steelseries 800 which work through a base station but cost an arm and a leg.